InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Mischievious Inuyasha ❯ A Different Inuyasha ( Chapter 7 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Mischievious Inuyasha

Disclaimer: Unfortunately, I do not own Inuyasha or the like. If I did I would have jumped him, ripped off his fire rat robes, and- well you get the picture. I do not own Inuyasha, and by saying this I release the Big Goons (lawyers) in Japan from suing me to death.

Thanks for the reviews guys! I' at fifty! Holy crappers! I love ya'll! Hoped you liked last chapter's cliffhanger! (evil cackle) Oh and to the person (yet again) who said kougan is testicles, not kintama, here is the url someone gave me to an online japanese dictionary: If you switch the translator to go from english into japanese, then type in testicles, there are many different translations, kougan and kintama being among them. Arigato, and on to chapter seven!

Chapter Seven: A Different Inuyasha

~Blown away,~

By the differences in you,

Step back out of the fray,

~It's over, we're through.~

Kagome trembled in fear, not quite sure if she could hurt somebody to defend herself. As she watched the rice paper door open wider, she realised how idiotic it was for her to stand there, with a bow she didn't know how to use, aiming at an unknown person, if it WAS a person. 'Could be a demon? What would I do then?' She thought all this in the space of a second, waiting for the right moment to shoot the arrow.

She saw a flash of black hair as the intruder ducked quietly into the hut, and she instinctively let the arrow fly. It was after she heard the grunt of pain that she noticed the strange man was wearing red clothes, much the same as Inuyasha's. He also seemed to be swearing violently, in much the same way Inuyasha would do, as he pulled the arrow out of his leg.

"It's a good thing you're such a lousy aim, Kagome." The strange man said, with a voice much the same as Inuyasha's. Well, Inuyasha's voice after he would be shot with an arrow. Which would be pretty much pissed off.

"Who are you! What are you doing sneaking into the hut at this time of night you creep! And why are you wearing Inuyasha's clothes?" She yelled, frightened. She realised she had just shot a man. SHOT a MAN. Even though it was probably in self-defense. And she realised she had just shot her very first arrow, and managed to hit the target, although she had thought she had been aiming for the heart.

The man stepped closer to her, limping a little bit, and she gasped. 'He looks just like Inuyasha, well except for the black hair and lack of dog-ears. And the change in eye-color.' She mused silently to herself.

"I am Inuyasha, wench! What the hell are you doing shooting me in the fucking leg!" He yelled at her, confused by her actions.

"You can't be Inuyasha! You don't have the silver hair, or the amber eyes, or the cute dog ears!" She yelled back. "And don't swear at me you trespasser!"

Inuyasha growled at her, before he remembered that she wouldn't know anything of his new moon night. 'Kuso! It really is a good thing she's got horrible aim, or I could be dead right now. Whoa, wait, CUTE dog ears? I didn't think she ever considered my ears cute...' He was slightly stunned at her actually LIKING his ears, although they must be really strange to her. He snapped out of his musings as he realised she still had no idea who he was.

"If I wasn't Inuyasha, why would I be wearing his clothes?" He said to Kagome. "It's the night of the new moon. My demon blood recedes and leaves me a *weak* human. Happens every new moon. And why in the hell did you have to shoot me in the leg!" He screamed the last sentence at her as he felt the blood running out of his wound and staining his hakama. He grimaced in pain, wondering if maybe she hit something vital.

Kagome gasped, dropping the bow and arrows, instantly contrite. "Inuyasha? Oh my god! I am so sorry!" She said, running over to him, intent on taking a look at the wound she'd given him. Before she realised what she was doing, she bent down in front of him, running her hands over his thigh, trying to determine the exact place of the wound. She didn't miss his tremble, and looked up, worried that maybe she had hurt him more than she thought. Her eyes locked with his violet ones, and she noted to herself that he was still handsome in his human form. Though she prefered his long silver hair, doggy-ears, and amber eyes. He looked away first, embarrased to having her touching him, even if it was to inspect the open cut.

"Inuyasha? I think you better lay down on the cot. I'll run get Kaede to fix you." Kagome told him, feeling absolutely horrible about shooting him, even if he was sneaking around.

Inuyasha growled, although in his human form it wasn't so menacing. "I'll be fine. Don't need no old woman to fix me. I'll be all healed in the morning anyway." He said, although he did plop down on the cot, needing to get off his injured leg.

Kagome blinked at him, stunned at his refusal to let Kaede heal him. 'He seems to be in pain, so why can't the stubborn man let somebody help him?' She thought, bemused at his behaviour.

"Inuyasha, you know you need medical attention. And if you won't let Kaede treat then I'm going to have to." She told him, not really expecting him to allow her to touch him.

