InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Moving On To America ❯ Chapter 4 ( Chapter 5 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
-Moving on to America-

Chapter 4 -


Kagome started to stir in her sleep, and snuggled closer into her pillow and drew her blankets tighter around herself. She let out a small sigh and smiled. She never noticed how comfy the floors could be. Her eyes then tightened as she heard voices in the distance.

"Oi, look, I think she's coming too."

"Good, at least we know you didn't kill her."

"Shut the fuck up, how's I to know she'd faint on the spot, at least I caught her."

"True, you actually did good this time."

"Oh shut up Miroku, I bet if you were in my position you would have just felt her up or something perverted like that."

"Perhaps, she is rather attractive, and she has a very nice a-"

There was a loud bang and some whimpers of pain. I opened my eyes. Were my ears playing tricks on me? Or did I just hear the name, 'Miroku'? No, no, I must still be dreaming, that's it. I'm dreaming!

"Hey wench, I know your awake, I can see you blinking over there."

I shut my eyes tightly and tried not to scream out. Instead I took a deep breath and slowly sat up, but still with my eyes shut tightly. They said nothing, but I could feel them staring at me as though I were crazy, so I quickly made up an excuse for my eyes being closed.

"The light is bright."


"Well, I thought you mihgt be wondering why my eyes are still closed, so I'm telling you so you don't need to think I'm crazy or something." I said quickly as I felt my face heat up a bit.


I heard a gasp, "I would never think someone as beautiful as you would be crazy..."

There was a growl followed by another punch. This was just too weird. How could this be happening? My thoughts, that seemed to be coming to my head a lot since this morning, were rudely interrupted.

"Okay wench, now that you're up and ok, we'll be leaving. Everything else you ordered is unpacked and placed where they should be."


At this I opened my eyes and waited for my eyes to adjust to the light. There, standing at the foot of my bed, I guess they weren't kidding when they said they set up everything, was Miroku with his boyish grin, and InuYasha...

InuYasha. He was as beautiful as I remembered him, though his face has matured a bit from the last 5 years. His long silver hair was released from where it was held behind his black cap, which was now sitting atop his head, backwards. His piercing golden orbs were just how I remembered them, yet the held no recollection of me, or anything to do with me. My heart went from sky high to rock bottom as soon as I saw them. I then looked over to Miroku, he held no recollection of me either in those violet orbs of his. I felt a lump in my throat begin to grow and my eyes began to sting. I quickly look to the side of me and concetrated on the wall, and coughed to clear my voice.

"Thank you, there was really no need for you to set up everything though..."

"Keh, look, what's done is done, so be grateful."

I bit my bottom lip. Yup, that was the loud and rude InuYasha that I remember. Don't cry Kagome, don't cry, I told myself.

I took a deep breath, "I said thank you and I am grateful..." I looked to my feet and exited the room and looked around. My forest green couch set was set up around my new plasma television. My fridge and stove were sparkling in my kitchen, ready to be used. I smiled and almost broke then, but instead coughed. "You don't have to stay, I promise I won't faint again," I laughed lightly, but it was hallow.

Miroku came up beside me and tried to catch my eye, "Have we met? You seem to look really familiar."

This time, I really did laugh, "Yeah, I've been getting that a lot lately..." and looked away from him.

InuYasha stayed where he was. I could feel him looking me up and down, I knew he was thinking the same thing as Miroku had just said. I looked familiar. I didn't know that a cheesey pick up line could actually make my heart constrict. Everything I went through with these people, the dangers, the laughs... everything, was nothing. Only I remained with these memories, and if I spoke them out loud, they would think I was crazy. If only someone else remembered out there. I single tear escaped and slid down my cheek. I quickly wiped it away and turned to the two smiling.

"Well! As you can see, I did just move in so I still got lots to do, and the first thing on my list at the moment is to go buy some groceries, so I don't mean to be rude, but your job is done, you can go now."

Miroku was still looking at me, but InuYasha did what InuYasha always does.

