InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Mischievious Inuyasha ❯ Hate and Arguements ( Chapter 8 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Mischievious Inuyasha

Disclaimer: I don't own anything having to do with Inuyasha, which makes me really sad. Oh well. I woulda had him nekkid by now anyway. ^-~

Terribly sorry... This chapter is a little later then I wanted it to be posted. Thanks for the reviews guys! Oh, to the person who was worried about the pairings in the story: Strictly the original pairings. No freaky stuff like kog/kag or sess/kag or mir/kag. None of that. I don't really like those stories much either. To the reviewer that informed me that Kouga had two shards, not three: Yes I know... I made a mistake at the time and before I found out it was already posted! Gomen! Arigato! And on to chapter eight!

Chapter Eight: Hate and Arguments

~The soul balances the equation,~

Yet the soul can corrupt as well,

These strange new emotions,

~Can cause the heart to swell.~

Inuyasha sat in the Goshinboku, listening to Kagome's faraway laughter. 'I knew she couldn't love me. Stupid half-breed. Why can't I just accept it?' Suddenly Inuyasha caught a familiar scent in the air. 'Kikyou? What is she doing here?' He thought, confused. He jumped out of the tree, landing softly and gracefully on the ground. He sniffed around, trying to figure out exactly where she was. He stiffened as he realized the scent was coming from the vicinity of the village. 'No! Kagome...' He took off running for the village, unsure about how Kagome would react to Kikyou. 'I should have told Kagome about her in the first place.' His heart was beating madly, not wanting to Kagome to get hurt.

* * * * * * * * * * * *

Kagome was playing with Shippou, when she felt the hair on the back of her neck stand on end. At first she shrugged it off. 'I'm going crazy.' Then she thought she saw what looked to be a white eel, flying through the air. 'That's just not right...' She thought, and he heart begin to pound loudly in her ears. She felt Shippou stiffen on her shoulder.

"Kikyou..." He whispered, sounding terrified. 'This is not good...' He thought to himself.

"Kikyou? Why would Kikyou be here? I thought she was dead." Kagome asked, confused.

Shippou looked startled for a moment. 'I forgot that she forgot...' "Ummm Kikyou was brought back to life. Evil demon woman used your soul to awaken her. Inuyasha saved you. But now Kikyou is living on the souls of people. That white demon is one of her soul-collectors." He explained, voice shaking in fear. Kikyou's scent was getting closer.

Kagome stood there staring at him for a moment in shock. "So, you're telling me, Kikyou is here? Exactly why would she be here?" She asked again. 'Ok... So the person I am reincarnated from is here, alive, and feeds on the souls of people? Exactly how am I supposed to react to this?'

She caught site of movement to the left of her. She turned, and gasped at what she saw. 'She looks just like me!' The woman she saw looked to be a little bit older, with a different hair-style, but her features were the same. Kagome stood there staring as what could have been her twin walked up to her.

"Hello, my reincarnation. I have come to bring Inuyasha with me to Hell." The look-alike said, voice cold as ice. Her eyes cut across Kagome, a look of disdain crossing her otherwise flawless features. "I see you have taken to wearing my clothes as well. How utterly pitiful that you should try to win Inuyasha this way." Kikyou said, her cruel words hitting Kagome like a slap in the face.

"Wha-what? Why would Inuyasha want to go to hell with you?" Kagome focused on Kikyou's first sentences. She didn't want to contemplate what Kikyou meant by the her last biting comment. 'I...I thought Inuyasha was supposed to be getting married to me...'

"Silly girl. Inuyasha is meant to be with me. His debt is yet to be paid. I am tired of waiting." Kikyou bit out, looking down at Kagome with contempt.

"Wha-what are you talking about? What debt?" Kagome asked, quivering in fear.

Kikyou hissed in anger. "Don't act stupid, girl! Inuyasha owes me! He loved me fifty years ago, and he betrayed me! But now he and I will live together in Hell!" Kikyou began to glow with energy as her anger rose.

Kagome jerked back, startled by her announcement. 'Inuyasha... and Kikyou? But... I'm Kikyou's reincarnation... Was I only a temporary substitute?' Her heart broke, realising that she wasn't the one Inuyasha loved, but Kikyou. She felt tears welling up in her throat, before the anger kicked in. All at once she was consumed by a blinding rage. 'Inuyasha betrayed me! He deliberately misled me! Sure I have no memory of him, but he should have told me of Kikyou!' Her eyes locked on Kikyou's, and she realised with terror that the miko was beginning to glow. Her soul-collector's flew around her like a small tornado, her hair flying up wildly around her head. 'This doesn't look good...'

"Kikyou?" Both miko's turned, hearing Inuyasha's voice. He stood in front of them, hand on the hilt of Tetsusaiga, looking at them uneasily. "What are you doing here?"

