InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Mischievious Inuyasha ❯ Pitfalls and Explanations ( Chapter 9 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Mischievious Inuyasha

Disclaimer: I don't own anything having to do with Inuyasha, which makes me really sad. Oh well. I woulda had him nekkid by now anyway. ^-~

Ok... Show of hands: Who enjoys the Japanese I have used in this fic? Please answer in the form of reviews... Thanks for the reviews guys... I would really like to know if you appreciate the attempts to use Japanese. I rather like it myself but one of my reviewers informed me that it is tacky and distracts from the story. I will not mention names as it is that persons opinion. But personally I would like to know if at least somebody enjoys it. And I am sorry if I offended this reviewer in any way, but you have managed to hurt my feelings ever so slightly.

Oh! Big thanks to TakayuFyre for writing the big long review correcting my japanese, and some character-abnormalities. As you all may know, I asked in one of the chapters for people to correct my Japanese as I don't speak it at all fluently. Arigato TakayuFyre! I appreciate and am glad you like my story (despite the horrible japanese) Little note: I only really know little words of japanese from a list and karate so I don't understand the grammar and stuff like that. And it's kind of been borrowed from other fanfiction stories. *rolls eyes* And I have an on-line translator :

Chapter Nine: Pitfalls and Explanations

~Can you be taught compassion?~

Can you be changed in the blink of an eye.

Can you live without redemption,

~While the world crumbles and dies.~

Inuyasha looked down at the unconscious girl in his lap. 'What in the hell happened?' He wondered. 'Did she... kill Kikyou? I didn't think she could ever have that much power...' Inuyasha smelled the wind, again catching only the Kagome's scent, and that of clay and bones. There also didn't seem to be any of Kikyou's soul-collectors in sight. He smirked a little. 'My sweet Kagome, kill a person. Unbelievable.' His musings were cut short by a shout from his left.

"Inuyasha! Is Kagome-sama alright!?" Miroku asked, rushing towards him, his staff jingling. Sango jogged after him, clad in her exterminator gear, Hiraikotsu over her shoulder.

"I think she's ok. She doesn't smell hurt or anything. Just went and collapsed on me though." Inuyasha answered, struggling to his feet, flinging Kagome gently over his left shoulder. Which was a hard feat considering his entire right arm was basically shattered.

Sango looked at him worriedly, noticing the hanyou was not using his right arm. "Are you alright, Inuyasha? What happened out here?" Sango and Miroku had been out collecting water for Kaede during the battle. "What happened to Kagome?"

Inuyasha grunted, shifting Kagome, and began to walk towards Kaede's hut. "Kikyou showed up, Kagome killed her." He said as he was walking away, leaving the two staring after him in shock.

"Houshi-sama, did you hear him? Do you think that what he said is true?" Sango turned her wide eyes to Miroku.

"It is possible. I felt a large flux in power as we were rushing here. It might have been Kagome-sama." Miroku pondered. "Her power grew to larger than I've ever felt from her before. I wonder what would have made her so strong so fast..."

Sango turned away from him, watching Inuyasha carry Kagome. "Maybe Kikyou upset her greatly... But I don't think I can believe that KAGOME killed her." Sango began following Inuyasha back to the hut, and Miroku trailed behind.

* * * * * * * * * * * *

Kaede rushed back from her herb gardens, having felt the power surge in the air as well. She couldn't detect where the power was coming from though. At least, until she saw Inuyasha carrying Kagome, his right arm hanging at an odd angle, his face streaked with blood, and his hair dirty and tangled. "Inuyasha, child, what happened to Kagome?" Her wise gaze flickered over the girl worriedly.

"Kikyou." Is all Inuyasha said, before striding into the hut. He set Kagome down on the cot, making sure she was comfortable, before turning back to Kaede. "Kikyou came. I sent Kagome away. Me and Kikyou argued, and she attacked me. Kagome came running back, and killed her using her miko energy..." Inuyasha trailed off, suddenly sensitive to how Kaede might feel about her sister's death.

