InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Moving On To America ❯ Chapter 10 ( Chapter 11 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
-Moving on to America-

Chapter 10 -


I looked down at the man kissing my hand strangely, and then looked at Sango. She merely shrugged back just as confused. He then looked up at me with his cold cobalt eyes and I could not help but gasp out.


He gave me a strange look, which I overlooked since I knew what the look was for. I rolled my eyes and sighed, damning my mouth for running before I could stop it.

"How did you know my name?"

"I'm psychic," I smiled as I heard Sango giggle.

Kouga stood up straight and looked me up and down and smirked. "What's your name, pretty lady?"

"Uh... Kagome"

"Kagome, hmmm... That name sounds weirdly familiar to me... Anyways, would you do a favour for me? You'd be perfect." He said giving me his sly wolfish grin.

I blinked in puzzlement, "Perfect for what?" Sango and I replied in unison.

He ushered me towards him and whispered into my ear. (A N: I'm not telling you what he says! muahahaha)

Smiling as he continued with his plan that he was whispering in my ear. He really was like a wolf even now, although I don't sense and demon aura from him. He finished and took a step back holding out his hand to me. I smiled and nodded in agreement and took his hand and followed him out to the dance floor. Looking back towards Sango I worded her, 'I'll explain later' she merely nodded and shrugged in slight confusion.

I smiled in excitement hoping his little plan would work for him. I'm always here to help a friend, even if that friend doesn't remember we were ever friends to begin with. Well, wasn’t that was a depressing thought.


What does she think she's doing? Better yet, what does he think he's doing??

"Umm... InuYasha? You can stop dragging me you know... I do know how to walk."

I looked back at Miroku being dragged behind and quickly helped him upright again. He was whispering something in her ear that made her smile and nod. Oh, he is going to regret ever being in her presence when I'm through with him.

After sorting Miroku back to his feet, I looked back towards them but, Kagome and that weird guy were gone. Where did they go? That friend of hers was still there looking just as puzzled as I was feeling.

Miroku led the way this time with me sullenly tailing behind like a puppy that was lost. There was nothing else I could do until I found out where she went with him. Why do I even care? For Christ sakes, I'm acting like a lovesick possessive teenage boy. I should be able to control my emotions better than this! I sighed and took a deep breath to calm myself and began to think sense over stupidity.


I looked up to Miroku, awakening me from my thoughts.

“What?” I snapped.

He blinked and just shook his head, “I was introducing us to Kagome’s friend.”

I blinked, so her name really was Kagome, just like in my dream. Ka-go-me. It had such a soothing and familiarity to it that saying it made my heart be engulfed by the warmth of just from the name. “Kagome’s...” I paused, saying her name out loud for the first time since believing that this was in fact her name since that dream. I continued, “...friend...?” I looked behind Miroku and saw the girl that walked in with Kagome.

She smiled at me, like we had known each other for years along with holding out her hand to me, “Hi InuYasha, th’name’s Sango.”

I blinked, still trying to kick start my brain and accepted her hand in a formal greeting, “Nice to meet you,” I mumbled, y thoughts obviously somewhere else, or rather, with someone else; it was her from the dream as well. My mind was muddled by the events and people showing up around me. This was starting to freak me out, but the matter at hand was not this stranger in front of me from my dream. I proceeded to blurted out without thinking, “where is Kagome?”

Sango looked a bit surprised, but quickly covered it with a sly smile and looked over to the middle of the dance floor. I watched as Miroku followed her gaze, his mouth gaped opened at the sight he saw, blinking, intrigued now; I followed her sly smirk and his gaped gaze to the middle of the dance floor. The sight that laid in waiting to be seen before me made my blood boil deep within the bowels of me and my heartstrings twisted and tighten, forcing me take in a breath.

There was Kagome, her flawless unblemished skin shimmered in the strobe lights and sweat glistened down the back of her neck from her long luscious raven locks, hiding her bare back. Her long smooth legs and lean body was dancing... alongside him. He had his arms around her waist, touching her bare skin and leaning his face, too close for my comfort, to her neck. A growl rumbled deep inside me, shocking Miroku and the Sango girl beside me.

