InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Mission: Irresistible ❯ Dinner and Dancing ( Chapter 5 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

I'm sorry bout the short chaps, but I find it easier to update quickly if I don't have to spend ages typing up long chapters. Well anyway, hope you guys enjoying it so far.
Mission: Irresistible
Chapter 5
Kagome groaned as she slowly started to wake up. Squinting she eyed the clock on her bedside table. 6:27 pm. Screaming she jerked uproght. She had fallen asleep while doing last minute studying for tomorrow's test! 6:27. Inuyasha was coming at 7, which gave her just over 30 minutes to get ready. Instead of taking the bath she had intended to, she had to make do with the quickest shower ever in history.
6:32. She put on her black bra and matching underwear, then strode over to her wardrobe, flinging the doors open. It swung outward, but because of the force she used to open it, a door bounced back on itself to hit her side. “Ow!!!” Kagome rubbed her sore, and likely would-be-bruised-tomorrow, arm. “You ok, honey?” her mom's voice called up the stairs. “Yah mom, fine.” She winced as she rubbed a particularly sore spot. Damn, that had hurt. Well, let's choose something to wear. Kagome proceeded to rifle through her clothes. Skirts, tops, dresses and pants were being rejected and thrown on her bed one after another, forming a small mountain.
“Ah ha!” Kagome narrowed her eyes, then punched the air in triumph. She had found her beloved off the shoulder turquoise top. “So that's where you've been hiding! In the back of my wardrobe.” The material was impossibly soft with long sleeves. The colour would really compliment her eyes too. She pulled it on, and then coupled it with a pair of comfy jeans.
6:45. Kagome went over to her dressing table and found a pair of dangly blue earrings to match her top. She hastily put it on. Next she applied her clear, slightly shimmery lip-gloss, and a bit of blusher. She pulled her wavy hair into a messy ponytail, exposing her neck and bare shoulders. Kagome chuckled to herself. Phase one, make him drool!
6:57. She twirled in front of her full-length mirror. Hmm, not bad. She just had enough time to grab her purse and jacket before the doorbell rang. “I got it mom!” Kagome ran down the stairs, put on her strappy blue sandals, and opened the door. Inuyasha looked gorgeous, as always. Even in a plain red tee-shirt and jeans, he managed to look drool worthy.
“Have fun dear.” Her mom called after her.
“I will mom.”
“Use protection!”
This came from Souta, who was laughing manically. Kagome promptly turned a shade of red that could rival a tomato. Kagome made to go after him, but stopped when she realised who was standing next to her. She settled for glowering at Souta instead. Souta just stuck out his tongue at his sister, then ambled off into the house.
“Grr, that little… C'mon Inuyasha let's go.” With that Kagome stormed off down the shrine steps, hands fisted at her side. Inuyasha had watched the scene with some amusement, but decided against saying anything to Kagome, in fear of incurring her wrath. He did have some self-preservation instincts. As he followed her he couldn't help reflecting on how cute she had looked when she was angry.
Inuyasha took them to a trendy new Japanese restaurant. Glass booths separated all the tables, with the glass all misted to give an illusion of privacy (a/n even though the person next to you can hear even if they can't see, lol) There were small plants dotted here and there, and in the middle of the restaurant was a small koi pond, a bridge going over it. Inuyasha told the maitre d' his name, and Kagome was a little surprised when instead of leading them to a booth, the maitre d' led a them to the other side of the room, where a glass door swung open to reveal the most amazing garden she ever saw.
A larger version of the pond from inside was in the middle of the garden. Beautiful trees and flowers surrounded the clearing, and a string of tiny fairy lights illuminated the darkness, giving the garden an almost ethereal glow. In front of them was a table for two. A tall thin candle was lit in the middle of it, and sitting next to it was a solitary red rose in a skinny glass vase. A bottle of wine sat chilled and waiting for them. A bit off to the right a miniature orchestra was playing soft romantic music.
“So you like it?” Kagome turned and raised a brow at Inuyasha. “How did you mange this?”