Kaede nodded, looking slightly relieved. "She is finally at rest, Inuyasha. This is good. Although I am worried about what might have made Kagome lose control like that. It is unlike her to be violent."

Inuyasha looked down at the old woman, his eyes wide in awe. "I don't really know what happened. I had been knocked unconcious by Kikyou, and the next thing I saw was a blindingly bright light. Then the only person left was Kagome. I believe we are going to have to wait until Kagome wakes up for answers." Inuyasha looked down worriedly at the unconscious girl. "Would you look her over? I don't smell any serious injuries on her, but I noticed her hands were bloody."

Kaede nodded, setting to work cleaning Kagome's scraped hands. As she saw them on closer inspection, she noticed it was just the knuckles which were bloody. "It appears as though she was punching something..." Kaede observed aloud. Inuyasha's ears swiveled up in surprise.

'What did Kagome do?' He decided to stick close to her so he could be there when she woke up.

As Kaede finished treating Kagome, Miroku strolled in, followed closely by Sango.

"Inuyasha, would you mind explaining exactly what happened to us?" Miroku asked, voice maddeningly calm as ever.

Inuyasha didn't look up from Kagome. "I can't tell you much. I wasn't awake for the more important parts."

Miroku nodded, sitting down cross-legged on the floor, his staff resting on his legs. Sango took up much the same position, resting Hiraikotsu against the wall, and sitting out of arms-reach of the houshi.

Inuyasha sat down next to the cot, making sure he could hear Kagome breath. Then he noticed someone was missing. "Oi? Where's the brat?"

The others jerked, startled at the question. They looked around, and realising Shippou was nowhere in site, headed out to search for him. Inuyasha stayed behind with Kagome.

* * * * * * * * * * * *

They found Shippou unconscious, not too far from the site of Kikyou's death. He had stayed behind to keep an eye on Inuyasha and Kikyou after Kagome ran off. He had managed to get hit by some of Kagome's purifying energy, and although not seriously injured, he didn't look like he'd be waking up for a little while.

Sango picked him up, bringing him back to Kaede's hut. She set him in the cot next to Kagome, and sat back down on the floor. She looked at Inuyasha expectantly.

Inuyasha held back a sigh of relief at seeing the kit uninjured. 'Kagome would have my head if I let anything happen to him...' He turned his amber gaze to Kaede, then to Sango, and finally resting on Miroku. "Kikyou came. I missed most of what she said to Kagome, but she seemed upset by it. I arrived and saw Kikyou glowing with energy. Apparently Kikyou thought it was time for us to descend in to Hell together." He bit out the last sentence as if it disgusted him.

Miroku was surprised at the contempt he heard in the hanyou's voice. "Did you not promise to Kikyou that you would live in Hell with her?" He questioned logically.

Inuyasha seemed startled at the interruption. "Uhh... Yeah and? I changed my mind is all. Now you gonna let me get on with the story or what, bozu?" Miroku nodded is assent.

"Good. After that Kagome asked me if she was just a substitute for Kikyou..." His voice sounded strangled as he explained, as it pained him to say it.

"It... I NEVER considered Kagome to be a substitute for Kikyou. She is a baka to believe it herself. Kikyou accused Kagome of trying to be her. She thought 'cause Kagome was wearing Kikyou's old clothes that she was win my heart by being her. I tried to tell Kagome that I never thought she was a substitute for Kikyou, but I don't think it got through. Then I...asked Kagome to leave me and Kikyou alone." Inuyasha winced at that statement, suddenly realising what it must have sounded like to Kagome.

Miroku looked at him dissapprovingly. "You were right in trying to reassure Kagome, but you took the wrong action in sending her away."

Inuyasha stared at him. "Don't you think I know that now? What would you have done?" He glared at Miroku, daring him to oppose him.

