InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Moving On To America ❯ Chapter 7 ( Chapter 8 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
NOTE: It seems I made a mistake uploading the last chapter and only realized it a few days ago, lack of computer and internet can do that, so here is the REAL chapter 7 (8 for mediaminer) and I apologize to those who do read my story.

-Moving on to America-

Chapter 7 -


Kagome's next three days with Sango after that night was a blur of good times. She was generally happy that Sango had regained all of her memories and that her view of their friendship hadn't changed at all. There was also a lot of shopping involved in those three days, Kagome had to finish filling up her house, and by the end of it, she only had about 3 or 4 months left of rent in the bank. This discouraged her a lot, but the fact that is was already Friday and everything was done and she was officially settled in, she didn't worry much more about her money issues that would see on arise if she kept spending like she had been. Plus, on Monday she would be starting her new job as a History teacher at the local high school.

"Are you nervous at all?" Sango asked me suddenly.

We were sitting at my new favorite cafe restaurant that I first met Rin at my usual table that I occupy. Sango had insisted on coming here, she was curious about seeing Rin again, and since we were done with the shopping and it was lunch time, she thought it would be a good idea for me to show her. Not surprisingly, Sango had come to this cafe before, but had never seen Rin, but knowing my luck, she will appear again.

"About what?" I replied, curious to what she was talking about.

"Your new job that you start on Monday," Sango said simply, grabbing a fry off her plate.

I thought for a minute, "No, not really. I mean, my boss, the principal, he's really nice and laid back kind of guy," Sango nodded while gnawing on another fry, and I smiled, "As for the employees," I continued, "I haven't met them yet, so I guess I'll see on Monday," I finished shrugging my shoulders.

There then was a comfortable silence between us as we ate our fries and hamburgers, that is, silence until a little girl came in.


Sango and I both looked up and saw little Rin running towards us.

"Wow, she has grown," Sango whispered as a soft smile spread across her lips.

All I could do was nod before a was tackled by a hug from Rin.

"Hi, Rin! How have you been?" I asked politely as I patted her head.

"Oh, I've been very very good! What about you, Kagome, I haven't seen you for a while," and she playfully pouted, "Did you forget about me?"

I laughed and hugged her tightly back, "Of course not, I've just been busying settling in."

She seemed to be fine with this answer and smiled up at me, "Guess what? I start high school on Monday!"

"Wow, that's great!" I said, laughing as I saw the excitement of growing up shine in her eyes. I then looked over at Sango, who was sitting across from me observing us in silence. "Rin, I want you to meet a new, well... rather an old friend of mine."

Rin took her eyes off me and looked over to Sango. Sango shied away a bit under her calculating eyes, and held out her hand. "Hello Rin, I've heard a lot about yo-"

Sango was then tackled by a hug as well. She awkwardly patted her back, and looked to me for answers, I merely shrugged back.

"Hello strong lady, it's nice to see you again too!"

I blinked a few times. Was it possible that Rin remembered us as well?? No, it couldn't be.

But Sango merely looked down at her, "What do you mean by 'Strong lady'?" she asked confused.

Rin looked up at her, "Well, I've seen you in my dreams, along with Kagome and some other people. We had some adventures together and you and Kagome and your friends saved me a lot."

Sango then snapped her eyes up to mine and we both had our jaws dropped. Rin was having dreams about us? Does that mean that everybody from the past has dreams about us that are actual memories? This was all too confusing, but after Sango getting her memories back just from touching me, I was starting to believe anything and everything that could lead to our old friends remembering us. It was possible, and I was determined to get them to remember.

"Rin! There you are! We have to go shopping for your school supplies- Oh! Why hello there Kagome."

Rin's mother walked out for the back, her waitress uniform gone and replaced by normal everyday clothes. There was a man walking closely behind her, he looked a bit shy and quiet as he walked in his wife's shadow not saying a word.

I smiled back at Rin's mother, "Hello ma'am, it's nice to see you again."

She smiled and waved it away, "Oh, you can call me Haruka, and it's nice to see you again as well."

I looked over at Sango, "Oh, this is my friend, Sango. Sango, this is Haruka, Rin's mother."

Sango smiled at Haruka and shook her hand, "Nice to meet you."

Haruka looked behind her, at her husband, "This is my husband, and of course Rin's father Seta."

We both looked at him; he nodded and waved, but didn't say a word. We smiled back and nodded our head to him.

Haruka quickly went on, "I'm sorry to greet and dash but we have a lot to buy for our little Rin. Did she tell you she starts high school next Monday," A handkerchief appeared out of no where and she dabbed her eye a little, "Oh, they grow up so fast," and she sighed.

Rin rolled her eyes and looked to Sango and I, "It was nice meeting you again Sango, and seeing you again Kagome. Bye!"

She waved as she walked out of the cafe holding her mother and father's hand.

I looked over at Sango, and she had the same look on her face than I did, and she said, "She looks so happy. Though she did look happy with Sesshomaru as well, only Kami knows why though."

We laughed. Rin did look happy, and I hope she stays happy, I thought to myself.