“Let's just say I called in a favour.” Inuyasha smirked and led them to the table. The maitre d' had vanished. They seated themselves. They chatted for about five minutes about nothing in particular.
“Excuse me, would you like to order?” The voice came out of nowhere and startled Kagome. Inuyasha merely told him their order and turned back to her. She noticed the waiter had gone.
“So tell me about yourself, Kagome.” Kagome was surprised. She thought he would have launched into a monologue about himself, given the impression she had of him being a rude, arrogant insensitive jerk.
“Not much to tell really. I grew up in the shrine with my mum. My dad died in a car accident way back when I was only around 6. I remember seeing my mom heartbroken. She wouldn't leave his side at the hospital and we stayed with Jii-chan. He died in the hospital a month later.” Kagome's eyes were filled with pain at the memory of her long dead father. Inuyasha suddenly wished he hadn't brought it up. He remembered when his own father had died, leaving him in the care of his mother and half-brother Sesshoumaru.
Suddenly their orders were placed in front of them, the delicious aroma teasing their noses. Kagome looked up to see the waiter had disappeared again. She frowned at this. “Do you think they're being paid to sneak up on us, then disappear before we can say anything?” Inuyasha just laughed, and tucked into his food. Kagome followed suit.
They conversed about nothing in particular as they ate. Kagome found out his favourite colour was red, his hair wasn't dyed white, like what she'd assumed, and his favourite food was ramen. Inuyasha found out that Kagome loved blue, green and any shade between, has miko powers, and just loved dogs. He snickered a little to himself at that.
When they were through with their dessert, and lounged back against the chair, Kagome thought happily `Wow, I could do this every night.' Just then she felt his hand on hers. She opened her eyes. “Care to dance?” Kagome figured why not, she wasn't going to get another chance to, so she stood up and walked with him to the gap between their table and the orchestra. His hand closed over hers and she was suddenly pulled tight against his chest, as his arms encircled her waist she brought her hers around his neck. They slowly swayed to the sensual music.
Inuyasha closed his eyes and savoured the feel of her form pressed flushed against him. He inhaled and caught the scent of her hair. The sweet flowery smell of it made him think of innocence and purity, yet the musky undertones stirred his youkai blood, and he could barely contain the growl of pleasure threatening to come out of his mouth. As they swayed her hips brushed against his, sending all his brush rushing to his groin. He moaned as he felt himself harden. Luckily she hadn't seemed to notice this little fact, and carried on, oblivious to what he was feeling. He nuzzled into her hair against her neck. He'd been trying to ignore that exposed neck and shoulders all night, and suddenly it all seemed to much. Why should he have to hold back any longer?
Kagome gasped as she felt his lips on her neck. He nibbled just under her earlobes, and her knees nearly buckled under her, and would have if he hadn't been holding her. She felt him smirk against her neck, then flicked his tongue out and drew it over the shell of her ear. Such strange tingly sensation was flowing all through her body. She recognised it to be desire. It was scary to think he had this power over her. She jerked when she felt something sharp grazed her flesh. It had felt almost like a fang. She shrugged it off, thinking she was imagining things.
Inuyasha was relieved she hadn't notice his fang. He was scared she might question him about it, and he not ready got that. Suddenly he heard her yawn. “Kagome, you tired?”
“Just a bit.”
“Do you wanna go home?”
“Just a bit.”
“Ok. Come on sleepy head, back to the car.” He practically had to drag her half conscious body into the car, where she promptly fell asleep.
When he got her home, he carried her up the steps then set her down in front of the door. “Time to go to bed, koi.” Kagome immediately woke up, her befuddled mind thinking he could only mean one thing. Inuyasha chuckled as he imagined what was going on in her head. “You are sleepy, right?”
“Sleep? Oh yeah, sleep.” Absently she placed a light kiss on his lips, and went in before the stunned boy could respond. “Damn.” He muttered under his breath. Now he had to go home and take care of a currently uncomfortable appendage.
On the other side, Kagome brought tentative fingers to her lips, had she really just kissed him back there? What had possessed her? Sighing she turned up the stairs to her room, her mind going over that brief kiss, and how good it had felt.