InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Moonlight through the Broken Ice ❯ So...I am human, right? ( Chapter 6 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: if I say I own them nobody will believe me…I don't own them, so please don't sue me…
He frowns at the sudden thought. 'It is you again.'
'You may not accept it, but she might just gain access to your frigid heart. No, wait, she already has, that is why you are in this situation now.'
'Be grateful that this one can not kill you, because if I could, it would be my great pleasure to tear you from limb to limb.'
'Indeed, and it would only be possible if you want to commit suicide, a very painful one, too!'
'Go away!'
Once he reached the clearing, he mentally ordered Jaken to take Rin and Ah-Un back to the shiro ahead of him. He doesn't want Rin to see the bloodied sight of Kagome.
Chapter 6
Sesshomaru took the still unconscious miko to a nearby hot spring. Her blood-coated body needed to be washed soon before he could take her into his shiro. He wouldn't like the idea of Rin seeing her in such condition.
He gently put her down on top of a flat rock. She still held a death grip on the Tetsusaiga. He rips away her tattered clothing leaving only the lacey piece of garment that covers her shapely bosom, and the silk underwear.
'She may look like a child because of her youthful face, but her body proves she is more than that. She is a blooming young lady.'
Sesshomaru let out a low growl as if to warn his invisible enemy in his mind. 'This is not the time to be thinking about that.'
Sesshomaru thought of ripping away the remaining undergarments but decided not to, when he remembered her ear-splitting scream that he often heard whenever she was furious at Inuyasha while he was following her before. He carried her again after he takes off his armor and haori and put them aside. Flaring his youkai a bit to detach his mokomoko, the fur-like tail that was miraculously free from any blood, to keep it from getting wet and allowing it to move on its own towards the safety of his still dry haori, carefully avoiding the smear of blood on it, a very conceited mokomoko that is.
He gently dip their bodies into the warm water, he heard her gasp when the water touches her bare skin.
Kagome twitches and frowns once the water reaches her wounds.
Sesshomaru sat on top of a rock protruding just above the water, as he pulled Kagome onto his lap. He supported her with his right arm while the other one gently cleansed her wounds. Once she is free from the disturbing scent of blood, her own scent tickles Sesshomaru's sensitive nose.
Most of the time, her scent could relax and make him feel comfortable but in this situation, it's different. Their proximity and her almost naked state arouse his senses bringing on some of his most bestial urges. He could feel himself getting hard and he thought she might wake up because of his arousal poking her side.
Sesshomaru didn't want this sensation right now. Her effect is disturbing and dangerously shattering every bit of control he has on his libido. He has never been aroused by anyone so easily. Not even by the most beautiful demoness in heat. But why then can this human make him feel like this?
He carried her again and used his haori to cover her body along with the Tetsusaiga. He decided to leave his armor behind and let his retainer come back to get it for him. He called forth his mokomoko towards him and let it slither over his shoulder and attach to him again with another flare of his youki. The crimson miasma was formed beneath him and carried them back to his domain.
Sesshomaru felt her stir in his arms. 'She must be dreaming about something.' He tried to tap into her dream but was surprised that his mind was pushed back by a barrier.
"Kagome… Kagome. . ."
Kagome slowly opened her eyes, to find herself floating again inside her mind's sanctuary.
"It's you, again. I guess this means I'm still alive, huh." She put her hand below her neck unconsciously, just out of habit. Her eyes grew wide when she remembers something when her fingers found nothing that should have been hanging around her neck.
"Damn, I forgot the Shikon no Tama!" She shrieked as panic starts to seep into her.
"Do not worry. The Shikon is safe. Your body absorbed the jewel while you were unconscious. Your life energy that flowed out of your body caused for the Shikon to react to your power. It merged itself, purified, and returned inside you. The warm voice explained.
She unconsciously put her hand on the scar that the centipede woman inflicted when the Shikon was snatched out of his body.
"No, Kagome. It is not placed in there. It is now in your heart."
Kagome touches the part where her heart is. She suddenly felt warm, then four bright lights appeared and surrounded her.
Then she heard them speak inside her head. He could hear voices that relaxed her very being. They were different before.
"Do not be afraid, osanago.(little one)" The voice came from the pink light.
"We are your friends." It was from the blue one now.
"Be at ease. You are safe in here with us," Said the red light.
"You do not have to worry. We will explain everything to you," Said the yellow light.
"Who. . . What are you? And why didn't I see you the last time?" Kagome asked.
"We could not manifest ourselves in front of you if we are incomplete and currently out of your body. Kagome, we are the four souls of the Shikon no Tama.
"Ara-mitama (courage)" Said the red sphere of light.
"Nigi-mitama (family or friendship)" Said the blue sphere of light.
"Kushi-mitama (wisdom)" Said the yellow sphere of light.
"Saki-mitama (love)" Said the pink light.
The voices from the blue and pink light were soft and feminine, while the red and yellow lights were low and masculine, yet gentle.
"May I ask something? I want to know . . . why me? I mean, why is the Shikon inside me? Is it because I'm Kikyou's reincarnation?" Kagome asked.
The yellow sphere of light comes closer to Kagome before she heard a gentle masculine voice.
"Osanago, we guess this is the right time for you to know the truth. We needed a new body after Kikyou burned the jewel with her body. You are not her reincarnation like you thought you were. You are more than that."
