InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Mischievious Inuyasha ❯ Comforts and Considerations ( Chapter 5 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Mischievious Inuyasha

Disclaimer: Unfortunately, I do not own Inuyasha or the like. If I did I would have jumped him, ripped off his fire rat robes, and- well you get the picture. I do not own Inuyasha, and by saying this I release the Big Goons (lawyers) in Japan from suing me to death.

Thanks for reviews. Oh, and to the person who was a little confused about the difficulties with the well... I kinda tweaked the story a little bit. Sorry I didn't say so sooner, but I thought it would be the only way to have her stuck in Inuyasha's time. I mean, we can't have her running away now can we? ^-~ Oh and Inuyasha can get through the well because of the necklace. It's Kagome who works the magic, therefore he has a connection to her and can pass through the well. I just kinda figured since Kagome had the jewel imbedded next to her heart, it would kinda be attached to her soul, so therefore... Yeah random mutterings. Here's the chapter!

On to Chapter Five!

Chapter Five: Comforts and Considerations

~What can I do?

Feeling the pain,

Your hurts, Your sorrow.

I feel so inadequate.~

Kagome lay on in a cot in Kaede's hut, heart-wrenching sobs shaking her frame. 'Wha-what if I never remember! I'll never be able to go home!' She kept repeating that to herself inside her head as the tears streamed down her face into her hair. 'I'll never be able to see Kaasan, or Ojiisan, or Souta ever again!' Her heart twisted in her ribcage, unable to believe she would never see her family again.

Inuyasha sat in the tree outside the hut, listening to Kagome's sobs and smelling her tears. His heart ached knowing she was in such pain, and his ears drooped low on his head. 'Kuso! I hate it when she cries.'

Kaede was off down at the river, collecting water for some *hopeful* cures for Kagome. It didn't seem likely that they would work, but she still had to try. And Miroku and Sango had yet to show up, leading Inuyasha to believe that maybe Kirara had been too injured in the battle to transform.

'Oh well. Not like they could really be much of a help right now anyway.' Inuyasha thought grumpily. He didn't know what to do with a crying Kagome. He couldn't yell at her, wouldn't want to hurt her, and was unable to send her home to her mom. The only thing he could do was... Maybe she wouldn't reject him, but then again, maybe she would. He still had to try.

Inuyasha lept down from his perch, his silver hair swinging behind him, and set out determinedly for the hut. Pushing aside the rice-paper curtain, he hesitantly entered, uncertain of his welcome. Obviously Kagome didn't notice him there or didn't care, because she just kept on crying.

"Kagome?" Inuyasha took a step closer to her, trying to make her acknowledge his presence.

She stiffened, then began to sob louder.

"Kagome? Please don't cry. It'll all be ok." Inuyasha said the only words he could think of, although there were a little bit inadequate.

Kagome snapped upright, glaring at Inuyasha with her tear-filled eyes. He could practically see right into her broken soul through those eyes. He was not quite prepared for her reaction.

"And why shouldn't I cry?! I deserve to damnit! I could be stuck here with you people for the rest of my miserable life! I may never be able to see my family again! I have the right to cry!" She shrieked at him angrily, tears flowing faster.

Inuyasha jerked back, ears flattening on his head. He was fighting to keep calm, knowing that if he yelled at her, it would only make things worse.

"Kagome, I'm... I'm sorry. If I hadn't gotten the blood on you this wouldn't be happening. I'm so sorry." Inuyasha stated, his voice cracking as he felt something suspiciously like tears welling up in his eyes. 'It's all my fault! All of this is my fault! It would be better for her if we'd never met, if I'd left her alone.' His heart wrenched, knowing he was to blame for her amnesia.

Kagome snapped her eyes up to his, uncaring at the moment how sorry he was. He had just said he was the one who got the blood on her. He caused this! She felt a deep rage boiling in her, threatening to consume her.

"I don't care that you're sorry! I just don't CARE! I want to go home!! I want to see my family! I don't want to stay here with whiny dog-boy for the rest of my life! I don't know you! I don't remember you or any of this! TAKE ME HOME!" She screamed at him, not caring if she hurt his feelings. He was to blame. He damn well deserved it.

Inuyasha felt something very like a knife stab in his heart at her words. His ears drooped lower, and now a single tear sped down his cheek. Regardless of her cruel words, he understood, stepping closer to her to encircle her in his arms.

Kagome stiffened instantly, and tried to fight her way out of the iron bands.

"Get away from me! Don't touch me! I don't want you anywhere near me!" She screeched in his ear, as she pushed at his chest fruitlessly.

