InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Moving On To America ❯ Chapter 5 ( Chapter 6 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
-Moving on to America-

Chapter 5 -


Kagome slept, she didn't know for how long nor did she care at that point. Everything in her world had been turned upside once again, just like the first day she fell down the well. Just like the first day it wouldn't let her go back. Everything was confusing her, everything she did now felt like a dream, and today made it feel more like a dream than ever. Not only was Rin and Shippou here in this era and in America, but so was Miroku and InuYasha... She didn't know how to compute all of this new infromation. She really started to feel like this was just a cruel joke, and she'd have them all taken away from her again. Some one up there really had a grudge against her, or they just had a sick twisted sense of humour. She was seriously starting to believe the second one rather than the first option.

I woke up late that day, sometime in the evening by the looks of it. I don't know what woke me up, or maybe I just couldn't sleep anymore, but then I heard the door knock.

-Knock knock knock-

I sighed and go up from bed, without a second thought and mumbled, "I'm coming, I'm coming." I dragged my half awake self to the front door. Not even bothering to look through the peep hole to see who is was, I opened the door and looked at the person who knocked. She merely looked back and smiled, and was holding a cup. I blinked a few times to focus my eyes and as soon as I did, I wish I hadn't.

"Hi, I was just wondering if I could borrow a cup of su... Oh my god, are you alright? You look as though you've been crying or something!"

But her words fell on deaf ears as my eyes widened and I gasped, and then without even thinking or caring what she thought of me, I threw my hands up in the air walked away from the door and started pacing in front of it, yelling to no one in particular.

"Of course! I shoulda known! Who else was there left to meet in this era but Sango," I looked up at the ceiling and glared at it, "You think this is just so funny don't you, huh? Well it isn't! What have I ever done to you, HUH!?" I yelled. "I don't deserve this!" I growled, and sighed in defeat looking at my feet.

Sango, tall and slim with the same chocolate brown eyes and magenta eye shadow. Her hair was in the usual fashion as well, tied back into a high ponytail. She stood there, wide-eyed and mouth agape. She looked extremely lost and confused, not to mention a little scared.

I looked over at her blank expression, but as I laid my eyes on her, her expression changed, and she looked back at me with a questioning look on her face. Before she could open her moouth, I cut her off.

"Let me guess, 'Have we met before, you look familiar?'"

Sango's eyes widened and her mouth opened and closed, much like a fish out of water.

She finally said something, "How do you know my name? And how did you know that that was what I was going to ask?"

I smiled, "Umm... I'm psychic," and stuck out my tongue.

She raised an eyebrow at me, "No, seriously... How did you know my name?"

I tried to think of the best lie I could, I couldn't tell her the truth, at least, not yet. "I had a friend named Sango, and you looked like a Sango kind of girl, and don't mind my crazy rant," I laughed nervously while scratching the back of my bed head of hair, "I wasn't fully awake yet."

Sango still stared me down, but thought better to just let it drop, "Okay, whatever," she mumbled.

I sighed in relief, and looked up at her and noticed the mug in her hand, "So, why did you knock on my door?"

Her eyes widened, "Oh. Right. I came to ask if you have any sugar to spare, I just ran out and I need it for my coffee."

"Sorry, I kind of have like... no food whatsoever, and that includes sugar." I gave her a weak smile and shrugged.

She gasped, "What do you mean you have no food?"

"Well, I just moved in yesterday, and just got my fridge a few hours ago and I was suppose to go do some groceries, but I kind of passed out and I don't know what time it is or where the grocery stores are in this city." I gave her my long explanation and she just stared back at me.

"Well then, I guess you and I are going out." She smiled.


"I'll show you around town, it's only a bit after 7pm and the stores close at 9pm, we have plenty of time,"she explained to me, still with that friendly smile on her face.

I couldn't help but stare at her for a few seconds, she was talking to me as if what happened merely moments ago didn't happen at all. She was being friendly, just like the past Sango. This made a small smile appear across my lips, it also made me start to wonder. Maybe I can start over, with everybody, and become just as good friends as we were then, now in this era. Maybe there was hope yet.

"Do you need to get ready, or should we leave now?"

I smiled and nodded, "I'm ready now, let's go."

Kagome and Sango went to the grocery store, Sango leading the way. They talked and laughed the whole walk there and back, it turns out that they had lots in common, including two younger brothers, that were only a year difference. This made Kagome think as well, maybe things are different, maybe things will be better now then they were then. So far they were. Sango's brother and father seemed to be still alive and living together, though Sango moved out on her own about a year ago. Rin's parents were still alive and happily getting along with no problems. Perhaps Shippou's biological parents were still alive as well. This gave Kagome hope, hope for a better life with all of her beloved friends.

"I can't believe you just spent that much at the grocery store." Sango said in disbelief.

I merely shrugged and smiled, "It had to be done, my kitchen is bare", and so well my bank account soon if this keeps up, I thought to myself and sighed.

We both laughed and continued our walk home, no bags in hand. I had bought so much stuff, that it couldn't be carried home and it would be delivered to my house.

"Well, yeah, I understand, but to dish out all that in one shot?"

I shrugged my shoulders again, "It had to be done, if not today, then tomorrow. I needed everything, and I still have to go out tomorrow and by some more necessities like towels and face clothes along with some dishes and pots and pans and cutlery and-" the list just kept going along with Sango's jaw dropping. This made me laugh a bit. Sango seemed to be more carefree in this era, then back in the past.

We made it back to my front door, and said our good-byes.

