InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Moving On To America ❯ Chapter 6 ( Chapter 7 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Disclaimer: I don't own InuYasha©, or any of the characters or story line, they belong to Rumiko Takahashi.

-Moving on to America-

Chapter 6 -


Kagome stood there silently, eyes wide and beyond dumb struck at what Sango had just said, and did. Sango, stood as well, but with her arms tightly wrapped around Kagome, in a bone crushing hug. She was smiling, and tears were streaming downw her face as she cried silently on Kagome's shoulder. The two of them said nothing, Kagome, not knowing what to do or say while Sango was just happily taking in the moment.

I found my voice, it was a bit hoarse from remaining quiet for so long, but I had to ask. I didn't understand what was happening, though my heart lurched at the look in her eyes, I couldn't bear to be disappointed once again. "Sango?"

Sango pulled back, and looked at me. A smile was still plastered across her face as she brought her arm up to wipe her tears, not of sadness, but of pure joy.

"Kagome, y-you came back."

I blinked, what did she mean by, 'I came back.' When did I le- and then it clicked and my eyes widened.

I whispered to myself, "The Well...?"

Sango nodded, "I remember everything."

I furrowed my brow in confusion, "How?"

Sango merely shrugged, "I don't know. When you touched my hand, images started to come together, memories. I still have my new ones of this life in this era, and yet my old ones are kind of meshed up with them."

I held my hand to my forehead, "I need to sit down."

Sango followed me to my new couch as I plopped down on to it. She remembered everything... but why? Why would she need to remember everything, I mean, I doubt she wanted to see... oh no...

I looked up at Sango curiously, "You said... you remember... everything?"

Sango looked back at me, as if understanding the silent question that I couldn't bring myself to say out loud. Her facial expression changed a bit, it looked sad, but it quickly left, "Yeah... everything. Dad and Kohaku..." she replied a bit more quietly.

Guilt washed over me. Sango didn't deserve to live through that scene again. She suffered enough in that era, she didn't need to be cursed with those images in this one too.

She seemed to notice these thoughts, and quickly tried to break them,"Kagome, don't blame yourself. It's not your fault that they died in the past. Besides, they are still alive here, so there's nothing to beat yourself up over, ok?"

I bit my bottom lip and nodded slowly, though I would always blame myself for making her remember those horrible memories, she was right. Her family were still alive and healthy today, that's all that mattered. I smiled weakly and nodded.

Kagome and Sango spent the night together, going over eveything, laughing and joking about the past and what they've been up to now. What happened with the Well, and the unanswered questions were answered as best as they could be, for the Well issue was still a mystery. They were also confused about the fact that they all came together once again in this era, and they weren't the only ones. Kagome quickly told Sango about the fact that she met Rin the first day here, and if she wanted, they could both go and see her tomorrow, though she doesn't remember Kagome or Sango. Kagome also told her how she saw Shippou at the high school she's working at, and Miroku. Sango tensed up at his name, and Kagome smiled at this. InuYasha.

The room filled in silence as I uttered his name for the first time in Sango's presence. "I saw him too..."

Sango put her hand over mine in a comforting way, and I looked up at her from my legs. She had a small smile across her lips,"He'll remember too, don't worry. You two were destined to be together."

My eyes burned with unshed tears as she said this. Were we really, though? Wouldn't he have remembered then? Or do I have to touch him, like I did Sango?

"Kagome," she squeezed my hand and I looked up at her again, my eyes glossy, "You know he loved you, don't you?" I bit my bottom lip and nodded slowly, and Sango continued, "You should have seen how heart broken he was when you never came back. He tried to get to you, and he couldn't. He sat by the Well days with not moving, wishing you'd come back. If that's not love, I don't know what is. And with that kind of love, he wouldn't be able to let it go, not even if he was reincarnated, it would still be with him, you just have to unleash it again."

Tears were now flowing freely from my eyes, "What if I can't? I don't know how? What if I never even see him again?"

