InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Mischievious Inuyasha ❯ What A Tangled Web We Weave ( Chapter 11 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Mischievious Inuyasha

Disclaimer: I don't own anything having to do with Inuyasha, which makes me really sad. Oh well. I woulda had him nekkid by now anyway. ^-~


Hope ya'll enjoyed the last chapter! Please don't kill me for the cliffhanger! I am notorious for those, aren't I? Anyway... Onward!

Chapter Eleven: What a Tangled Web We Weave...

~I'm sorry for the lies,~

I'm sorry for the deception,

The way my heart cries,

~I'm waiting for redemption~

Kagome's eyes widened, and her jaw dropped in shock. "Wha-what?!"

Inuyasha winced a little, flicking his ears back before he answered. "You heard me, onna. I love you." Inwardly he grimaced, wishing with all his heart that it wasn't a lie. 'How could I have let them talk me into this...'

Kagome gaped at him, her mouth hanging open until he closed it with one clawed finger. "But... You hardly know me!" She recovered long enough to exclaim.

Inuyasha shook his head at her. "We've been together for almost two years, Kagome. Since you freed me from the Goshinbouku. You have just forgotten it all." He smiled at her ruefully.

She shook her head disbelievingly. "How can you say that to me? I'm a murderer..." She trailed off on a sob.

Inuyasha moved quickly, wrapping her tightly in his arms. "I don't think you're a murderer. You're just Kagome. MY Kagome..." He whispered in her ear.

Kagome shivered as she felt his strong arms around her, comforting her. She leaned into him, resting her forehead on his collarbone. She clutched to him tightly, crying into his haori.

Inuyasha picked her up into his arms. He settled on the pallet comfortably before arranging her. She was nestled into his arms like a child, clutching his clothes and wetting them with her tears. Inuyasha stroked her raven hair, whispering comforting words in her ear until she calmed.

When her sobbing ceased altogether, she pulled back and gave him a wobbly smile. "Gomen, Inuyasha. I made your robes all wet."

Inuyasha chuckled at her, shaking his head. "It doesn't matter. Do you feel better?"

She nodded, brushing back her hair. "Arigato, for letting me cry on your shoulder." She said wryly. Then she suddenly realized she was sitting in his lap, with his arms wrapped around her. She looked up into his eyes, feeling safer than she'd ever felt before. She smiled at him again, wiping away the remnants of the tears. 'He loves me... This magnificent exotic creature LOVES me! But... I don't know how I feel about him...' Kagome was thinking to herself when Sango walked back into the hut.

She stopped suddenly, looking surprised at their position for a moment. She managed to steel her features though as her mind whirled. 'I suppose they have made up... Though I wonder what Inuyasha said to her...' "Kagome-chan? How are you feeling?" She asked tentatively.

Kagome nodded at her, moving off of Inuyasha's lap. She didn't want that hentai monk to come in and see them like that. "I am feeling better, Sango."

Inuyasha growled at the loss of her before he could stop himself. Kagome looked over at him in surprise, and he blushed deeply. "Inuyasha?" She asked hesitantly. "Are you alright?"

"Keh!" Was his only response as he got up, striding from the hut.

Kagome looked over at Sango, confused. "What was that about?"

Sango just smiled at her and shrugged. "What did Inuyasha say to you, Kagome-chan?"

Kagome stared down at her hands, her hair creating a curtain around her face. "He...he told me he loves me..." She trailed off, completely unsure how to feel about his admission.

At Sango's quickly indrawn breath, she looked up, confused. "What?"

Sango worked to cover her surprise. 'I know we told Inuyasha to tell her that, but I never actually thought that he would!' Sango looked over at Kagome, smiling reassuringly. "Is that not a good thing?" Sango's heart nearly broke at the lies they were forced to tell Kagome.

Kagome looked away from her, pushing her hair behind her ear. "I suppose... I'm just not sure about how I feel about him... I haven't known him that long..." She sighed, feeling lost.

Sango walked over to her, sitting down and placing an arm around the girl's shoulders. "This must be quite confusing to you, Kagome-chan. Don't pressure yourself to feel false emotions. Let it come naturally. I will tell you this though, you seemed quite attracted to Inuyasha before you lost your memory." Sango decided not to tell any more lies to Kagome, if she could help it.

Kagome looked at Sango quizzically. "Really? He does seem to make me feel...I don't know... safe. Whenever I'm with him, I just know he wouldn't let anything hurt me." Her eyes pleaded with Sango for her to understand.

Sango nodded at her slowly, giving her a knowing look. "That would make sense. Inuyasha promised to protect you long ago, before we met." She noticed Kagome had lapsed into silence, appearing thoughtful. "Now, I believe that you have some thinking to do. I will leave you to your thoughts." Sango hugged Kagome again before leaving.

