InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Moonlight through the Broken Ice ❯ Snow and Fire ( Chapter 3 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

DISCLAIMER: Never did own anything important…Never own Inuyasha and the gang…Sesshoumaru isn't mine…if he even exists in this world…but in my world, he is. Grrrrr…sesshou….
Shippo lay beside Kagome to go to sleep. Miroku and Sango were outside asking Inuyasha what happened. He told them what he knew and even they were surprised when he told them what Sesshomaru did.
Sango and Miroku went inside the hut to rest for the night hoping that everything will be okay. Inuyasha heard a noise from the hut, knowing Miroku; he could guess quite right what happened. Miroku groped Sango's butt and received a brain-shattering slap from Sango in return.
Inuyasha went up to his tree to rest for the night. He stared at Kaede's hut. "Kagome…" he whispered. Then he looked far to the western lands, his eyes narrowed. 'Sesshomaru.  . . What are you up to now?. . . .'
Chapter 3
Sesshomaru was now in the safety of his domain and resting inside his chamber. He was furious and confused.
"Why did the Tenseiga want to save that human, and also that bastard hanyou? Why did it react that way as if it was being called?" And more confusing thoughts flooded his mind. 'That human miko. . . why does she still call for my bastard half-brother even if he cannot protect her. He cannot make her happy, yet she obediently follows him around. What is it with that human girl that makes me act this way. . .Her existence is disrupting this one's thoughts to the point that I have to question my own actions .' he thought to himself unable to voice it out loud.
He may be expressionless or even with ice cold looks on his face, but nobody knew how his emotions welled up inside him. He is what he is now, cold and deadly, because of his efforts of concealing his emotions since he was a child. He doesn't want emotions, because he doesn't want to have weaknesses. But now. . . . Just this one human emotion is tearing him apart, and it enraged him. He wants to be in control of everything. . . . And he won't accept being controlled by anything. . . . Not by a mere human emotion. . . . And certainly not by a mere human girl.
There was a light knock on his door and he was startled out of his thoughts. He can't believe he let his guard down enough that he wasn't even able to sense that someone was just outside his chamber door; he really was in deep thought to let that happen. He then sensed Rin and ordered her to come in.
"Sesshomaru-sama, Rin wants to know if Sesshomaru-sama is feeling well. Jaken told Rin that Sesshomaru-sama is back and looks. . . . different" Rin said while walking closer to him. She wasn't feeling cheerful either at that time because of her concern for her surrogate father's wellbeing.
Sesshomaru just stood there staring at Rin's brown eyes. He felt at ease with the girl's presence. 'It was this little girl that opened the window to this one's own locked-up emotions. This one started to realize some of these emotions because of her but still there not enough to make me feel again. . . . but that miko. . . she is different. . . ..'
Rin waited for Sesshomaru's reply but he still didn't move. She could see his golden eyes staring "through" her and not "at" her, so she tugs on the vast sleeves of his white silk kimono.
The light pull on his side was enough to catch his attention. He blinked once as he focuses his eyes on the girl now standing beside him, her eyes full of concern. . . .
'Concern. . . . A sweet human emotion and this little girl has shown me that more than once! This one has lost the battle within myself to seal off all those emotions when I let Rin live, and allow her to follow me. And now. . . .another human is breaking in to this one's barriers.'
He was confused, alright. He wants to know more about what would make him act that way towards the human miko, but he's also afraid of what it might do to him, and fear is something very unreal to his being. He has never feared anyone, let alone a human.
"I am well, Rin. Go play with Jaken. Dinner will be ready soon." He let a barely noticeable smile touch his lips. That one simple, yet very rare smile made the girl happy. Rin obeyed her father-figure and ran out the door of his chamber looking for Jaken.
After Rin left, he was lost in his thoughts again.
Kagome was given days to rest until she was fully recovered from her injuries from Kikyou's wrath. Everyone told her what happened during the time that she was unconscious, and during her near death experience. She couldn't believe the fact that Sesshomaru would come to save her and Inuyasha from their own deaths. She looked at Inuyasha, but he was not even looking at her during that time. Every time the topic was set on Sesshomaru, Inuyasha would fall into deep thought. They were all confused about this and so decided to put aside the topic for a while.
It was a fine day. So they all decided to continue their journey to find new shards.