Sango held me, it was my turn to cry, just out of knowing what not to do about this situation.

"Don't worry, fate will help with that part, you just be sure to try next time you see him."

I nodded.

Kagome couldn't stop smiling for the rest of the night after her crying time. It was great having her best friend back, and someone else who remembered the past era. It gave her a sense of hope, that one day, every one will come back together again. They had too.


I was standing in the middle of a dark forest, but it felt familiar.

I looked around and down at my hands. My hands were clawed, not filed down like I did now. I was also bare foot and wearing a red suit. There was a long old looking katana the hung at my side.

I was reaching old to touch it when it pulsed, and my hand shied away.

I looked up again, and fully took in my surroundings. By the looks of it, it was night time, though I could be mistaken and it just looked this dark because of the old fully grown tries that hid the sky from view.

As if she appeared out of thin air, a woman was in my arms, and I was embracing her back. She looked like that girl from the appartment, but it wasn't. She seemed colder and more distant, and yet I embraced her tightly, as if to never let go.

I felt I owed my life to the one in my arms, but my heart felt like it needed to be some where else, like it belonged to someone else.

It was as if I was in a trance. The tree behind us glowed with some weird looking creatures, that reminded me of some sort of snake or eel but with little claws. Her words didn't reach my ears. The ground began to swallow us both.

I knew what was happening but I couldn't stop it. I was going to hell with her, and I didn't deny it, I just went with her, knowing that this was right. I owed this woman my life.

She then looked up at me, and kissed me. Her lips were cold, and filled with hate, there was no hint of love whatsoever, just blind fury and hate.

The ground shook more violently and we sunk deeper. The woman that was in my arms was staring at the tree, glaring at it as if it were to spring to life at any moment and attack.


My dog-like ears twitched, and a name sprang to my head and I whispered it, "Kagome...?"

The woman's nails dug into my back when she heard the name escape my lips.

My head slowly moved away from her shoulder and I looked towards the tree. The same tree I saw before, but now, those creatures had a young woman tied to it. She looked scared, and she had a look of hurt across her face, hurt and shock.

My eyes widened and I jumped away from the woman in my arms to save the one by the tree, with the name 'Kagome.'


I sliced the creatures and they vanished. I helped Kagome up and she looked back at me, with those dazzling sapphire eyes. Those eyes filled with so much emotion, but I couldn't read it right now. It was the girl from the appartment, younger, but there was no mistaking it, it was her. My heart swelled.

"You choose her, over me InuYasha? Is she more precious to you?"

I looked back at the other woman. There was no mistaking the fact that they did look alike, though she looked more sophisticated and cold.

The creatures then wrapped around her and carried her away.

"Don't forget, InuYasha, there was no lie behind that kiss."

And she was gone.

I looked back at Kagome and she was walking away, or rather stomping.


"I heard everything! I saw everything!"

Everything? I gulped and couldn't help but being a little scared.

She sighed and stopped walking, but kept her back to me, "What... what am I to you?"

I blushed, "Huh?"

Her eyebrow twitched and she yelled, "SIT!" and I slammed to the ground, paralyzed, "I'm going home!"


InuYasha woke up from his weird dream in a start. He still felt as though he was slammed to the hard ground, his body ached all over.

"Her name is Kagome," I whispered to myself.

I've been having these dreams for the past 3 days now, ever since I saw that "Kagome" girl. Every night it was a different dream, but they felt so real. Miroku was even in some of them, but he was a monk. Which made me laugh because no way in any life would he be a monk. He's too much of a lech. These dreams were also filled with another woman that looked like Kagome. She was always trying to kill me, and the worst part was that everytime I would let her, because I felt I owed my life to her.