"Keh, if you feel the need, wench." He said, almost groaning at the thought of her touching him. "Well, what are you waiting for? Get on with it, onna! Heal me, since you caused me to bleed." He told her, fully expecting her to back down.

Kagome stared blankly at him sprawled on her bed, stunned as he didn't seem be putting up much of a fight against her. Then his last comment hit her. "I wouldn't have shot you if you hadn't have been creeping outside my doorway!" She yelled at him indignantly.

"Creeping! Since when have I ever been known to creep!" He yelled back at her, insulted.

She glared back at him for a moment, unable to remember if he had ever really creeped before. "I'm sorry, baka! I don't remember if you've ever been known to creep! How am I supposed to know it was you outside the door anyway!? It's not like I've got a sixth sense for these kind of things..." She trailed off, her anger instantly dissipating. She ducked her head, hair falling to hide her face.

Inuyasha looked up at her, seeming as how she was standing over him, and he was laying on the bed. He had forgotten momentarily that she couldn't remember much of anything about him. He had actually felt a surge of pride that she had been able to attack an *intruder* like that, that she had the guts to do it. 'Kuso! Why can't I ever say what I mean instead of being such a jerk!' He thought to himself sadly. "Kagome?" He waited until she looked up at him before he continued. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to scare you like that. And I promise I won't go *creeping* around again." He added, a hint of amusement evident in his voice.

Kagome's eyes widened, unsure what to do about Inuyasha *apologizing* to her. "Ummm... I'm sorry for shooting you, Inuyasha. Now will you let me fix your leg?" She questioned hesitantly.

Inuyasha hesitated, unsure about what his reaction would be if she started touching him. His emotions were always so out of control, and in his human form, he just couldn't reign them as tightly. Finally he nodded.

Kagome moved over to her back pack, retrieving the first aid kit. removing bandages, alcohol, and scissors, she walked back over to the cot. At first glance, she realised their first problem. The pants would have to come off if she was to treat the wound. Her face instantly flushed red. He obviously did not see the problem, and her face got brighter, realising she'd have to ask him to remove the pants.

'Thank god it's so dark.' She thought, relieved that he was unable to see her tomato-red face.

"Ummm... Inuyasha?" He looked up at her, oblivious to the situation.

"Those pants have to come off, or I'll be unable to treat you." She told him, voice a little bit shaky.

Inuyasha's violet eyes widened considerably. His face went beet-red. 'Ohhh nooo...' He moaned silently to himself. 'This situation just went from bad to worse.' He gulped, then grabbed a blanket to cover himself with. After settling the blanket around him so it wouldn't slip off, he undid the ties of his hakama, sliding them off. He made sure that the blanket was placed to protect his modesty, and Kagome's, while allowing her access to the steadily bleeding wound in the middle of his thigh.

Kagome waited patiently, face burning. When she saw he had a blanket around himself, her shoulder's slumped in relief. 'I just don't think I could handle something like THAT at the moment.' She moved to sit down next to him, unscrewing the cap of the iodine. She raised her eyes hesitantly to meet his. "This might sting a little..." She warned him, knowing it would probably hurt a lot more than a little. She dabbed the iodine on, and instantly he jumped.

Inuyasha hissed, not expecting the burning pain. "Ow! Wench! That hurt!" He glared at Kagome, who winced slightly.

"I'm sorry, Inuyasha, but I have to clean it or it might get infected." She told him sympathetically. She'd never like iodine much either.

Inuyasha relaxed, allowing her to treat him, although he was grumbling a bit. As Kagome wrapped the bandages tightly around his leg, stemming flow of blood, he realised her hands were shaking slightly.

"Is something wrong Kagome?" He asked, not having his nose to sniff out what was wrong with her.

Kagome blushed a little bit, not wanting him to know their proximity was this unsettling to her. "Umm... No, nothing's wrong, Inuyasha. There, all done!" She said cheerfully, finishing up on his leg.

Inuyasha looked down, relieved that she was done touching him. He had had some trouble keeping himself from saying something stupid. Her hands on him had been almost too much. He turned away from her, reaching for his pants.

Kagome turned away from him quickly, presenting her back and giving him privacy. She heard a rustle of clothing, and the creak of the floor boards as he stood up.

Inuyasha slipped on his pants quickly, before turning around and facing her. "There, I'm decent, you can turn around now." He told her.

She turned toward him slowly, still slightly amazed at his change in appearance. "Why were you coming into the hut anyway, Inuyasha?" She asked curiously.

Inuyasha looked embarrassed for a moment, before answering. "I...we... have a lot of enemies. If they ever find out about my night as a human, it could cause us a lot of trouble. I thought being in the hut would be safer." He explained, not really wanting to remind her of their enemies.

