InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Mourning of the Bloody Valentine ❯ Thoughts from Our Hearts ( Chapter 31 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

A/N: Hey everyone! After many dosages of Tylenol, I am feeling pumped and ready to go! I still have those stupid lingering coughs but other than that, I'm feeling up to 100! Alright, let's see what we got here... yes, because of all the really interesting reviews that came in today, I am gonna do shout outs!

DJ-KimmieJ : hey, your review was awesome and thanks for your great idea! Actually, I hadn't even thought of that! I mean, InuYasha being a cop undercover and actually falling in love with her? Nope! Sounds fresh and new though, so that's such an original idea! Actually I already wrote what happened, so you might wanna get up to date, ms. (I'm going to assume you're a girl, sorry if your not,) I'm-only-on-chapter-17! -tsk tsk tsk- haha, I'm joking, and thanks for your review!

Angeltear16 hotmail. Com : wow, three reviews! Glad you like my story! I lost you in the first three sentences with that one! Okay, thanks for your review, and I'll email you to let you know I updated!

Sakura-Maylo-G : Hey, girl! Thanks for the chicken soup! Yes, I'm feeling a lot better! Thanks for coming to make me feel better and you actually READ my authors note! I thought I just put those for decoration. Haha, you're my favorite reviewer, so thanks for sticking with me, though I don't think it was THAT hard, I DO update pretty regularly, but thanks anyway!

2509 (Anonymous) : Hey, thanks! Your review was incredibly short but you were the first person to wish me get better! Thanks!

I didn't think I told you guys this, but it was brought to my attention that people think I'm American. Well, I'm not. I'm a Japanese-CANADIAN! Whooo! -national anthem plays- Yes! Okay, yes, I'm Japanese, but I was born here in Canada, I am definitely not fluent in Japanese, I only know some swear words and that's about it! But I'm hoping to learn, and did everybody know I was a girl? Sorry, just making sure, okay? So enjoy!

Thanks for listening to my ramble here, everyone, and this chapter is dedicated to Sakura-Maylo-Gand 2509 (Anonymous) because they wished me get well and it was really sweet of them! Thanks, Sakura!

Mourning of the Bloody Valentine

Chapter Thirty-One : Thoughts from our Hearts

InuYasha sniffed along the front road in front of the house, with a long sweater over his shirt, he didn't want a thick jacket to get in the way of his punching swing. Miroku and Sango were comfortably in thicker coats and sneakers, instead of home slippers and t-shirts, and since the good hot meal, they were ready to take just about anything on. Sango held Hiraikotsu behind her back, since she had given a slightly thicker kendo sword to InuYasha and Miroku a thick wooden staff.

"So...InuYasha..." Sango puffed little wisps of hot air into the cold night, "Which way did he take her?"

"I'm sniffing, godammit!" InuYasha cursed; the smell of fumes and autumn were strong and he had to cling to the sick smell of chloroform in an effort to find Kagome's gentle scent. He finally got a lead on it, and they began moving forward.

They were jogging along an open highway, and InuYasha wasn't intending to walk on the sidewalk for fear of losing track of the scent. So here they were, speed walking, but most likely jaywalking past honking SUVs and angry drivers. Miroku muttered a small prayer for, if not Kagome's, their safe arrival home.

"She WILL make it home!" snarled InuYasha, overhearing, "I swear, if she's not safe, I'll KILL whoever did this!"

They jogged along quietly, except for a slightly huffing Miroku. He had been out of P.E for quite a while, after all. But Sango kept her training at tops. She wasn't about to let her lifestyle slide, just because she had a new last name and a bikers license.

I backed up more against the cold cement wall, Hachi's putrid breath close to my face.

Now, I don't mean to be rude, but that boy has got some bad breath issues. Not bad breath as in, morning bad breath. That I can totally deal with. I mean, someday I'll probably wake up next to a dog! (InuYasha) So I don't mind normal bad breath much. But we're talking like the stench that collects from the liquid drippings from the bottom of the garbage can. That's been sitting in the black garbage can for a week, in direct sunlight. Or a half rotted fat animal that's been run over. Repeatedly. THAT'S what I'm talking about here.

He leaned forward over me, his dry lips almost about to brush mine, and I must've whimpered as if in pain, because he stepped back and peered at me.

"Why are you scared, Kagome?" He said smoothly, "Am I that vile to you?"

I blinked for a moment before my head cleared again, enough for me to retaliate.


I continued ranting, pulling tight on the ropes binding my hands behind my back, and screaming kicking and trying to attack him from my sealed position on the cement floor.

Shippo was covering his ears and crying quietly beside me. One of his hands was placed on my long sleeve, and he was rocking back and forth, muttering apologies to me, or Hachi, or most likely InuYasha, who I hoped with all my heart would show up soon and kick this buffoon in the nads.

I stopped as my latest threat died in my throat, my voice cracking and breaking like a poorly connected phone, and I found myself trying to clear my throat and I coughed terribly, the dry taste of the drug still in my system, and it stopped me from continuing my tirade. I turned to Shippo, my throat sore, and I croaked to him:

"Shippo...what's...wrong?" I coughed.

"I betrayed you, Kagome-mama! Aren't you mad?" He looked at me pleadingly.

