InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My master, My slave ❯ Dispersed Among Masters ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Hey my peoples! I got the ages for the demons all wrong last time!!! Sry!!! Here are the real ages. And just so you know, Miroku has a different mother than Inuyasha and Sesshomaru. Inu and fluffy are full brothers and Miroku's mother was a wind demon.
F. Y. I: I am horrible at doing four pairings at the same time, so each of them will be split up into chapters, okay? For example= chap. 2- iza/inut chpt. 3- sang/Mir. And Kikyo's a demoness here, just because Sesshomaru's a stuck-up jerk and would only sleep with a demoness. Now, anyway.
Get the picture?
Sessomaru: 25(2,500)
InuTaisho: 40(4,000)
Miroku: 21(2,100)
Inuyasha: 23(23,00)
Chapter One: Dispersed Among Masters
They were brought down off the stage. Their new master held their chains gently and allowed them enough room not to choke. Then it happened. Sango and Kagome fought back. Sango punched the guard holding them in the jaw, getting rid of a few of his fangs and kagome kneed another guard in the groin. They were fighting so hard that the guard pushed them into the limousine roughly in order to get them away from him. The kitsune frowned deeply and sat up front, starting the car and taking off.
“You really shouldn't have done that…. You're only going to get hurt if you try something like that at the mansion. You'd get sentenced to death. I'm afraid my cousins don't have a good sense of humor.” Sango just sneered and attempted to lunge at the front seat, only to be held back by her elder sister's arm.
Iza had remained unusually calm through the whole ordeal. “Well you seem like an understanding man. May I have your name?”
The kitsune blushed. Her voice was regal sounding, as if she had been raised to be a princess; silky and smooth. Listening to her speak was almost like drinking milk and honey.
“Sh-Shippo, ma'am!” He felt the need to treat her like royalty. He heard her melodic laugh in the back seat.
“I'm sure you, being a youkai, are much older than I. I'm but 16. My name is Izayoi, but you may address me as Iza, if you wish. These are my sisters. I'm sure I've raised them with enough manners to introduce themselves properly.”
Sango sneered and avoided their gazes. Iza glared and pursed her lips, elbowing her sister. Sango! She spoke through her sister's mind. If you want me to get us out of this, we must gain their trust. I will NOT have you mess this up. Introduce yourself.
The younger sister grumbled and glared at the Shippo
“Sango. Just Sango. Give me a nickname and I'll kick your scrawny ass.” Her voice was sweetly sour and smooth, but it had a roughness to it. Very much like her attitude. Shippo gulped and nodded.
Iza sighed. That was the best she was going to get out of her stubborn sister. Shippo shifted his gaze to kagome who was fumbling with her hands in her lap.
“Kagome… You can call me Kags…if you want to. I guess.” Shippo smiled in the mirror at the shy woman. Her voice was shy, a small nightingale afraid to sing its heart out.
He shifted his gaze to the one who had yet to talk. You could tell she was the youngest. She was at least three inches shorter than all her sisters. She was currently humming lowly to herself, looking out the window, and absent-mindedly twisting a strand of inky black hair. Kagome tapped her shoulder.
Rin smiled and said “Hmm?” in affirmation.
“Hon', Tell the man your name.”
Rin smiled dizzily, closing her eyes.
“I have four names. Which one, Kags?”
Iza smiled. “Why not all of them?”
“Ok.” She took a deep breath. “Suirin Salem Higurashi. It's so long, though. Just call me Rin!”
Shippo smiled. “That's a long name… well. Your masters aren't as tolerant, so I wouldn't try any funny stuff with them. Baka inu youkai…” He muttered lowly. They soon approached a mansion. The sisters couldn't help but gawk. It was huge!!
Iza, being too lady like, simply widened her eyes. Sango's jaw was detached from her mouth and Kagomes looked on in wonder. Rin seemed to be the only one unaffected, her daydreaming being much more fascinating, in her opinion anyway.
Shippo parked the car in the back, right by about a thousand other dazzling cars. He led them inside the house… err… mansion… uh… castle, hand by hand. The hallways twisted and turned repeatedly, and they all tried absent mindedly to stop and look at the fine, extravagant furnishings that dressed it, but the kitsune pulled franticly. Then suddenly, he stopped at a door. It was a large oak and cherry wood door, in fine condition. Shippo seemed to grow nervous then.
He turned and looked at them, resisting the urge to bite his bottom lip.
“Okay… This is Inu Taisho's study. He is a very nice man, but not one to be taken as a push over, so don't look him in the eye, bow your head, and don't speak unless spoken to. Got it?”
Sango looked like she was about to say a snide comment, before Iza glared a warning at her.
Shippo gulped one last time before knocking on the door.
“Come in.”
Answered a deep voice. Iza, in spite of herself, couldn't help but find it handsome sounding.
The door creaked as the kitsune opened it. A man sat at a large desk, writing something down in pen. He bore a single jagged violet stripe on each cheek. His bone structure was sculpted and handsome. Snow-white hair traveled down his back, unbound and motionless. His obvious muscles just showed slightly out from his black silk haori.
Iza was sure it was the most handsome man she had ever seen.
He looked up from his papers, revealing golden eyes and flashed a toothy grin at the young kitsune.
“Great choices, Shippo!” His voice boomed, after seeing the new slaves, his burning eyes lingering for a mere fraction on Iza.
“But I recall only asking for three. Is there any special reason you disobeyed me?”
Shippo gulped, playing with his feet.
