InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Mission: Irresistible ❯ Roses Are Red ( Chapter 6 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Gomen, for not updating earlier! Well, anyway I just figured out what's gonna happen in the story and all, just gotta work out the lil details and how it ties together…and all? Well u know what to do, read and review! Also, school starts in a week, so when that happens, probably not as much updates either, what with the work and all.
Mission: Irresistible
Chapter 6
The next day at school was uneventful until lunch. Kagome had just finished eating and was heading off to her locker, when a group of giggling girls came up to her, and started interrogating her like there was no tomorrow.
“Is it true?”
“Are you really going out with Inuyasha Tetsusaiga?”
“Is he as hot as they say?”
“What's he like?”
“Have you fallen for him yet?”
“Have you pounced on him?”
Kagome blushed at this last question. An image of last night when she kissed him came to mind, but she shook her head. She wouldn't call it pouncing exactly…Now that she thought about it she kinda wished she had, since he was caught off guard and all. She immediately scolded herself for thinking like that. She hadn't even thought about kissing Hojo until their third date, and even then she wasn't this eager. Man Inuyasha must be affecting her brain and the way she thinks more than she realized.
Suddenly Sango bustled through the group of girls surrounding Kagome and grabbed her arm. Kagome sighed in relief, she didn't want to have to answer those questions.
“Thanks, Sango.”
Sango just raised a brow at her. “Don't think you're getting off that lightly. You're still telling ME, your bestest friend in the whole world since we were in our moms' womb, what happened. Got that?”
Kagome nodded and sped after Sango to their next class. She knew she'd have to tell Sango, they told each other everything. Usually she wouldn't mind, but she really wanted to keep this relationship personal. She sighed again. Maybe Sango could help with all these emotions and feelings she was experiencing. Nothing like a girl talk after your first big date.
Their next lesson was biology, which happened to be one of their most hated subjects. They partnered up and sat down at the table at the very back of the room, so they could talk. They always sat at the back to talk or nap, or just fool around.
“Good afternoon class. Today we will be dissecting a toad.” The teacher, Mr. Jaken, produced a scalpel from behind his back. The boys abruptly cheered, while some of the girls look nauseous. The rest of the girls were picking guys from the cheering crowd to be their partners, then proceeded to file their nails or whatever.
Kagome looked fairly green. Sango took pity on her and ask if she'd like her to do it. Kagome nodded and smiled her thanks. She hated these dissecting lessons. Last time it she had to excuse herself to the toilet and threw up for the whole lesson. Mr. Jaken, the prick, wasn't very sympathetic either, and made her write an essay on why she shouldn't pretend to be sick all lesson to get out of it.
Kagome and Sango grimaced at the same time Mr. Jaken brought a dead toad to their table, and slapped in down in front of them. He walked off with his nose in the air.
“If he looked anymore like a toad, someone might accidentally dissect him instead.” Sango spat and stuck her tongue at his retreating back. Kagome had to agree with her friend's uncharitable, but accurate, statement.
Sango proceeded to hack at the frog while talking to Kagome, who was leaning against the table refusing to look at the bloody thing.
“So what'd you do? Did you have fun?”
Kagome thought back. “Well, he took me to dinner at the new Japanese place. It was amazing, they had little koi ponds and all. Anyway, he said he called in a favor with the manager, and got us the whole garden to ourselves. There was this little orchestra playing next to us, and fairy lights everywhere. It was so romantic. After that we danced for a bit. I got really tired and he took me home.” Kagome blushed as she remembered what happened after that.
Sango, who knew Kagome really well, just narrowed her eyes in suspicion. “That's not all you did was it? C'mon spill. Did he put the move on you? I heard he can be awfully forward.”
Kagome blushed harder. When she replied it was in a tiny voice. “Um, actually. I was the forward one.” Sango sputtered. “You what? YOU jumped him? Oh my god Kagome, I didn't know you were like that.”
“NO, no! I just, kinda, ya know, pecked him on the lips. It was very innocent. I don't know what came over me.”
