InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Morning Lover ❯ Caught; The Word Has A Double Meaning ( Chapter 6 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

AN: Hey everyone, it's Satari and I'm listening to “The Cat Scratch Fever”! This chapter is dedicated to Lucient down in Louisiana. Stay safe man.
Chapter 5: Caught; The Word Has A Double Meaning
Gasping for breath, Rin ran around the corner and dove into the hedge parallel to it. Back pressed tightly to the brick wall behind her, she waited for her heart to stop pounding. The coarse leaves of the shrubs scratched her bare legs and she cursed herself for not wearing pants. `Then again,' the little perverted side of her mind chimed in. `Pants are always so hard to get of, too long.' It almost made her giggle with excitement.
Footsteps in the tall grass in front of her stopped her line of thought. She held her breath, praying the sound of her heart wasn't as loud as it sounded to her. He seemed to be sniffing the air. It was rather cute actually. She stifled a laugh, pressing the palm of her hand tightly over her smiling mouth.
The feet moved on. Rin breathed a sigh of relief. He hadn't found her. Shifting her legs so they were tucked under her, she slowly lifted herself up so her eyes were level with the top of the hedge. Two golden cat eyes stared back at her. His hands shot out and grabbed her shoulders in a tight grasp, lifting her swiftly over the hedge and into his arms as she shrieked with mock terror. Sesshoumaru smirked at her before doing the unthinkable. He through her over his shoulder.
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AN: Guys, unless you are a weight lifter, do not attempt the previous stunt. Though we may look light, we women are not. It has something to do with body fat to muscle mass or something like that. Hey, if you know, write it in your review! (That's the one you are going to write after you finish reading by the way). ^_^
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“Thought you could hide from me did you?” His tone was almost playful; its huskiness was very arousing. Rin was getting very uncomfortable. The heat from his hand on her backside was burning, sending waves of sizzling pleasure shooting up her spine. With long strides he walked around the building with a more than complaint Rin propped up on his back by her elbows looking for all the world like a chastised child.
“Sesshy,” Rin sounded a little disappointed. “Why did you have to find me so soon? You ruined my fun.” She blew a strand of silver hair that had blown into her face with the sudden autumn wind out of her eyes. Sesshoumaru merely chuckled and slapped her bottom why stating demurely, “You wouldn't have liked it very much if I hadn't found you. And besides, a good mate never leaves his lady wanting.” That earned him a punch in the head and prissy huff for his troubles. “Yeah, but you don't have to carry me.” She shifted around on his muscled shoulder.
Sess almost groaned as her sweet little ass rubbed against his cheek. She wasn't helping his current…condition. With purposeful strides he ascended the stairs to her one bedroom apartment, praying that she would stop that damn squirming. She didn't. The tightness in his pants was intensifying and the soft brush of her hands on his bare back was not helping in the least. Stifling the groan of need that was rising in his throat, he sped up his clime. Why did her bed need to be on the seventh floor? Why couldn't it be on the second, or better yet, why not the first? Warmth seeped through the tanned leather on his behind. The minx was fondling him. What was this some game now? I can touch you but you can't touch me?!?
She couldn't resist teasing him. Her puppy always teased her, bringing her to the point of madness, why couldn't she do it to him. Had she known the answer to that, she would've found some duck tape and sealed her mouth shut, and maybe her thighs for good measure.
Shrieking with surprise at how fast she suddenly found herself going, Rin grabbed onto the nearest thing at hand, Sesshomaru. Bad choice. He jerked to a stop, slamming her against the door of what she latter realized was her apartment. Bedazzled and a little stunned, she had no time to react to the onslaught aimed for her mouth. His lips slanted hard over hers, bruising in there intensity. Pressing over hers again and again, claiming for himself the territory he had won years ago.
He groaned with satisfaction at the sweet taste of her, pressing her into the door, his lips moving hungrily over hers. The animal within had been let loose. How could this woman effect him this way? The fell of her soft young body against his hard one, the way she made everything around her glow, the scent of her, all radiated warmth and hope and light. No one he had ever met had done that, demon and human alike. And she was his. All of that light was his, and he never intended to let it go. Sesshomaru ran his hands freely over her, taking in the softness of her shoulders, the way her breasts crushed against his chest, imprinting to memory the way she mewled with pleasure when he slipped his fingers between the apex of her thighs and began to rub there, and the way she bit him in the lip when he stopped.
