InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Moving On To America ❯ Chapter 2 ( Chapter 3 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
-Moving on to America-

Chapter 2 -


Kagome left the cafe, confused more than she ever had been in her life. Was that really Rin? Rin from back then?? No, it couldn't be, it wasn't possible. Both her parents are still alive, it just a coincednce that this Rin and the past Rin looks, talks and acts the exact same. Kagome almost started crying. Why was the fates doing this to her, mocking her. She didn't deserve this, did she, she and her friends pretty much saved the world all those hundreds of years ago, so why do they poke fun and pull at her heart strings. There was no going back. There was no more feudal era. She was the sle one who remembered anything and who existed today. This Rin was just a fluke, a coincidence, she was not the past Rin.

Then I remembered the wisp of silver hair and my heart fluttered and ached at the same time. I couldn't handle getting my hopes up and then having them crash all around me. I clutched my chest where my heart skipped a beat. It was impossible, it couldn't happen. I was in America besides the point. This lifted and yet sank my spirits at the same time. I wasn't in Japan anymore. Rin was a coincidence, I convinced herself and didn't give it another thought.

It was still too early to stop by the high school, which seemed to be a few blocks away, as I looked at my little hand drawn map I drew from the site on the internet. It was only three streets down and one up, right on the corner.

I sighed to myself, "Well, might as well go searching for some furniture while I'm waiting." I was not looking forward to shopping for furniture. Plus, I didn't know where to go, much less start. I was so lost.

I politely asked a young couple for the direction of the closest furniture and appliance store. I had to take the bus to the center of town, and then walk about a block, finally I saw it.

"Perfect." I said gazing up at the building, it was only one floor, but it was massive. I checked my watch. My appointment at the high school was at 12:45pm and it was currently 10:07am, I had plenty of time, and how long could it take to pick out some furniture and appliances...

...Oh boy, was I wrong...

Inside, it was huge, there was furniture as far as the eye could see, and don't forget the appliances and electronics. I blinked a few times, standing there a bit taken back by how much of this sort of thing could be piled in one store.

"Where to start..." I whispered to myself.

I started with the couches, that led into the elctronics, which led into the appliances and then to the beds. This was all one big circle. I needed a couch, and badly.


Over 2 hours later I finally was out of the store, with all the necessities bought and paid for, some fully, some half and I would half to make monthly payments. I ended up buying a couch set for the living room the combined three sofa's, I know unnecessary, but it came with a free plasma television, how could I refuse? Damn them and their deals, anyways the couches were all matching and a nice forest green, with black trimming. They were a whomping total of $9,999, I paid half upfront, and well do monthly payments for the rest In the electronics, I bought two phones, my other would be needing to call me soon. They were red, and cordless, those weren't very expensive, only $80 for the both of them. The fridge, stove, washer and dryer. Those took a big chunk out of my savings as well, but again they had a deal for a four appliances, so I got about $500 off, which is good, thats an extra $500 in my pocket. All four items came up to appoximately $3,900. Lastly, but definitely not least, was the bed. I could handle just the bed for now and come back another time for the bedroom set, I just wanted to get the hell out of there. The bed and the frame only came up to a little less than $1,000. I spent about half of my savings, which almost made me cry, but it had to be done. Everything was going to be delivered later on that day, which they did for free.

Now, I was running late. It was already 12:11pm, I didn't have much time to get back on that bus and walk to the high school, but luckily for me as I ran to the bus stop, the bus passed me and was stalled by a red light. At least someone up there likes me.

I made it to the school, with barely a minute to spare, but then I got lost in the school looking for the prinipals office. The high school's hallways echoed as I walked down them and they brought back many memories. Memories of the big fights I used to have with InuYasha do get my way and come back to my time, just to study and pass some tests. How I wish now that if I could, I would do things differently, I would spend as much time as possible with him, knowing that my time was scarce, but sadly I didn't know.

I then say a stray student at his locker.

"Excuse me."

He looked up a bit startled, but then I was the one who was startled but those dazzling emerald eyes and flaming red hair. No, not again!. I must be going crazy, but before I could register what was happening, the name quickly escaped past my lips.


He blinked in confusion as I stepped closer towards him. It's been 5 years, he was at the right age as well. How could this be happening, this can't be a coincidence, it just can't be! Rin and Shippou, both the same day.

