InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Mischievious Inuyasha ❯ Awkward Moments ( Chapter 6 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Mischievious Inuyasha

Disclaimer: Unfortunately, I do not own Inuyasha or the like. If I did I would have jumped him, ripped off his fire rat robes, and- well you get the picture. I do not own Inuyasha, and by saying this I release the Big Goons (lawyers) in Japan from suing me to death.

I have an announcement!! I just got hired to work at the 7-eleven!! I have a job! And no, I don't think it's going to effect my writing schedule much. But I am a working woman again! Party time! Excellent! (Wayne's World quote)

I have fourty-two reviews!! Holy crap! And they don't seem to be bad. Oh, to the person who questioned Kagome's attitude (meanness) toward Inuyasha: Who wouldn't be upset being in the situation she was in? What would you do if you were told you were in a different time, there were demons, you were a priestess, and you were going to be married to a half-demon! And you had no recollection of it! Wouldn't you be a little bit upset? Anyway thank you for the reviews!

On to chapter six!

Chapter Six: Awkward Moments

~Passion flares~

Unforgiving glares

Ignore the stares

~No one even cares~

As two lay there, looking at each other with dumbstruck expressions on their faces, Kagome slowly began to become aware of a growing presence between them. She raised her startled eyes up to Inuyasha's, but he looked away too quickly for her to read his expression. She thought she noticed a bit of a reddish tinge to his cheeks though.

"Inuyasha? That better not be what I think it is." She said, a threatening tone in her voice.

"Kagome? What's going on? What better not be what you think it is?" Shippou asked innocently.

Inuyasha's blush got deeper as he waited for the spell to fade. Kagome still had no idea why he was still on top of her, and effectively crushing her. She was not at all happy.

"Inuyasha? Get the heck off of me!" She screamed in his ear, noting the way it swiveled and flattened against his head. She pushed forcefully against his chest, only succeeding in pushing his chest up a bit, while managing to crush their hips closer together. His blush got brighter, followed closely by hers.

'Ok, settle down. It's nothing, Kagome's just under you, not on her own free will I might add. Nothing to get excited about. Think of something else.' Inuyasha was thinking to himself, praying for the spell to fade faster. It didn't help at all that he could smell her scent so strongly. Still the same old Kagome, except now she was UNDER him.

"Inuyasha! If you don't get off of me this instant, I'm going to box your ears!" Kagome shrieked at him, already lifting her hands threateningly.

Being as he did not want to be nursing sore ears for a week, he was forced to tell her of the spell.

"Ummm...Kagome, I can't get up right now. The spell hasn't faded completely." He explained reluctantly.

"Spell? What spell?" She asked, confused.

Shippou, of course, answered gladly. "The spell Inuyasha's under Kagome! Whenever you say 'sit', he is subdued! It's the necklace around his neck that holds the magic."

Kagome snapped her eyes up to Inuyasha's again, amused slightly. "So when I say 'sit', he hits the ground?" She repeated, before realising her mistake.

They were crushed even deeper into the ground, creating an Inuyasha-Kagome sized hole. Kagome gasped in pain as Inuyasha was again forced full-length on her. Now she confirmed what it was that had been growing between them. She was not at all pleased.

"Inuyasha, boy, you better get your mind outta the gutter pretty damned quick before I'm forced to knee you! And you definetely don't want to get a knee where I'm thinking of putting it!" She threatened, thoroughly pissed off. What pissed her off more was she was beginning to respond to him, HIM, who she barely knew! 'Ch'kushou!' She thought. 'This is getting bad, he better get the heck off of me soon!'

Inuyasha was not faring any better, his nose taking in the scent of Kagome's reaction, mixed with them being crushed together yet again. Although it hurt like a bitch, the proximity was just too overwhelming to resist. 'Kuso! Kuso! Kuso! Why did she have to say the 'S-word' again! The spell was just wearing off! And it definetely don't help that she's actually beginning to enjoy this situation, judging by her scent.' Inuyasha again tried to think of something to distract himself. He immediately thought of being able to kill Kouga, which only managed to place a feral glint in his eye.