Kagome looked at him for a moment, then admitted to the logic in his statement. "Ahh yes, Naraku and his demons. Yeah, it probably would be safer if you stayed in here for the night. But you are sleeping on the floor." She added pointedly, making it clear she wanted no hanky-panky out of him.

Inuyasha looked startled before answering. "Of course I'll sleep on the floor! What you think I came in here to grope you? I'm not that hentai hoshi you know." He said, in a mock offended voice.

Kagome flushed, realising that was just what she had been thinking. And that it hadn't exactly disgusted her. 'Mind out of the gutter, girl. Get a grip!' She told herself, before reaching for the spare blankets and pillows she knew Kaede had. She made up a comfortable enough looking bed for Inuyasha, before settling down onto her own cot.

Inuyasha thanked her, settling down into the covers.

"Oh, and Kagome? Remind me to get Kaede to help with your aim." He said, knowing it would probably piss her off.

And though it did make Kagome a little bit angry, she conceded to his point, but not before throwing a pillow at his head. She was left pillow-less for the night. Inuyasha fell asleep smirking.

* * * * * * * * * * * *

Kagome felt the sun warming her face a few moments before became fully awake. The first thing she noticed was Inuyasha standing over her, once again in hanyou form. He was also holding Shippou up by the tail. And by the looks of him, Shippou was not too happy about that.

"Inuyasha! Put Shippou down this instant!" She ordered him, horrified at Inuyasha's treatment of the kit.

Inuyasha turned his startled amber eyes to Kagome. 'Didn't realise she was up yet. Trying too hard to keep this little brat from jumping on her.' "Ahhh...Ohayo Kagome!" He said, dropping Shippou instantly. Right on his head. And the kit immediately burst out in tears.

Kagome scrambled up out of bed, intent on hugging the crying child tightly. She somehow managed to get tangled up in the bedsheets, and would have landed face-first on the floor if someone hadn't caught her. Inuyasha's arms tightened around her, and Kagome's eyes flickered up to meet his briefly before dropping again. "Umm... Ohayo Inuyasha." She greeted him, a little flustered to be in this position. She tried to back up a step, but Inuyasha's arms didn't budge. She looked back up at him, a little bit scared that he wouldn't let her go. Then his arms dropped, and he took a respectful backwards step.

Kagome immediately dropped down to take care of the crying kit, uttering comforting words.

Unbeknownst to her, Inuyasha glared down at her briefly, a jealous look fluttering across his face, before he quietly left the hut. Kagome didn't look up from taking care of Shippou. After she finally got him to stop crying, she asked Shippou why Inuyasha had been holding him like that when she first awoke.

Shippou pouted for a little bit before answering. "He didn't want me to wake you up, even though I knew you wanted to watch the sunrise! Stubborn baka." He added before he could stop himself. He flicked his tail, trying to ignore the scent of Inuyasha's blood in the room. 'What happened last night?' He wondered to himself.

"Umm... Ok then..." Kagome said, unsure what to say.

"Hey, Kagome? Why does the room smell like Inuyasha's blood?" Shippou asked her, curious.

Kagome was startled at the sudden change in topic. 'I almost forgot all about last night.' "I...uh... Heard someone creeping around the hut last night. I shot him before I knew it was Inuyasha." She explained.

"You shot Inuyasha?!" Shippou shouted.

"Yeah, but it was only in the leg, nothing really life-threatening." Kagome told him, before collecting her clothes. "Shippou, I have to get dressed now, could you leave for a moment?"

Shippou nodded before leaping out of the hut.

'What a strange night that was last night. Inuyasha apologised. And he was human. And I SHOT him.' Kagome mused, completely uncertain how to approach him today. 'That plus I have to tell him we aren't going to be mated. Which I'm sure will come as no surprise to him, considering I don't even remember him.' Kagome's heart sank as she remembered that she might never see her family again. She felt tears well up in the back of her eyes, before forcing them back. 'None of that today. Crying won't do any good.' Kagome swiftly changed into her borrowed miko's robes before exiting the hut.

The first thing she noticed when she walked outside was that the perverted hoshi was right outside her door. She looked at him warily, half-expecting him to try to grope her. He threw up his hands, giving her an innocent look. "Ahhh, ohayo Kagome! How are you this fine summers day?" He asked, clasping his hands behind his back.

"I am quite well, Miroku. How is you head? I head Sango smacked it with Hiraikotsu quite a few times last night." She said teasingly.

Miroku had the audacity to look sheepish. "Ahh... Yes. There was a slight disagreement about proper placement of my hand." He said, his eyes twinkling with mischief. "I heard that you used the subduing spell on Inuyasha yesterday as well."