“Well… I mean… They're sisters…. I would have felt bad if I had to split em' up….”
The Inu Youkai seemed to consider his answer, and then shrugged. “No matter. I'll just take one. If one of my boys was to get two while the other got one, you know it wouldn't end nicely.”
Shippo seemed to pale at the image his head cooked up.
Inu Taisho stood up from his chair, revealing loose black hakamas that matched his haori.
His steps pounded through Iza's ears in the room, thought they were silent. He stepped in front of each one of her sisters, but he found none interesting. Finally he came to Iza. He came up at least a head taller than her, leaving him towering over her sisters. He looked into her eyes intensely, looking for something.
Iza's cheeks reddened dramatically. He smirked.
“Something you find interesting, Woman?”
He knew. He knew she had an instant crush on him.
“I think I'll keep this one Shippo.” The man said, taking in her scent fully and deeply. Sweet daffodils.
“What's her name?”
Shippo watched on curiously. He had never bothered to know a slave's name before.
“Uh… Izayoi. She asked me to call her Iza, though.”
“Hmmmm….” He turned from her, his white tresses whipping her face softly.
“Send the others to my sons' chambers. I want to get to know little Iza here.” His voice held sinful mischief.
Shippo nodded, leaving the room as soon as he could, dragging the beautiful trio behind him. Halfway down the hallway he sighed in relief. “God! I thought he was going to murder me!” Rin frowned. “Is sister going to be okay?” Her voice was that of a sad child. Kagome smiled to help relieve her younger sister. “I'm sure she'll be fine. He seemed like a very nice man.”
Sango scowled. “He better be. If he touches one hair on Iza… I'll… I'll…” Her rant cut off as they stopped in front of a door again. It was not in as good condition as the first door was. Scratches covered the outer part and it looked as though it had been kicked repeatedly.
Yells of nasty insults could be heard inside.
“Fuck you, Sesshomaru!”
“Sorry to disappoint you, little brother, but Kikyo already did that for me.”
“You asshole! I'm going to shove Tetsuiga right up your-!”
“Calm down Inuyasha. You can't be that upset. Kikyo's the biggest.”
Shippo rolled his eyes and banged on the door.
“Hey bozos! Get off your lazy Asses and open the door!”
There were sounds of shuffled movements before the door opened. A man stood there in a tight black wife beater and faded jeans. His black hair was tied in a tight ponytail at the back of his neck. Elvin ears struck out from the side of his face, pierced up the side with little silver studs shining out. His eyes were a deep oceanic blue. His muscles were toned and buffed. A black clothe wrapped around his left forearm, silver beads lacing over it.
Sango's tough front melted away almost instantly and a feminine blush spread her cheeks.
“Hey, Shippo.” He peered behind him, staring at the beautiful girls. His eyes widened and a lecherous grin spread across his face. He pushed his way forward, grabbing Kagome and Rin's hands into one hand while taking Sango's in his right hand.
“Would you three great beauties please do me the honor of bearing my children? I don't care which one!”
Normal Sango was back.
The girl glared, her fist coming up to give him a good punch in the face before anyone could stop her. The man's face turned all the way to the side. Rin and Kagome gasped, fearing for their sister. The youkai turned his head back slowly, looking at Sango in wonder.
“Hmmm… I must have you…”
Sango blushed and tried to pull away from his deep stare.
“W-what are you talking about!”
Shippo pried Miroku away from Sango.
“Hey, perv! These are the slaves your father wanted to give you and the other bozos.”
Miroku's expression immediately changed and he backed off from Sango as if she was contagious with something. Sango felt a twinge of hurt, for some unknown reason.
Miroku turned away, back towards the door, his expression almost cold.
“Come on then.”
He opened the door and let them pass.
Inuyasha continued his bickering with his older brother, until his younger brother lead three humans into his room. His amber eyes showed pure curisosity.
“Roku! What's with the human bitches?”
Miroku just sighed and sat back down in black bean bag chair, sighing lazily, and a little disappointed.
Rin was not looking up, not wanting to be put in the limelight. Though she and her sisters were very close, she was nothing like them. She was the oddball. Strange was the only word to describe her, other than inhumanly beautiful.
Sesshomaru sneered at the humans that entered the room, though the smaller one did gain his mild interest.
“Cousin. Tell me as to why there are humans in my room.” He glared at them all. “On your knees. Now.” They gulped, immediately following his directions and dropping to their knees.
Miroku opened his eyes lazily. “Apparently father sent Shippo out for our own personal slaves. I get that one.” He pointed at Sango. She fumed at being treated like a possession, but bit her lip to keep from saying anything
Sesshomaru golden eyes glared at each one with disgust.
“They're all vile…. I'll take the runt.”
Kagome and Sango knew that the runt would be Rin. They were scared for their sister. He looked to be the meanest out of them all. Rin was too fragile to be treated harshly. Inuyasha made a sound that sounded distinctively like “keh!” but spoke indirectly.
“I guess I'm stuck with the ugly one.” He knew he was lying to himself. In his opinion, he got the best out of them all. Inuyasha was just an asshole.
Kagome frowned and bit her lip, trying not to cry. Shippo frowned deeply, opening the door to his cousin's room.
“I have to go see Souten.” Souten was a thunder demoness, also known as Shippo's girlfriend. She had been ever since Inuyasha beat up her older brothers.
His frown was not unnoticed by Kagome, Rin, and Sango.
You better treat them well, you bakas… Was his last thought before leaving the room.