Kagome noticed his now predatorial expression, and began to try to squirm out from under him. She stopped though, as she only succeeded in rubbing against him as she tried to escape. She didn't miss the growl that forced its way out of his lips as she moved.

"Kagome, I think it would be best if you just stopped moving." Inuyasha said, beginning to feel the spell fading. He did NOT need her rubbing against him, in the state he was in. He'd never really felt anything like that with Kikyo, and it confused the hell outta him. There hadn't been much of anything physical in their relationship, actually. Which basically made him a really, really, REALLY old virgin.

Kagome stilled, noticing Inuyasha had begun to stare off into space, obviously in deep thought. 'Wonder what he's thinking about.' She glanced up at Shippou, and noticed he was glaring at Inuyasha in displeasure. 'I guess he doesn't like Inuyasha too much.' She observed. The kit seemed to be calmly waiting for the spell to fade.

Suddenly Inuyasha jumped up, releasing her from her temporary imprisonment. He swung away from her quickly, bounding off in the direction of the river.

"Inuyasha you jerk!" She yelled at him, surprised by his sudden action. Looked to her like he was kind of running away. He didn't even look back at her as he ran. 'Coward, can't even face a weak HUMAN like me!' She scoffed to herself, scrambling up onto her feet. Feeling a weight on her shoulder, she turned her head to see Shippou, staring at her intently. "What?" She asked, drawing her brows together in confusion.

"Daijouba desu ka? It looked like it hurt a lot when he landed on you and stuff." 'The big jerk.' Shippou added to himself, mindful that Kagome thought her and Inuyasha were supposed to become mates. A situation he himself was not too happy with. He wanted to have Kagome all to himself.

Kagome smiled a motherly smile at Shippou, petting his tail instinctively. "Daijobu, Shippou. But what do you want to do now?" She asked, knowing he wouldn't be too happy staying in one place for too long. 'Just like Souta.' She thought sadly, her heart aching. She suddenly felt like heading back to the hut and crying her eyes out again. But, knowing that wouldn't fix anything, she decided to devote her time to keeping the young kit happy.

"I wanna go play with Kirara!" Shippou stated.

"Kirara? Oh right! Isn't that Sango's pet?" She asked, trying to piece all these new people together.

"Kirara is not a pet! She is a companion, a powerful demon, and a great friend!" Shippou said indignantly, protecting the honor of the fire youkai.

Kagome smiled again, but secretly this time, knowing all too well he was dead serious and might think she was making fun of him. "Ok Shippou, we can go play with Kirara. Now which direction do we go?" She asked, setting the kit on the ground and beginning to brush dirt off her miko's robes.

Shippou sniffed the air a couple of times, turning in a full circle. He stopped and pointed back towards the village. "She's over there, Kagome. You want a ride over?" He asked, wanting to impress her with his transforming abilities.

Kagome was a little surprised at his ability to sniff out the scent so accutely. She was startled by his asking her if she wanted a ride. She looked around, searching for some means of transportation. "How would I get a ride over to her, Shippou? I don't see a horse of buggy or anything." She answered, confused.

Shippou grinned at her mischieviously, then suddenly expanded to form a huge pink bubble. He wasn't sure if he would be able to hold it long enough to get them back to the village, but he wanted to impress Kagome.

Kagome, having no clue what was going on, instantly screamed in terror. She threw her hands over her head, ducking a bit, unsure what to expect. "SHIPPOU!! Don't do that!" She shrieked loudly.

Shippou reverted back to his normal shape, looking at Kagome with concern and embarrassement. "I'm sorry Kagome! I didn't mean to scare you!" He said guiltily, tears pricking at the back of his eyes.

Kagome recovered from her fear, noticing that she had hurt Shippou's feelings by screaming.

"It's ok, Shippou! Just don't do it again without warning me first, ok? I didn't know you could do that remember?" She said, trying to reassure the kit.

They were interrupted by a loud crash to their left, and they turned, seeing a dripping wet hanyou rushing toward them. He was shrugging on his haori as he ran, a look of concern on his face.