"Well, it was nice to meet you Kagome."

I looked back at her, "Yeah, you too Sango."

There was an awkward silence. I didn't know how to say good-bye to her. It felt like if I did, I would never see her again.

She suddenly held out her hand, to shake, "I hope we can hang out some time soon, hopefully our evening will be a bit more entertaining then a trip to the super market."

We both laughed and I gladly took her hand in mine to shake, but as soon as our fingers touched, there was an electric shock that passed through us both. I saw the pink lightning that surrounded both of our hands, I knew Sango couldn't, just by the look on her face. It was like an electric charge of some sort.

---Sango's POV---

When Kagome's hand touched mine, something happen, something I can't explain, but I felt as though my soul was being charged somehow. At that instant, images started to flash through my mind, and I knew they were not my own, and yet they were. Just thinking about it made me confused, so I just let the images fly by.

There were so many of them that it was hard to concentrate on just one at a time.

There was me, and my brother, we were wearing odd clothing and sitting next to each other, laughing and talking. There was a two tailed kitten in my hand


My father being killed before my eyes, no! Their lies! This can't be! Then I heard myself scream, "It was you! You are the demon," and I lunged to attack the said man, with what seemed to be a giant boomerrang in my hand, and then I was attacked by... Kohaku? no!

"S-sister... Oh god! Sango!!" and he ran towards me, but never made it, for arrows were shot at him.


I was then walking along side Kagome, though she was younger and wearing, what look liked a traditional high school uniform, she had a bright yellow school bag and a bow with some arrows. Beside her was a teenage boy with long silver hair and... wait... are those dog ear? He was wearing a red suit, it looked as though he had an old katana strapped to his side To my side there was, what looked like, a monk, though we was quite handsome, and he was carrying a golden staff, and one of his hands were wrapped up with some material and prayer beads. For some reason it sent a chill down my spine. There was also a little boy with flaming red hair tied up in a pony tail with a green bow. He had a red puffy tail to match his hair, he was definitly not human.

We all seemed quite content in each other's presence.

We had a common goal, to search and destroy something evil.


More battles flashed before my eyes, along with some tears, blushes that were quickly followed by some slaps, or a boomerrang bone.


Calm and peaceful scenes flashed by as well. Kagome and I were in a hot spring, talking with the little red-haired boy who was floating in the water with us.

I just stood up to get out of the hot spring, and a cold breeze blew that made my hair sweep up to reveal my back. I gasped at the large scar, and Kagome seemed to notice it too and she stood up as well and looked at me, with determination.

"Don't worry Sango-san," she said, "We'll find Kohaku. He is alive and we'll get him back."

The other me smiled at Kagome and said, "Thank you, Kagom-chan."


"Sango, no matter what, you ARE a part of this group and we care if you get hurt! We need you," yelled the silver haired man furiously at the other me.

I started crying and said, "Thank you, InuYasha."


"Sango-san, I really care for you, that's the reason why I never asked you to bear my children like I ask every other maiden I meet. I don't want you to have to raise them on your own after my wind tunnel grows and swallows me whole into it's blackness."

The monk, with the violet eyes that made my heart lurch to my throat, said to me, but it just made me furious.

"I deserve to choose if that's what I want or not," I yelled at him, "And after we destroy Naraku, I want to bear your children and live with you."

He seemed to be a bit taken back by my words, and smiled at me.


All the visions and images meshed together faster and faster, soaking into my soul and brain, etching it with these weird dreams, or could they be memories? Then, one more came.


Kagome was standing near a well and we were all with her. The journey was over, this evil Naraku man was destroyed, and the jewel we were gathering was finally complete.

Kagome smiled at us, "I'm just going to go home for a bit, shower clean up, get some more supplies and I'll be back tomorrow." she said.

I smiled and hugged Kagome, "See you tomorrow Kagome-chan."

Miroku said bye as well, but kept his distance as I glared at him.

The silver haired man, however stood there awkwardly, not knowing what to say. He looked sad, as his ears were flat against his head. He said a quick, "Bye."

The monk and I looked at each other and sighed shaking out heads. We looked towards Kagome and saw the bit of hurt in her eyes, but was quickly replaced. We knew she knew how this stubborn man was, just like she knew he cared for her, but just didn't know how to say it.

With one last wave, Kagome jumped down the well and vanished.

She never came back the next day. The silver haired man jumped into the well to go and fetch her, but the well didn't transport him to her time. The well stopped working. It lost it's magic. She didn't appear the day after that, nor the day after that. Days turned into weeks, which turned into months, which turned into years. My best friend, Kagome, never came back.


I then understood what these visions were, there were not dreams...

---Kagome's POV---

We quickly tore our hands apart and looked at each other confused.

"What was that?" I asked her.

She seemed not to hear me and had a blank expression on her face.

"Sango? Are you alright?" I asked in a concerned voice and lightly touched her shoulder.

This seemed to break her out of whatever state she was in.

She looked at me, and there was something different in her eyes... something akin to... recognition... but, it wasn't possible.

Her face then lit up, as if really seeing me for the first time, "Kagome, your back!" and she hugged me tightly.

I blinked a couple of times, "Uhhh... what?"


Hmm... this chapter was harder to type out than you think. At first I thought Sango getting her memory back right away was a bad call, but it flowed really good. I thought that her getting her memory back the first time she meets Kagome was kind of neat. Hopefully you guys think so too... Alas, I typed out 2 chapters in one night again.

Reviews! are also healthy, look at those muscular finger -flex-
