InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Mommy ❯ Flight of Time ( Chapter 5 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer: I do not own Inu Yasha….but I wish I did

~Flight of Time~

I smiled as I walked down the hallway with my Lord, we had been married for eight months and my stomach was slowly growing bigger each day. Young Lord Sesshoumaru would sit beside me everyday his father did business and I would explain how each of the visitors were reacting.

"Lady Aisuru may I speak with you?" young Lord Sesshoumaru asked and I smiled as I looked at my Lord.

"Of course you may, my young Lord," I said as I took, his small arm and walked away from the meeting room and my Lord. "What did you wish to speak with me about?" He looked at me and sighed.

"I…I wish to ask you…for….your….your help," he hissed and I realized he was giving up much pride asking me for help.

"In whatever way you need, my young Lord, I would be honored to assist you," I smiled as I squeezed his hand. "What do you need of me?" He looked completely shocked and somewhat nervous as he looked at me and took a deep breath.

"My father does not wish to train me yet. I want to learn how to fight, many of the other youkai children fight outside the fortress while the meetings take place, I wish to join them and prove our family strong, but…without my father's help…I…I," I placed my hand on his shoulder and smiled at him.

"Young Lord Sesshoumaru, I will talk with your father and tell him about your desire to prove yourself worthy of Lord Koushi's title and lands to the other young youkai Lords. My one request is that you will do the same for your brother or sister when he or she is born," I said as I placed his hand on my swollen belly, just as my child kicked. His face was a mask of shock as he rested his hand against my belly, eyes wide as he looked at me and then at my belly.

"I…I felt…so strong…how…how does it not hurt you?" he asked as he looked at my stomach longingly, I slowly took his head and pressed his ear against my belly, much as my Lord would do at night before going to sleep. The look of awe and wonder on young Lord Sesshoumaru's face was priceless. I took my hands away but he continued to listen to his unborn sibling. He looked back up at me and smiled slightly, the first smile I had seen him ever give.

"Arigato," he said with a look of joy in his eyes and I smiled and nodded.

"I will tell you the next time my child is feeling active, then you can feel and listen all you want," I said as I took his arm again. "It is time to join your father, I will discuss it with him tonight."


I sat with my embroidery as my Lord entered our bedchamber, removing his armor and smiled as he saw me sitting by my lamp.

"Aijin, I am wondering when our child will appear," he said as he approached me, gently placing a hand over my womb, smiling happily when the child within kicked his hand repeatedly.

"I am sure it will be soon," I said as I finished and cut the thread with my teeth. "However I would like to discuss something with you my Lord." He looked at me and sat in front of me so we could talk face-to-face.

"Yes, Aisuru, what is it?" he asked, his eyes shining with curiosity.

"I spoke with young Lord Sesshoumaru this morning and I discovered that many of the youkai you speak with bring their pups. I did not know that and when I asked young Lord Sesshoumaru where these pups were, he told me they were fighting outside the fortress. At first I thought he wished me to get you to stop it and then I realized this was normal behavior and that he wished to join them in their fights," I said as I took my husband's hand. "But your obocchan does not want to show any weakness and so I told him that he should come to you for training in combat, he said you would not approve." Koushi seemed shocked and then smiled at me.

"Do you wish to know why my obocchan wishes to fight?" he asked and I smiled.

"My Lord, I already know, I spend most of my days in the library and I have learned much of your kind's history. I know that from a young age a Lord must show dominance to others of his kind. Young Lord Sesshoumaru wishes to join his peers but only if he has the skill to be the most dominant of the pups," I said and my husband was dumb with shock. I smiled as I stroked his cheek. "I am a quick learner my Lord and if you wish I myself could teach him the beginnings of swordplay, I am skilled with a katana, my brothers taught me when I was young so that if we were attacked while traveling I could pretend to be a boy and defend myself."

"You are full of surprises then, you may begin my obocchan's training once you have delivered this child and are well again," he said as he placed a clawed hand over my womb again. I smiled at him, soon my child would be born and I could help young Lord Sesshoumaru.

Obocchan - son

Author's Note: I'm sorry for the shortness of this chapter but I wanted the birth of Inu Yasha to be in a chapter of its own.