InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Moving On ❯ Kagome's Answer and Kikyo's Wrath ( Chapter 22 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Just so you all know the Kagome Kikyo beef is not done yet. Lots more drama to come…oops I had no clue I gave Inuyasha's and Kagome's secretary the same names let's just say it was a coincidence … thanks for reading!!
Kagome turned and stared into Inuyasha's face. Was he for real? She smiled slowly, “Really? You want me to be yours?”
Inuyasha nodded, “I want you and only you…” he said softly caressing her cheek.
“Are you sure? I mean it's only little old me and you have all those other girls that I'm sure are dropping panties at your door step-” Kagome looked at him warily pushing her hair back.
Inuyasha grabbed her by the face, “Fuck the groupies, all I need is you. You're worth more to me than a whole harem. Just tell me yes or no please, my pride is getting weaker as we speak…”
Kagome gave a happy laugh jumping into his arms, “YES!!” she yelled.
Tai walked back in, “For Kami's sake Inuyasha, what did you do now?” he asked.
Inuyasha looked over Kagome's head, “I just made her my girl.”
Tai's face relaxed, “About time,” he enthused sitting back behind his desk.
Kagome gave Inuyasha a quick kiss, “Weren't you going to leave?”
Inuyasha shrugged wrapping her in his arms, “Do you want to come?”
She looked at Tai, “Do you still want help?”
The tall Lord waved them off, “Nah, go ahead, I'll see you both later.”
Inuyasha opened the door for her feeling his ego swell as she grabbed his hand possessively, leaning against him as they walked to the parking lot. He spotted her car right off the bat. It was under a tree. They reached it he leaned her against the hood. “Coming to my place?” he asked.
“Yeah,” she breathed.
He backed up and let her get in.
Rin jumped when her cell rang. She smiled at the caller ID and picked it up, “Hey.”
Sesshomaru's voice sounded calm, “Are you doing any thing tonight?”
She cocked her head as she worked the clay in her hands, “Nope.”
“Do you want to come to my place? Spend the night?” he asked casually.
“Sure, what time?” she abandoned the piece of clay she was working on walking into the kitchen.
“About seven…I'll come pick you up,” Sesshomaru trailed off, fingering the picture in his hand delicately.
“Okay see you.”
Inuyasha opened the door to his penthouse and stepped in. He pulled off his jacket as he strolled to the bedroom he smirked as he eyed the red boxers on his hardwood floor. He would leave them right there. Kagome's knock pulled him out of his thoughts. He went to the door and opened it. She stepped in taking off her heels, “What do you want to do?” she asked innocently.
He watched her move to the counter to up her purse down. Inuyasha pulled her to his chest and kissed her, letting his hands roam to her ass. Kagome moaned lightly as he nipped at her neck. “That's what I want to do.” he told her smirking at her.
She let her head fall back as she plunged her fingers into his hair. He propped her up on the door and continued to kiss her thoroughly. Kagome pushed out of his hold to tug his shirt out of his pants; Inuyasha's hand wandered up her skirt and into her lace underwear. A clawed finger slipped to her clit and began teasing. She threw her head back and moaned loudly. Her small soft hands worked his belt off, and unbuttoned his pants. A low growl came from his chest as she stroked his erection. How had she gotten into his pants so fast? Just then Kagome's cell rang snapping them out of each other's arms. She reluctantly slipped out of his arms to pick it up off the table. “Yes.” she said into the phone.
Inuyasha watched as her hand went to her mouth, “Okay, I'll handle it first thing tomorrow morning…what do you mean now? Okay I'll be there…give me an hour.”
She closed the phone and cupped Inuyasha's face planting a firm kiss on his lips before stepping back into her shoes. He growled before pulling her back to him so he could kiss her again.
“Are you coming back?” he asked against her lips.
“I'll try…” she breathed back skimming her hands against his chest.
He unwillingly turned her loose and watched her slip out of the door. He missed her already.
Rin smiled as she pushed open the door to her and wrapped her arms around Sesshomaru's neck. He picked her up off the ground slightly. “Hello Rin,” he greeted kissing her on the forehead.
“Let me get my things,” she said softly moving back into the apartment.
Sesshomaru took her in slowly; she was dressed in a pair of faded capris and an orange baby tee, and pair of matching flip-flops, when she bent over to pick up her small duffel bag, her shirt moved up to show an elaborate tribal tattoo on the small of her back. She stood back up and pushed her hair up into a messy bun and tied it with an elastic band, “Are you ready?” she asked.