Kagome and Inuyasha decided to look for some shikon shards on their own while Sango, Miroku and Shippo tried to gather more information about where the shards might be.
With the help of their friends information, it didn't take them long to find the shard that she detected some good miles from the village.
It took them a day to get there so they decided to look for a place to stay for a while especially when the darkness of the night was starting to make itself known. Not to mention that they were in a snowy mountain top right now and it seems like a snow blizzard is coming their way. Inuyasha found a small hut in the forest and decided to stay put for a while. They set up a fire to warm them up. Kagome insisted that Inuyasha should take a rest, too, and use her extra sleeping bag for a while, and he knew better than to fight against her. Not with that look on her face that says "sit" all over it.
Kagome slept near the fire while Inuyasha sat on his sleeping bag opposite her. He was looking intently outside the hut from the small window. He could sense something from the blizzard that makes him feel restless. The wooden door sprang open, letting the chill in. He stood up and went to the door to shut it again but as soon as he closed it and turned to go back to his sleeping bag, he felt something cold prick his neck, just under his right ear. He touched it, but there was nothing. He thought it must have been an insect and so decided to go to bed. But when he tried to step forward he felt cold all over. He knew he closed the door, but why does he feel like this.
Inuyasha tried to move but he felt stiff. His body seemed so heavy and numb from the cold. He was shocked and frightened at the same time, not for himself but for Kagome. If this continued, he wouldn't be able to save her from what might attack them next. He desperately tried to shout to wake her up but he couldn't. Everything seemed to be spinning all over the place until he fell to the floor face down, he tried to reach for Kagome, but he couldn't, until there was nothing else but total darkness.
Kagome was startled by the loud thud and not to mention the impact she felt from something big and heavy falling near her. She sat up on her sleeping bag to look at what it was. She then found Inuyasha lying on the floor next to the door. The snow coming from the window already covered him partially. She stood up and kneeled down beside him. She touched his cheeks and was shocked to find them so cold. His coat was soaking wet and his lips were turning blue. She feared that he must be dying from hypothermia and quickly pulled him on his sleeping bag. She took her blanket and put it over him, but she knows it won't be enough because his cloths won't do him any good but they will rather makes things worse. So she took them off him while he was under her blanket, despite her flaming face. She put his clothes and sword aside to dry and stood up again to get her extra blanket to warm him up. She stayed up trying to help him and putting wood on the fire that Inuyasha had gathered earlier to keep him warm.
The fire provided her just enough light to permit her to see that he had shifted position since she had left him last. His breathing was softer. She bent over and placed her hand over his forehead, rested there - and then, so quickly that she was paralyzed with the shock of it - her wrist was imprisoned in an iron grip. One hard jerk brought her off balance. Her knees collided with the floor, and with a shocked gasp she tumbled onto the sleeping bag.
Kagome no sooner felt the softness of the sleeping bag beneath her back then he was on top of her. She would have cried out if she had the chance but the weight of his body crushed the air from her own. She tried to catch her breath, tried to speak, but the sheer size of him suffocated her. Her nose and mouth were pressed into the warm, smoothly furred skin, bare all over except for a tiny piece of cloth as his undergarment. The warm scent of musky and fresh greens in the woods filled her nose.
He shifted just a bit so that he was not completely on top of her, and she managed to turn her face to the side and suck in air, that helped restore her brain to function again. The shock of being brutally grabbed was subsiding, and fear took its place.
His mouth nuzzling her neck confirmed her second worst fear, after the fact of being brutally killed, that is. She stiffened, afraid to move as his lips touched over the tender skin of her jaw and throat. His lips were warm and moist, and his mouth was open as he nibbles on her earlobe. His tongue touched then followed the swirls of her ear, Kagome lay frozen afraid to move for fear of making him do something more drastic.
But she feared what he would do next. Though she had never personally experienced it, she had heard about it from her much liberated friends.
She had to stop him, but she don't know how, with her right hand trapped beneath the weight of his body and her left hand imprisoned by his grip on her wrist, she was helpless. He was lying over her legs, pinning them down, making her unable to even kick.
His tongue traced the line of her jaw, sending shivers down her spine. Then he nuzzled the soft skin beneath her chin. She twisted her head away, struggling desperately to be free. He let out a soft growl as he trailed tiny kisses over her throat.