“So no tongue? Fondling? Nothing?”
“O.k. You know I'm worried about you. This plan could backfire real bad, then what would I be left with? A crying girlfriend who won't stop moping, just like every other girl he's gone out with.”
“I promise that won't happen.”
The bell rang the end of class. They cleared up, gathered their stuff then scuttled out before Mr. Jaken could make them do more work. He didn't seem to like them very much.
Kagome opened the front doors and stepped into her house. School had been pretty much the same as she remembered, except today all the girls seemed to have a special interest in her, being all flattering and charming. No doubt in the hope she'd introduce them to her new boyfriend.
“Kagome! Someone dropped something off for you earlier. I left it in your room.”
“Ok, mama!”
Her mom hid a small smile as her daughter rushed up to her room. When Kagome got in she dumped her bag on the floor and looked up to her desk. On it was the most amazing bouquet of red roses in a pretty vase. She gasped. There was a note attached to it. Kagome picked up the folded piece of paper and read it out.
Dear Kagome,
I had a wonderful time last night. I saw these roses and it reminded me of you. I just couldn't resist buying it. Are you free tomorrow night? I'll drop by at 6.30 and we can go out if you are. My best friend would like to meet you. Can we double with a friend of yours?
Inu xxx
Kagome brought a hand to her fluttering heart, and grinned. He was so sweet. If it wasn't for the plan, she'd be falling for him, and falling hard. She grimaced. She only hoped that all went according to her plan, she couldn't go falling in love with him, that would ruin everything! She wondered if he was starting to get smitten with her yet. She picked up the phone and dialed Sango's number.
Inuyasha paced back and forth in his room, scowling. What if she didn't want to meet Miroku? What if she didn't like the roses? What if she thought he was coming on too strongly? True, he always sent flowers, but not right after the first date. What if she thought he was getting just a little bit infatuated? Well, she'd be partly right. He couldn't seem to stop thinking about her last night, and most of the today. School had been dull as he heard all his friends talking around him, but not really listening.
“Inuyasha stop that already. It's getting on my nerves.”
“Shut up Miroku. I'm thinking.” He sent his scowl in the direction of his best friend.
“Well, don't hurt yourself.” Miroku was intrigued despite himself. No girl had ever had this effect on his friend before except Kikyo. Kikyo. Miroku frowned. He had thought the girl was nice when they started going out. He thought she would accept his friend. Boy was he wrong. Aside from her and Inuyasha's family, Miroku was the only one who knew about Inuyasha being hanyou. True, youkai were accepted among humans, but people weren't as lenient to hanyou. Inuyasha's parents dies over three years ago, and with that the only two other people who accepted him for what he was. Sesshomarou, his youkai brother from his dad's first marriage, was appointed as guardian. Since he didn't want to lower himself to caring for his hanyou brother, he had bought Inuyasha his own apartment and left him to his own devices.
Not that Inuyasha wasn't grateful for that. It had been pretty exciting and fun living on his own at sixteen. He met Miroku shortly after, and they had been best buds ever since.
“Hey Miroku, were you listening?”
“What? Hmm..yeah yeah whatever.”
“Great, so you agreed to go out with Kagome's charming young friend?”
“WHA?! Well, if she's pretty, why not.”
Inuyasha sighed to himself. Miroku was such a lech, he was probably thinking of what her butt looked like. He seated himself on the edge of his bed, and continued thinking about tomorrow night.
“No way Kagome!” (a/n hey that rhymes!lol)
“Aww please, Sango? I can't go by myself, besides what would his friend do while me and Inuyasha are there?”
“Take someone else.”
“But you're my best friend you have got to come with me! You can have that nail polish of mine you like so much.”
“Well, that and the lilac eyeshadow, and you got a deal.”
Kagome thought about it. She really liked that eyeshadow, but if that's what it took to get Sango to go, she'd do it. This would be a great opportunity to see how he acted around her with his friend.
An extra long chappie to make up for it! I will start the next one as soon as poss.