I sighed and tried to remember all the faces in my dreams. A little kitsune boy with red hair, a girl, a bit older than Kagome, who was a warrior and her whole clan had been wiped out. The monk named Miroku, who looked exactly like my friend Miroku, except a few years younger. A half-brother named Sesshomaru. Who, I apparently cut off his arm in a battle over a sword that my father had made. A little human girl named Rin, that would follow him around where ever he went. It was all so confusing and made no sense whatsoever. Dreams, that's all they were. They were too out of this world to be real.

I took a quick shower, and washed my long silver hair. My dog ears twitched as the water hit them. I was a half inu-youkai, but I didn't understand how, neither did my parents. Yes, it was true that my ancestors from hundreds of years ago came from demons, but my father was so far down in the line, and had been so watered down by all the human blood now, that when I was born, it was never seen before.

A hanyou, born in this world is still seen as dirty and shuned, but I must say, they are not as bad as they were said to be in the past. My parents told me that if I was born back in the day as a hanyou, I would most likely be stoned out of the village that we lived in, and probably die, from the sheer lack of experience in fighting.

I was also lucky because for most of my appearance, I look human. I file down my claws to look human like, which I have to do every day because they grow back that fast, and my ears can be easily hid. As for my canines, people just think I have unusually big canines, and they don't question it.

I heard that the are still youkai that like in this era, but they conceal themselves well and they don't kill just for the pure joy of killing like they used to. They hide themselves amongst the humans, living like humans. Only demons can see other demons, but humans can't sense them at all, unless they have the power too, but most of those people have died out.

I ate my favorite dish for breakfast, ramen. I don't know why or when I started loving this stuff, but once I hit 15, that's all I ever wanted to eat. It didn't help that it was cheap and affordable, so my groceries were never very expensive.

Glancing at the calendar I saw that it was now Friday. Today would be my last day of work for my summer job, and then it was back to school for me, with those annoying little brats. Miroku and I just took this moving job for some extra money for the summer, which wasn't that bad, these movers make good money. But we were both teachers at a local high school. I taught math, and sometimes gym when I was lucky. Miroku taught Japanese as a second language, and Art. Monday we'll be going back.

I don't know what pursued me to teach math, but once I got into high school, it seemed like it was all taught to me before and I was top of the class. Might as well teach something that I'm natural good at rather than working hard labour for the rest of my life. This way my body won't die on me by the time I turn 30.

There was a knock at my door.

"Who is it?" I called from the kitchen, eating my delicious beef ramen.

"It's your favorite person in the whole world."

I rolled my eyes at the sound of Miroku's voice, "Santa Clause? At this time of the year."

I could see Miroku sweat dropping in the hall way, "No..."

"Oh, well then come on in Miroku my lease favorite person in the world."

Miroku walked in and feigned a hurt look with his hand over his heart, "That hurt InuYasha my ol' buddy."

I shrugged my shoulders and finshed my ramen. I got up and walked towards the sink and put the dirty bowl in it, "I'm guessing we have to leave now for work, huh?"

"Yup, another great day of exercising, by lifting thing 3 times our weight."

I sighed, "I can't believe I'm going to say this, but I'm glad that school starts next monday."

"Oh yeah." I looked towards Miroku as he began to speak, "I hear we have a new addition to our staff this year," he said, and then there was a perverse glint in his eye, "I hope it's a sexy little one with nice legs..." he started drooling.

I walked past him and punched in on the back of his head, "That's called sexual harassement my friend, and you've already got lots of those under your belt as it is, keep it up and you'll get fired."

This time he shrugged, "Mr. Ueda would never fire me, he loves me too much."

I shook my head and headed out the door, keys and baseball cap in one hand, and Miroku's ear by the other, "Let's go loser."

"Ow ow ow ow ow..."


I know I know, not as exciting as the last chapter, but I felt that InuYasha needed to be in this one, we've only seen him in 2 other chapters. Oh la la, InuYasha is a smart boy, and a teacher. Wait till he finds out who's going to the same school as him. -evil laugh- I had a bit more trouble with this chapter, but I promise that the next will be better.

Review Please, they make me motivated.