"Are you alright, Kagome? I heard you scream." He said, coming to a halt in front of her. His abrupt halt sent his hair swinging, splattering Kagome and Shippou with water.

Kagome observed this, and came to the correct conclusion that Inuyasha had been bathing in the river to 'cool down'. She did not appreciate him getting her wet, and he reminded her of a dog about to do the 'shake down'. You know, like they did when they came out of the water. She smiled at him sweetly, before answering him.

"Inuyasha, I'm fine." She reassured him, before acquiring a rather vicious glint in her eye. That should have warned Inuyasha right away about her intentions, but he was still concerned for her welfare. Her terrified scream had almost stopped his heart. "Sit boy!" She said, deciding to test out the subduing spell. She got sadistic pleasure out of watching him hit the ground, what she considered payback for earlier. Both when he kissed her in the hut, and his not telling her of the subduing spell.

"Kuso!" Inuyasha growled, as he lifted his head up from the ground. "What did you do that for!" He asked, confused. 'All I did was ask if she was ok.'

"Gomen, Inuyasha, but I think you deserved that." She knelt down, looking him in the eye. She didn't sound in the least apologetic.

He growled louder, displeased by being sat not once, not twice, but THREE times in ONE day! 'Feh, stupid bitch! Here I am, trying to help her and act like a concerned mate-to-be, and she goes and sits me! Screw her then.' He thought sourly, thoroughly pissed off. He did NOT like the taste of dirt.

He was so deep in his thoughts, he didn't even notice Kagome and Shippou wandering away in the direction of the village.

* * * * * * * * * * * *

As Kagome and Shippou walked back to the village, Kagome remembered that she had yet to ask Kaede exactly who 'Kouga' was, she had been so distraught earlier. 'I can't believe my life has changed so much in one day!' She thought, dazed as she suddenly realised that it hadn't been more than that since she was brought to Kaede's hut. The sun was just beginning to go down.

"Shippou? When is your usual bed-time?" She asked, wondering if they had enough time to play with Kirara before he had to go to sleep.

"'Bed-time'? I don't have a 'bed-time'." He answered cheerfully, his tail swishing behind him as he answered. She had allowed him to ride on her shoulder back to the village.

'Well, that settle's that then, doesn't it?' She thought to herself. 'Although a child of his age really should have a set bed-time.'

As they neared Kaede's hut, she noticed the old woman was outside, leaning on a broom and watching them approach.

"Ah! Konban wa child! How are ye?" She greeted Kagome warmly.

"Konban wa Kaede! I am alright. I was meaning to ask you about this 'Kouga'. Inuyasha and I met him earlier on the way to the well. Exactly who is he?" Kagome asked, cutting right to the chase. She noticed Kaede studying her with a curious look in her eye.

"Ye say you met him child. Who do ye think he is?" She answered Kagome's question with another question, curious as to what Kagome thought about the wolf youkai.

Kagome thought about her answer for a while, before deciding to say truthfully. "I'm not too sure. He said I belong to him, but you said that Inuyasha and I are to be married. I assumed that he was just a crazy demon. But I am wondering, as I was the one who kicked him in the kintama." She said, wincing a little bit at the last sentence. She knew it wasn't exactly the nicest thing to do to a man, and she felt a little bit sorry about that. She was not, however, at all apologetic about kicking Inuyasha that first time they 'met'.

Kaede studied Kagome, looking for a sign that Kagome remembered Kouga at all. She found none. "Kouga is the Alpha-male of a wolf-demon pack that has territory not too far away from here. He captured ye once to help him search for the shards of the jewel. He himself possesses three of the shards. He and his pack were having troubles with the Birds of Paradise, who were a powerful demon pack in the mountains. They had been picking off his pack members and making them meals. He took ye to find the shard that the leader of the demon's possessed. He apparently fell in love with ye on this quest, and claimed ye as his. Inuyasha was quite jealous at this when he came to collect ye. Ye usually referred to Kouga as Kouga-kun, which never ceased in arousing Inuyasha's ire." Kaede explained, amused at Kagome's look of surprise.