“InuYasha!” Miroku called after me.

My body moved on its own accord, going towards the pair in the middle of the dance floor, Miroku calling after me in shock. What was I doing? My brain was not connecting with the rest of my body. I keep asking myself why? Why do I care who she dances with? But the nagging feeling remains and my instincts act on claiming her... What? Claiming her? What is she? An object? But I keep moving steady through the pounding music and the strobe lights, my eyes never leaving her form, her beautiful body never wavering out of my watchful sight.

Her eyes at that moment caught mine, but I didn’t waver, I continued forward, but she froze, and mouthed my name...“Inu... Yasha...?”

Her look was questioning, but my eyes strayed away to the man in front of her, just turning around to meet my fist with his face.---

Dancing with Kouga to make Ayame jealous was his idea, and it seemed to be working. I couldn’t help but smirk, it was nice to see that they got together in the future, and were just as hot headed as they were back in the pass.

I looked over Kouga’s shoulder and saw... is that InuYasha coming towards us? His eyes locked on to mine and held them while still marching towards us. By the look on his face, he was not happy... “InuYasha...” I whispered in confusing. I blinked and looked at Kouga when InuYasha broke our eye contact. My eyes widened, of course! InuYasha was always jealous of Kouga.

Kouga then turned around to see what I was staring at, just to meet InuYasha’s fist to the face. Kouga and InuYasha then fell towards me, but luckily I was pulled to the side by someone in the crowd, and watched the two men (or should I say boys in this situation?) fall to the ground, InuYasha on top of Kouga, and Kouga red in blind confusion of fury and shock of what was happening.

I quickly looked to my side and saw that it was in fact Shippou who pulled me to the side; he looked back at me and smiled shyly. I smiled back and uttered a quick thanks, before looking back to InuYasha and Kouga rolling around on the floor, both getting in pretty good punches on the other.


There was now a circle formed around the two men, Miroku yelling at InuYasha to stop with Sango standing beside him, staring on in shock, but not so much mystification as Miroku. Shippou stayed beside me, knowing he would be useless trying to break this fight up.
“Kouga!? Th’ hell?”

I looked to my left and saw Ayame pushing through the crowd around us. Her flowing red hair matched her furious facial expression at the scene that had unfolded in front of her.

“It’s your own fault! Stupid! You just had to go and dance with some other guys’ girl, eh!?” She yelled. “Another ploy I bet to get me jealous?”

Busted, I couldn’t help but giggle. She knew him too well. Kouga merely paled, knowing he was going to get it after this fight was over and he looked more afraid of that confrontation than the one he was in now.

I sighed and rolled my eyes and proceeded to look around the circle that had formed around InuYasha and Kouga sprawling, Kouga now having the upper hand, pulling at InuYasha’s hair. The faces, Shippou... Sango... Miroku... Ayame... Kagura... Kanna... Wait? WHAT!? Rewind! I looked back and sure enough Kagura, aged a bit but hardly much, maybe 5 years... It has been 500 hundred years. Kagura was standing there in a red and black skirt and jacket with a flowered print blouse underneath her suit, she leaned over to whisper something into Kanna’s ear. Kanna was older, but not much, and was wearing her usually white attire, her hair seemed to be dyed a peroxide blonde and she wore a chain latched around her neck, with a little mirror charm. I froze and began to panic as Kanna nodded and walked calmly away, Kagura turning the opposite direction and walking away as well.

I placed my hand over my heart and started thinking rationally. My heart was thumping so loud that it was blocking out the blaring music. They’re here too! What does this all mean? My eyes widened as something heavy fell on my chest.


I froze and frantically began to search the room for signs of his presence. I dug deep within my soul to pull out a bit of my miko awareness to see if I could sense him, but it was no use. My powers had been dormant ever since the well closed. I wish I still had them, more than ever at this moment. My eyes continued to scan the room, someone that evil couldn’t help but stand out, right? I saw Kohaku by the doors, confusion on his face as well wondering what the ruckus was about.

