InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Mourning of the Bloody Valentine ❯ Saliva ( Chapter 6 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

A/N: hey everyone! Thanks for the hilarious reviews! Keep reviewing to vote who u think should be the stalker! I'll tell from the votes, and then we'll just have to see, cuz I haven't planned this all out in detail. Actually, once I finish this fan fiction, I will make another one! Lol. Once this is over, it wont be the last of me! Lol okay so thanks for great reviews, please keep reviewing, it gives me more motivation to get off my lazy butt to go write up another chapter! Okay...and...GO!




Mourning of the Bloody Valentine

Chapter Six : Saliva

Sigh. Why is life always so dang tough. How troublesome. Sometimes you wish you could whiz through a good life on a magic carpet of money. Now that is truly fiction. I mean, every life has its failures and triumphs right? Once my Mother told me something: Life is a giant x-y axis on graph paper that starts at the bottom 0, moves up, then constant, then takes a sudden unexpected dive for the bottom. But, when you least expect it, you might be right at the top, making one heck of a big red dot.

Yeah; so much for that. I guessed I was somewhere near taking the dive.

These kind of somewhat depressing thoughts were plaguing my brain as I walked to school that next day after the `promise' day. Sango and Miroku had taken the bus that morning, so I was by myself; which was a bit of a blessing, seeing as I needed some good quiet time to think. As I was trudging along, I began to wonder exactly how I did feel for InuYasha, if anything at all. Now, the situation at hand: When he kissed me. Sure it wasn't my first kiss; I'd had that from Eiji when he first confessed his feelings for me. Hojou had given me my first hug; Kouga my first `make-out'. I know you're thinking I'm some loose girl who has a first everything with any guy, but it wasn't much of a make out either. Just several light kisses on my face and mouth. Back then, I didn't think I could actual have a deep kiss with anybody; yet alone one of those heated sensual make outs. The only time I had tried such a thing was with my pillow; experimenting to see how it would feel. It didn't feel very special. So; ahem, back to the topic at hand. How do I feel about InuYasha's kiss? It was nice. No! NO! It was...bad. Yes, bad. Bad in a nice way...argh, no! ...Okay. So I enjoyed it. Nothing to be ashamed of, right? One meaningless kiss and I'm all upset. No need to get my panties in a bunch, I chided. I'm with Kouga, right? Yep, and no new student who just happens to be good looking and just happens to like me can change that. Man, am I good at the personal coaching thing. Actually I hadn't seen Kouga in a while. Wonder where he ran off to...and with whom? I felt like screaming.

Right then someone came up beside me, pulled an arm around my shoulders, and stuck their face in behind my neck and in my hair. I squeaked, and then I realized it was InuYasha. He was ... sniffing? At my neck and his nose was in my hair. I blushed and tried to swat him away.

"InuYasha...what are you doing?" I whispered, as I was getting pinker by the second.

"Sorry..." he mumbled in pleasure; his eyes closed. "You just smell so good..." he sniffed more deeply and nosed at my neck.

I giggled because the left and right sides of my neck are the most ticklish parts of my body. Other than my sides of my waist.

I tried to push him away, but he kept a firm grip on me. I was about to tell him off when I felt something on my neck. Other than his nose: it was his mouth, that had kissed lightly and his tongue had stuck out a bit to tease me.

Pink? No longer. I was a cherry red now.

"InuYasha! Stop it!" I was worried someone might see us. I mean, I am supposed to be the one who has the boyfriend, remember? This is cheating. I felt terrible; but then remembered what Miroku had told me about Kagura. So, I suddenly felt the urge for revenge. And I knew just how to do it.


As we neared the school, I had finally got InuYasha off of me, and he was walking sulkily beside me; and thankfully, his hands were at his sides. Glancing around to check that there were many people present and liable to stop to watch, I quickly turned to InuYasha, draped my arms around his neck, and kissed him full on the mouth. He didn't respond for a second; obviously shocked, but he got over it quickly enough, and his tongue licked my lips for an entry. Now I was surprised. I opened my mouth; suddenly realizing this was probably going to be the passionate kiss I had always wanted. My tongue circled his, and I realized his hands were around my waist, pulling me to him. I closed my eyes and smiled into the kiss. He growled when he figured I wasn't taking this very seriously, and deepened the kiss, to my surprise yet again. He wasn't a very good kisser, which told me he hadn't kissed many people before. That somewhat comforted me; that his saliva wasn't full of the germs of others'. I made a small "mmmh" noise into the kiss, a noise of enjoyment, I think, because I could feel him smiling now, his tongue still inside my mouth. It was then I heard a couple shocked gasps nearby. We pulled just far away enough so that our noses still touched, and he smiled at me through half lidded eyes.