"So, you mean, my resemblance to her physically and even her powers were just a coincidence?"
"No, child, we needed a body to live in. And since Kikyou was the last one to purify the jewel, her soul serves as the jewel's guardian in the other world. After nearly five hundred years we found the woman who suited our needs. Your mother has a pure soul and inner power that comes from her ancestor and the fact that your father's bloodline possesses holy power only added up to the benefits that we needed to make the best possible guardian for the Shikon no tama. We entered her body and waited until her body was ready to conceive a child." The yellow light continued.
The blue light comes closer and continued what the yellow light was explaining. "We, the four souls, became one spirit and live inside the new life's heart. Your heart. Human nature is correctly maintained between us. But in order to exist within your body we created a much stronger physical body for you and so, we used some of Kikyou's physical characteristics to create you though most of your looks still came from your mother. Your powers, however, are the combination of energy that you inherited from both your parent's bloodline and from Midoriko which is much more powerful than Kikyou's, you just have to learn how to control it in full."
"So . . . am I human? If you created me, then that makes me. . . I don't know . . . something else?" She asked a little confused.
"Do not worry, osanago. You are human, in body and in heart. But still you are special from everyone else." The red sphere assured her.
Kagome absorbed the new knowledge about herself. The fact that she's not Kikyou's reincarnation somehow feels good but that her looks were copied from her . . . well, it's a little unnerving. 'Then, whose soul is it that was taken from me when Kikyou was revived?' she thought.
The pink sphere answered her as if reading her thought. "It was yours and some of her residual emotions that clinged to the jewel after her death. It was created because of her hate and love towards the hanyou, Inuyasha."
Upon hearing his name, Kagome felt the shattering pain in her heart. Her knees were drawn close to her chest, her arms around her legs and her face hidden as her forehead touches her knees. She was crying again as she remembered Inuyasha. Her body still floats inside her sanctuary.
"We are sorry, child. It is too late for us to do anything to help him." The four souls said in unison. They encircle her before entering her body.
The soft voice of the woman who first spoke to her came back. "Kagome. . . you must wake up now. Everything will be alright. You are not alone . . . waking up. . ."
Sesshomaru felt her stir again in her sleep. He stopped tapping into her mind when he learned that the barrier becomes stronger every time he tries to break it.
Kagome's soft sobs not quiet enough to escape his sensitive hearing and for a moment thought of waking her. But soon after that, she slowly opens her tear-stricken eyes.
Kagome could see silver hair and golden eyes through her blurry vision. Her heart skips a beat as she tried to raise her hand to touch his cheek lightly. "Inuyasha. . ." she murmured. Then fear began to flow into her being when she saw who the youkai was. Her eyes grew wide and went wild as if looking for a place to escape.
Sesshomaru felt something stir in his heart when he heard her speak of his brother's name. 'So, she has mistaken me for the hanyou.' "Human, it is not wise for you to move around, while we are in a rather high place."
Kagome looked around her and realized what Sesshomaru means. She tried to move her hands but found them to be locked inside the silk haori that's wrapped around her body. She recognized Sesshomaru's haori because of its intricate pattern, making her cheeks flare in six shades of red.
"Where are you taking me?" She murmured.
"To my domain, you are badly wounded and need to be tended as soon as possible."
"Why are you helping me?" Kagome asked, she still couldn't believe that she is now in the taiyoukai's arms and he's helping her.
Sesshomaru stared at Kagome, thinking on whether to answer her or not. He decided to tell her the truth, well, part of it. "I cannot leave you there defenseless . . . with the Tetsusaiga, the fact that this one cannot hold the Tetsusaiga and you are holding it with a death grip, makes this one believe it is only logical to carry you instead…I also happen to owe you for restoring my arm. Consider this my payment." The last statement seems just an afterthought, though his eyes narrowed a bit as he did.
"How about Inuyasha?" she asked.
"This Sesshomaru believes that the hanyou's body will be taken care of by the taijiya and the houshi. About your indecent clothing, I discarded them since they were covered with blood and so is your body. This one does not wish for my young ward to see anyone in such a condition." He said knowing that the question about her naked state would come next.
Kagome blushed from both embarrassment and anger once she heard the word indecent and the thought of her being naked in front of him makes her wish to have a set of subjugating beads to put on the taiyoukai's neck so she can sit him to hell. Honestly, how many more from Sengoku Jidai will see her naked? But it all vanished when the thought of him doing all of this for the sake of a child, a human child, makes her feel a little at ease with the taiyoukai. She murmured her thanks to Sesshomaru.
Sesshomaru looked at her for only a second but didn't answer. A few minutes pass before he speaks again. "We are here. . ."
Thanks to a wonderful beta-reader who put her best in every chapter to make this flow smoother…I owe you girl, thanks CASEDEPUTY!!!
Sango: Pssstt. . . Oi Kagome-chan. How is she? (pointing at MS)
Kagome: I don't know. She never said a word after the last chapter. Do you think she'll be sane again?
Inu-chan: Feh! That bitch won't make it. She'll stay like that forever; at least we could do anything we want with the story.
Miroku: I agree with you about that. We could make her a part of the story and then let her wear some revealing clothes so I could-
Sango: (nerve popping as she hit Miroku in the head with Hiraikotsu)
Kagome: (sigh) he'll never change. Anyway, please review, everyone!