"Stop this, Inuyasha!" She hissed. "Stop right now!" But he didn't seem to hear her at all. She could hear a low growl again in his throat as he kissed her lips and nibbled on them, applying pressure on her lower lip by biting it but not to the extent of hurting her, more like teasing her in the moment. His body was poised over hers, still pushing her down into the sleeping bag but with his weight shifted slightly to the side so that she could breathe. His imprisoning thigh, bare where her blanket that she used to cover him had ridden up, rubbed up and down over her own. Kagome realized to her horror that she could feel the heat and texture of it so well because her own thighs were bare, too. Somehow, her struggling had caused her miniscule skirt to be pushed up to her waist.
If she didn't find a way to stop him now, he would surely succeed in what he was planning to do to her. She would be raped and ruined. She may love Inuyasha but this isn't exactly how she wants her first experience to be.
"Please, Inuyasha, you must let me go! Stop it! Please!" He kissed her lips passionately by way of reply. She then realized that he was not really awake at all and perhaps he was in the midst of an erotic dream and was acting it out on her person!
'But who was he dreaming about?. . . . And WHAT AM I THINKING?. . . . I'm about to be raped and I'm thinking who he was dreaming about?. . . . Shit! I have to do something to snap him out of this!'
"Inuyasha! Wake up!" Kagome shouts as she struggled under him. 'I can't believe it; he can') even hear me with those super sensitive ears of his. What... he suddenly turned deft on me now?'
The only answer was his lips sliding along her cheeks. She felt so weak as she tried to throw him off, he wouldn't even budge. Then she felt his knee slide between her thighs.
For an instant, she registered the hard strength of the thigh that parted her legs; the heat of his skin gave excitement to her that shocked her. She felt his claws gently strip her underwear from her with just a quick movement of his clawed fingers. Fright and outrage and even her strong moral sense banished the heat flickering within her almost at once. But there was no way for her to stop him. As she tried desperately to close her legs that were pried apart, she felt his hard manhood pressing against the most secret place at the juncture of her thighs. The sensation was startling and unknown to her. Kagome opened her mouth to scream hoping to wake him up, but before so much as a squeak could emerge, Inuyasha covered her lips with his own. She was nearly choked as he thrust his tongue deep into her mouth. His weight was on her again; his arms around her, his head bent to hers as he ruthlessly kissed her. She felt him harden more. Gasping, she abruptly ceased her struggles as an undulating wave of white heat radiated down her legs and up her spine.
His mouth freed hers and slid along the side of her cheek to her neck. Her hands were suddenly free too, as he shifted again, lifting his hips even as he moved his hands down her body, learning the shape of her. His fingers found and closed over her breasts, cupping the soft globes, teasing the nipples through her thin cotton blouse. Kagome gritted her teeth against the sudden urge just to surrender.
Then his other knee wedged in beside the first, and her legs were spread wide.
AUTHOR'S NOTE: I know it is rude of me to stop it here. . . . but. . . . There's nothing I could do. . . . I love torturing all of you until you gave me some reviews. . . . . . . don't worry, the next chapter will be posted within this week, again. . . It's a good thing someone special is actually helping me revise this chapters, CASEDEPUTY, I owe you a hell lot of thanks for this…I'm sure Sesshoumaru will agree…
Sesshoumaru: Indeed…
Sesshoumaru came bashing into the room, and this time he don't hide his anger. Bloodlust practically screams in his eyes.
Sesshou: "Where are you, bitch! You said Kagome will be mine, but what have you done with the story?" (He said almost growling every word.)
He sensed that Moonlight Scion is hiding under the bed and lift it up with his one hand and throws it away. (Now MS have to sleep on the floor.) T_T
He picks MS up by her shirt and pushes her hard on the wall.
Moonlight Scion: (Definitely terrified!) "Se - Sess-chan. . . . I'm just carried away . . . by the story. . . . i-if you want. . . . y-you can change it. . . ." (Oooppss! she shouldn't have said that!)
He stops growling at her and put her down again, thinking if he should consider. Then he saw the computer (the story is on the screen, she was finishing it when he came.) MS saw something gleaming in his eyes, and then he grinned at her and looks back to her computer. He relaxes himself on a chair and start typing his own version of the story. . . . .
MS: So, please. . . . . If you don't like the next chapter, it's not my fault. Sesshoumaru changed it, okay?. . . . . GOMENASAI!
Again, please read and review!