"...Kagome..." he whispered as he kissed me again and again.

Okay, so my plan was starting to go awry. From one kiss for a little competition, it turned to a total make out that made me seem...sluttish. I pulled lightly away and broke the kiss, much to InuYasha's disappointment. I could tell by the pouty look that had over come his face. I blushed when I noticed how many people had been watching us. And in the corner I saw Kouga and Kikyou, looking shocked as well. I smiled weakly at Kouga, but his expression was hard and cold, and he turned and stormed away. InuYasha had turned to look too, and a large smile; as rare as it was, erupted on his face. He grabbed my hand and pulled me indoors. He pulled my to the stairs, where no one could see us, and sat me down.

"So...was that some jealousy plan?"

How had he known? Okay, so it was a little obvious, but it was the first time I pulled something like that.


"Oh? I think it worked quite well, don't you?" He sniggered behind his hands at my shocked face.

He continued giggling like a schoolgirl, "Did you see his face? I bet even Kagura couldn't kiss like that!" He flooded over in a mountain of `teehee's.

I no longer wondered about how he knew, but just joined in on the giggling. "You think so? I mean, it's the firs time I even tried that!"

"Yeah, me too. But you and I, we kiss great together." He made a thumbs up and winked.

"Oh..." I must've blushed as I said this, "So that was you're first deep kiss, too?"

He nodded. "Yeah. So now you've had your first deep kiss."

We both turned to each other and said at the same time:

"Wanna have a second?"

I laughed as he leaned over to me, and I adjusted myself on the stair and against the wall comfortably.

He immediately `jumped' into my mouth, and it was so nice and warm. His tongue explored the corners of my mouth, sliding over teeth, and coming back to twist hotly around my own tongue. I sucked on his fangs, and accidentally drew blood, which he licked away. His hands stayed on my waist the whole time, thankfully, so I didn't have to slap him silly. After about 10 minutes of this repetition, we were both interrupted by the ring of the bell and a sound of footsteps approaching. We pulled away and he helped me up; and still giggling, he wrapped his arm around me as we walked up the stairs to our class. This time, however, I didn't pull away. Instead, I snuggled up to him, and I caught a glance of his blush. We talked comfortably on the way to our first class.



During lunch, the word must've spread like wild fire, because everybody looked at me shyly, almost smiling their approval. Sometimes I wondered if all these students wanted me to stop seeing Kouga. I met InuYasha, Sango, Miroku and Eiji at our usual table. Miroku had brought his camcorder. And for what purpose. I wonder. Oh, come on, you just know he must've planted that thing somewhere in the girl's change room! Or taped somebody making out. Then it hit me.

I rushed over to the table where the four were leaning over the miniature screen on the cam, smiling and laughing. Had they been able to tape me and InuYasha on the steps? Well, knowing InuYasha, he wouldn't care less! I jogged to where they were, and leaned over to see.


Kouga and Kagura. Going at it against a wall. No, not just kissing, I mean really going at it. She had her hands on his crotch and thigh, while one of his hands were riding up on her bare thigh into her short pleated skirt. You could barely hear the snap of elastic as he pulled teasingly at her panties. And all this was happening while they were making out. Another of Kouga's two hands were on Kagura's breasts, since she had somehow managed to slip her shirt off, and they were both left shirtless. As I watched, I didn't notice that my mouth had dropped open and InuYasha had turned to stare at me. I also didn't notice that my stomach felt...heated. As did my lower regions, when I kept watching the tape, hearing Kouga's and Kagura's moans and the shuffle of clothing being removed. I turned away as the tink of Kouga's belt came undone. Miroku realized I had been watching and immediately turned it off.

"Oh...hi, Kagome." He tried, cheerfully.

"That was a...nice tape you got there, Miroku. I bet it'll sell real well." I cleared my throat.

"Really?" He seemed surprised at such a new idea.

"Yup." I waited a moment, and Sango coughed quietly, "Okay, how much?"

Miroku's expression immediately lighted up, and he declared, "Ah, Kagome, I see you want to see the rest in the ...privacy of your own bedroom?"

"With me, of course." InuYasha winked, laughing.

I laughed along, but suddenly stopped and took a serious expression on my face. "No, really, Miroku. How much."

He must've been so surprised; he hardly knew what to say. I also believe he couldn't think of a very big number in such a short time.



I handed him the ready money, to his distress and grabbed the tape.

As I walked away; and everybody stared on, surpised, not doubt. I thought to myself where I knew exactly to play it.

Andexactly when to play it.



A/N: okay, that's 6 pages! Hope ur happy. Okay, hope u like it! Review, review, review! Do people actually think the stalker could be Eiji? I mean...uh. Well, he might be. U'll have to wait and see now wont you? Okay keep voting in reviews!

Ja ne.
