InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Mourning of the Bloody Valentine ❯ Uncomfortable Chatter ( Chapter 4 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

A/N: Hello everyone I'm baaack! Okay so how are my lovely readers? Thank you, Rabid Kouga Fangirl for ur review and I just like to tell you all that on Microsoft Word, my `short' chapters, as you call them, are actually 4 and a half pages long! Okay, so it's a lot for me...I also want to thank everyone for reviewing, it means a lot! Okay so I guess I have to put in a disclaimer right about here:

I, Katana Higashiyama, own nothing but the hope and dream that someday I will find the real-life InuYasha and marry him and live happily ever after! teary-eyed

Okay. Ahhnd...wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!




Mourning of the Bloody Valentine

Chapter Four : Uncomfortable Chatter

"InuYasha," I took a deep breath, "I just wanted to talk to you about yesterday when me. I know I responded but I shouldn't have. I have a boyfriend, and it's unfair to Kouga, y'know? I like you as a friend, and I know we'll get along great, but please, I don't think you should see me in that way anymore. I don't see you in that way, so can we be just friends?"


Oh, boy, everything seems so much easier to say to the mirror reflection of my blushing, fidgety self. But I know that when I get to school I'll actually have to say those words to him.

I stood in front of the mirror, thinking and sighing. Finally I tugged on my shoes and, since my mother worked early today, started walking. I ran into Sango and Miroku along the way. They both looked pretty cheerful today, so I decided there could be no harm in telling them a few details of yesterday's ... occurrence. I ran up along side them when they stopped to wait for me, and greeted them both good morning.

"Ohayou, Sango-chan, Miroku-kun."

"Ohayou." They both chimed.

Well this was something unusual. Both of them in the same place, yet the male had no bruises or cuts and was still conscious! I concluded that this must be a good omen. Hopefully everything would go well today.

"Sorry I forgot and left you by yourself after school, Kagome-chan." Sango did, in fact, look pretty grave, so I immediately accepted her apology.

"It's okay, Sango; InuYasha was there too, remember? He waited with me until my Mom came by."

"Oh?" Miroku was immediately suspicious. He gets that way whenever there's mention of a boy and a girl alone in one place for longer time than it takes to slap somebody. He speaks from experience, most likely.

"Nothing happened!" I raised my hand in a defensive gesture, to `push' away his disbelieving eyes, "Okay...something did happen." I was feeling as red as Sango's panties, which were in clear view when the wind blew.

"OH?" They both got that funny look that always drives me back against a wall.

"What happened, Kagome? Did he try to touch you? I'll KILL him if-" Sango was already assuming things.

"No, no! Nothing like that." Okay, so how do I explain this to one violent protective friend and a perverted boy who's eyes were just screaming `SEX? ALL RIGHT!'.

"Uh. Well, I tried to noogie him, and I put my arm around his shoulders, but then he kissed me. On the mouth..." I looked down slightly, and glanced nervously at Sango for her reaction.

"Well, Kagome, it's about bloody time!"


"What?" Dumbfounded! Yep, that's me.

"Come on, Kagome, you know that Kouga is crazy for you but he'd sooner marry Miroku than stick around long enough to even kiss you or get to know you! Right, Miroku?"

"I reject the marrying part, but otherwise it sounds just like Kouga to me." Miroku nodded solemnly, his arms crossed.

"Um...but I'm the one that's being unfaithful or whatever. And...isn't that a bad thing?"

"I suppose, but I did see Kouga talking quite...intimately with Kagura at lunch yesterday." Sango loved it when I had the benefit of the doubt.

"WHAT!" I did not like having the benefit of the doubt.

"Well, he had her right up against the school wall, their parted lips brushing lightly, they spoke in hoarse whispers to each other, his arms planted against the wall in an act of dominance-"

"Okay, I get it, I get it! No need for all the heated details!" Sheesh. Miroku should be a lemon-writer someday.

Sango just smiled along with Miroku.

"So, you guys are saying that it's okay if I cheat, cause Kouga is cheating too?"

"Sounds reasonable." Miroku loved little scandals and soap opera type relationships.

"About right." Sango had more of a tooth-for-a-tooth mentality.

"No! I am not going to lower myself to his dirt level! I was going to tell InuYasha that today, too!"

