InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Mistaken Betrayal ❯ Strange Powers ( Chapter 4 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
A/N: I do not own InuYasha. Please review after you read! Hm...I wonder if this fic is worth posting. I have so few reviews. Oh well. I think I'll still post though, cause there are a some who reviewed it and liked it.
FataLFelineOfTheNight—Thanks for reviewing! Your one of the few who reviewed and keeps me posting.

Arthur'schick—Thanks! I know, I’m sorry for all the problems. ^__^; Forgive me. I forgot to revise this since I wrote it about a year or two ago and at that time I didn’t know she was 15. About the health thing, umm…if they’re so dense as to believe jii-chan’s made up illnesses and strange ailments, I don’t think they’ll really say anything about her cheerleading. (Hey, I’m not too bad at making up rebuttals.) I know Inu-chan wouldn’t run and cry, but for my purposes, let’s just say he’s extra sensitive or in heat or something. THANKS so much for reviewing. I accept your criticism because you pointed out where I went wrong. Thanks! I hate it when people just say a fic is horrible without saying specifically where and just flaming. Flames make me sad. I loved your review though! Review again! ^_________^

Part Four: Strange Powers
“Shippou, you know I’d always try to find a way back to you.” Gradually, Shippou ceased crying. Sango and Miroku still stood staring at Kagome.
“Kagome-chan, how did you get back through the well without the jewel? Why aren’t you wet?” Sango asked with a bewildered expression. Kagome looked puzzled for a second; then she revealed the glimmering pink jewel in her hand. The others gasped. They clamored in surprise.
“Lady Kagome, how did you put the jewel back together?”
“I don’t think this is the shikon-no-tama. It…feels different. I feel…more attached to it, like…I don’t know. The shikon-no-tama came from within me, but it was already whole. This, it feels as if I made it. I know it sounds stupid, but I think I created it.”
“Can I see it Lady Kagome?” Kagome nodded and handed the jewel to the houshi. As the orb touched Miroku’s hand, it began to glow. The light gleamed brighter as it came in full contact to Miroku’s covered hand. Unexpectedly, Miroku fell to the ground.

Inside Miroku’s mind:
Why am I seeing myself as a child? Father. No. I don’t want to see this again. Huh? Wait…this next feeling isn’t mine…its…Kagome’s! This jewel…she’s right, it was created by her…the jewel was made of her strength and sorrow!

Back in the waking world:
“Miroku!” “Houshi-sama!” “What happened?” “What’s wrong?”
::Miroku stirred from his position on the floor. His hand, as always, drifted toward a certain someone’s butt:: “Hentai!” Sango’s hand made its journey towards Miroku’s cheek. The houshi reached out with his hand and grasped her wrist then gasped in surprise. The beads on his hand were gone, as well as the void! All three froze for a second. Kagome slowly reached forward and retrieved the jewel from where it hand tumbled from Miroku’s stunned hands.
“Miroku! How did the air rip disappear?!”
“Lady Kagome, you were right. The jewel is made from you. If I’m not mistaken, did you not cry beside the well? ::Kagome nods.:: I think your tears and sorrow traveled through the well to form this new jewel. It is my belief that when I came in contact with the jewel, it felt your desire to rid me of my curse. When I fell unconscious, I saw the most dreaded event of my past and then…I felt your sorrow. Afterwards, I woke. Is the void really gone?”
“It appears to be, Miroku.” They were still left in utter shock.
After the shock, Kagome asked, “Where’s InuYasha?”
They looked down. “We don’t know where he is, Kagome.”
“Oh…I understand.” Kagome looked down for a moment then smiled brightly. “Well, if this new jewel healed Miroku of the thing causing him the most sorrow, it should work for you too, wouldn’t it Sango?” Sango looked startled but accepted the proffered jewel. The moment it touched Sango, it began to glow once more. Within Sango’s mind, she saw the instant where her entire family was slaughtered. Then she saw the remains of her plundered village. Next, she saw her brother drawing back his weapon to attack her. A moment later, she witnessed a small boy running toward a man with an air rip that was swallowing him. Following that, she felt what had to be Kagome’s sorrow and determination. When she woke, she once again relayed what she saw to her anxious friends. Kagome looked deep in thought.
“Lady Kagome, I believe that since the jewel was created by you, it knew about our troubles. Since you wanted to help us, I think the jewel reacted to that and got rid of my air rip. I don’t know what it’ll do for Sango though.”
“Kohaku.” Sango whispered into the air. “It has to be. I mean, you saw the air rip and yours was rid of. I saw my family and my village, and since the dead can’t be brought back to life, the jewel must have freed Kohaku from Naraku’s talons! Oh Kohaku!” Sango began to sob as Miroku gently gathered her into his arms.
“Umm…I’ll leave you two alone. Come along Shippou. We have to find…Inuyasha.” Kagome’s voice became slightly strangled when she said his name. When Miroku and Sango looked at her questioningly, Kagome replied, “I’m fine. Don’t worry. Just stay inside, out of this storm.” She gathered Shippou into her arms and left.
“Kagome, can I call you okaa-san?” Shippou asked shyly.
“Hai Shippou…my son.” Kagome smiled warmly at him as he clung tighter to her. Both were shrouded in a blanket of dry air. Trekking through the soaked forest grounds in search of Inuyasha, Kagome suddenly ‘realized’ something. He was never far from the group, unless…Kikyou was there. Her sudden stop made Shippou stir from his sleep.
“Okaa-san? Is something wrong?”
“Iie Shippou.” As she said this, she tried to hold in her tears, but to no avail. As a single tear escaped, Shippou reached up with his little paw and wiped it away, concern shining in his little eyes. “I’m okay Shippou.” She pulled Shippou closer, and he (Will someone tell me if Shippou is a she or he? <_>) stiffened. Kagome opened her eyes and gasped. Lodged in her son’s back was an arrow (not a purifying one). He raised his head to look at her with pain-glazed eyes before he fell unconscious. “SHIPPOU! IIE!”