Inuyasha's head snapped back as if she'd slapped him. His sadness turned instantly into a white hot rage as she struggled in his arms. 'So the wench didn't want him to touch her! He'd have to show her he'd touch her if he damn well wanted to!' His arms tightened around her cruelly, cutting off her breath. She gasped, her heart beginning to pump madly in fear. Kagome instantly regretted her words as he turned from sorrowful to extremely angry. She thought she had seen a flicker of red in his eyes, but that was probably just her imagination.

She heard a rumble coming from him, making a vibration against her chest. She felt a shiver of apprehension as she realized it was a growl. Kagome's eyes flickered up to catch Inuyasha's, hoping to ascertain his exact intention. His eyes were an unyielding blank as he glared down at her.

He lifted her up as if she weighed nothing at all. 'Oh no! Now's the part where I die!' Kagome thought briefly.

Then his lips came crashing down ruthlessly on hers.

Kagome was so startled she didn't even have time to voice a protest.

'Ok... this was definetely not the reaction she had been expecting.' Kagome thought before she loosened up and let him kiss her.

Inuyasha's mouth slanted over hers, at first hard and bruising, but then at her consent becoming softer and more seductive. His lips parted, and he swirled her tongue over her lips, asking her to open up to him.

"Ahem!" Miroku coughed discretely by the door. "I see the kiddies have been at play while the parents were away." He grinned, an amusing tone in his voice. He swaggered into the room, taking in Kagome's tear-streaked face, and Inuyasha's pissed off expression. 'Ok... Either they just had a fight or...or Kagome cries when she's being kissed. Maybe he did it wrong? I should have a talk with that hanyou.' Miroku kept his eyes on the hanyou, half-expecting himself to be flat on the floor with a bruised skull in another minute.

Kagome recovered from the shock of the passionate kiss, and registered the man speaking as Miroku, the monk. And the disgusting perv. She glared at him, not noticing that Inuyasha was doing the same, although he was still holding onto her tightly.

Miroku took in their similar expressions of annoyance, before backing out of the hut slowly, hands in the air. "I'll just leave you to your *business* then."

As soon as he was gone, Inuyasha noticed he was still holding onto Kagome. He instantly released her, causing her to fall back on the cot roughly.

She glared up at him, unsure of what he was going to do.

'Feh! Stupid wench! Looks like she thinks I'm going to rape her or something!' Inuyasha thought, still angry at her earlier comments. He could still feel the softness of her lips against his, and how he had felt as she responded to him. 'Heh! At least now I know she's not completely repulsed by me...' Inuyasha reassured himself.

Inuyasha glared at her one more time, before stomping out of the room.

* * * * * * * * * * * *

Kagome stared after the empty space dumbly for a moment, before her brain finally registered that he had left. 'I managed to avoid being hurt this time, but what would he do next time? I'll just have to try and avoid him as much as possible, which shouldn't be too hard, considering we DEFINETELY won't be getting married.'

Then Kagome realised she'd had her very first kiss, in a strange place, by a complete stranger, who just happened to be a half dog-demon! 'If I didn't know better girl, I think you've gone off your rocker.' She thought to herself amused.

* * * * * * * * * * * *

Miroku and Sango looked up as they noticed Inuyasha storming from the hut. They shared a look which clearly said: What in the hell did he do now?.

Sango stood up, approaching Inuyasha slowly. Her feet ached slightly from their long walk, Kirara had been too injured to bear them both.

"Inuyasha? Is there any word yet on Kagome's condition?" She asked, unsure about his mood at the moment.

"Kagome's got amnesia." He stated, before swiftly jumping away in the direction of his forest.

Sango and Miroku stood there in shock for several moments. Miroku of course snapped out of it quicker then Sango and took that opportunity to grope her rear.

"HENTAI!" She screamed, before cracking him over the head with Hiraikotsu.

After she sent the houshi crashing to the ground, she walked swiftly over to the hut, rapping on the door slightly.

"Come in." Kagome said sadly, half-expecting it to be Inuyasha again. She was surprised to see a pretty young woman at the door. "Excuse me? Are you looking for Kaede? I believe she went down to the river, but she should be back soon." Kagome told the older woman.

"No, Kagome, I'm not looking for Kaede. I'm Sango, and I came to see how you were doing." Sango answered, surprised how Kagome did not remember her, even after Inuyasha's statement.

"Sango? Yes, Kaede told me about you. Demon exterminator right? I'm truly sorry I don't remember you, as Kaede made it out that we were quite close." Kagome explained, a dull, sad note in her voice.

