InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My One and Only ❯ The Chase ends Sesshomaru's desision ( Chapter 4 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

My One and Only

Disclaimer: I own all ideas of the Vixen, and the Vixen themselves except for Kagome! However I do not own Inuyasha ok!

Hey everyone I'm back, Sorry it took so long, there is an explanation at the bottom. If any of you see anyone use the ideas Vixen with powers or as a group could you let me know thanks!

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Kagome looked at the woman he was about to kill, and recognized her and screamed. "Sango!!" Kagome cried dashing over to her friend and stood before her in protection. "Well if it isn't the inu's brothers wench." That sound of his voice was like poison to Kagome's ears. She got up from Sango, and turned around slowly "Naraku you bastard, you're the one who has been stealing the children's and women's souls." Naraku chuckled to himself "Your smarter then you look wench." "Of course, I wouldn't expect anything less from one of Sesshomaru's mates." Kagome felt her blood boil hearing the name of her master being used in a mocking tone. "The one thing that puzzles me is, how come a Vixen like you, could fall into one of my traps so easily." After hearing those words, Kagome's scent turned to panic. After all the experiences with Inuyasha, and Naraku she knew she would be no match for him, and protect her dear friend.

`Sesshomaru-sama, Irina, Ebony, Naila, Sayo, Miroku, and Inuyasha, its Kagome please listen to me.' Kagome focused her miko powers to telepathically call for help. `Naraku, is the one who has been stealing the women's souls.' Kagome felt her powers start to weaken `He has now Sango the demon exterminator, and myself captive.' As soon as she sent the message, she felt the other 4 Vixen, Sesshomaru, Inuyasha, and Miroku rushing towards her. `One more thing left to do.' `Sayo, send a silver flare into the air, to let the others know where we are.' `Now to buy time for them to get here.'

"Naraku one question, before I destroy you?" "Why have you been stealing the souls of women and children?" Naraku smiled slyly "Good question, I suppose you expect an answer." "The women's and children's souls are only a payment for a new power that I possess." "Thanks to your incarnation, I now will have everything I want." Naraku chuckled at the smell of fear coming off of Kagome. "What new power did Kikyo give you?" Kagome spat out, Naraku looked up, and his eyes glowed a deep red, Kagome couldn't move a muscle "What have you done to me you baka?" Kagome screamed in panic "I made sure that you couldn't escape from me, after you see the death of you friend, I will be taking you back to my fortress, where not even your mate can find you."


`Kagome is in trouble, why can't I move any faster.' Sesshomaru growled in his mind `If that bastard does anything to her, I'll make sure he dies slowly and painfully.' "The one thing that worries me the most is that Kagome came into heat this morning." Sesshomaru was pissed off more then usual. "I knew I should have claimed her instead of letting her run off with the others." Sesshomaru started to run faster when he saw the hawks signal flare, `looks like I'm going to have fun.' He chuckled silently to himself `I've been itching for a good fight for a while, and afterwards I'll claim Kagome back at the castle.' With a huge grin he speed off towards where the rest where headed


Naraku moved silently over to Kagome, and moved a piece of stray hair behind her ear, and kissed her on the cheek gently. "Well young miko sorry it had to come to this, but remember you can always make new friends." He started to laugh evilly (A/N: Man now I have goose bumps.) All of a sudden Naraku was thrown to the other side of the cave. "What in the seven hells?" Naraku looked around but saw nothing and couldn't smell anything. One thing that Naraku did see frightened him more then Sesshomaru on a bad hair day. A very pissed off Kagome, with a dark purple aura circling her. "I told the others I would finish you off, and I intend to keep my promise." Kagome said calmly, as the aura turned darker and circled her more fiercer.


Standing at the cave entrance Miroku, Inuyasha, the other 3 Vixen, and Sesshomaru all stood in amazement. Watching, wondering, weather they should run, or help. (A/N: Ok for you smart asses out there who say hey wasn't there suppose to be 4 other Vixen. The raven was the invisible force, which knocked Naraku in to the cave wall. Remember her special power is Invisibility) Sesshomaru knew, that at the rate she was going all her energy would be used up, and she would die. "Inuyasha, I suggest you retrieve that women over there before Kagome, starts her little temper tantrum." Sesshomaru said in a calm, but commanding voice. "Feh" was all Inuyasha could say before racing towards Sango.