Kagome and Sango were happy to see Rin, and hoped that in this era she would have a more carefree life then she did 500 years ago. They wondered around the city, Kagome still trying to get used to the different stores, and wanting to see all the sights, but Sango could tell what she really was looking for. Kagome was secretly trying to catch a glimpse of InuYasha. Since that day she fainted, Kagome hadn't even seen a silvery wisp of hair, it dampened her spirits a bit. Maybe she imagined the whole thing? Maybe she created a vision or memory so powerful because she missed him so much. Sango didn't believe this when Kagome confessed her fears to her. She believed that she saw InuYasha, it was fate. The Gods have decided that InuYasha and Kagome were meant for each other after they were parted. They saw that they died inside without each other. Kagome thought it was too good to be true. Ever since the Well closed, she lost her usual optimistic traits. Sango then decided that she would be the optimistic one, Kagome needed it. She's been alone and doubtful for the last 5 years, even though Sango didn't remember or know her then, she wanted Kagome to have hope in the love that InuYasha and her had.

I sighed for the uptenth time, and Sango looked at me with a worried expression. I smiled weakly at her knowing what she was thinking.

"It's okay Sango. I'm over it." She frowned at me, but I continued on, "hey! How ‘bout we have a little movie night. I bet some chick flicks will cheer me up."

Sango gave me a weird look, but shrugged, "Alright, but no Titanic! Too damn long."

I laughed, "Alright, no Titanic."

"Oh, but we definitely need some popcorn and other comfort food," she smiled, "and it's on me tonight." I was about to object, but she quickly cut me off, "and no objections. The girl night is on me tonight."

Smiling at her I followed her to the nearest video store. It was a small video store, not one of those big popular ones that get advertised on television so much. It was quiet, and smelled of popcorn.

"So, which chick flick should we rent, there are sooo many out there," Sango said.

I merely nodded and started to walk around, observing all of the romance chick flick movies. I never realized how many their really were. "I think we should make this a ritual, just so we can see them all," I said in awe.

Sango laughed, "Deal! Every Friday it is, because you know we have nothing better to do on our Fridays."

Now it was my turn to laugh, "Indeed," I said.

We were looking for a good 10 minutes before we settled down to our top 5 pick of the day. Then we had to bring those down to 2. Oh, this was going to be hard.

"Okay, we have 'The Notebook', 'Never Been Kissed', 'Pretty Woman', 'Dirty Dancing', and 'The Wedding Planner.'" Sango read off the Dvd's in her hand and looked up at me, "So which one's the first to get knocked off?"

I scrunched up my face in thought, "Well... I'm not really in the mood for a dancing flick, so scratch 'Dirty Dancing'."

Sango nodded and put it back, "Okay... So my turn now..." she shuffled through the Dvd's as we walked around the chick flick shelf, "okay, no 'Wedding Planner' I'm not in the mood for J.Lo's ass," she put it back as we laughed.

"Damn, you left me with the hard ones," I pouted as I glanced over the Dvd's, "I definitely want to keep 'The Notebook'," Sango nodded in agreement, "So that just leaves 'Never Been Kissed' and 'Pretty Woman'... Tough choice... "

"I would go with 'Pretty Woman', it's a definite classic in the chick flick section, Julia Roberts was great."

I froze while Sango turned around to look at the person who was now standing behind the desk. That voice, I know that voice. My eyes widened as I slowly turned to see the woman.

She was standing behind the counter, in front of a computer. She was chewing bubble gum. She was shorter than me, and had big emerald eyes. No, I thought to myself, even her? I then looked to her flaming red hair that was tied up into high pig tails, which bounced as she snapped her gum.

I was the only one who was staring at her with my mouth slightly agape, Sango was doing the same thing beside.


She just stared at us oddly, "Umm... is there something wrong?" she asked, "Is there something on my face?"

We didn't move. We didn't blink. We didn't speak. I don't think we were breathing either.

She was starting to shift were she stood from us staring at her with unfocused eyes.

"Umm... You guys are starting to creep me out, either rent something or get out," she said in a shaky voice as she reached for her phone, but paused as she really started to take a good look at us. We all know what she's going to say next, "Do I... do I know you two?" as she pointed to each of us.

I couldn't help but crack a little grin. We weren't as close as Sango and I were, but we did get to know each other a bit.

"Well... ?"

I giggled, and she jumped, alarmed at the sudden sound that emerged from the complete silence that had taken over the store.

I breathed out a sigh, and Sango had a grin on her face too now.

"Are you two on something??? Seriously now, either rent something or get out, or do I have to call the cops."

I laughed this time, "It's good to see you again too Ayame."

She paused as she reached for the telephone and looked at both of us.

"How... How do you know my name?" She asked.

I grabbed the Dvd's off of Sango and walked up to the counter. I pointed to her chest, "It's on your name tag."

She looked down at her shirt, and there on a white name tag, in big black letters, was the name 'Ayame'.

Though, if she thought about it, she would have known that from where I and Sango were standing, there was no way that we could have read her name tag.

But Ayame didn't take this into consideration, and merely said, "Oh... “ and rang up our rentals for the night.


Wow, I can't believe how much trouble I had typing out this chapter. It's kind of boring, but hey! I introduced Ayame now, Yay! Bonus, right!? Bahahaha! Who knows who I'll introduce next! So, I'll understand if you guys don't like this chapter very much, because I didn't like it very much either. It was quite boring, and other than the introduction of Ayame, pretty damn pointless. I promise that I will try to make the next chapter more interesting!

Review Pleases... Pleases Me! Bahahahaha! Get your mind out of the gutter you pervs -sticks out tongue-