"So that is why he tried to take me yesterday." Kagome mused. "Did I ever tell Kouga that I would become his mate?" She asked, needing to know if she actually had *those* type of feelings for the wolf youkai.

"No, I do not believe ye commited yourself to him." At Kaede's answer, Kagome let out a sigh of relief. She didn't think she'd be able to handle being mated that... *creepy* guy.

"Arigato, Kaede. Now I believe that I promised Shippou we were going to play with Kirara before it got dark. Je ne!" Kagome shouted, already being pulled away by the over-zealous kit.

* * * * * * * * * * * *

After eating a full meal of sakana and misoshiru, she retired to the hut, exhausted after a full day with the excitable kitsune. Kagome was making up her cot in Kaede's hut for the night when Miroku walked in.

"Ah! Hello Kagome! How are you feeling?" He asked, an innocent look on his face.

Kagome was still a little bit leery of the perverted monk, so she decided to try to stay as far away from him as possible while she readied for the night. "I am fine, Miroku, albeit a little tired from taking care of Shippou all day."

Miroku nodded, a look of sympathy on his face, all to well understanding the kit's rambunctious nature. "I see you are readying yourself to retire for the night, so I will not keep you long. I just wanted to ask you if maybe I should have a talk with Inuyasha about things?" Miroku waggled his eyebrows at her.

"What... things?" Kagome questioned, confused.

"You know... things such as... Proper ways to woo a woman?" Miroku said, his eyes twinkling mischieviously.

"WHA- WHAT?!" Kagome shrieked, surprised. "I.. I don't think you need to worry about such... things." She replied, blushing a deep crimson.

"Are you sure, Kagome? I do believe there are quite a few things I could show the hanyou." Miroku offered, his tone insinuating he could teach her quite a few things as well. He started to creep a little bit closer to her.

"Miroku, if you so much as try anything at all, I'll give you the same treatment I gave Kouga!" She said threateningly.

Miroku realising the favorite part of his body was in grave danger, backed out of the room, apologising profusely. "Oyasumi Kagome!" He shouted before disappearing.

Kagome turned her walked over to the door, securing the ties which kept the rice-paper closed. She didn't want any more disruptions, seeming as how she needed to change for bed.

Kagome swiftly changed her clothes, and walked over to the window. 'It's such a dark night, especially without any city lights. It's so beautiful, all those twinkling stars.' She mused, her heart twisting as she ached to be back home at the shrine.

* * * * * * * * * * * *

Later that evening, as Kagome was laying in her cot trying valiantly to sleep, she heard a scuffling outside the door. Getting up and stepping softly so as not to alert the person, she grabbed the first thing she saw that looked deadly. It just so happened to be a longbow and arrows. 'Like I can even notch the bow!' She thought amused. 'I've never even touched on of these before! What could I do against anybody?' She almost laughed out loud, adrenaline rushing through her, giving her an eerie sense of calm as she prepared to defend herself. She clumsily notched the arrow, drawing the bow back and aiming it at the door. "May kami look favorably upon me." She whispered quietly, praying for courage.

Then the door cracked open.

End Chapter Six!!

I'm gonna get shot for leaving a cliffhanger! Oh well, I'm sure chapter seven will be up tomorrow anyway! Please review. Arigato. Hope you like the chapter, I wrote it both listening to Evanescence and watching Inuyasha, you know, the one where Sesshoumaru tells Rin not to move, and she just stands there, and stands there, and stands there while he's confronting Kagura. Sooo kawaii!!


Ch'kushou- Damnit

Kuso- Shit

Daijouba desu ka?- Are you ok?

Daijobu- It's/I'm alright

Haori- I think everybody knows this one- Jacket- you know the top Inuyasha's always wearing

Gomen- Sorry

Konban wa- Good evening

Kintama- Testicles

Arigato- Thank you

Ja ne- See ya

Sakana- Fish

Misoshiru- Miso soup

Oyasumi- Good night

Kami- Gods

Again, thank you for the reviews. Wow did it ever take me long to write this chapter! Sayonara!