The Inu-Yokai snapped out of his daze, “Yes.” he replied quickly, letting her lead him out.
Rin locked the door and they headed to his car. Sesshomaru pressed the button and unlocked his door and took her bag from her. “I'll put this in the trunk.” he muttered.
Once in the car, Sesshomaru seemed to notice she seemed shy, “Are you alright?” he asked her turning the radio on.
Rin seemed startled, “Yes, Sess, I'm fine. I'm sorry I was just thinking.”
“What were you thinking,” he asked curiously.
Rin smiled slightly, “I like this song,” she sighed turning it up slightly.
It was Nick Lachey “I Can't Hate You Anymore”. Sesshomaru looked at her from the corner of his eye, “Why do you like it?” he asked her softly.
Rin's hand found his, “Because, it's a statement to a past love other than `fuck you hope you die' or `please come back'. I agree with him.”
He pondered this. For a young girl she was deep and she went through some things. He decided he liked this about her. He squeezed her hand, “I agree as well.”
They sat in silence only it was not an awkward one; they seemed to no longer have a need to fill it up with words. Sesshomaru hummed along to Green Day's “Time of Your Life” and Rin watched him in slight awe. He had changed from the cold child he had once been. He was still very serious but he was more composed than cold. That's what made him such a good lawyer. He knew how to keep his cool under pressure.
Rin's hand moved up to his cheek tracing a single finger over a purple stripe. Sesshomaru seemed to tense up and then relax. “Does this bother you?”
Sesshomaru shook his head, “Not at all Rin. It's a slight turn-on.” he said bluntly switching lanes and taking the next exit.
Rin's hand snapped back to her lap. Sesshomaru's mouth turned up slightly as they pulled onto a private road, “This is the road that leads to the house,” he said hoping to calm her nervousness.
They pulled up to a booth and a large regal looking gate bearing the Tashio family crest. Sesshomaru wiped his hand across the booth's screen and the gate opened. Rin looked at him curiously. “I have a special gate that recognizes who I want in here and who I don't. All they have to do is touch the screen. There are cameras in the bushes so I can see who's coming with them if need be.”
All Rin could do was nod, “Oh I see.”
Then they pulled up to the largest house Rin had ever seen. It had large windows and stone walls. It reminded her of a palace. Sesshomaru pulled up the wrap-around driveway and shut the car off. “Welcome to my home.”
Rin stared in shock at the house, “Thank you.”
Kagome stepped into the lobby meeting a flustered Taka. “Kagome, sorry to bother you, but Kikyo Tahashi, she is just being so difficult. She won't leave. I've tried everything even the security people won't work.”
She ran a hand over her face, “You know what I'm sick of this…call Hiten and get Inuyasha on the phone. Tell them both to get over her ASAP. I'm going in there.”
Taka stared at her boss in shock, “To do what? Kagome she is a crazy bitch…”
She cut her off, “Just get Inuyasha and Hiten.”
Kagome waited until Taka picked up the phone before moving back into Kikyo's old office. Throwing open the door she saw the woman sitting in her chair, pink glowing at her finger tips. Kagome glared, “You know mikos aren't allowed to use their powers unless it's life threatening.”
“Since when do I follow rules?” Kikyo asked looking up at her lazily flicking her wrist sending a bolt of light at Kagome.
“Bitch,” Kagome cursed blocking the attack with a jerk of her head, “That kindergarden shit never worked on me. You need to get the fuck out of my office with that shit.”
The older woman smirked and stood up, “I'd like to see you make me.”
“Kagome!” Inuyasha and Hiten stood behind her. Inuyasha took her hand pulling her close.
Kikyo glared, “What happened to us, Inuyasha?” she snapped trying to get at Kagome.
Kagome pulled out on Inuyasha's hold and pushed Kikyo to the floor slamming her knee into the woman's stomach. She punched her in the jaw reveling in Kikyo's shriek of pain. Kikyo acted like a true girl and grabbed Kagome's hair. Kagome's hand wrapped around the other woman's throat and stared shaking her while tightening her grip. Her hands glowed pink. That was when Inuyasha and Hiten decided to break it up Inuyasha picked her up by the waist, pinning her arms to her sides, and Hiten had grabbed Kikyo.
Inuyasha growled, “Get Kikyo outta here! Before Kagome loses it!”
Hiten grunted, “Too late for that…”