They both shrugged and just kept talking about how scandalous it would be if I fell in love with InuYasha, but then still kept my relationship with Kouga, but unbeknownst to me, Kouga was gay with InuYasha and they were cheating on me with Kagura and Kikyou; who had seemed to have taken a liking to InuYasha.

I couldn't help but roll my eyes and just laugh along. I was kind of glad they didn't press me for further details; had I enjoyed the kiss? Had I felt safe in his arms? Did it feel...different? I was scared of those kinds of questions because the answer to all of them was `Yes'. I felt so comforted by his presence, if you could even call it that; I mean I just met him yesterday! But when Kouga held me, it was like he was only holding onto a new play toy he was holding onto so that no one else could have. He just wanted me for what I looked like, who my friends were. When InuYasha held me that one time, I kind f felt he knew what I was going through and held me because I was me. For who I was, he appreciated me. Well, that's what it felt like back then anyway.

As we neared the school, I saw InuYasha standing by the front doors, waiting; for me, I hoped. But then I saw Kikyou sidle up to him and start giggling and talking in her monotone voice. I've always kind of pitied her because she sounds like a man when she speaks, but her giggle is definitely at least 5 octaves higher than a man's. Sure, she's pretty, but imagine that kind of husky `she-male' voice whispering into your ear when she was trying to seduce you or something. Gives me the shivers.

InuYasha didn't see me as he walked in with Kikyou, and I kind of felt...possessive over him when she tried to link arms with him while talking in her manly voice that was even lower than InuYasha's vocal cords. He sneezed on the offending arm, and I could tell she was disgusted, but covered it up with a fake smile and husk laugh. He was trying to get rid of her. Instead, she licked her arm where he had sneezed; to HIS disgust, and he immediately gave her a `What the hell' look. He spotted me and as he jogged over I could practically read the relief on his face. I felt kind of shy with him walking beside me, especially after yesterday.

"How are you feeling today, Kagome?" He seemed extra polite, something I knew must be a rare thing.

"Oh, I'm fine. Thanks for waiting with me yesterday." I blushed at the memory.

"Oh. That's fine. I...didn't mind it that much."

"It was that bad huh?" I laughed.

"No, it felt...nice." I had never noticed how quickly one could turn from a light tan to a deep crimson. Hm, 3 seconds. Record time.

We were wandering to our lockers, in a pretty deserted hall except for a senior who was sitting by his locker, furiously trying to complete his homework that was 2 weeks overdue.

"Yeah..." It was quiet and we were both red. I knew I had to tell him, "InuYasha, yesterday when you...kissed me, it felt nice, and I responded, even though I knew I shouldn't have. I's unfair to Kouga, and-"

He cut me off by grabbing my shoulders.

"Kagome, when I saw you yesterday, I felt something for you..."

Disinclination, hopefully.

"...I think I really have feelings for you. I'm sorry if I sound direct, but you have to dump Kouga."



"I want to be with you Kagome. I know you don't love him. He's only `just a friend' isn't he? We could be together. Dump him Kagome. I want you."

`He wants me? He's crazy! Kouga has always been a good childhood friend who stuck up for me...when he was even there.'

"What? No, InuYasha, I can't. That's just too cruel to Kouga. I care about him, you know. It's not just some pity date! I chose to go out with him because I thought we could maybe have something. And you, just come barging in, grabbing me and all that! I bet it's nothing but you're testosteroned hormones talking! It could just be...the weather or something! So, just leave it. I'm with Kouga, right? So I'm gonna be with him." My feathers ruffled, I stalked off. Ooh, bad choice of words. I was still angry about the pink fish thing, too. That stupid stalker was probably liking every moment of my suffering. And then I had just gone and left InuYasha in the dust. Sigh.

So now what am I gonna do?





A/N: Hey ppls. Thanks for all the great reviews. ARG my mom is being annoying and keeps bossing me around, so I barely have time to finish this chappie. I HAD to finish a whole one today, I knew that for sure. But my mom cant seem to do anything by herself. Katana do this Katana do that. EEERRRGGG! Lol sorry. Well thanks anyway. Whatd u think of the bloopers? Sucky? Oh well...

Ja ne.
