InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Mission: Irresistible ❯ Bye Bye Hojo ( Chapter 4 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

I would have written and uploaded this chappie sooner but I went sleep over at a friends house the day before. Enjoy oh, and thanks to reviewers, especially xSimplicity, for reviewing every chapter
Mission: Irresistible
Chapter 4
Inuyasha slowly walked over to where the girls were sitting, making sure his eyes held hers. Oh kami, she's even more gorgeous up close. He had never been nervous about approaching a girl before, but something about her was different. Her face was similar to her (a/n if you don't know who I'm talking about…), stirring painful memories. He pushed it aside. Whereas her eyes had turned cold and distant after what happened that night, this girl's help warmth and vitality, hinting at playfulness and mischief.
Kagome watched with interest as Inuyasha drew closer, his movements lithe and graceful like a predator. She gulped involuntarily. Yes he looked like a predator coming in for the kill, and she was his prey. A myriad of emotions flickered across his face, only to once again settle into a bland expression. She had a sudden urge to know what he was thinking about. He growled at some guy who knocked him into a chair, but just brushed it off with a scowl. That noise had seemed almost…inhuman.
“Hi. I'm Inuyasha Tetsusaiga, and you are?” Kagome jumped at the sudden low rumble so near her. She turned and saw hat Inuyasha had pulled up a chair and say down next to them. “Talk about being forward.” She distantly heard Sango mumble, but she wasn't really listening.
Instead she was focused on the feeling of his smooth lips brushing one of her hands. She pulled it back with a blush. That mere contact had sent shivers up her arm, and images of those lips placed elsewhere rose unbidden. Her mouth was dry as she replied.
“Higurashi, Kagome.”
“Kagome hn? Pretty name.” His voice was almost like a purr. Kagome's blush deepened. The rumours weren't exaggerating when they said he was handsome as sin and a charmer to boot. His voice snapped her out of her thought. She seemed to be doing a lot of thinking lately.
“Will you have dinner with me tomorrow night?”
Kagome realised then that she might have bitten off more than she could chew. She opened her mouth to decline, but Sango kicked her shin under the table. Kagome almost yelped, then glared daggers at Sango, who only smiled back innocently. Darn, how did Sango know what she was thinking?
“I'd love to.” Kagome choked out. Ooh, Sango was going to pay for this.
“Great. Seven?”
“So where shall I pick you up?
“Yasukuni Shrine?” (a/n I typed shrine in Tokyo Google and that came up.)
“'Fraid I don't know it. I could go with you so I know where to pick you up?” Inuyasha casually suggested. He didn't need to know the location exactly, he could always sniff her out tomorrow, but he wanted to spend more time with her. She appeared to think about it.
“Ok, but can me and my friend Sango shop for a little bit first?”
Inuyasha agreed, feeling a sense of foreboding.
Two and a half hour, and several shopping bags later, they made their way to the exit. Inuyasha had proofed to be handy having around, as he could lift all the stuff from the higher shelves and carry things. Inuyasha for the most part had kept his complaints about how long they were taking to himself while the girls cooed over this and that. Kagome and Sango walked ahead, leading the way. He sighed and looked away at they started whispering and giggling. Girls.
“Oh my god, we took nearly three hours and he isn't complaining? He must reallyyy want to go out with you!”
“Oh shut up Sango!” Kagome blushed a deep red. They had taken awfully long, yet there wasn't one word out of his mouth about it. She cast a glance at him over her shoulder, but he had his head turned away. She sighed and turned again. “Kagome!” She groaned, anyone but him!
“Hojo-kun! What are you doing here?”
“Aren't I allowed to see my girlfriend?”
Kagome blushed uncomfortably. She wasn't sure if Inuyasha heard. “Um, I've been meaning to talk to you about that…”
“Are you free tomorrow night?” He butted in, sensing she was about to say something he would not like. An unfamiliar voice replied.
“Actually, she isn't, so you can leave her alone. She is going to have dinner with me tomorrow night.” Inuyasha smirked triumphantly. This guy was nothing but a wimp, how could Kagome get herself stuck with him?
“Inuyasha…that isn't necessary.” Kagome's voice floated to him.
“Kagome, is it true? Are you really going out with this womanising bastard? He will only hurt you!” Hojo had recognised Inuyasha's name. Hell, everyone had heard of the infamous playboy. What he couldn't understand was why Kagome would lower herself to someone who would only break her heart. “You can't just waltz in and steal my girl from me!”
“Watch me.” As he said this Inuyasha wrapped an arm around Kagome's waist, and walked off with a stunned Sango, leaving a stuttering Hojo in his wake.
When she got home, Kagome left Inuyasha with a promise to be ready at seven the next evening, then ran up the shrine steps into her house. Sango also said goodbye to him then entered her own house.
Inuyasha watched bemused as Kagome ran up the steps. There were a lot. He couldn't even see the shrine from the bottom. And she has to go up and down those everyday? No wonder her legs were so toned. He smirked to himself at that thought. It was good that she was fit. He whistled and shoved his hands in his pants pockets, strolling away.
Kagome threw her shopping bags on the bed in her room, then followed suit. She moaned into her pillow. Today had been tiring and her muscles were aching from almost five hours of non-stop shopping. True it was enjoyable, but extremely taxing on the body. She closed her eyes and let the feeling of Inuyasha's arm around her fill her. She had been shocked at his unexpected gesture and blushed beet red, but she had secretly enjoyed it. It had felt so warm, so right being there. She had wanted to snuggle up in his arms and burrow there forever. Kagome sighed. She had been right about him. He was a lot more trouble than she bargained for.
Having him stir so many feelings inside her was not good for the plan. She had to keep herself at arm's length, so that come time to stomp all over his heart, she'd feel nothing from it. It was a dangerous game she played, and she knew it. If she kept this up, she might not make it out of this with her heart in one piece.