InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Mourning of the Bloody Valentine ❯ The Full Five Hand ( Chapter 26 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

A/N: Hey, hey again! I'm back after I started my new story, "The Punishment". It's strongly based on the old The Punisher. Yep, InuYasha's the Punisher, and he `accidentally' has a one-night stand with `Kaikatsu' or Kagome, but this biker chick is definitely something else other than a pretty face.

Okay, so I didn't make you wait that long to find out who the starting stalker was, so I guess I'd better get started before I get pelted with rock-cookies.

Mourning of the Bloody Valentine

Chapter Twenty-Six : The Full Five Hand

"...Hachi." Sango finished nervously.

"Hachi?" I asked stupidly. I was prepared for something like Naraku or a sinister Hojou. Hachi seemed like no real threat.

"Yes," Miroku nodded quietly, "We encountered Hachi following you many times. We inquired as to what he was doing by the well house, but he only became flustered, gave us some chicken-legged excuse and made a getaway. We began to suspect stalking, so we...excuse me, I thought that the three of us pretending to be a stalker would scare him off and keep you safe. And then InuYasha told us about the promise, and so on, so forth," Miroku wobbled his head as he rolled his eyes while dismissing that matter, "And it just seemed to work. Until the dance and things began to escalate and got out of hand. And now, we had to fake our own deaths, and InuYasha, thanks to his Uncle's hearty trust fund, we have been able to change our names."

"Oh?" I totally forgot about stalkers and such, turning with curiosity towards the two. "What're your new names?"

"Well, we kept our first names, just changed our birthdays slightly and last names." Miroku grinned knowingly, "I, in fact, have a drivers license now."

"You mean a motorist license." Sango corrected with a proud smile.

"You're a biker now?" I gasped happily. "Ooh, ooh, InuYasha, can I be one too?" My excitement always got a hold of me during times like these.

He shrugged, slightly dejected about rejected, but nodded. "Sure, you'll be a sexy biker chick," he smiled, waggling his eyebrows suggestively.

Was that was all that was on men's minds? I just waved him away and he sighed slightly, and looked out the window again.

Yura appeared again. "InuYasha, sir, there's a child outside in the front garden crying about being lost. Should I send him away?" She said flatly, as if children's mental stability meant zip.

"No, don't send him away!" I said quickly. I always kind of wanted to help people.

"Mr. InuYasha?" Yura pressed, totally ignoring my plea, focused for InuYasha's answer.

"Oh," InuYasha looked up, "Don't do that, he's just a runt, right?"

Yura nodded, eyes still half closed from total boredom.

"Well, let's go check up on him, huh?" InuYasha turned towards to me with a half smile playing his lips and I felt like hugging him. But instead, I grabbed Sango's and InuYasha's hand and dragged them both to the front door.

Miroku stayed inside, sipping tea like some kind of hermit, saying he wasn't use to the blare of the sun.

Outside was a small boy, about 6 or 7 years old, with reddish orange hair like a freshly peeled carrot tugged back in a thick ponytail, and had a fuzzy fox tail.

I fell in love with him immediately.

"Hey..." I said slowly and gently, "Are you okay?" I had let go of InuYasha's reluctant hand and kneeled in front of the sniffling boy.

He shook his head, "No. Mommy's gone."

I `aww'ed in empathy and took his hand.

"I'm Kagome. What's your name?"


I smiled and patted his head. At this gesture, he must have craved a mother figure so much he threw himself into my arms and sobbed pitifully. I whispered condolences to him and telling him it would be okay and all that stuff you say to a crying child. He must've bought it, because he lifted his head to look me right in the eyes, his emerald gaze focusing on mine. He fell into another fit of hopelessness.

"Geez," I heard InuYasha give a short annoyed grunt.

"What's wrong with the kid! Can't even stop crying for a second." He frowned at him, and wrenching Shippo from my damp arms, he thrust a finger into his collarbone accusingly.

"Listen, crying gets ya nowhere, kid. And you only use up your damn needed bodily fucking fluids, so cut it out." Concern was in his eyes, I could see it clearly, but I could also tell he was having a hard time giving it out in words. "And keep your hands away from Kagome. She's mine." He pointed a proud thumb towards him self to accentuate `mine'.

All feelings of hope for InuYasha's emotional side somehow disappeared, replaced by a slight annoyance at his selfishness. I jerked the shocked Shippo back to my waiting arms, and gave InuYasha a glare to ward him off, and hushed the now crying again Shippo.

InuYasha shrugged and headed inside. Sango peered closely at the child.

"Have I seen you somewhere before?" She asked to him gently.

He shook his head, "I don't know you, Ne-chan."

Sango smiled, "It's been a while since someone called me that."

Kohaku, Sango's only brother had passed away from leukemia years before. She smiled weakly at the memory.

They were in the field, the one just close to Sango's old village house. He had been picking flowers, as had she. He caught sight of her, scolding his older sister that she should be inside studying not playing with Kirara, their cat. Sango had doubtfully pointed the flowers in his own hands, to which he tried to grasp for a comeback, but ended with a laugh. They both laughed, and calling in Kirara, they put the flowers in a vase for their father to see.

Sango still placed that species of flowers, lilies, even if it was only one, by her bedside every week. It was the fondest memory she had of him.

I took Shippo inside and gave him some apple juice. Sango still sat outside, on the bench on the front porch, a lily in her hand.

Sango closed her eyes and thought of those words he'd said...


A/N: Okay, it's getting pretty late, so I'll post this up quickly! And my other story is based on the OLD Punisher, not the one that just came out! Don't forget to review for this story and my other one, too, please!

Ja ne.