"How do you know my name?" He asked. He looked me up and down, as if trying to see something.

My heart soared when he replied that that was indeed his name. I couldn't take it, I just ran.

I ran from him, from my memories, from the pain and disappointment that will surely follow. This can't be real. I must still be dreaming. I ran into the nearest girls' bathroom and stood in front of the sink, clenching it tightly and looking down. I just noticed how hard I was breathing and how fast my heart was beating. I still couldn't understand what was happening.

I looked up to the mirror on the wall. It reflected the toilet stalls and my face. There was tears now silently falling. I couldn't take getting my hopes up and then having the crash, I just couldn't go through it all over again. This was fate, it had to be.

"Something's wrong," I whispered to my reflection, "This shouldn't be happening, why am I seeing things? Why am I seeing them here, now?" I looked towards the ceiling, "This is cruel, you know, if you plan on giving them all back to me, now, it's just not right."

I slowly calmed myself and eased my breathing. I was already late so what would a few more minutes do? My sobs quieted and soon vanished and I wiped my tears away. I did as best as I could to make my face normal again, and I headed back out of the bathroom. Shippou-chan was no where in sight, I laughed lightly, "Must've scared him away."

I found the principal's office at 10 after 1pm.

I walked up to the scretary, "Umm... Hi, I have an appointment with the principal."

She briefly looked up at me an dthen back down to her files, "Your late."

I winced at the harsh tone of her commanding voice, "Sorry, I got lost trying to find the office."

"Go right on in, he's expecting you."

I bowed, and she gave me an odd look, Americans don't bow in thanks."Thank you," and I walked past her to the door that had the word, 'Principal' typed on a gold plaque. I knocked timidly, I felt as though I was in high school again, and I was in trouble.

"Come in," a voice called from inside.

I cautiously opened the door and walked in with my head bowed down a little, afraid to be scowlded like a high schooler for being late.

"Ah, Higurashi-san I presume," I was a little bit shockd about the 'san' part and was now afraid to look up.

"Hai, I mean, yes."

He laughed, and this is what made me look up. He was American, but seemed to have some asian looks, perhaps he was mixed. He was fat, and it seemed to give him a jolly look, kind of like Santa Claus, but minus the white hair and beard. He was clean shavened, and was balding slighly on the top. He reminded me of Myoga, which made me do a double take. All I needed now was to break down in front of my maybe new boss, but he wasn't.

"Hmmm..." he glanced down at his watch, "You are a bit late, but I won't put it against you, I heard you just moved here yesterday from Japan." I nodded and remained quietly standing at the door, he seemed to notice this. "Please, sit sit, don't be shy, I won't bite." He winked, and laughed again. "So, you want a job here."

I nodded, "Yes, I would."

He nodded and then looked down at some papers that were on his desk, "It says here, History. What kind of History?"

"Mostly Japanese, the legends and myths along with the fairytales. I don't want to keep it boring, because I do remember how boring it was for me when I was in high school."

He nodded again, "Splendid, I like your idea. Keep the students interested and yet teach them facts and dates at the same time."

I smiled, "Yes, thats exactly what I want to do."

He then looked at me straight in the eye. His eyes looked vaguely familiar to me, he then spoke. "As you may have noticed, I am part Japanese, which is what interested me most about your application to this school. I like to bring foreign cultures and histories into this school, and let the children choose which history they would like to take, I guess now I'll have to add another selection," and he winked at me.

I blinked and my grin broke out into a full blown smile, "Does that mean I...?"

"Yes, young lady, you have got yourself a job." He stood up and held out his hand.

I scrambled to my feet and gladly shook it, "Thank you, Mister, uh...?"

He laughed, "How rude of me, my name is Mr. Ueda, and you start next monday, the first day back of school."


I was a good girl, and finished this chapter right after the last one, but of course I couldn't put it up the same day, that's no fun. Again, this chapter was kind of boring, but stuff had to be done with. And, what's this, Shippou-chan? Not him too, who's next? InuYasha??? I hope you enjoyed this chapter with the little bit of greatness that was in it, which was a whole of the 5 seconds with Shippou, hehehe -sweatdrop- Well, I did enjoy typing this chapter, and if it wasn't for the fact that it's now really late (4:43am) I would start the next chapter right away, but alas, it must wait for another day.

Review Please!
