InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Mourning of the Bloody Valentine ❯ Dutifully Noted ( Chapter 25 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

A/N: I was tempted to wait it all out to juice out all the last reviews I can possible get, but I suppose I'm excited myself. Cuz this stuff just streams right out of my head, so even if you asked me what'll happen, I wouldn't know. Good in a way, I suppose. Okay so thanks for all the reviews! Almost at 200 guys! My world goal is to get 1000 but I seriously doubt this story could pull in that much. Sad sigh. Well you live and learn right. So please keep reviewing and I'll keep spewing out all this nonsense!

Mourning of the Bloody Valentine

Chapter Twenty-Five : Dutifully Noted

"My...father?" A Star Wars episode flashed through my mind. I blinked to clear it and register properly the words that had practically dropped out of InuYasha's mouth and got soaked up in the carpet.

"Yes..." he sighed and rubbed his temples frustrated.

"What do you mean?" I frowned at him. And he had been keeping this from me for how long?

"Oh for fuck's sake!" He muttered loudly. "Okay..." he said gathering himself. "How about I start it from the beginning."

"That'd be great." Miroku piped up, "You never even told us really why you agreed so readily. Sango dear and myself only knew that you two made some promise of some sort."

Sango nodded and poured a glass of cold tea for me as well.

"Okay." Started InuYasha:

"It started back when we were only kids. Your family's," he looked to me, "business was slowly going downhill because of the drop of the Japanese Yen worth. Your father lost too much, and he couldn't sell because of the bankrupting business. He was able to finally convince my thriving family to invest in his stocks and cut us a deal." He took a sip of tea.

"What deal?" I asked, sitting down beside Sango, she wrapped a sisterly arm around my neck.

InuYasha squinted suspiciously at Sango's actions but decided it must be nothing to be jealous of after all and went on. "He would give his life and the life of his family if his business failed. My father had pity on him, begging and pleading. So he agreed. But he knew he might lose something if this failed, and didn't exactly want your father to die. So he made a deal with him, that if his business made a change for the better, and since he needed a daughter-in-law for his rebellious son, and your father had boasted about how obedient you were, he decided we'd be a good match."

Miroku nodded, sipping tea, and murmuring his ever-present approval.

Sango glanced at him, practically yelling volumes of how horrific his death would be when I had left the room.

"Anyway," continued a slightly disgruntled InuYasha, "And it was lucky break when your father's stocks shot up and he got filthy rich. My father wasn't much of a gambling man however, and as partners, he wanted to sell, quit while he was ahead. Our; yours and mine, engagement had just been finalized but your mother didn't know about it. So your father sold reluctantly, and when the stocks even raised a little bit more, your father was angry. My family had already moved nearby the shrine already, and I had been told that you were going to be my girlfriend." InuYasha chuckled, "I thought it was gross back then, when I met you, it felt nice to have a girlfriend. Even if she didn't know anything about it. Your father wanted to wait until you were of a more mature age and tell you then so that you'd understand. My father had been excited and told me right away. I went over to your house everyday, and one day my father knew that his partnership wouldn't last much longer, and we'd have to leave. So he told me to go and make a blood promise with you. It's a youkai thing, it signifies an oath until death. And then your father left your mother when the stocks crashed down and the partnership was diminished. The engagement would last until we were 18, a mature enough age for...some." He looked at Miroku blandly at this. Miroku looked like he didn't know what he was talking about.

"And then Dad left all of us then...why'd your Dad leave you?"

"He didn't leave...he died."

I was surprised, "How? Wasn't he a demon?"

"Yeah," InuYasha sighed, "But we have normal bodies too. And the stock competitors were...tough. And my Dad couldn't take it when we were left with no money, and I wouldn't even have a wife till after 18, and Mom was sick. He committed suicide."

InuYasha grimaced, and Sango winced.

I stood up and walked slowly up to InuYasha, and when he closed his eyes waiting for the blow to come, he was surprised when I threw my arms around his chest, unshed tears filling my eyes. He lifted me onto his lap in the tall stool he had been seated on and wrapped one arm around my shoulders and the other on my lap. I sniffled and smiled at Sango, who winked back in return. Miroku scooted closer to Sango, who held out her glass of tea warningly. He backed off.

I played with his calloused fingers in my lap, looking over each carefully and entwining my fingers in and out of his.

He smiled one-sidedly and continued, "We moved away and I never forgot the promise I made. Your father even called me up on your birthday and told me that you should be ready now. And when I come, I see my old friends as well!" He grinned, "And found out you were in love with someone else," He said jealously.

I just giggled and started pulling his fingers to see if they'd make a cracking sound. They did.

"OWW! Hey!" InuYasha was obviously upset. I just grinned, showing off my teeth.

He humphed and rattled on, "And so I asked for their help and told them most of the stuff I just told you. They didn't know about your father but only about our promise."

I looked over at the thumb of his hand, the small scar almost the same as mine.

"But we didn't think we'd have to fake our own deaths..." Sango said sarcastically, looking at InuYasha accusingly.

"Well, it was the only way!" InuYasha protested, protecting his pride. "Kagome would still be with that male bimbo if you hadn't `died' and allowed me to go save her."

"But why a stalker?" I asked curiously.

InuYasha looked to Miroku, who cleared his throat and placed his glass down.

"Well, Kagome, we thought we'd be a stalker since we began to notice you actually had one."

"What do you mean?" I frowned, my attention focused on Miroku, and I had stopped playing with InuYasha's hand, to his disappointment.

"Well, there was someone who actually left those first notes...we only made the pink ones in your room and locker."

"And I typed all the warning ones!" Sango added.

"I made the showering ones..." Miroku smiled that impure smile of his.

"And I had to run after you wearing all black with a stack of hot pink notes and an old typewriter." InuYasha said glumly.

"So whose idea was it really? All the notes?" I looked around.

"Oh. Miroku's." Sango said with a glare at Miroku.

"Yeah, so Miroku is really your stalker if you think about it." InuYasha said reluctantly.

"So then who was the original stalker?" I questioned.

Everyone looked at Miroku again.

"Well...he was hard to track down, and we had no idea he felt that way about you...until I saw him draw a naked picture of a girl who looked strangely like you."

Miroku smiled grimly.

"Not Kikyou, thank God." InuYasha added in.

"Well, who was it?" I said slightly louder.

Sango hesitantly opened her mouth. "It was..."

A/N: I guess that's an adequate place to end it? Listens to angry screams of reviewers. Okay, maybe not. But I'm tired so I'll stop. Please review!

Ja ne.