"Keh. Whatever. Come on Miroku, this wench has stuff to do and we still have more furniture and appliances to deliver."

Miroku just shrugged and followed InuYasha out of the appartment, closing the door silently behind him. As soon as the door clicked, I ran to my room and collapsed on the bed and cried. They didn't remember me. He didn't remember me. I'm nothing to them, it isn't fair. I just continued sobbing


The two men that just exited that girl's appartment, InuYasha and Miroku walked on in silence, neither of them knowing what to say or what to do to break the awkward tension that had erupted between them once that girl had woken up. They didn't know her name... And yet, both of them felt as though they had met her before, she seemed so familiar.

We both walked on in silence, Miroku not even looking at me, he seemed to be in a whole other world. I, on the other hand, was really confused to the point of being a bit frightened. Who was that woman? I know for a fact that I've never met her before, and yet, she looked and (I know it sounded weird) but felt familiar. It also scared me that when I saw her falling to the floor my chest constricted and before I could think, I caught her. It was like an instinct. I never even knew I could move that fast, I knew I was fast, but I was by her side in less that a second with her safely in my arms.


My thoughts were then interrupted by my friend and co-worker, Miroku. He was smart guy, but such a pervert and lech. He really wasn't able to keep his hands off of any pretty girl that strolled by, or flirt with them. He even asked a few of them to give birth to a child for him. He was an idiot, but that made everyday with him was a comedy show, because he would get kneed in the balls, slapped across the face or worse. He was not bad looking for a guy, but he needed to work on his pick up lines.

"Yeah?" I replied, not looking at him, but rather concentrating on the road. We were now running late.

"You know, I wasn't saying that as I pick up line..."

"Huh?" I glanced over at him and back to the road. He looked serious.

"She really does seem familiar to me, I mean, I feel as though I have met her before or something."

I tensed at this. Miroku felt it too. That's not normal. "Your point?"

"I just thought I would justify my words, seeing as though you were eyeing her the whole time." I knew he was now smirking, "I don't want to go after someone you already have your eyes on."

At this, the truck swerved into the next lane and back into the one we were in. That little action brought about a lot of honking horns and curses gtom the other drivers.

"What are you doing!? Trying to get us killed!?"

"Sorry..." I mumbled red in the face.

"No problem, just try to concentrate on the road for the rest of the trip, I would like to get paid sometime today." Miroku replied, he was now laughing as well. Must've noticed my red face, "didn't mean to embarasse you buddy."

I merely growled, "Shut up or you'll have a few more lumps to follow those other two on your head from earlier!"

Miroku squeaked and remained quiet for the remainder of the drive.

As for me, my thoughts were now all over the place, jumbled and confused. Yeah, I was eyeing the girl, but just because she looked familiar. I have to admit though, she was rather pretty, no scratch that, she took my breath away, and that says a lot because many woman have tried to, and she merely bitched at me and fainted.

But, the thing that scared me the most was when our eyes locked on to eachother's. My own golden ones with her saffire blue ones, that I became entranced in. All those swirls of emotion over whelmed me, but the strongest emotion that I could make out was love. My heart skipped a beat at this, and I unconciously moved one of my hands over my heart. What was wrong with me? I don't even know her name. I don't even know who she is! This is crazy! I sighed and tried to shake those enchanted blue eyes from my mind, but as hard as I tried, they always resurfaced, and everytime they did my heart leapt with them.

"I don't understand..." I whispered to myself.

"Hmm, did you say something InuYasha?" Miroku asked, looking towards me.

"No, nothing. Just talking to myself."


So, InuYasha, we meet again! Bahahahaha! Well, this chapter went along smoothly, though nothing big happened. Everything will unravel in due time, and I promise that it does et more exciting! I have a lot more planned for this story other than meeting old friends. On to the next chapter (I'm still on my roll, this chapter was typed outthe very next day from the last, I'm crazy, right? lol)

Reviews are pretty!
