InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Mourning of the Bloody Valentine ❯ Three Little Words ( Chapter 13 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

A/N: Well, let's just say that all my reviews were not totally happy about the previous three cliffies. Not that I blame you, of course. But...- wipes cubes of tofu from her hair that had been thrown at her by Sakura-Maylo-G - ...what can ya do? I actually got a very nice review from Lenn, saying I was a genius! Now those are real gems. Happy sigh. Okay I'd better get started because I'm having the feeling I'll never eat tofu again.

Okay, make sure you review at the end of the story please!

Mourning of the Bloody Valentine

Chapter Thirteen : Three Little Words


"Uh...yeah?" He looked a little puzzled, but slightly annoyed, too.

I felt happy that it was him; I mean, he was here to help me, right? Thank goodness.

I fell into his arms, near tears. I could hear a slight gasp from him, and then he seemed to be more comfortable, and wrapped his arms around me.

"So...why are you here InuYasha?" I looked up at him.

"I was looking for Miroku."

I was kind of sad that he hadn't come because of me...but how would he have known?

InuYasha continued, "I didn't know Sango kept her place in such shambles! Hah." He half-smiled at me.

I stiffened, and he must have noticed. I said weakly, "No. Sango's very neat. Very clean."

"Then what happened to the downstairs? Some tornado, or..." He paused and immediately started laughing evilly. I looked at him strangely and he cleared his throat to explain to me.

"Or...Okay, Kagome, I'll tell ya everything from the beginning. Uh...Today I called Miroku up to ask if I could use his notes from history when I fell asleep, and he said yeah, but that he'd be dropping by here first. So I waited for about an hour, and then went to his house. But he wasn't there, as Hachi said. He's his roommate. Did you know he had a roommate? So anyway I thought he had maybe started it up with Sango over here, and I came over. I was actually kinda scared that I'd walk in on them half naked or something." He 'kaha-ed'. I giggled along, when I remembered I actually knew why the downstairs was in a mess.

"Eh? Somethin' wrong, Kagome?" He raised an eyebrow at me.

I pulled out of his embrace, and looked up at him hesitantly. Would he blame me now that...that his best friend was dead? Supposedly, anyway, right?

"InuYasha..." I slightly tugged on his shirt, on his chest area.

"What?" He frowned.

I didn't know exactly where to start. It was kind of hard. I had to jump back at least a week. So I tried.

"InuYasha...I have a stalker. And-"

"A STALKER?? Don't worry Kagome, I'll rip out his guts and feed them to Buyo!"

"InuYasha! You can' do you know my cat's name?" I frowned at him suspiciously, and started to back away.

"Kagome!" He protested, "Sango told me, okay?"

"Why'd you ask?" My voice was getting pretty shrill now.

"Because..." He was turning a little pink. "Because I liked you! And I wanted to find out more about you! Okay?! You didn't tell me nothing! Not about yourself, or about like...what your favorite color is, or whatever! It is blue, right."

I kind of understood InuYasha a lot more right then. He really...cared for me. Which was really nice, actually.

I blushed and smiled weakly at him. "Yeah. Blue. Or green. I like both."

He frowned thoughtfully. "Sango said you like Blue better."

I laughed. "I do." I hugged him again. Now why did I even suspect him in the first place? Stupid, stupid! He's the one who cares about you! Yup! I smiled to myself.

InuYasha suddenly stiffened.

"Kagome..." He started nervously.


"Kagome...there's something I gotta tell you..."

"Yeah?" My eyes were still closed.

"And I think that...maybe...there's more to both of us than...ahem...meets the eye."



"Kagome, please, I'm sorry if I hurt you, but..."

"Spit it out, InuYasha." Now I was getting a bit worried.

"There's a pointy thing coming from you that's poking me down there!" He said directly, "I'm sorry, Kagome, I had no idea that you were-"

"WHAT?? I don't have a pointy thing!"

"Then what's THAT?!"

I looked down and saw a large point coming up, I think, from my pants, that my gray sweater covered.

Ohhhh. I get it.

"Ohhhh, InuYasha! That's not...a 'pointy'. It's..." I reached into my sweater.

