InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Morning Lover ❯ A sister is the one person who forgets NOTHING! ( Chapter 7 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

An: Well, I back, and out of breath I might add. I've been on overload for weeks now. Sorry about the long wait. I'll try to make it up to you with this fluffy long chappie!
Disclaimer: Me no have time to own, kapish!
Chapter 6: A sister is the one person who forgets NOTHING!
Red shimmers glistened of dark brown hair as light from the small kitchen window played in the leaves of a tall oak tree outside. Bacon sizzled and sputtered in the small frying pan being moved masterfully over the gas stove. Pale hands handled the silver fork with precise ease as every now and then the girl flipped or move the bacon around, playing with it idly as her thoughts roamed.
Coming back to Japan was like a dream. Everything was different, and yet, it was all strangely the same. It was home, though she had never seen half the stuff that had been built over the two years she had been gone.
Maggie looked young for her age. In fact, if she didn't have a drivers license to prove it, she was almost certain a police car would've pulled her over on the way to her sister's apartment. Pale faced with slightly rose colored cheeks and hair that would tumble in a wild mass of curls if she didn't keep it restrained in a bun all the time.
To say she had been surprised when she came in was an understatement. Mortified was more like it. Sighing, she gave the bacon another flip. Though Rin was the older of the two, Maggie was always taking up the cross of “mother figure”.
A bird flitted about outside the window, catching her attention and her gaze. Pale silver stared into pitch black, as the raven seemed to nod at her. Maggie was so entranced by the bird that bacon grease spattered on her hand, causing the fork to drop with a metallic clink to the floor.
“Damn!” Clutching her hand to her sweatshirt clad chest, she turned the water faucet on and dowsed to burned appendage in cool water. No the best for a burn, but butter was out of the question.
“So, is that what they've been teaching you in college.”
Maggie grinned wryly, still turned away from Rin. “Yah, a hole shit load of stuff.”
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~
To hear Maggie attempt at a southern accent was enough for Rin to almost forget she hadn't seen her in almost two years. After leaving a rather embarrassed Sesshy in bed, who surprisingly had blush when she laughed at him for being “too loud”. Once again she had found herself scrabbling to find clothing. What she had been wearing before was no doubt stroon about the neighborhood by now. Sess had just lain on the bed, arm slung over his forehead, panting, or laughing, she couldn't tell which.
*******Flash Back*******
Rin leaned over him, now fully clothed, with a slight frown playing on her lips as she eased the arm from it's position on his face to get a clear view of him. “What is it?” Dazed golden eyes looked up at her, questioning. “What do you mean?”
“I mean, why are you just lying here?”
He chuckled. Even though Rin liked to hear him laugh, it was so uncharacteristic and unexpected that it still scared her. A strong arm snaked its way around her waist, pulling her into a warm embrace, her pale cheek cradled in the warm sanctuary of his chest. Sesshomaru kissed her forehead softly taking in her scent on a sigh. Groaning a little, he shifted them so he was sitting with her in his lap. “Why would you think something was wrong?”
“I don't know.” Came the muffled response from his chest.
Smirking a little, Sess tilted her head up so his amber depths could search hers for the moment. Seeming to find no fault with her, he had kissed her gently on the lips and held her closer to him, nearly squishing her in the process. “I think you should go talk with your sister now love.” His voice came out raspy and deep, making Rin almost fail to remember the validity of what he had been saying.
********END FLASKBACK*************
So her she was, holding a mug of hot coffee in both hands while taking in the startling presence of her sister who, despite her tired eyes and too pale skin, still had the presence of mind to joke about her home country.
In fact, Maggie didn't look well at all. She obviously hadn't been to sleep for a while and she had most defiantly lost an alarming amount of weight.
“Are you alright?”
“Nothing the Tokyo Burn Unit can't handle.” Maggie's dark humor was almost contagious. Since they had been kids, she had always been the stronger of the two, standing up to bullies and things like that. In a way, Rin realized, Maggie was always a constant. She never really changed at all. Though she may be a bit more tired then usual.
“So…” Her voice rang clear over the running water. “Whose the guy?”
“Umm, a friend.” Rin knew she was blushing. Maggie had a way of being to straight foreword.
“Oh a friend is it,” Her voice was pausing with suppressed laughter. “Where did you find him and is there more where he came from?” She shut of the faucet and turned to face her, grinning wisely with one eyebrow raised. That did it. Rin burst out into gales of laughter, almost dropping her coffee in the process. Normally this would seem obscene, but then again, Maggie was obscene and extremely funny when she wanted to be. Pulling one of the wooden chairs from the table and covering the still sizzling bacon, Maggie sat down at the table to watch Rin as she recovered. “Okay, now seriously, who is he Rin?”
“His name is Sesshoumaru,” Her voice was shaky as she sat down as well, cradling the coffee close to her mouth and taking a reassuring sip. Those gray eyes had a way of making Rin feel very uncomfortable. Mag had always seen through any lie she had ever told. But what was she to do, just come out and say “well sister dear I've known him for eighteen years now on and off and I never told you because you would've screamed at me for giving myself away like some cheep whore at the time. And don't you look shocked at me deary, because if you remember you were going through your `I hate all men phase.'”
“Interesting name. Haven't heard that one before.”
“Yah I know.” The coffees warmed seeped through her, relaxing the tense muscles of her back, building her courage against the storm.
“Well, know I have a name to put to the face. You know, I always wondered who he was.” The coffee mug dropped to the floor and Rin let out a surprised “epp” as her brown eyes snapped to the smiling face of her sister.