In a cave not too far away, a hanyou’s ears twitched as he caught the sound of someone calling Shippou’s name through the rain. He quickly got up and dashed toward the sound.

Kagome raised her head and looked at the archer who shot her kit. Anger flashed brightly in her eyes. “How dare you Kikyou. You have hurt my son!” Kagome’s anger swirled around her. It seemed that her emotions were the key to her power. (Sorrow created the jewel, anger…well you’ll see.) Unexpectedly, a bright pink flame appeared in Kagome’s free hand, her other still clutching Shippou. Gazing in surprise at the orb in her hands, she shot it at Kikyou who dodged just in time to avoid having her entire self purified. Kikyou drew an arrow and shot it at Kagome, attempting to kill her reincarnate. A blazing silver-pink shield formed around the miko, warding off the undead miko’s attempt.
“Kikyou, I will not kill you seeing as Inuyasha loves you. It would cause him great pain to find you dead once again, but if you ever hurt one of my friends or family again, you will die. Leave now.” Kikyou glared at her reincarnate for a moment them left by way of her soul stealers. (What are these called? Something with an S, I think. ~_<)
When Kikyou left, Kagome dropped to her knees and laid Shippou on the ground gently. “Shippou, my son. Don’t leave me. I love you. I’m sorry I couldn’t protect you. Oh kami, onegai…bring him back.” As Kagome wept, her entire body began to glow. The light spread until it enveloped both mother and son.

Inuyasha ran at a furious pace until he caught three scents. Shippou, Kagome and Kikyou. His heart squeezed and froze. When he neared the site, he heard Kagome’s voice telling Kikyou that she wouldn’t kill her because he loved her. When he broke from the trees, he saw Kikyou floating away and Kagome huddled over something. Then, a glow surrounded his beloved; he caught a glimpse of what she was holding. A bleeding Shippou with an arrow in his back. Tears were visible on her cheeks. He looked at them as they glowed and realized that neither was wet from the pouring rain. He gasped when he saw the arrow disintegrate and the blood on Shippou’s clothes seem to return to him, his wound closing.

A little orange paw lifted and brushed the tears from her face. “Okaa-san, you did save me.”
Kagome opened her eyes, surprise evident on her face. “Shippou-chan, you’re all right! I thought I lost you to her arrow. Oh my son. Gomen.”
“Mommy, it’s okay. I’m okay now; don’t cry. Aishiteru.” Inuyasha approached the duo carefully.
“Kagome? Are you okay?” Kagome stiffened for a second then turned with Shippou in her arms to look at the hanyou.
“I’m fine Inuyasha. Inuyasha, you’re all wet, you’ll catch a cold.” Kagome couldn’t help worrying over him, even if he didn’t like her. “Come here.” Kagome reached out an arm and as soon as she came in contact with him, he became enveloped in dry air as well. Kagome gasped when Inuyasha enveloped her in a hug. “Inuya…”
“Shhh. Kagome…gomen. I’m so sorry. I yelled at you for something you didn’t do. I’m sorry Kagome. Can you forgive me?”
Kagome looked stunned for a moment then said, “Always Inuyasha, always.” Her heart had melted when he apologized, for she knew how difficult it was for him to apologize. Inuyasha cupped her chin in his clawed hand and lowered his lips to hers gently. It was her first kiss. Sweet…gentle…Inuyasha. The rain stopped.
“Mommy, uh sorry to interrupt, but uh, can I go to Kaede’s?” He gave Kagome a knowing look, causing her to blush.
“Of course Shippou. But be careful.” Kagome knew now that Kikyou wouldn’t be back for a while.

“What about Kikyou, Inuyasha. I saw the condition your clothes were in when I saw you. I know you love…her.”
“Kagome, I didn’t mate with her. I stopped myself before. I don’t love her Kagome. I love only you. I will forever. Please believe me.” Kagome looked into his endearing golden eyes and saw the truth and desperateness there. She threw her arms around him.
“Aishiteru Inuyasha.” He hugged her. When they backed away slightly, he pressed his lips to hers once again. “Mine.” He whispered into her lips. His tongue licked gently at her lips, and she complied. His tongue stroked along the interior of her mouth lazily and then began to slither in and out. Kagome moaned slightly as heat began to pool in her center. Her tongue sparred with his and dipped into his mouth to inspect his canines. When they pricked her tongue slightly, she shivered and gasped. Inuyasha reveled in the feeling she was causing with a mere kiss.

A/N: Bwahahahaha! ::Sticks tongue out.:: No lemon for you guys till next chapter! Hehehe. Next chappie- Inu & Kag and Kikyou’s demise. Me like reviews. Me want now! ::Wah! Sobbing like a baby:: ::Suddenly stop crying:: Well, excuse me there. Had a sudden relapse into childhood. ^__^ Please Review! Even if all you type is one letter! I’ll at least know that someone out there reads my fics! If ya wanna read a lemon in the next chappie, then REVIEW! Onegai? ::Kneeling before your feet and worshiping the ground you walk on—puppy dog face—pouting::