InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My Inuyasha Story ❯ He's Here ( Chapter 3 )

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Chapter 3: He's Here
When we got back a carriage was in front of the house. “We don't own a carriage mom. Do you know who's it is?”
“I recognize it Kagome. And he has no right to be here.”
Then I recognized it, how could he be here, my mom hates him after what he's done to us. “What business could the king have here?”
“I don't know but it better be over with soon. I will not step into that house till he is gone.”
I went on ahead of my mother and into the house. They were sitting in the kitchen talking, I went into the sitting room so as to not disturb them, and there on one of our cushions sat our prince Inuyasha.
“Your highness, I was not expecting to see you in my house, I am sorry I am not prepared to accept your visit properly, if I had known you and your father were coming I would have been more prepared,” I said to him, “I will go get some. . .oh wait they are talking in the kitchen. Well then is there some reason for your unexpected visit?”
Inuyasha turned to me and stared, I'm guessing that he was not expecting to see me here.
“Um, your highness, would you rather me leave you alone?”
“Yes your highness.” I sat down and waited for him to start talking. I wonder what he has been doing all these years. Has he married Kikyo yet? I love him so much. I wonder if he remembers me.
Just then Inuyasha said, “Hello Kagome, it's been a long time, nine years hasn't it been?”
“Yeah it has been.”
“What have you been doing?”
“I've been helping run the shrine, since my father's died it's been harder to make a living to take care of the shrine and put food on the table.”
“I would guess. Your father took a bunch of food given to him by my father home to you guys. . .then he stopped coming and my parents wouldn't tell me why. Will you?”
“You will find out soon enough son. Come along we have a ball to get ready for, and so dose Kagome, she is your date after all. I will send a maid from the palace to help you buy some dresses suitable for being courted by my son.”
“Yes your highness,” I said shocked to have heard those words come out of the kings mouth, seems he sent me from the castle so I couldn't disturb the prince and his new love. What about Kikyo?
After they left, my mother walked in and asked what that was about. My grandfather said, “The prince has asked my permission to court Kagome and I have given my consent. She is to accompany him to the ball tonight. One of their maids are coming to get her to take her to buy some suitable gowns for courting the prince. And the king has told me that she can keep the gowns even if it dose not work out between the prince and her.”
“After all these years he has decided that Kagome is the right girl for his son. I can not believe this. . .after all that we have gone through; hiding our real place in society, and hiding Kagome's feelings for the prince; he comes to our door.”
“Mother, it is really not all that bad.”