InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Moving On ❯ Fights and a Question ( Chapter 21 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Here to make up for the last chapter…
Disclaimer: I don't own the Inuyasha Characters...
Sesshomaru walked quickly into his office and sat behind his desk before picking up the phone. “Hello?” he said calmly.
Rin's sweet voice filled his ears, “Hey, how are you?”
“Much better, now that I hear you,” he returned honestly.
He could almost feel her blush, “Glad to know I make you feel like that.”
“How are you, sweetheart,” Sesshomaru smirked.
“I'm fine, just working on this portrait for this woman…” Rin sighed.
He could tell she was slightly frustrated so he tried to make her happy, “Well you'll be please to know that this Sesshomaru fixed Inuyasha…”
Rin sounded confused, “Okay and how did you do that?”
“Taught him that you should be careful; your past can always come and bite you in the ass.”
She still sounded confused, “Huh what did you do?”
“Kikyo is one of the witnesses on the case.”
Her laughter warmed his heart, “That's so mean…but he needs it. I thought you said you weren't getting involved.”
“What are you talking about? This one didn't. I just needed a witness.”
His work phone rang, breaking through the moment he had with her. He growled. “I'll call you right back.”
She understood, “Okay.”
Inuyasha leaned back on his chair, “Okay tell me how you came to work at the Shikon.”
“I did it to make extra cash while we were in college. Not every one gets it all handed to them like that you bitch Kagome.”
His golden eyes flared, “I didn't ask you about Kagome keep her name out of your mouth.”
“A little touchy about her are you? I knew you wanted to fuck her and she wanted you too that's the only reason I wanted you so bad; to piss her off…You know I was thinking how bout you make me your girl? I could do you better than she ever could.”
Inuyasha stood and glared at the woman, “Look bitch I'll have your ass outta here faster than you can say `fuck me' if you don't fucking cooperate.”
Kikyo smirked, “Well if you'd agree to my conditions then I would cooperate.”
Inuyasha lost it, “TAKA!!” he bellowed.
The short woman stuck her head in the door, “Yes?”
His voice took on a business-like tone again, “Kindly get this bitch out of this building before I kill her.”
“Sure…um Miss Tahashi should I call security, or will you leave willingly?”
Kikyo smirked, “That won't be needed; I was just leaving.”
“Thanks Taka,” Inuyasha stated.
As soon as he regained his composure he went into his father's office, “Father, how am I supposed to handle the case when Sesshomaru insists on trying my patience?”
Tai looked up from his book, “What the hell are you talking about?”
“Dad, Sess went and got KIKYO of all people to be a witness on this case…he should know our history…and that Kagome hates her.”
A smooth voice entered the room, “I wouldn't say hate; it's more like a dislike with a passion…”
Inuyasha turned and looked down into the grey eyes of Kagome. “What are you doing here?”
“Your dad asked me here,” she replied simply.
Inuyasha had enough surprises for one day, “Well then,” he gritted out, “why?”
“Because I needed some ideas for Izzy's birthday present,” Tai responded simply.
“So I brought him some jewelry magazines,” Kagome finished.
Sesshomaru breezed in, “Little brother, why did Taka tell me you threatened our witness and kicked her out?”
The young hanyou glared, “She was pissing me off.”
He raised an eyebrow, “That's not a good reason; you have to talk to her and treat her civilly.”
“She was not fucking cooperating,” he growled.
Sesshomaru's face remained emotionless, “Well you should've made her cooperate by any means; it's your job to have a way with words.”
“Why can't we just use some one else?” Inuyasha asked frustrated.
“Because I said so,” the older one's smirk widened into a wicked grin.
Inuyasha threw his hands up, “I'm going home…fuck this shit…”
He stormed out.
Kagome followed him back into his office. He stood in the door way of it stock-still. “Inu, what is it?” she asked.
A cold voice answered, “Inuyasha I knew you still hung around that spineless whore.”
Kagome pushed past Inuyasha the second she heard whore, “What was that Tahashi?” she challenged getting louder with each word.
Inuyasha put a hand on her shoulder, “I thought I told you to get out.”
“I seemed to have forgotten my purse;” Kikyo held it up, “What I said was that you were a whore, Higurashi.”
Kagome fisted her hands, “Look who's talking,” she snapped taking a threatening step forward.
Inuyasha grabbed her by the arm, “You got your shit now get out.”
Kikyo rolled her eyes, “I will I just wanted to do this first…” she leaned up and caught Inuyasha's lips.
Before he could react she had pulled back, “Take that bitch,” she whispered to Kagome pushing her face.
Kagome was a bright red and she was pissed Inuyasha could smell it. She jerked out of his hold and yanked the other woman back by her neck, sending her to the floor with a startled squeal. Kagome squatted on the floor next to her and spit in her face, “Just so you know, you're fired,” she hissed.
She took delight in sinking her spike heel into the woman's hand as she walked away.
She went back to Tai's office and met him at the door, “I heard you yell,” He said, “What happened?”
“That bitch touched me,” she snarled, “Tell that asshole Inuyasha I blame him.”
“I think he heard you,” Sesshomaru said putting a hand on her shoulder.
Kagome leaned back on him he rubbed her shoulders, “I know you got her back.”
“I spit in her face and pulled her hair.”
Tai laughed, “Typical Kagome…”
Inuyasha watched as two burly security men took Kikyo out of the office. Taka raised her eyebrows, “She's a crazy bitch,” she muttered.
Inuyasha nodded in agreement, “I know.”
Kagome sat in Tai's large chair, looking over the magazines alone in the office, her scent was still angry so he thought twice about what he said. He met eyes with her and she glared, “I blame you,” she sneered, before going back to the magazines.
Inuyasha moved behind her and rubbed her shoulders, “I know you do…”
He leaned down and kissed her cheek, her anger was slowly waning. She stood up to leave keeping her back to him. He wrapped his arms around her waist, “You want me to make it up to you?”
“How are you going to do that?” Kagome's voice was soft.
“Do you want to me mine?” he asked.
Kagome froze.