Miroku sat back, looking thoughtful for a long moment. "I believe I would not have been in the situation you were Inuyasha." His only answer was a threatening growl. "But enough about what I would have done. What did you do after you sent Kagome away?"

Inuyasha settled back down before continuing. "I argued with Kikyou, and let it slip that Kagome and I were to be mated. I told Kikyou I wasn't going to Hell with her, and she was furious. She screamed at me, telling me that if she couldn't have me, neither could Kagome. She started radiating power, and that's when I drew Tetsusaiga. She hit me with a ball of fire, slamming me into the ground and shattering my right arm." That's when Inuyasha remembered about his own injury. In his hurry to make sure Kagome was safe, he'd forgotten all about it.

Kaede looked up at him. "Why did ye not tell me of your injury before, Inuyasha? I must set the bone." As she spoke she moved around, collecting pieces of flat wood and bandages to make a splint.

"Keh! Don't even bother, old woman, it's already mending on it's own. And I ain't done yet!" He told her, becoming impatient with all the interruptions.

"After that first hit, I smelled Kagome getting closer. That's all remember before I got hit again and blacked out." As Inuyasha continued explaining, he looked down at Kagome with a worried look in his eye.

"I woke up just as a blinding white light surrounded me. After it dimmed a bit, I saw Kagome. She collapsed on me and passed out. And I brought her here." As Inuyasha finished, he looked up at Kaede, hoping she would be able to explain some of it.

Kaede noticed the look, but shook her head sadly. "I am not certain if Kagome would be able to have that much power. Even before, as she looked for the shards of the Shikon no Tama, her aura was not that strong. She would have had to have had a strong emotional upset to be able to kill Kikyou."

Sango looked over at Kagome, who was still unconcious on the bed. Kirara mewled, nudging against her hand. As Sango absently stroked the fire demon, she thought about the events of the day. 'What could have upset Kagome so? How will she feel about it when she awakens?' She was suddenly saddened, thinking about all the hardships her friend has had to endure. 'She does not deserve this treatment.'

Unbeknownst to her, Miroku was thinking along quite the same lines. 'We shall have to strive to make Kagome-sama happy. I do not know how she will react to having killed a person. What will Inuyasha do?' His violet gaze turned to Inuyasha assessingly.

There was a rustling from the bed, drawing the five pairs of eyes towards it. Shippou's tail twitched, followed by his head popping up, wide eyes taking in the staring group. "Whazzah? What's goin' on?" He asked, rubbing his stomach sleepily.'

"Keh! We're waiting for an explanation, brat." Inuyasha picked the kitsune up by the tail, shaking him slightly as he spoke.

"Hey! Put me down you meanie! You don't have to be rough about it!" Shippou yelled, startled as he was roughly jerked around.

Inuyasha dropped the kit, returning to his position next to Kagome, and looking at Shippou expectantly.

Shippou stared back at him, not comprehending what Inuyasha was expecting. Then he remembered what he saw earlier.

"Oh, you wanna know about what happened between Kikyou and Kagome!" Hearing Inuyasha growling in frustration he continued quickly. "After you passed out, Inuyasha," He started accusingly. "Kagome came running and started beating on the barrier Kikyou put up. She kept screaming at you to wake up. Then she started glowing, you know, like she was on fire. Her fists glowed and she managed to break the barrier. Then she charged at Kikyou. She was real scary looking right then. Real mad that Kikyou hurt you, Inuyasha. Don't know why she would be so mad though." Shippou added, baiting Inuyasha.

"Kagome missed Kikyou the first time, but then she swung around and BAM! Punched her right in the face. Kikyou flew a long ways. Kikyou said something, but I can't 'member what. Then Kagome picked her up, making it look real easy, and threw her into a tree! Looked painful too." Shippou paused, giving the story a dramatic effect.

