InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Moving On To America ❯ Chapter 9 ( Chapter 10 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
-Moving on to America-

Chapter 9 -


While Kagome was being tortured by her new found old best friend, another certain hanyou was being tortured as well, by his ecchi of a friend. But little do these four people know, tonight will change the lives of everyone. For the better? For the worse? Who knows really, not even the author.

"Come on InuYasha! You take longer getting ready than any woman I have ever met."

My eyebrow twitched at the sound of that. It's not my fault I have so much hair... Well... It is, but... shut up. I sighed finally finished getting all the tangles out and did I mention it wasn't as easy as it looked hiding those dog-ears of mine. I winced as I clipped the left one down to blend in with my silver hair.

"Shut up Miroku, it's still plenty earlier to be heading out to the club." I said to him as I walked into the living room, not forgetting to puch him off his head as I passed him to put on my shoes. I smirked.

Miroku winced and grabbed his head in pain, "Damn InuYasha do you really have to punch me so hard for teasing you about your hair. And for the matter of timing, we have to get there early so I can scope out the place. It will be hard, but tonight I will lower my limit to 5 women."

I rolled my eyes, "How noble of you," I said sarcastically

Miroku smiled proudly, "I know I know, those poor other women, alone and un-groped, but I must be strong." he puffed out his chest.

"Actually, I would say those women are lucky."

Miroku's eyes widened as he stepped towards me as I finished tying my red converse and stood up straight. "And what's that suppose to mean Mr. 23 year old Virgin."

I turned away and headed to the door as I felt my face heat up, "Yeah so... I just haven't met the one for me. It's better than being a man whore and using women for their bodies."

Miroku followed after me out of the appartment and feigned a hurt voice, "InuYasha, I am hurt by those words. I do not use them , they simply use me. I was put on this Earth to make women happy and feel loved. To make them feel like they don't have to be alone, I'm here for them... me getting some fun is just a bonus."

A vein popped on my brow and I turned around and punched him, rather harder than usual, on the head. I walked away towards the car, saying this to him, "Miroku, sometimes you just don't get it."

I sighed and for some odd reason that girl Kagome's face came to my mind. Her beautiful blue eyes, her long raven tresses and that irresistable smile that held all the innoncence in the world, and yet it hid something too. I blushed slightly in the car as I waited for Miroku to come to. I might as well forget about her. What are the odds of me ever seeing her again in this town, it wasn't exactly small...


"Well, this is it Kags."

Kagome stepped out of the car in awe. The club wasn't like what she thought clubs would've looked like. Outside it was very prestige and expensive looking. They even had a valet. There was already a line up a mile long just to get in. Kagome then stared at the name. In big lettersin a simple font read "The Shikon no Tama" In the middle on the wording, where the "no" was there was a pink orb that had swirling smoke inside of purple and other shades of pink. The swirls looked like they were battling each other... What an effect. Who would have known that that was exactly how the Shikon looked, but several sizes smaller, but the exact replica was right in front of her.

A shiver ran up my spine, "Wow..." I said wide-eyed. I looked over to the line and groaned, but Sango looped her arm with mine and strolled me up to the front of the line, leaving many people hollaring after us.

We came up to...


Kohaku looked at me strangely. His face had grown more handsome now that he was older, but he still had his adorable freckles and curious young eyes.

"Have we met before?" He had the same recognition and confusion in his eyes as all of my other past friends has had since we met again. Sango quickly cut in before it got too awkward.

"Kohaku, this is Kagome, she's an old friend from way back," Kohaku gave me a glance and then looked back to his sister for more information. "Way way way WAY back," Sango smiled sheepishly, "Don't worry, you'll remember her soon enough." She gave him a wink and then put her hands on her hip, "Well, aren't you going to let us in?"

Kohaku blushed boyishly and rubbed the back of his head. "Awe, come on sis, you know I'm not suppose to let you in front of the line just because you're family. These people have been waiting over an hour already just to get in."

Sango raised an eyebrow and tapped her foot. Kohaku caved and unhooked the red velvet cord and let us in. As we walked in we couldn't help but over hear the large uproar of complaints and curses. I guess they know not to mess with Kohaku though, if he's anything like he used to be, before Naraku that is, he was small but could easily hold his own.

As soon as Sango and I walked in the music hit us. Well, if not her, than me. The bass was vibrating all around me and the music was taking over my body. It was intoxicating. The club had three floors. The top floor was all V.I.P. and other booths and tables to sit at just to talk and drink comfortably. The middle floor was the major bar area, there was some little dance floors here and rhere, but mostly guys and girls sitting on a stool at the bar and drinking.

Last, but far from least, was the basement floor. This is where this music source was and where the dancing followed. The dance floor was the size of a hockey rink, but more square of course. It even resembled a hockey rink. Everyone was dancing on glass floors with blue lights underneath. Over head there was various smaller dance floors on balconies. Strobe lights of every color was flashing, red, white, blue, yellow... And in the far wall, there was one bar that took up the whole wall and had about ten bartenders behind it serving the customers that needed some liquids to hydrate themselves from all the dancing.

