InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Moving On To America ❯ Chapter 8 ( Chapter 9 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
-Moving on to America-

Chapter 8 -


For both Kagome and InuYasha's side of Friday night was quite boring. InuYasha and Miroku worked like dogs all day for their last day, and they even recieved a bonus for no complaints, which in Miroku's eyes was quite a shock because InuYasha was the cocky type. By the time Miroku dropped InuYasha off, both of them were really tired and decided to retire for the night with no partying or drinking for that night, perhaps tomorrow. Kagome and Sango did have their little run in with Ayame, which just made Kagome laugh and Sango giggle as they rented their chick flicks. They spent the rest of the night watching the two movies they rented, with a tub of ice cream in between them and a whole assortment of chips on her coffee table. They had a good time together, relaxing and doing what women their age do, well, not all women their age, and this is what brought up Sango's brilliant idea for tomorrow night.

'The Notebook' just ended and me and Sango had our tissues in hand and sighed simultaneous, then each of us blew our nose rather loudly. This made us giggly as we wiped our tears away.

"I love that movie," I sighed as I got up to eject the Dvd.

"Yeah, it's so sad and so sweet," Sango sighed as well as she got up from the couch and stretched.

"Oh, don't bother, I'll just clean it in the morning," I told Sango as she was bending to pick up the various bowls and bags of chips that were scattered across the table. She froze and stood back up and smiled.

"You sure? I don't mind staying and helping you tidy up a bit."

"No no, it's fine," I smiled warmly as I put both of the movies on the corner of the coffee table.

She nodded, her face then lightened and said "I think we should do something tomorrow night."

I blinked at the sudden out burst, "Like what?"

Sango shrugged and walked around and stood behind the couch, "Oh, I don't know. We could go downtown to a club or something. Party a bit, it is the last weekend you have before you go back to school and have to grade every night and weekend," she said while leaning on the back of the couch.

My eyes widened, "A club? I don't know, I've never been to one before..."

"Even better," Sango's eyes lit up, "It will be so much fun, you'll love it."

I eyed her, "I guess no matter what I say your going to make me go anyway, right?"

She smiled widely and nodded,"Yup."

I shook my head and sighed in defeat, "Alright. I'll warn you though, I have no clubbing clothes."

"It's okay, I'll lend you something of mine," she said quickly as she followed me around the room.

"So, what's this club called anyway?" Sango winced a bit at the mention of the club name. I eyed her suspiciously as I stopped in my tracks, "What?"

"Well... it's called the... 'Shikon no Tama'... "

She said the last part quickly and quietly, but I still caught it. My eyes widened and my jaw dropped as I looked at her.

"You're joking, right?"

She shook her head and grinned sheepishly, "Nope... "

I slapped my hand to my forehead, "You have got to be kidding me!" I groaned and looked at her, "Who would name their club that?"

She shrugged, "Apparently it's owned by a wealthy man who came here from overseas."

I sighed again, "Okay... I'll come, but I swear, if I sense any demons or any shikon jewel shards, I'm out of there."

She shook her head and laughed, "Come on Kagome! This is a whole new era, have you sensed any demons before now?" she asked me.

I stood there staring back at her. Now that I thought of it... No. Except for that one time with the 'Noh' mask at our shrine, and that was 7 years ago. Other than that, no. "No. No I haven't..."

"Well then stop worrying so much. The demons have all died out, and you would have sensed them by now if they haven't. You are not just any normal miko Kagome, your a decendent of Midoriko herself." I nodded. It was true. Sango then looked at the digital clock on the microwave. "Oh shit! I got to go now if we're going out tomorrow. If you don't find anything from my clothes we can always go shopping." I nodded again as she headed for the door and opened it. She smiled, "Bye Kags, see you tomorrow."

"Bye Sango, sleep well," I walked over to the door and gave her a hug before she exited. I closed the door and locked it and headed to my bedroom.

"What have a just gotten myself into," I whispered to myself as I walked into my bedroom to change. "A club called the 'Shikon no Tama' what are the odds? Who else knows about that jewel ever existing? It was just a myth..." I sighed and stripped my clothes and threw them in the corner where a dirty pile was growing. "Note to self, I need a laundry basket... " I grabbed a pair of kitten pajama bottoms with a baby blue tank for bed.

In bed, under my comfy blankets, I layed and stared at the ceiling, thinking. Thinking of all the coincedences that have been happening. All the people from the past living in this era. Rin, Shippou, Miroku, Sango, Ayame... and InuYasha. Along with a club that was named after a jewel that we searched for to save the world from the destruction of Naraku.

My eyes widened...


If all the others were here, could that mean... Would that mean... That he was alive in this era as well? No... Of course he wouldn't be reincaranted... Only the pure at heart, those how have done extraordinary deeds in their past life could be reincarnated, and Naraku was the last person on the list. I smiled to myself as I got comfy again, not realizing it, but when that thought struck me I bolted straight up in my bed. He would not be in this era, if he was Rin's parents would be dead... Something horrible would've happened to Sango's brother and father... He couldn't be alive. I snuggled deeper into my pillow and sighed in content as I drifted into an easy slumper. Naraku was dead and never coming back.