Rin was gone. There was nothing but him. The feel of his ruff hands on her skin made her want to scream with frustration. He always teased her. One hand made it's way back to her lime shorts, giving the hem a tug in the right direction. She whimpered in disappointment when his lips finally left hers. That had been the longest they had ever kissed, and she was dizzy and panting from lack of breathing for so long. Did demons have gills or something? He certainly didn't look fazed, him or his twin.
Heat burned her shoulder as Sess nuzzled the mark he had made the night before. It had healed somewhat, no more then a scar now. But the pleasure in gave her was too much. It stretched throughout her being, coiling in her tummy, circling her spine, making her shutter in need, and Sesshomaru was no better off.
All playfulness had left him and was replaced with the undeniable need to have his mate again. Growling, he ripped her shorts, not even bothering to remove to billowing t-shirt. Black panties barred his way, but he paid them no heed, slicing them as well, letting them fall with a whoosh to the floor, all the while nipping and sucking at her neck. Determined to leave another mark there to replace the other one.
Rin was to frazzled to speak and could only moan in response as he roughly molded one hand to her right breast and used the other to wrap her shaking legs around him. She trembled at the hardness of him, trapped within the soft leather. Pulsing heat radiated from him as he rubbed his hardness against her mons. Liquid pooled between her legs, dripping from her, smearing his pants as he crushed her more firmly against the wood, holding her arms above her head as his lips found hers once more.
Breaking from her once more, Rin watched red eyes study her features. She was gorgeous. Creamy cheeks were flushed red from pleasure, lips plump and swollen from his kisses. Her breathing was erratic from the things he did to her. The image of Rin basking in the bliss of foreplay would stay with Sesshoumaru for eternity.
He pressed his forehead against hers, watching as her eyes changed from glazed brown to rich amber, deep with tan hews of copper, smiling at him from beneath long blank eyelashes. “Rin.” He sounded horse. She looked at him with emotions he had never seen before on anyone but her. Confusion, laughter, love…all mixed into one. He released her hands, letting his own slide down her to rest on her hips, pressing her more firmly to him. She leaned foreword, brushing her lips lightly against his, running them along the curve of his set jaw, licking the tip of his pointed ear and whispering, “Now.”
Sesshoumaru's eyes widened, bleeding fully to a red. With one swift move he had the door swinging open, Rin molded inseparable to his body as he ran to their room. Not even bothering to close the door behind him, Sess fell on top of her, kissing her deeply as they both tried to rid him of his pants. Rin had jammed the zipper. Finally he couldn't take it anymore and ripped the leather as well, tossing it aside and entering her with one abrupt stroke, groaning as her tight heat melted around his throbbing member. It was heaven.
Rin whimpered under him, so close it hurt. Their avid foreplay outside accompanied by his hard length inside of her only made it worse. He thrust into her again and again, so hard that Rin almost wondered if her attempt at a shower that morning had been in vain. She would defiantly be feeling this for awhile, and oh what sweet torture it would be. She moaned as he pounded against her, screamed as he rubbed her, whimpered as she came again and again and still he moved within her, a hot brand claming her soul as he clamed her body.
Sess stiffened above her, howling in triumph, and she felt his warmth seep deep within her as she clamped down on him in ecstasy.
Rin didn't know how long they lay there together, panting in the aftermath. Tangle with one another on sweat soaked sheets and rumpled black leather. His silver hair mixed with her black, creating a cover of gray, which held them together. His strong arms were still wrapped around her waist, and her fingers traced lazy patterns over the rippling muscle of his back.
She could've stayed like that forever…
A throat cleared from the doorway.
“Umm, did I fail to mention that I was about five blocks away?”
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AN: Funny little twist no? Sorry this chappie took so long. My mind was on overload for a few days, so this one took longer to write. Anyway, school has started. You know what that means. Chapters are going to be coming latter then normal. I'm in advanced placement classes this year. I'm sure you can guess what that means too. More homework! *sighs* Damn my overachieving. Well, I would like lost of reviews please. My mind can't work on its own anymore. Please, please review!!! I need all the help I can get! * starts to cry * And I don't just mean mentally! * snaps out of it * Homecoming is October 1st. * smiles * I'm going! * dances around the room *
Please review