I gulped and became self concious as two blondes with perfect beach bodies strode past us. I looked at Sango and asked her for the hundredth time, "Are you sure I look all right?"

Sango looked Kagome over once again. Against Kagome's wishes, Sango stuck her in red 3 inch pumps. Kagome's legs remained bare until her mid-thigh, which is where her tight short black skirt started, and stopped snuggly at her hips. Her top was the hardest to choose, Kagome wanted to wear a simple forest green tank, with black pumps, but Sango conviced her to wear her blood red silk halter top. Kagome made a big fuss about it being too showy and how she preferred the green to the red, but Sango complained how you wouldn't have been able to see the green anyway because it would have been too dark and red is sexy. That part made Kagome blush and Sango giggle. Kagome's hair lay loose and long to her mid-back (that was the deal if she wore the halter, to hide her back, the hair stayed down, Sango agreed) and her makeup was very natural as well, not too much and not too dark, that's what Sango was going for. Just a little cherry lip-gloss and light mascara and eyeliner.

"Well?" I said once again.

"It's fine Kagome, really!" I pouted at Sango, she laughed, "Anyways, I'll be at your side all night so I'll protect you from anyone that harasses you."

I giggled, "Just like old times, eh? Except you usually only had to protect me from only one perv, Miroku, not hundreds of pervs looking to get laid."

Sango stroked her chin as if in though, "Hmm... Yes, that is quite true. But, lest we not forget just HOW lecherous Miroku was." she winked at me.

Laughing, I said, "Too true."

Sango and I laughed.

From the corner of my eye I saw a flash of silver. My heart jumped in my chest as my laughter cut off instantly. I looked past Sango's questioning eyes and saw Him. He was here. He was here with none other than the perv we were just talking about, Miroku.

"Kagome?" Sango asked, and she turned around to face the two men that were now looking back at us, and her smiling face vanished just as fast as mine.

I shut my eyes tightly, and opened them again to see if I was dreaming, no, no I was definitely not dreaming. I gulped and tried to push down the butterflies that were trying so hard to burst out of my gut. He's not the same InuYasha. He doesn't remember me. He doesn't love me. I kept saying this mantra over and over in my mind to control my burst of feelings for him. They never did leave. They really will never leave. I felt like crying.

Both parties stared at one another not moving. Not knowing what to do about this pull that they felt towards one another. Sango, knowing her feelings about this Miroku from her past and now seeing him again after so many years... Miroku seeing this woman, whom he doesn't even know the name of, but has this feeling deep down inside telling him that he would do anything for her and give up his man-whoring (as InuYasha calls it) for this one woman that stands 30 feet away. Kagome seeing InuYasha again after their last brief meeting, but not really seeing him since that fateful day 7 years ago, feeling the pull of her heartstrings for him and wanting just to run up to him and throw herself in his arms.

Finally InuYasha...


I caught the eyes of the mysterious blue-eyed beauty and she stared right back at me. I felt Miroku frozen as well by my side. It was her. She's here. I felt myself being drawn to her, to her warmth. I felt the need to hold her and never let go, like, if I did let go, I would never get her back. Why was I feeling this way towards a perfect stranger? I couldn't help but feel confused, and yet it felt so right to be feeling this way towards her. My thoughts were then broken as Miroku spoke to me.

Even though the music was loud and killed my ears, over the years I have been able to control it. Even though Miroku barely was audible over the music, he sounded perfectly clear to me.

"InuYasha... Isn't that that Kagome girl? The one who fainted?" I merely nodded, "Who's that girl with her?"

"I don't know, why?"

He shrugged and looked a bit sheepish, "Uh... no reason.... Say shouldn't we go say "Hi" and see how she's doing and whatnot."

My head screamed yes, any excuse to go over there and be more near. I pushed my thoughts away. "Keh. Why? Does it matter to us how she's doing?"

I didn't take my eyes off hers, afraid that she would disappear. I felt Miroku look at me oddly, "Well... It looks to me like you want to go and see what's up with her." Hiding a blush I put a scowl on my face and took my eyes off her for a second and looked at Miroku, he backed away, "Well, I was just saying that since she is quite breathtaking someone else might go up to her and try and steal her away. Oh look at that, someone's already in the process of doing it." He smirked.

My eyes widened and I whipped my head around, nearly giving myself a whiplash, and glared at some mangy wolf going up to My Kagome. I growled as she smiled as she held her hand out, and instead of him shaking it he kissed it. My blood boiled and raged within and I let out a murderous growl.

I grabbed Miroku and dragged him over to the two girls and the asshole whom was about to get the worst beating in his life.

And what was with that sissy ponytail of his?


Hahaha, sissy ponytail! So, a lot better than the last chapter, at least, I hope it was. In the beginning I struggled and then BOOM! it just flowed, muahaha! I love it! I hope you did toooo! *smiles* So next chapter we will see the confrontation and romance... oops. Did I say romance?

REVIEW! thank you for reading and hope you enjoy the next chapter. P.S. I like reviews a lot O.O"
