InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My Kagome ❯ Chapter 2

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

I do no own the Inuyasha characters, if I did, I would not be writing this.

My Kagome

Chap 2

By: Kagome

A/N: Here is chap 2

The carriage arrived at the palace, Inuyasha got out of the carriage and motioned for Kagome to get out. Kagome climbed out of the carriage, dreading the look of the palace, it filled her with a sudden sickness, knowing that she was going to live here as a slave. If she was not a slave, she wouldn't find this place so bad. But seeing as that wouldn't happen anytime soon, the feeling only increased. She groaned at the sight, not only knowing the thought punishment for running away, she'd have a damn hard time at if she tried...

-|-They might kill me if I run's best not to then...... but.... they still could do worse for disobeying..... I..... shouldn't risk it....-|- Kagome thought as she followed Inuyasha to his room, stabbing a glare at his back, wondering what her first order from him would be.

"Kagome you will be sleeping in my room, on the complaining, not that you want to, we have such horrible punishments for misbehaving." he said, still not facing Kagome, "And don't glare like that. Your face may get stuck that way and you'd be punished whenever you looked at someone." Inuyasha smirked at the look on Kagome's face, pure fright.

Kagome nodded wondering how her master had seen the look on her face, he hadn't even turned around. She'd have to watch herself to make sure that he wasn't looking when she did anything offending to him, not that she would or anything. Inuyasha continued to smirk at Kagome's shock, he'd have to find a way to bug her like that more often. He walked to the door, looking at Kagome still.

"Good, so you don't have to clean or anything, you just follow my bidding, no matter what." he said as he stepped out of the room, "Stay here....." Inuyasha ordered as he left, not saying where he'd be, not that he needed to. He could do whatever he wanted when he wanted, Kagome just didn't have that freedom. She stared at the door until he left, thinking over the meaning of "Stay here". Of course it meant stay, but did it mean be in the same position? She sighed, she wouldn't move....

She looked at the ground, looking at the detail of the wood, thinking about what the next few days would be like. More like the rest of her life.... she released another sigh. She wouldn't have to worry about cleaning or anything unless Inuyasha ordered it. She'd have to do anything he ordered, what if he was a hentai? She shook her head, it wasn't likely that he was, but who would know? She sighed once more, and let her thoughts wander to else where.

The flower, it struck her. It was all that flowers fault, if she hadn't stopped for it, she'd have died when the flames struck her families hut. She groaned, why did fate be so cruel and take her family from her? Was it? That she was destined to be here? But as what? A simple slave? Or something more? How could she become something more when there was nothing to become..... unless, she married one of the lord's. She only knew Inuyasha out of the whole household, not any other slaves or anyone. She gave a small sigh as Inuyasha walked back into the room with a smirk, "Good job." he said, reffering to her not moving at all, "But the sighing, just has to go..." he said grabbing her by the arm, "Your punishment will be recived after dinner--- WHAT is your problem?!" he yelled throwing Kagome to the ground and tending to the offended arm. Kagome had sunken her teeth into Inuyasha's flesh, one for hurting her, and two, she didn't know why. But she felt good about it until she noticed the figure behind Inuyasha, his father. She didn't move nor did she speak. But she did allow Inuyasha to lift her off the ground once more.

At dinner was different, Kagome was given a plate of food and was told to bring it to Inuyasha, she brought it to him alright. Right on his pants, she didn't care, as long as his life was hell right now. She didn't notice the glares Inuyasha was recivng from his father and brother. She just felt proud of herself, she was slipping by without punishment, Inuyasha was too cowardly to punish her. That was his downfall, she'd be out of this house in no time if all the family members were like this.

At the end of dinner, Kagome slept on the floor, though she moved onto the bed. Inuyasha left and allowed her to have her space, not even noticing his father's watchful eyes in the room.

For the rest of the week, it was all the same. Kagome causing havoc to Inuyasha's life, and his father, was getting sick of it. After dinner, with Inuyasha washing his hair and Kagome in his room, he moved quickly to the bathroom where Inuyasha was, "Inuyasha.... you need to control your slave. Whip her, beat her, whatever you please. Just do something, if this continues..... who knows what could happen. And I forbid you to have any freedom until your slave is punished and has some sign that she had been. Do you hear me?"

"Yes, perfectly...." he said softly, he didn't want to do this... he admired Kagome's ablility to forget about the rules that had been set for her, but this was the last straw for his father. He personally didn't mind, as long as he could have some fun watching her agrivated face when he accepted that she spilled his dinner all over him. He could tell that she was trying to find away to get away from this house, "Sorry my Kagome.... youir mine now." is what he'd tell himself everytime she had done something, now.... it was his time to take acttion.

He walked up to his room, taking calm normal strides, listening to the thumping of his feet on the ground, "forgive me..." he whispered to himself before he reached the door. A thin whip in his hand as he entered the room, "Kagome." he said firmly to the sleeping ningen.

She didn't move, she was asleep and drowning him out, she was asleep on his bed, and he needed to punish her. He sighed and grabbed her arm, throwing her to the ground, "Kagome, you are to be punished, and you will not be forgiven." he said, stating the words that his father had taught him as a child, "Yes..... Inuyasha-sama." she said softly bowing her head.

-|-Now he punishes me, I.... was going to stop, but I'm afraid I must by force....-|- she says to herself looking at Inuyasha with careful eyes, ~but why now?~ she asks as a loud crack is heard. Her eyes widened at the sudden pain on her shoulder, a scream left her lips with the pain, "Kagome...." he said as he tied a towel around her mouth, "NO screaming."

Five more cracks were hear as well as the whip hitting flesh, after the fifth crack, he dropped the whip and swept Kagome into his arms. He set her trembling figure on the bed and held her close, bitting on her neck gently. As he drew blood, he looked at Kagome who seemed to be frozen, what Inuyasha had done was unexpected and she wouldn't understand till later. The bite mark, it'd explain it's self over time. Hopefully to Kagome soon enough, but right now, it was for her protection...... he had noticed the looks that all the other youkai had given her, even his father... it was as if youkai were drawn to her. But they would not have her, "After all..... she's my Kagome." he whispered to himself as he lay Kagome on the ground.

The next day, Kagome awoke and sat down by the bed, watching Inuyasha sleep, Finding him a whole new person. She bowed deeply when he awoke and she followed him out of the room, even to the bathroom. She stood at the door, ignoring the glances of the other slaves walking around. They all were staring at the sight of the cut kimono, the redness of the tint that stained the kimono that was of perfect white.

The whole day went by without so much as one disaterous event, Kagome was silent, and Inuyasha did't talk to her. Figuring she was mad about the bite mark, but no one had noticed it. He sighed softly, which earned the stare of his father, "I see she is better behaved than before, good job." he said with a smile to his youngest son,

"I don't see why you got him---" Sesshomaru started to speak but was waved off by their father, "Yes, she is.... Thank you..." was all Inuyasha said, staring at his food. No longer caring to eat.

"Come, Kagome." he said as he rose to his feet, forgetting to ask to be excused, but, it wasn't really needed, since everyone seemed to leave the table without permission. Inuyasha headed up to his room, feet making small thumps of his aggrivation, "You know Kagome......"