Kagome blushed, remembering how they had been crushed together. "Umm.. Yeah. Accidently the first two times. And he managed to land on me! My back still aches." She informed him, unknowingly giving him an opening.

Miroku moved swiftly, placing his hands on her back, massaging. "Does this help, Kagome-sama? I am told I am quite excellent at the fine art of massage."

Kagome stiffened, readying herself to twist around and smack him, but she felt his hands leave her body of their own free will. She quickly stepped away before turning around. Her eyes widened considerably as she took in the site in front of her. Inuyasha was holding Miroku up by the neck with one arm, snarling angrily. Miroku looked positively terrified, and Inuyasha looked like he was ready to rip his throat out any minute. It appeared as though it took no effort at all for him to lift Miroku, and that made Kagome shiver in fear.

"!" Inuyasha ground out, practically wild with rage. His eyes flickered red, and his claws tightened slightly on Miroku's neck.

Kagome assessed the situation, realising Miroku was probably unable to do much of anything against Inuyasha at the moment. "INUYASHA!! YAMETE! Put him down!" She commanded him. "What makes you think you can do that to Miroku? I said PUT HIM DOWN!" She yelled when it didn't seem like he was listening.

Inuyasha's eyes left Miroku's face to rest on hers. He took on a look of confusion. "But... You're... my mate." He said matter-of-factly. After he had seen Miroku move to touch her, his youkai instincts kicked in. He had Miroku up by the throat before he could stop himself. Now he realised how foolish he was acting, seeming as how Kagome was not really going to be his mate, she was unaware it was a ruse. 'It's fake, that's all.' He reminded himself. Miroku's face was now turning purple, and Inuyasha dropped him.

Miroku landed on the ground, coughing loudly, trying to retrieve the breath back in to his body.

Kagome glared at Inuyasha before yelling at him. "I am NOT your mate! We are NOT getting married! I don't even know you!" She shrieked. 'Ok... This is not how I pictured telling him, but the sooner the better. Who knows who might get attacked next.'

Inuyasha's ears drooped, and he took on the appearance of a hurt puppy, before he swiftly turned away, bounding off toward the forest.

"Inuyasha!" She yelled after him, not really expecting him to listen to her. She turned back to Miroku, kneeling down and inspecting his throat. There were some bruises, and a five little cuts in the shape of claws, but it looked like he was going to be fine. "Miroku, I'm sorry for the way Inuyasha acted. He can be such a baka. Daijouba desu ka?" She asked, feeling guilty.

Miroku nodded weakly, still stunned at the force of Inuyasha's jealousy. 'Maybe the hanyou has more feelings for Kagome then he lets on...' He mused, before getting to his feet. He brushed his robes off, and retrieved his staff, before turning back to Kagome. "It is alright, Kagome. The fault is mine, I should not have touched you. At least, not without your permission." He added, waggling his eyebrows at her suggestively.

Kagome laughed gaily, realising he was just teasing her.

* * * * * * * * * * * *

Inuyasha ran through his forest, toward the Goshinboku.

'Kagome... Do you hate me?' His mind whirled as he ran. 'Do I disgust you? Is that why you don't want to mate with me?' He skidded to a halt under the great tree. Looking up, he stared at the spot he had rested for fifty years.

'I'm sorry, Kagome. I didn't mean to scare you.' He had caught a whiff of Kagome's scent before he took off. She had been terrified. Of him. His heart twisted, and his ears drooped lower on his head. 'I know our engagement was a fake, but you didn't. What if...' He didn't even want to consider that she might be attracted to the monk. 'No, she couldn't be...' He tried to assure himself. His shoulder's slumped.

'Why shouldn't she be? I have no real claim on her.' Then another thought came to him. 'What if... What if she likes... Kouga? No, no she couldn't. She doesn't even remember him. Or... Does she?' His heart wrenched, thinking that maybe she was able to remember Kouga but not him. 'But why would she be so scared then if she knew him?' Inuyasha was succeeding in confusing himself. His mind centered again on how he had scared Kagome. 'I hope I haven't ruined everything.' He thought, his eyes welling up with tears.

'I'm so sorry...' In the distance, he heard Kagome laugh. And a single tear rolled down his cheek.

GAH!! End chapter seven! I spent so long on this chapter and it's still junk! Oh well. There was some angsty goodness in here. Poor Inuyasha. Don't kill me! Please review. Arigato!


Kuso- Shit

Hakama- Trousers

Onna- Woman

Baka- Idiot

Hentai- Pervert

Ohayo- Good Morning

Yamete- Stop, imperative form

Daijouba desu ka?- Are you alright?

Arigato for the reviews, and to those helpful reviews who correct my japanese. Ja ne!