He gasped.

And I pulled out the knives that had been poking him.

His face changed from horror, to surprise, to embarrassment. "Oh. That makes sense."

I laughed, long and hard. He smiled slightly, too, then looked at me seriously.

"Kagome...why are you carrying knives around?"

I giggled harder. "Those aren't the only ones!" I pulled out the meat cleaver from behind my back, and the two stabbers from my legwarmers, and held them all in my palms, held up for him to see. I smiled mischievously.

"What the? this about that stalker? But...why in Sango's house? Did he come here?! Did he threaten you?"

"InuYasha, InuYasha! Take it easy...I got a call from him tonight. He had Sango...and Miroku. He said...he said...that he killed them! And that now I could be with him!"

InuYasha instinctively held me, and I dropped the knives to the side. I sobbed into his chest, shaking and whimpering about how it was my fault, and I didn't want him to blame me.

"Kagome..." He said unsurely. I don't think he'd ever had to comfort anyone before. "Do you... want to be with him?"

"No! InuYasha..." I sobbed harder, "I want to be with you....with you...I don't know him! I wanna be with you!" I cried loudly, my tears soaking InuYasha's shirt right to his skin.

InuYasha shushed me, and if I had looked up I would've seen tears glimmer in his eyes, too, as he smiled gently.

"Kagome," He said, "Who do you think it is?"

"I don't know InuYasha...I don't know."

I told InuYasha everything about everything about me then.

After that, he walked me home.

Even after I told him to leave, he stayed in the Goshinboku Tree outside my window. I felt kind of self-conscious as I went to bed that night. That night, before I climbed into bed, I saw him half lying on the tree branch. His eyes were closed, his arms tucked behind his head. He looked so careless, I was sure he'd fall to the ground. I snickered.

He immediately looked at me from the corner of one eye, and 'Keh-ed' when I kept giggling and used my hand to wave at him. He closed his eyes again and as I turned out the light, I said loudly to the open window and InuYasha, "...Good night, InuYasha."

"Be quiet and sleep."

"Well, nice dreams to you too!" I said, slightly annoyed, and lay flat on my back. And waited.

About 2 minutes later, it finally came.

"...Good night...Kagome."

I laughed loudly, "I knew you would say it! Haha, now I can go to bed in peace!" I grinned. And outside, so did he. He muttered curses for a while, but I just covered my ears with the pillow.

I decided to try one last time.

I yawned, "I, InuYasha." And snuggled deeper under my covers to hide my blush. Outside, someone was as red as his shirt.

This time I was waiting for about 15 minutes. But, I'm patient when it comes to these things.

He cleared his throat several times.

"I...I love...RAMEN!!! MUAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAA!!!" He laughed maniacally, holding his side.

I jumped up from bed, patience dissipated, and said loudly; and quite angrily, "Well, I understand if you don't feel the same way as I do, InuYasha. I guess...I'll just go to the dance with darling Kouga. I'm sure he wont mind." I smiled and winked at him happily and went back to bed.

That left him speechless for the next 22 minutes. Finally, he jumped onto my window sill and looked at me narrowly.


I opened my eyes and looked at him brightly. "Are you going to say it?"

"I...I..uh..lo-uh..." He was turning the twelve shades of red.

I rolled my eyes as I turned over on my side facing the wall. "Kouga it is, then."

"Kagome!" He whined gruffly.


"I know you're not!" He reached over and poked me with two fingers.


"Kagomeeee." He whimpered loudly, trying to shake me.

"In Dreamland. Come back tomorrow; preferably the day after tomorrow."

He frowned and sat right in front of the window, his shoulder against my side table. But, we're both stubborn. I pressed my eyes closed and waited. But it didn't come. I fell asleep, and four hours later, my subconscious mind barely heard him say loudly and reluctantly, "Alright, already. I love you Kagome. More than anything else in the world. Okay? I love you."

A/N: Yay! He said it! Those three little words men find so hard. "I NEED VIAGRA". Yes. It's tough, I understand, men. I totally understand.

(Go review! Thanks! See you tomorrow!)

Ja ne.