Kikyou's glow subsided, and she took on the look of a sweet woman once again. "What do you mean Inuyasha? You know why I am here. It is time." Kikyou's voice was kind and comforting, but as Kagome looked in her eyes she noticed Kikyou was just acting. Her eyes were ice-cold.

Inuyasha's gaze flicked over Kagome, his eyes uncertain. "Kikyou... I..." He hesitated, trying to figure out how to handle the situation without hurting Kagome.

Kagome glared at Inuyasha with eyes filled with angry tears. "Inuyasha? You better have an explanation for this. Am I just a substitute for Kikyou?" Inuyasha stared at her helplessly.

Inuyasha felt like he had just gotten stabbed in the heart. 'I've never thought Kagome was ever a replacement for Kikyou... How could she think that? Kikyou...' "Kikyou! What did you say to her?!" He drew Tetsusaiga, holding it menacingly, although he wasn't sure he could use it on Kikyou.

Kikyou looked at him with her expressionless face. "I said nothing that was not true." She barely even glanced at the drawn sword. "The stupid girl is wearing my clothes, trying to replace me with her. It is rather pitiful that she would sink to such levels to obtain your heart."

Inuyasha stared at her in shock, his heart sinking as he realised what Kagome would have thought after that comment. He turned his amber eyes to Kagome, seeking a hint of warmth left for him in her. She looked back at him with eyes almost as cold as Kikyou's, although hers had a fine film of tears in them. "Kagome... You are not a substitute for Kikyou. I never EVER considered you to be one." He tried to reassure her. He turned back to Kikyou. "She did not know the clothes were yours, Kikyou. She has amnesia. She doesn't remember any of us." He said, unsure about letting that piece of information slip.

Kagome's eyes continued to glare at him for a moment, before returning to Kikyou. The miko looked shell-shocked at Inuyasha's statement. 'I don't know if I can trust Inuyasha, but know I can't trust this Kikyou at all.'

Inuyasha turned his pleading eyes onto Kagome. "Could you... maybe leave us alone for a moment? I believe we need to talk."

Kagome looked at Inuyasha, hurt at his dismissal. Then she turned and ran. She managed to get out of the village before letting the tears fall.

* * * * * * * * * * * *

Inuyasha looked after Kagome, his heart aching. Then he turned back to Kikyou, growling. "What in the fuck gives you the right? Kagome is my intended and you treat her like shit! What the hell is your problem?" His youkai instincts had *finally* kicked in to protect Kagome.

Kikyou's head snapped back, shocked by his reaction. "But... Inuyasha... You and I are to descend into hell together. Should she not know this before it gets more complicated then it already is? And what do you mean 'your intended?'" Her face was composed and calm, although her soul-collectors were shrilling madly.

"You heard me! Me and Kagome are going to be mated. And I would prefer if you stayed the fuck away from her!" Inuyasha was grinding out his words, trying to calm his youkai instincts to kill his woman's tormentor.

"Inuyasha? I believe we are going to Hell together after you finish your little quest. I don't believe that this has changed." Kikyou cocked her head to the side, questioning him with her maddening calm.

"I'm not going to hell with you now, Kikyou! Kagome needs me here!" Inuyasha informed her, brandishing his sword around wildly.

Kikyou began to glow again, her eyes taking on a look of hate instantly. "That little bitch has gotten to you hasn't she? If it is too late for me to have you, I don't see why she should be able to!" She screamed at him, her power fluctuating wildly around her in a bright blue light. Wind was whipping around her, picking up small pebbles and dirt.

Inuyasha stared at her disbelievingly. 'What happened to the Kikyou I used to love? This is not her...' He realised, getting into a defensive position. "If it's a fight you want, it's a fight you're gonna get you clay bitch!"

* * * * * * * * * * * *

Kagome stopped running, wiping away the tears. 'What was that? It felt... powerful. Oh no! Inuyasha!' She didn't know how she knew, but she just *knew* Inuyasha was in danger. She started running as fast as she could back the way she came. 'No! Inuyasha!' Her tears started anew, feeling the power grow to terrifying proportions.

* * * * * * * * * * * *

Kikyou gathered energy into her hand, creating a blue ball of fire. She stared at Inuyasha menacingly. "You will not win, Inuyasha. You might as well give up and come to Hell with me now." She gave him one last chance to change his mind.

"No fucking way! Just get on with it!" Inuyasha lifted Tetsusaiga higher, ready to strike.

Kikyou's ball of flame suddenly flew up, heading towards Inuyasha. "You asked for it, hanyou." It connected, Inuyasha having not fully anticipated the attack. He flew back several feet, and skidded roughly on his right side.

'Kuso! I'll have to remember to dodge next time. That fucking hurt!' He struggled back to his feet, fighting off the feeling of the broken bones in his right arm. He felt blood trickling out of a long gash in his side. 'Anymore of those and I won't be putting up much of a fight...' His lifted Tetsusaiga with his left arm, and began to search for the wind scar. Before he could attack though, he smelled Kagome's scent getting closer. 'No! Damn her!'