Sango shivered at this emotionless Kagome.

"Yes, that would be me. I noticed Inuyasha coming out of here in a huff. Care to talk about it?" Sango asked.

Kagome stiffened, not wishing to discuss their arguement with this complete stranger. Although something inside her was telling her to trust this woman.

"I... I don't think..." Kagome trailed off, unsure about how to explain her unwillingness without sounding rude.

Sango nodded her head understandingly, as though she knew what Kagome was trying to say.

"You don't have to tell me. I sure wouldn't want to tell something private like that to a complete stranger. I am here though if you want to talk. I'll leave you alone now." Sango assured her before exiting the hut.

Kagome stared after her, entering a state of shock. It was too much for the mind to handle. She broke down and began to sob again.

"Kagome? What's wrong?"

Kagome snapped her head up, wiping at the tears quickly. Her eyes focused on the little boy in the doorway, and instantly recognized him as Shippo.

"Umm... Hello Shippo. I'm sorry, I'm just a little bit upset right now." She said, unsure of her relationship to this young boy. 'He's the one Kaede said was and orphan. I supposed I'm the surrogate mother.'

"It's ok Kagome! I know what'll cheer you up!" Shippo said excitedly. He had spotted Kaede by the river, and she had informed him of Kagome's situation. He had high hopes that she would regain her memory quickly though.

"What do you think would cheer me up, Shippo?" Kagome questioned patiently.

"A walk! We could maybe go out for a picnic by the Goshinbouko! Bet you'd love that!" Shippo was squirming in excitement.

Kagome thought it over, and although she was a little bit leery of this new world, she decided it couldn't hurt to get out and explore.

"Alright. We can go for a short walk Shippo, but I'm afraid I don't have any food for a picnic." Kagome said sadly.

"You have candy in your backpack! And ramen too, but that's Inuyasha's favorite. I like chocolate!"

"Ok then! Let's go." Kagome said, rubbing any remnants of tears off her face.

* * * * * * * * * * * *

They had walked quite a ways to the Goshinbukou, Kagome enjoying having the happy youngster with her. It made her feel like she was back home with Souta.

As they neared the great tree, Kagome felt a shiver of recognition, and suddenly a picture formed in her mind. Inuyasha was held up on the tree by an arrow, and he looked like he was sleeping. Kagome tried to capture the image and keep it, hoping it was the beginning of the return of her memories, but it flickered away. Kagome was left with nothing again. She wanted to go back to the hut now.

"We can sit under the tree and eat Kagome!" Shippo said, oblivious to her situation.

"Alright Shippo, but we have to set out a blanket first." Kagome told him, not sure it there were any gross bugs under the shade of the tree.

They pulled out the picnic blanket from Kagome's pack which they had brought along. She had already searched through it, finding only textbooks, a first aid kit, ramen, and plenty of candy. She had almost wanted to cry, she had hoped that there would be pictures of her family in it.

"Ok, now we can safely sit down." Kagome said, before feeling something come crashing down on her. She screamed, and felt an extremely heavy weight pulling her to the ground. She managed to twist a little to fall on her back instead of her face, but there was no way to avoid all injury. As she turned her head, all she saw was a flash of silver and red before being crushed into the ground. She vaguely identified it to be Inuyasha who landed on top of her, although she had no idea he had been up in the tree. And apparently he was very clumsy to be able to fall right on top of her!

"Inu- Inuyasha? Can you get off of me please?" She asked timidly.

Inuyasha had been startled when Kagome had said sit, he had been having a bit of fun just watching the two. Unfortunately, she had been right under him when she said it, and although she had no clue what she did, it still hurt like a bitch. And it couldn't be any less painful for her, him being on top of her like that.

"Umm... I can't get up right now, Kagome." He said, unwilling to tell her about the subduing spell. 'If I told her, I'd probably get fifty 'sits' for that kiss!'

"Did you hurt yourself?" She asked, concerned. Inuyasha shook his head, sending his silver hair flowing around his shoulders and around Kagome's face.

Then they both suddenly noticed what a compromising position they were in, Inuyasha on top of Kagome, her hands splayed on his chest, their hips crushed together.

End Chapter Five!

There, angst, finally, though not a lot of it. Yay Shippo! He is the cutest thing ever!


Kuso- Shit

Kaasan- Mother

Ojiisan- Grandfather

Hentai- pervert (strong, or rude way)

Thank you for reading the fifth chapter! Please review. Oh and if you want to read my poem, it's on under Dini. Arigato! Ja ne!