Kagome's mind whirled, taking in all the occurences of the day. 'I...killed a woman today. I murdered somebody. I may never be able to see my family again. I'm with strange people who I am supposed to know, but don't remember. I... broke off an engagement to a hanyou. And he just told me he loves me. What am I supposed to do now?' Her thoughts went around madly in a circle, and she was unable to come up with a solution. She lay down on the bed, hugging the blanket to her.

* * * * * * * * * * * *

Miroku observed Sango coming out of the hut, a sad expression on her face.

"What has Inuyasha said to Kagome-sama?" He asked, walking over to her, his staff jingling. Shippou trailed after him.

Sango turned him, deftly knocking aside his wandering hand before she answered. "Inuyasha has told Kagome... That he loves her." She said, still slightly dazed.

Miroku stared at her, raising his brows in shock. "I didn't believe the hanyou would ever have the courage to do that." He stroked his chin thoughtfully.

Sango nodded at him. "I know what you mean, Houshi-sama. It is quite a strange development."

Shippou looked up at them both. "Inuyasha told Kagome he loves her? But... does that mean he's going to be my daddy?" He wrinkled his nose in disgust, although he secretly already thought of Inuyasha in that role.

Miroku and Sango glanced down at him, sharing a grin. "I don't know Shippou. Do you want Inuyasha to be your daddy?" Miroku asked, a teasing tone in his voice.

"Yuck!" Was all Shippou said as he scampered off into the hut before Sango could stop him.

Miroku and Sango looked at each other, amused. Then Sango felt a hand on her rear. "HENTAI!" She cracked him over the head with Hiraikotsu, sending him crashing to the ground.

He looked up at her, a content expression on his face. "Ahhh, it was well worth the pain, my dear Sango."

* * * * * * * * * * * *

Inuyasha was leaping in the trees of his forest, deep in thought. 'I told Kagome I love her, but I hate to lie to her. I... I don't know how she feels about me... She didn't pull away from me before, but as soon as Sango walked in, she practically leaped away from me. Maybe...she is ashamed to be seen with me?' His heart twisted in his chest. 'I never know when she's going to get her memory back... When she does she's going to be infuriated... She'll probably never speak to me again.' His stomach lodged in his throat at the thought of her hating him.

Inuyasha landed on the ground softly. He noticed he had managed to find a stream in the forest, and he walked over to it. He smelled the air, searching for any scent of danger. Satisfied he found none, he knelt by the stream. He caught site of his reflection, and looked down at himself sadly. 'How could anyone ever love a half-breed like me?'

* * * * * * * * * * * *

"Kagome!" Shippou cried as he entered the hut. He flew on top of Kagome, hugging her tightly. "Sango told me that Inuyasha told you that he loved you! Is he gonna be my new daddy?"

Kagome sat up quickly, surprised by his sudden appearance. "Umm... Hello Shippou! I don't know if Inuyasha is going to be your new daddy...I need to think about it for a while." She was startled at the reminder that the boy found her as a mother figure. She was even more surprised as a picture of her and Inuyasha holding Shippou came to mind. They looked like the perfect family in her imagination. She shook her head, removing the image from her thoughts. She turned her attention to the boy in her arms, and smiled uncertainly.

Shippou looked up at her, his tail twitching from side to side. "Ok, Kagome! Inuyasha went off into his forest again." He stuck his tongue out, making her laugh.

"Shippou! You should try to be nice to Inuyasha, you know. He just may become your daddy. There's still hope!" She said, teasingly.

"Yuck! Hey, Kagome?" He started twitching a little bit more, obviously nervous about asking her.

Kagome suddenly sobered up, hearing the serious note in his voice. "Hmmm? What is it Shippou?"

He looked away, watching butterflies outside the window. "You'll never leave me alone, right?"

Kagome stiffened in shock, then instantly scooped him up in her arms, hugging him tightly. "I'll never leave you alone if I can help it, Shippou. Don't even question that." Her motherly instincts told her that the question was very important to him. She stroked his hair, whispering reassurances in his ear.

* * * * * * * * * * * *

Inuyasha stepped away from the stream, suddenly smelling a familiar scent.

'No... No, it couldn't be! How could he come at a time like this?'

He took off at top speed towards the village.

* * * * * * * * * * * *

Kagome stiffened, nearly dropping Shippou. "I...I sense something..." She said, suddenly terrified.

Shippou wriggled out of her grasp, smelling the air. His eyes widened in shock.


< br> Gomen- Sorry

Arigato- Thank you

Hentai- Pervert

Hope you enjoyed this chapter, although again there wasn't really a heck of a lot happening. Arigato, Ja ne!