"Inuyasha!" Kagome cried, running toward him, silver tears floating after her. She suddenly slammed into a barrier, and she stumbled back, hissing in pain. She instantly flew back up to beat on the wall. "INUYASHA!"

"Damnit, Kagome! Stay out of this!" The distraction allowed Kikyou to hit him with another blew ball of flame. This time, Inuyasha was thrown back into a tree, and he let go of Tetsusaiga.

Kagome screamed again, watching Inuyasha get hurt. 'No! He's going to die if she keeps doing that!' She snapped her tear-filled eyes to Kikyou, realising she was creating another energy-ball, this one much larger. Inuyasha was unconcious against the tree. "INUYASHA! WAKE UP! Please wake up! YOU'RE GOING TO DIE!" She cried out. Kikyou looked over at her, amused, before continuing to create the dangerous flames. Kagome suddenly got very angry.

She beat harder on the barrier, feeling an awesome power building in her. Her hands began to bleed as she tried to crack the energy-wall. She was oblivious, her rage consuming her.

Kikyou stared at the wild girl in shock, feeling her barrier weaken with each powerful punch. 'The stupid girl doesn't even seem to realise she's using miko's energy...' Kagome's hands were glowing blue, her fists were blue flames as they cracked against the barrier. The barrier suddenly broke, leaving Kagome stumbling forward.

Kagome glared intently at Kikyou, her own power causing her hair to fly up around her wildly. "Leave him ALONE!" She screamed at Kikyou, running at her with an ugly intent in her eyes. Kikyou barely had time to move aside before Kagome hit her, so surprised was she by the sudden attack. Kagome's energy collided with hers, creating a sudden tornado of blue flames. Kagome skidded, turning back to Kikyou, death in her eyes. Her power fluctuated madly, her own rage overpowering her. She raced up to Kikyou, swinging back a blue-fire consumed fist. She moved faster than Kikyou could have anticipated as she punched her viciously in the face. Kikyou's entire body flew, and she landed, skidding, on her back.

Kikyou looked up at Kagome, dismayed by the girl's sudden power, when before she had sensed none. "How can this be? That this weak girl has this much power..." She said aloud, before suddenly being picked up and flung into a tree. She hit with a sickening crunch, her collarbone snapping, and she crumpled to the ground. She raised her strangely calm eyes to the transformed girl. She was too over-come with rage to even realize what she was doing.

All Kagome knew at that moment was that she had to protect Inuyasha.

Kagome looked down at Kikyou coldly, calmly collecting a fire-ball in one hand. This one much more powerful than any Kikyou had used on Inuyasha. "It is time for your kyuushi again, Kikyou. And not a moment too soon." The cold anger in Kagome's voice chilled Kikyou to the bone.

Kikyou stared up at Kagome, realising she had pushed this little girl too far. Still, she needed to have the last parting shot.

"Inuyasha will always be mine you know. Even after you kill me. He will always love me more. You'll just be my replacement!" She gave a cold, calculating smile, knowing those words would haunt the girl the rest of her life. The effect was ruined as she coughed up blood.

Kagome just looked down at Kikyou pitifully, continuing to gather the energy. "You hidoi onna! You deserve to DIE!"

Inuyasha woke up just as a bright, white light consumed them.

* * * * * * * * * * * *

Inuyasha blinked, shielding his eyes from the powerful light. 'Kuso! I missed something, didn't I? Kagome!' He was terrified that Kikyou had killed Kagome.

As the light diminished, he could just make out the outline of one woman.

"Kagome?" He asked, hesitantly.

The figure turned towards him, losing its blue glow.

'No, wait, that couldn't be Kagome. She can't use her powers like that...' Inuyasha sniffed the air, searching for the smell of Kagome's blood. He found it, but there didn't seem to be a whole lot of it. There was a strong smell of clay and bones though. 'Kikyou! Is Kikyou... dead? Kagome, what did you do?' Inuyasha suddenly feared for Kagome's innocence. 'What would she do if she killed a person? I don't think she could handle that right now.'

Suddenly the figure dropped down, kneeling, in front of Inuyasha.

"Inuyasha, you have a hell of a lot of explaining to do..." Kagome coughed out, before blacking out on top of the hanyou.


Ohhhk... That chapter was shorter than the last one... But I didn't really know what else to do with it. Anyway... Its 11.30 PM and I have to be up at 6:30 to go to work. So that's what you get.

Please review! Arigato!


Kuso- Shit

Kyuushi- Death

Hidoi- Cruel, terrible

Onna- Woman

Sorry for the sudden lack of Japanese in this one... but I don't know a lot of threatening words in Japanese.