I couldn't help but smile. I guess I was always soft. "Shippo-ahem-I can't be mad at you..." he looked shocked. I continued, "You're my little brother Shippo, no, wait, you're my son. I just can't turn you away. -cough- I know, what you did, you promised to do before you knew me. And, I also-ahem- I know you can't break a promise, because, you know what responsibility and -cough cough- accountability are, so..." I took a deep breath, "I can't blame you for what happens. I can't blame anybody really. So...I guess we'll both just have to learn from this, huh?" I gave him a weak smile.

He grinned through teary eyes and he burst out crying on my shoulder again. I tried to comfort him the best I could without holding him, I was kind of handicapped in that area right now, and just told him it'd be okay and you know, stuff like that. Hachi cracked a smile at me, and my eyes hardened.

"You..." I said hoarsely, "InuYasha will kill you for what you did to me..." I was about to continue, but he cut me off.

"Just like he killed Kouga?" he chuckled at my shocked expression, "Yes, I knew, Kagome. Sometimes InuYasha is too protective..."

I looked away.

He only smiled more, "Don't deny it, Kagome-dearest, I know it upsets you that he killed the one boy you were sure you first loved." He looked at me closely, "Did he even tell you how he killed him?"

I tried not to listen, and comfort Shippo instead, but I was curious. I hadn't stayed around long enough to get the details from the news broadcast.

He grinned, "Well, you see, he attacked Kouga while he was in the shower. Naked, you know, when a man's most defenseless. And only protected by some opaque glass..." he sneered, his once handsome face was twisted with a kind of spite and bitterness that could make normal men go mad. "He kicked his Kouga's leg with such brute force, that, I hear, the bone was split right through and came stabbing out through the other side of the leg."

I gaped in my imaginative horror.

"Yes, and while Kouga's bone was...protruding out of his very own leg, InuYasha GRABBED the lodged, bloody bone, and DRAGGED him by it, where he then castrated him. With a pair of blunt scissors."

I made a small squeak of a gasp.

"But that's not all. Poor Kouga didn't have a chance. They say, the CSI people pf course, say that all of Kouga's fingers and toes were broken by some form of twisting, probably with some kind of clamp. A wrench perhaps. An old Egyptian type of torture, I believe, right? Then, Kouga's face was cut, many times with large shards of broken glass, probably from the shower; and then his tongue removed. Then, lastly, after Kouga was dragged onto the street...InuYasha ripped his throat out."

My eyes clouded with hot tears and my shoulders slumped. So that was how Kouga died. Painfully. With more pain than anyone could imagine. More than I could probably take before I snapped. And he had stayed conscious the whole while...

Then I remembered.

"How..." I groaned, "How do you know InuYasha did it?"

He winked at me, to which I raised my hand behind my back as high as I could and fingered him. He only laughed.

"Well, who else would want Kouga dead? Not you, or Kagura, Kikyou, not me, I couldn't care less, Miroku and Sango had gone missing days before, and so InuYasha is the most logical answer. Of course, Eiji will be suspected, as he was the roommate, and he knows exactly when Kouga comes home. Who knows, maybe Eiji will be in lockup for the rest of his life, just because you decided to cheat back on him when Kouga cheated on you."

I gasped, my tears starting afresh, and I sobbed. Not only Kouga, but Eiji also would suffer because of my decisions.

" don't want anyone else to suffer?" he said gently.

All I wanted was someone to hold me. And not just some 7 year old kid. I nodded, my tears dripping from my eyes.

He smiled, and for a minute I thought I could trust him. Somewhere, in him, there was humanity still. I knew it.

InuYasha was really making headway, and with Sango and Miroku backing him up, he was pretty confident they could easily take care of Hachi. He had already decided to get Sango and Miroku to take care of Kagome, while he had some one on one time with Hachi. And he knew this time he couldn't leave a mess like last time. There were people here, his friends, and if Kagome knew exactly how he was... How he had dealt with Kouga...he wasn't sure if she'd trust him or feel safe with him anymore.

Sango was jogging along, keeping up pretty well, but all her fear in the pit of her stomach was focused on Kagome. They had met in high school, not friends for very long, but she knew her inside out. If she had been given a quiz on choices of things Kagome would do, she would get 100. Kagome could probably do the same. She closed her eyes, `Hold on Kagome...We're coming'.

Miroku was having a little bit of trouble keeping up, and as he glanced at his digital wristwatch, he knew he had just missed his nightly porn soap opera. He would usually wait until Sango was asleep, then sneak downstairs to watch the steamy soap he had learned to love ever since getting out of town and into the big city with over 200 channels. And that was without the satellite dish. He had his heart set on one. But right now, he shouldn't be thinking about that. He shook his head to clear it, and took another gulp of cold air to try and keep up with the anxious InuYasha and athletic Sango.

As all made straight along a lone road ending in a large dark house, their thoughts intertwined:

`God, Please. Let us get there, before it's too late. Please, Let Kagome be all right.'

A/N: Okay, cliffy! I only did it cuz I was feeling so much better! Hah! Don't worry, the next chapter will be up before you know it! Whew, 9 pages! I'm tired. And my fingers are sore. I mean, I only just got better, so I'd better rest and watch my brother play some Silent Hill 4 : The Room. It's SO scary! O.o Okay....


Ja ne.