No Naraku.

I heaved a sigh of relief and slumped a bit, not realizing how tense I got from thinking Naraku was back.

I flash of silver then caught my eye. I blinked and looked to my left, Ayame was still standing there cursing out Kouga, asking if he was a man or not from getting his butt whooped from a guy with prettier hair than her. I smirked. Must be the trick of the light.

The jeers from the crowd were instantly silenced, and the crowd parted like Moses parted the red sea. Kouga and InuYasha were still rolling around on the floor, oblivious of their silent surroundings. InuYasha had a bloody nose and his right eye was swollen, a trickle of blood running down from his eyebrow; Kouga was bleeding from his mouth and had a nice bruise forming on his left cheek from InuYasha’s first blow, right hook to the face.

A man then walked through the parted crowd to the center; his face was expressionless as he looked down at the two men rolling around. I blinked as his beautiful long silver hair shone in the light. He was wearing a white business suit with a purple dress shirt underneath and, though they weren’t totally visible to the naked eye, you could faintly see the outlining of a crescent moon on his forehead and purple marks on his cheek looking like claw marks.

My jaw hung loose and my eyes widen.


Sesshomaru then looked at me as though I had uttered his named out loud and... was that a smirk? I blinked. No way. Sesshomaru does not smirk. Kagura and Kanna were not far behind him, standing at the outermost crust of the circle of people. Blinking some more, to make sure my eyes were not deceiving me, is that were those two went? To search for him?

Sesshomaru then reached out and grabbed them both by a shoulder and pulled them up, without any restraint. InuYasha and Kouga’s eyes widened in surprise as they were easily pulled apart like two rag dolls. They subsequently struggled against Sesshomaru, but it was such a futile attempt. Sesshomaru glared at them both coldly and they paled considerable, seizing to struggle. The two men stood there, heads hung staring at their feet, like two boys caught by their mother in the cookie jar.

“Fights over, back to the dance floor, for dancing,” He emphasized on dancing, and the two men flinched. Keeping his hands on each of their shoulders he led the two away from the dance floor.

I looked after the three retreating figures, my heart clinched and my gut told me to follow. Walking quickly after them, leaving everyone else behind, no one else dared to follow Sesshomaru. Kagura and Kanna looked at me as I passed; on instinct I bowed quickly and kept my pace after Sesshomaru to keep up.

“Sesshomaru! Wait!”

The three stopped and turned to look at me in unison. Unlike everyone else, Sesshomaru did not look in the least surprised in hearing that I knew his name. He knew. He remembered. He must!He simply looked at me and said, “I’ll be with you in a second, after I throw these two mongrels out, don’t worry, I will not actually throw them,” he quickly reassured me as he read the worried expression on my face when he mentioned the word “throw”. I nodded and waited for him to return.

InuYasha did not turn his face away though and merely stared at me with confusion written in his eyes, this time it was I who had to look away. Still no love could be seen, not a trace. He didn’t beat up Kouga in jealousy; it was instinct to pick a fight with him over me. That’s all. Instinct and nothing more. I bit down on my bottom quivering lip and held back my tears by taking a deep shaky breath.

“Oh, InuYasha...”


Well, that was slightly more interesting than the last cliff-hanger chapter. Info: I totally forgot what the plan was when I came back to finish this chapter –dies- Hopefully you guys liked this chapter, it took me quite a bit to actually get it flowing, but it is now once again flowing so... ON to the next chapter right now, before I lose my groove ~_~ Next chappie, more drama and angst and, ho ho, what’s this? O.o Yeah, what is this? –Examines and shrugs- oh well, guess you’ll just have to wait and see xD

REVIEWs! Keep me motivated, even though I suck at updating and lost half my readers! T.T –cries- I’m a bad author! –slaps self and sniffs- please review anyways... x.x