“You knew?”
“Of course I knew.” The dubious façade replied.
“All that time?”
“Every minute. He made you happy Rin. And besides, I think everyone knew something was going on when you asked to have your window welded shut one day and the next you wanted extra cookies to eat at night.” That made her blush.
“But your phase…”
“An act. You had one, so I thought, why not give it a try, it would only be normal.”
Maggie was picking up the broken shards of porcelain, clicking each piece together as she went and then unceremoniously throwing them in the waist basket. “Thank kami I convinced you not to have a carpeted kitchen.”
Rin smiled. Some things never changed.
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Sesshoumaru sat on his mate's bed as he listened to her lilting voice. She and her sister had been talking for sometime know, it was almost noon. Rin sounded happy enough, giggling in that maddening way of hers that ever left him wanting. And yet, some how, the happiness that was his mate's had become his own. The little problem in his lap however would not allow that happiness as compensation for the state she had left him in. Sighing with resignment, he laid back down and fell into a deep sleep, lulled away by the tune of her sweet voice and his needful heart.
***************************************************************** *******
It was getting late, and Rin had begun to wonder when Sess would come out. They had talked for hours, pausing briefly to eat or take care of “personal” matters. Maggie had signed on as an intern at Tokyo U for the school year in the English History and Language department. Teaching had always been a pass time for her, little things like tutoring failing students in high school, volunteering at the preschool, that sort of thing. It was her niche. And now she was using it. No wonder she was tired. Jet lag on top of curriculum study could not be fun at all.
“Well, I think I've worn out my welcome for today.” She stood up, smiling a warm smile and pulling her black leather purse from its hiding spot behind the door.
“It was good to see you again. Where are you staying?” Rin followed her to the door, giving her one last hug.
“At Josh's. He's that boy from High School who alw...”
“Who always pulled your hair and called you fat. I remember.” Boy did she remember. He had been the reason she had thought Maggie went on that rant about men in the first place. Devilishly cute as he was, it was no surprise that Maggie hated him for it the “shameless womanizer” as she most often called him. So, her little sister was staying with him eh? Pay backs a bitch.
“So, what changed your opinion of him?”
It was Maggie's turn to blush. “Umm, I grew older?” Turning swiftly on her heel, she made a mad dash for the door, face as red as a balloon, leaving a breathless Rin laughing in her wake.
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He was so adorably male. Rin watched a childlike Sesshomaru as he slept, clawed hand clutching the cotton sheets in dreamy bliss, his breathing soft. She couldn't resist. She had to get a picture of this! A quietly as she could, Rin scurried over to her desk drawers, searching for a camera. That very same clawed hand, the one that had been peacefully holding onto her bed clothes moment before, wrapped its way around her hurried fingers as his other arm turned her towards his hard body.
“I will never understand you woman.”
Cringing slightly, Rin dropped the camera on the desk behind her as he closed the drawer once more. Almost immediately after it had clicked shut he grabbed her up in a rid cracking hug that left her lungs bereft of air. Sess, breathing in her scent greedily as he nuzzled the hair from the side of her neck away to reveal the crescent moon of his mark upon her flesh. Fierce male pride swelled within him to see its blue stain on her pale skin.
“I hope you and your sister enjoyed your time together today.” His voice was horse and muffle by her hair, though the heat of his breathe on her made Rin shiver slightly.
“Yes,” She managed to choke out. He had started a series of nips and sucks on her neck that were very…distracting. “She's…mmm…staying here for a while. Interning.”
His mate's scent spiked sharply at his ministrations, earning a knowing smile from Sesshoumaru's lips. She wanted him. But it was late. That sour thought alone was enough to dampen any mans libido immensely.
A sharp giggle of surprised delight fell from her lips as Rin, who was always used to having both feet firmly planted on the ground, suddenly found herself tucked away in the loving, strong embrace of her mate. Sesshomaru carefully laid her down on the bed, pausing to lay down beside her, before tucking them both up to the chin with soft cotton and down comforter. Rin smiled at him, giggling softly at his persistant care of her and snuggled into his open embrace with a contented sigh. This was the life she had always wanted, and the type man she had always wanted it with.
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An: Hello, hello. It's me, Satari, who else? Sorry about the wait. I love all of you who stuck with this fic ten times move then you could ever know! Heck, I haven't even had time to talk with my boyfriend, much less up date. School, I am thoroughly convinced, is the root of all evil. (This coming from a girl who normally loves school to death)
Now it's time for my new “Shout out of the Week”
(A collection of my fav. Fanfics)
“Beautiful Promise” by Lucient
“A boy girl thing” by rosesareblue
The thank yous!
Kagome2004- Thanks, I needed that.
Animegirl007- You're still reading. My but you're a trooper. I don't know where I get my ideas, they just sort'a come to me. Thanks for the compliment though! ^-^
Lucient- Yes, it could get very hot. Just not in THAT way. ^-^ Props for chapter 20! Sure win blockbuster!
IT- Yes, they are inspired aren't they. Now if only I knew why! T-T. Thanks for the review friend.
Aaron1234- Poor little Aaron. Sorry, but Josh comes first. BAH! Wonderful vocab.
***************************************************************** *******And so the madness ends, until next time anyways. As always, I'm Satari, and I love you all.
“Why is it that people can say shit about other people and yet can't take it them selves?”
~Brittany (A close friend of mine. Very true, love, very true. Happy trails and props for trying to dump that basterd Ryan. He doesn't deserve you. That's being said on behalf of Matt. Good luck lover boy! ^-^
Satari90 =^-^=