"I can draw you pictures if you want! Lemme get my crayons!" Shippou jumped up, intent on coloring some pictures. But hearing Inuyasha growl, decided to get on with the story. He settled back down into place.

"After that Kagome yelled at Kikyou that it was her time to die, and started collecting a really big blue ball of fire in her hand. Kikyou said something along the lines of 'You'll always be my replacement' or something like that. Then Kagome sent the giant fire-ball crashing into Kikyou. Then it all went black." Shippou finished his side of the story, looking quite pleased with himself.

Five pairs of of eyes stared at him disbelievingly, before looking back at Kagome, who was still unconscious on the cot.

'I can't believe Kagome would get that worked up, over ME!' Inuyasha thought, eyes wide. 'She wouldn't do that if she didn't care about me, right?'

Kaede looked at Inuyasha, noticing the small glow of hope in his eyes. 'That poor boy is just so insecure...'

"I never believed Kagome-sama could possess this kind of power...Especially untrained as she is." Miroku spoke, his staff jingling as he stood up.

Kaede handed Inuyasha a wet cloth and a bowl of water to clean up with. The hanyou had forgotten of his bloody appearance before then. "Yes, I believe we shall have to train her, and quickly, else she unwillingly hurts another person. We shall have to train her heart as well. To heal any possible bitterness she may have."

Sango nodded her understanding. "Yes, I believe she will need some assistance to live as a normal person once again." Kirara moved away from her, jumping and snuggling up to the still unconscious Kagome.

Inuyasha washed off the smell of the blood as best he could, before running his claws through his tangled hair. His ears flicked uneasily with each movement.

"Inuyasha? I imagine ye must take some part in her healing process." Kaede said, tossing the bloodied water away.

Inuyasha's left ear focused on her, while he kept his right trained on Kagome's breathing. "Keh! What does she need me for?" He questioned insolently.

Miroku answered him, a mischievious twinkle in his eye. "You must do all you can to assure Kagome that she is your choice, not Kikyou. Be respectful of her, and be sensitive to her feelings. Tell her you love her." Miroku added, an innocent smile plastered on his face.

"WHAT!" Inuyasha screamed. "NO WAY IN HELL!" His pulse thundered in his ears, and he forced himself to calm down. "That's going too damn far, bozu! Next thing you know you'll be having me recite poetry or some shit like that!" Inuyasha objected rather loudly.

Miroku smacked him on the head with the end of his staff. "Settle down, Inuyasha! It's not the end of the world to tell a girl you love her." Miroku waggled his eyebrows at Sango suggestively. Luckily she didn't notice, saving him a slap across the face.

Inuyasha glared at Miroku for a long moment, trying to get the houshi to cower in fear. After that failed, he turned to Kaede, pleading with her to deny Miroku's statement. After he found no help there, his eyes flickered over Shippou, who just glared back at him hostilely. Sango looked at him with some sympathy, but looked to be siding with the others.

Inuyasha growled ferally. "You goddamn traitors..." He swore before getting hit on the head with a staff again. "Ow! Stop hitting me with that thing you baka!" He wrenched the staff out of the other man's grasp, throwing it out the window. It landed with a jingle just outside. Miroku hurried to collect it.

"Ye know he is right, Inuyasha. Ye should not fight with it so." Said Kaede, her wise gaze focusing on him intently.

There was another rustle at the cot, and all eyes turned to it again.

"Fight with what?" Kagome asked, sitting up. When she spotted Inuyasha, her face paled. "You... You betrayed me..." She said, voice filled with pain and suffering.

Arigato for reading! Please review. I know there wasn't a heck of a lot going on in this chapter, but I was kind of really making it up as I went along and it turned out to be a lot of dialogue. Gomen!


Baka- Idiot

Bozu- Umm It's an insult to Miroku... My translator couldn't figure it out either.

Hope you guys enjoyed the story so far... I'm hoping to have chapter ten up Friday night, but I have to work really early so don't get mad if it's not up. Oyasumi!