InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Mourning of the Bloody Valentine ❯ Enlightened ( Chapter 27 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

A/N: Hey, sorry for the slightly longer wait, but I won't be updating the Punishment (my other story) until this ones finished, which it should be in, at most, five more chapters, maybe? Well my birthdays coming up in October, which I'm really looking forward to, and then I can go buy more of my stuff. Caution, this chapter has some hentai stuff. Not between characters,'ll see. All right now I won't delay anymore!

Mourning of the Bloody Valentine

Chapter Twenty-Seven : Enlightened

Shippo sat and drank the apple juice as if his lips hadn't touched liquid for three days. I just sat across from the counter with him, my chin propped up by my hands, and my elbows rudely on the table.

He guzzled the drink like an alcoholic would a beer, and I couldn't help but smile, and wipe the streak of dirt from his forehead, barely visible under carrot-colored bangs.

He looked up from his empty cup and smiled at me. It was a smile of gratitude, but I could also tell his eyes weren't all that innocent. He had seen a lot of things, some things I hadn't. I guessed the only person who could relate to him with that was InuYasha. But, deciding against dragging the reluctant Hanyou in here, I thought being a big sister and mother, to bring out the child in him again, would be better suited for me.

"So, Shippo, are you hungry?" I grinned, dropping my hands to the counter, where I folded them casually.

"Nope!" He gave me a toothy smile.

I raised an eyebrow to ask why. He HAD been thirsty enough to empty a well...

"Oh, I get food all the time." He said quietly, almost reserved, like an adult, more than a Kitsune child.

"Oh?" I asked curiously, "How?"

"I...I took food from a doggie's bowl." He said shyly at first, but then said it almost proudly. He was proud of being able to find food on his own, I could tell that, but my heart swelled with pity for the little guy, and I guess my maternal instincts took over. I stood up from my high counter stool, and wrapped my arms around his dirty and shocked little body. His body relaxed after a while, and soon he was shaking with tears.

I held him close, and rested my chin on the top of his head, just as my mother always had done when I was a child. I guess it must be hereditary.

"Kagome-mama." He said quietly to me.

I opened my slightly dewy eyes and smiled down at him.

"Kagome-mama!" He threw himself back in my chest and just hugged me.

InuYasha walked in then, and I could practically see the jealousy build up in his widened eyes. What's to be jealous of anyway? Shippo was just a child, for goodness gracious sakes!

"...Kagome." He grunted.

I looked straight at him, and gave a small pitiful smile and look towards the skinny but fluffy child.

His face twisted in a kind of accepting smile, but I could tell it was totally forced.

I just brought one eyebrow down, and he immediately knew that it wasn't his place to try me.

"C'mon, runt. Yura says she just might have some small clothes you can wear other than those muddy ones." He stated gruffly, his eyes distanced towards an opposite direction.

Shippo hesitated, and I released him from my motherly grip, "Go on, InuYasha is my friend." I winked.

InuYasha frowned at `friend', but took Shippo hastily away. I put away Shippo's cup into the dishwasher that was installed down right from the sink, and sat back down in my stool.

Poor Shippo. Left with no one. I felt sorry all over again. I guessed it was fate that I meet him, fate that InuYasha and I run away, fate that Kouga died and I'd never see my family in daylight again.

Miroku came in then, and sat down in the opposite chair, a book in hand.

I looked up in interest, "Doing some reading?"

He nodded from behind the spine of the book to which his nose was pressed.

I read the title, `The Way of Buddha to Enlightment'.

"Getting pretty spiritual, there now aren't ch'ya?" I cracked a grin and giggled. It was so good to have him back.

"Spiritual?" He looked up, unconsciously putting down the book. I looked at the thin, practically invisible against the other print thick kind of pamphlet that fit snug in the wide book.

"Madame Erotique?!" I exclaimed. Everyone who had a dirty mind knew that that little Mrs. had the dirtiest mind of all, plus she was good at imaging and drawing; making porn scenes seem even dirtier and more `artistique'. Just the erotic-ness of it all had this certain `je ne sais pas'. It was made of thin paper, practically made for thieving little high school boys to hide behind their social studies textbooks.

Miroku sneered, "You're interested too, aren't ya?" He looked at me daringly.

I narrowed my eyes; I could smell a dare when there was one present.