The next morning Kagome woke up in a pleasant mood, completely forgetting all the thoughts she was having about Naraku the moments before she drifted into her wonderful InuYasha filled slumber. She woke up later that after noon, around 12:30pm, which shocked her. She rarely slept in, even if it was Saturday and she stayed up until the wee hours of the morning the night before. She headed to the bathroom and showered and changed her clothes, in no rush at all considering they were going to club, which meant that they were not leaving any time soon. Making a quick and easy breakfast that consisted of Froot Loops cereal with a cup of coffee, she headed towards Sango's appartment around 3 o'clock, to see what was happening tonight. She would've called but the cable and phone people have yet to show up to hook up her line, besides, she did just live down the hall, she was sure she wouldn't have minded anyhow.

I knocked on Sango's door three times, timidly, hoping that I wasn't disturbing her.

"Ow ow! Hot hot! Coming! Ow... fuck-"

And the door swung open reveling a dishiveled Sango. Her hair wasn't brushed and in tangles all over, not to mention that it was sticking up a great deal at the top. She was also sucking on her thumb, like a baby, as she looked at my with big bright cinnamon eyes. I had to bite my bottom lip to supress a giggle. Her eyes widened at the sight of me.

"Hi, Kagome. What brings you to this side of the hall," she smiled, while opening the door wider to reveal her appartment and allow me to enter.

I smiled as I walked in. I glanced around her appartment. It wasn't the tidiest, but it was liveable. You could tell she's been living here a lot longer than I have, just for the fact that it wasn't as tidy. The only reason mine wasn't messy yet was because I just moved in. I smiled at the pile of dirty dishes that littered the sink. The floor was free of clothes and garbage, but her kitchen table and side tables were over cluttered with junk. The appartment just looked... more like a home than mine.

"Oh nothing," I said, "I just came to see if it was true that the grass is greener on the other side, appearently they were wrong," and I giggled.

"Hey! Clean up day was today, just to let you know," and she punched my shoulder playfully.

I laughed, "I'm kidding! I like it." She stopped and looked at me oddly. "It looks nice, it reminds me of home. Your apparentment actually looks like someone lives here, unlike mine."

This time it was her turn to laugh, "True... " and she stuck her thumb back in her mouth, sucking on it painfully.

I raised an eyebrow, "What happened?" I asked, concern laced my tone.

She smiled at me warmly, "I burnt myself making grill cheese. Your knock startled me a bit and I burnt my thumb," Sango explained.

My eyes widened, "Oh! I'm so sorry! I should've waited to come over," I apologized in a panic and rushed over to look at her injured thumb.

Sango laughed and waved it away, "It's fine Kags. I should've been more careful."

"Are you sure."

"Positive. Care for a grilled cheese?" she asked.

"No thanks, I just ate."

She shrugged and put her grilled cheese on the plate and sat on the couch that rested in front of her T.v.

She looked up at me, "You know, you can move from the doorway."

I blushed and walked in, shutting the door behind me. I stood a short distance away from the couch, afraid if I should sit down or not.

Sango shook her head, "You can sit you know, I won't bite, I think I proved that last night," and she winked.

Laughing, I sat down beside her to watch some cartoons that were still playing.

Sango eyed me as I sat stuffly beside her, she giggled and shook her head, "Kags, there's no reason to be shy around me. My home is your home, so make yourself at home because I doubt that you sit that tense on your couch... "

I laughed and relaxed. We were both silent while we watched Tom and Jerry, with Sango munching on her grilled cheese in the background. The grilled cheese had no chance though and didnèt make it through the whole show. She stood up and stretched as I remained on the couch.

"Well, since today is our big day, I guess I should go and start to get ready, huh?"

My eyes widened as it really hit me. We really were going to this club called 'Shikon no Tama' and it scared me. Not only was it the first club that I have ever gone to, but it's name is my past. It's the cause of how everything started, and when I thought about going, my whole body quaked as if I knew something was going to happen tonight. I'm crazy right.

I laughed to myself, but Sango thought I was just laughing at her because I quickly replied to her statement, "Yeah, I guess you should because we're going to be here for a while if you want to get me to look rigt for tonight."

Sango smiled mischieviously, "Are you kidding, that's going to be the best part. It will be like giving you a whole new make over."

My eye twitched as I swore I saw devil's horns begin to appear, this was not going to be safe.

Sango went to take a shower, while I watched cartoons on the couch, waiting anxiously. When she was finally done, a cartoon and a half later, she was simply wearing a pair of sweat pants with a tank.

"Your wearing that tonight?" I asked in shock.

She scoffed, "No, it's too early to change into my clubbing clothes, besides, I'm letting you have first dibs." she smiled, "Now follow me my friend."

I got up from the couch and quckly followed her room. She didn't even stop to glance around in search, she headed straight for her closet, opened it and started flinging all the clothes off the hangars, some still with the hangars, onto her bed which stood nearby. I remained frozen at the doorway as I watched her go on her little frenzy, mumbling to herself saying what would and wouldn't look good on me.

Why did I get the feeling this is going to be a long afternoon, I sighed and followed.


A.N :
Okay, this is officially the most boring chapter I have ever written, I really hit a writers' block with this one, which is weird because I know everything I want to happen after this moment no problem, but wow, I would love to stab this chapter, can I? Please? I promise next chapter will be more entertaining, I really do, so please don't stop reading, because I am enjoying writing this story, I think it's my personal best, and I'm not basing this on how popular it is, just how much I enjoy typing it.

Reviews make the world go round, stop the reviews, you blow up the planet, do you really want to be responsible for that? -laughs-
