InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Mourning of the Bloody Valentine ❯ The Cold, Cold Tile Floor ( Chapter 15 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

A/N: Well, here we are yet again, in front of the computer, typing away like some freak geek. Sigh. I have no life, do I? Well, as long as you're happy, I guess... Yes, so it's finally the 15th chapter, huh? Well, today I think I'll start putting some lyrics into my chapters, okay? I suggest that if you have some way of downloading the songs that you listen to them while reading the story, I realize it really helps the mood. My whole story is based on a song. Okay, so thanks for all the reviews. Now let me think...was there something else I wanted to say? Um...Actually, Sango and Miroku are dead, they would just be a little troublesome later on, and I apologize to all you San/Mir fans. And Kagome didn't think about going to the police; I mean, didn't u see just how useful they were last time. So I just didn't put it in, it would complicate an already complicated story! -rolls eyes-. But, everyone knows things happen in stories for a reason, right? Yes. Um, please don't go home and cry your eyes out because their dead in this story, but because of it it'll open up more doors for our leading couple. Sango and Miroku had their purposes. And please don't send flames or stop reading because their not here! T.T please! Staaaaay!! Okay I better get started, right? Before I get stabbed or shish-cabobbed.

Mourning of the Bloody Valentine

Chapter Fifteen : The Cold, Cold Tile Floor

I found our favorite Hanyou in the cafeteria, snacking on school ramen and cookies. How predictable. I headed over to him, and he must've recognized the shine in my stormy eyes as mischief.

He looked at me questioningly, and turned back to his food when I finally arrived in front of him.

"Everything in order?" He asked quietly, still facing downwards, to apparently avoid suspicion.

"Actually, yes." I smiled slightly as I slid into a seat across from him, "But, InuYasha..." I started.

"Yeah?" He looked up at me from his hunched shoulders. I smiled warmly at him and he blushed.

"Ahem, actually, I have a nice chunk of news from P.O.C.K.Y."

"Really now."

"Yuh huh. According to Hojou, there's going to be a karaoke before the tape is shown..." I smiled slyly.

"So?" he looked as if he couldn't care less. "What does that have to do with us?"

"Well, my dear dense-minded friend, I suggest that one of us goes up there to crash the party."

"We're going to crash it later, so why do it sooner?" He raised an eyebrow at me.

"Well, then, I guess you're not on the volunteering list..." I gave him a sidelong stare, "But I'm going to go up there and sing my heart out." I smiled proudly, pretending to pose for a picture shoot.

"Please," He groaned, "Spare me."

I hmphed, and started chatting about what song I should sing.

"Actually, I was thinking of something that could break up with Kouga for me..."

"Like a song about breaking up?"

"Precisely. Know any good split up songs?"

"I've never had to use them, so no."

"And hopefully you won't have to ever." I leaned in and smiling, kissed his cheek.

He smiled happily, his mouth still stuffed, and he just looked so adorable. I bent over and tweaked his ears another time, and his eyes widened in shock. He swallowed the noodles in his mouth with a purr.

I laughed at his cute antics and went off to the bathroom.

As I reached the mirror, my smile disappeared instantly. My eyebrows furrowed, and my eyes stung. I knew what was going to happen now. I don't cry much, but when I do, it's hard to get out of the depressing stupor.

My eyes closed as my first tears dropped into my lap when I curled into a ball on the floor, rocking back and forth, choking out Sango and Miroku's names as I sobbed.

"Sa-ango..." I could still see her smiling. I remembered the time that we had both gone into an expensive clothing shop and tried every single thing on; and knowing as Sango had larger breasts than me, I had pressured her into trying on all the sleazy and tiny tops that she mostly refrained from even trying on. I coughed out a small laugh as I remembered her face when I handed her the `top' that was basically a couple of straps and that was all. She had been utterly shocked. I had laughed my heart out, when Miroku had come along, and he also urged Sango to try on the top. She refused and after a few loud slappings, everything went back to normal.

I cried bitterly, my sobs getting louder to pained moans and whimpers. My entire lap was wet and my sleeves, from wiping more tears away.

InuYasha opened the door then.

"Kagome-Kagome! What's wrong?" Concern flickered in his eyes.

I suppressed a sob and said shakily, "Don't you feel sad that they're gone? Don't you feel it?? Sango was my best friend, and now I have nobody! Nobody...nobody..." My words were soon covered by the sound of my own crying.

InuYasha held me and talked to me awkwardly.

"Kagome...I know. I miss Miroku too...I didn't know everybody that well...but..."

"And it's my fault!" I continued, raising my head, "Because I didn't tell anybody to help...they're dead now! I hate that stalker! I hate him!"

He smiled wryly, "Kagome, all these things happen for a reason, right? I'm sure its for a better purpose..."

"NO! it's not. Someone you care about dies, and I'm supposed to be happy? You don't know! You didn't know her! YOU DIDN'T KNOW HER!!" I pushed him away angrily that he didn't understand my distress.

"Kagome..." He tried to wrap his arms around my shaking body.

"NOO! Stay away! You don't don't know..." I continued crying.

Suddenly Kikyou walked in the bathroom. She looked at me crying, and her eyes widened. Then she saw InuYasha.


"ALRIGHT! I'm going, I'm going!" InuYasha stood, and with one last sad glance at me, he left. As he walked past Kikyou, he hissed in her ear, "Sleazy bitch."

Too bad he'd have to go out with her later...

Kikyou gasped and started after him to demand an apology.

I sat shaking for a while longer, and when I heard the end of lunch bell, I quickly stood, splashed some water on my face, and headed back to class.

As I was preparing for the dance, my eyes were still slightly puffy. I took a quick shower and placed some curlers in my hair. Hopefully they'd curl right, and not leave me with crazy hair. I slipped on a camisole and the red silk tank top dress that came to my knees. On over I had a black knitted shawl and red strapped high heels. I removed the curlers, and my hair came down in thick waves. Good. At least I didn't look so horrific. Mom came in and she talked to me for a while, something about me being so grownup already, and to be careful, and not be back too late, you know, Mom stuff. I hardly remember most of it. I remembered that Kouga was coming to pick me up. Great. Yet another wonderful thing too add to the `happy list'. At least I'd gotten a song prepared and I was ready to sing a break up to him.

At the ring of the doorbell, Mom smiled tearily, and helped me stand from the bed, and went down to open the door for him.

I checked myself in the mirror one last time, and I hoped that, maybe the dance would be a success after all. And I was pretty sure that I'd have a good time. A sinfully good time.

A/N : Okay, so the dance is tomorrow!!! Okay, go review, peoples!


Ja ne.