I picked up the pamphlet like porn crisply, and swept to the beginning in one movement. I looked around cautiously to make sure InuYasha or Shippo popped out from the cupboards and began to lose myself in the sinfully erotic drawings and, even though there was not much of it: the intriguing plot. You know, daughters sleeping mothers or sons with mothers or cousins with fathers. It was that...queasy yet pleasurable feeling knowing you were looking at the dirtiest thing probably ever thought up or drawn, knowing your mother was just waiting with the wooden spatula behind you.

I flipped through excitedly after Miroku assured me that the coast was clear and that he'd be on the lookout just incase InuYasha would happen to stroll in and find me reading about Buddhist Enlightment.

The first sexy story was about a sixteen year old son who goes surfing the internet for some cybering and then some porn. He happens to come across flippant pictures of his mother in the porn site, and starts thinking to himself, `she's sexy'. Mother was downstairs cooking when he went up to her, erection and all, sticking his hand on her breasts and one on her crotch, and then they have sex against the kitchen table. Then in the bed. I was just getting to the part where the mother wanted the son to push harder when I noticed InuYasha leaning over my shoulder.

"AGH!!!" I screamed in his ear. He flew back, his hands clutching the injured ear.

"WHAT THE HELL!" he screamed back, "What the fuck were you looking at!"

And Miroku was supposed to look out for me. I'd kill him later. No, wait. I'd set up this very same pamphlet in the sock drawer we all share, and Sango would be sure to find it WITH his full name written on the front, and pummel him.

"It was...Miroku's! He had a...good...uh...story..." I tried, okay! It was a terribly unbelievable and feeble excuse, I know, but it was all I had.

InuYasha's eyes were still wide when he limped back over to me, my white gripped hands still gripping the book to the same page of sexual content.

He peered at it closely, but he DID redden a slight, slight, bit. Hardly noticeable. Not at all, really. I could just make it out if I squinted though.

He leaned over, right beside my neck, still breathing slightly heavily. He whispered huskily into my ear.

"You know...if you ever wanted to try that out..." he slowly motioned towards the picture with his chin, it was of the son sitting on the mother, her mouth open in pleasure and he was screaming as he orgasmed. "I'm willing."

What he said sent shivers down my spine, slightly mysterious and sexy but also a little wary of what InuYasha would try in the bedroom. Knowing him. But a was a good deal a little scared too. My rational sense smacked back into my head so fast I thought I'd have whiplash, and I shoved the sniffing InuYasha halfway across the kitchen and slam against the fridge.

He was shocked for a second, and peeling himself from the refrigerator, walked away, his hair swaying. He left with the slightest hmph. I couldn't help but sigh wearily, and close my eyes for a while.

I was drifting happily in my mind when a high voice sliced my silence.

"...Kagome-mama, what's that picture of?"

I jerked awake, seeing Shippo looking up me curiously and Sango trailing behind with an innocent looking Miroku following.

"MIROKU!!!" I yelled. I charged at him, my face bright red, teeth bared and claws (if you could call my clipped nails that) at ready.

He tried to run, but I grabbed the back of his shirt and pulled him down with a fierce yelp.

I sat beside him, kneeling, I wouldn't dare risk sitting on top of him, and started slapping. Slap slap. After Miroku was successfully slapped up, I headed back to the kitchen where Shippo had begun to look through the small Erotique book. I snatched it from him with a slight mumbled apology and stuffed it in the Buddhist book. I put the book up in the highest cupboard, knowing that even with a chair Shippo could not reach it. After that had been completed I stormed back off to my room.

I could hear Sango telling Miroku off, and trying to silence the inquisitive Shippo.

I smiled grimly as I walked up the stairs, and walked into my new room. I creaked open the door and the first thing I noticed was that it was dark. Black. Totally...nothing. So I fumbled around, the door closed leaving me in some stupid abyss as I strained around for a light switch. Instead, I grabbed a hand. And not mine either. I could tell it was a man's. I squeaked with fright and as I tried to bolt, accentuate tried to in the dark, the other hand of the someone clamped down on my shoulder.

"I've been waiting for you...Kagome."

A/N: oooh, spooky! Haha, don't worry that's 8 pages and I'll most likely update tomorrow! Okay, now to rest and enjoy my weekend! Don't forget to review! Tsk, tsk.

Ja ne.