`Now that she's out of the way, I need to calm down my little fox and fast.' Sesshomaru thought quickly, and walked gracefully over to where Kagome stood. "Kagome, relax your friend is safe go tend to her." Sesshomaru said placing a hand on her shoulder. "NO, THIS IS FOR ALL THE WOMEN AND CHILDREN HE'S HARMED." Kagome screamed, and sending a powerful beam towards Naraku. The beam created a huge blast at where Naraku stood. Sesshomaru grabbed Kagome and held her close to him to prevent, any harm from coming to her. When the smoke, and dust cleared, there was Naraku barely alive with a broken spine, and cut Achilles tendons in his feet. "Naraku has been defeated, not by death, but Lady Kagome made him paralyzed again, he must know rely on the help of others." Miroku spoke in his monk sort of way of knowledge.


Looking down at the unconscious beauty in his arms, Sesshomaru knew he must finish what she started, and prevent any others from his harm. As he made his way over to where Naraku lye, "time to put an end to this for once, and for all." Sesshomaru said raising his glowing green hand, and with one swipe Naraku's whole body, spirit, and sole, was gone from the Earth, the solar system, and the universe. Sesshomaru walked calmly over to his Vixen who, had some scratches and were bleeding from the blast. Setting Kagome down gently, he attended to each of his Vixens needs, some he mended there injuries, others he gave comfort by purring to them, nuzzling there necks, and holding them close. (A/N: What a man!!!!!!) Each one of them recovered quickly, and was as good as new.


Inuyasha walked over to Kagome slowly with hurt in his eyes, he moved some of her hair off of her face. `How could I have hurt you like I did?' Inuyasha thought `You may never forgive me, but remember I'll always love you.' A stray tear trickled down his face and landed on Kagome, she winced once as if the tear burned her. Inuyasha bent down and kissed her gently on the forehead and whispered in her ear "If you ever need anything or a place to stay, you may always come home." He got up and started to leave, but Kagome's hand was faster then that and grabbed his arm. "You may have hurt me, and you may still love me, but remember there is some one waiting for you at home." Kagome whispered calmly "Go Inuyasha, go home to your mate, you are no longer needed here." Kagome swallowed "I wish the best for the both of you, and thank you for coming to me when I called for your help, and I do forgive you Inuyasha." Inuyasha turned with pain in his eye and spoke "That's what friends are for." Kagome released her grip from him, and he left `And so ends the love that everyone thought was possible.' She thought to herself, with a tear trickling down her cheek.


Sesshomaru hearing the whole thing, made him slightly proud of his youngest Vixen. When Inuyasha walked out of the cave, he noticed the perverted monk, holding the demon exterminator close to him, prying to kami that she would be all right. `He maybe a dirty lecher at times, but he truly does love her with all his heart. Sesshomaru knew her injuries would be the end of her, but since Kagome often spoke of how she helped others, he would repay the debt. He walked over to the two couple and picked Sango's lifeless body up and set her on the ground. Miroku was angered by this action and was about to go after Sesshomaru but was stopped by a hand to the shoulder. "Lady Kagome let me go!" Kagome smiled lightly "Miroku shut up, trust me, and watch." Miroku trusted Kagome with all his heart, and soul (A/N: sort of in a brother/sister way.) Sesshomaru unsheathed the Tensaiga; he concentrated a moment then swiped the sword down upon the body of the Youkai exterminator.

A couple moments passed and Sango started to move. Miroku ran to her, and held her in his arms very tightly. "Umm hoshi-sama it's good to see you too could you let me go I can't breath. Sesshomaru, and the other 5 Vixens fell anime style.

"Sango before you say anything else, will you marry me?" Miroku said with huge puppy dog eyes. `I just come back from the dead, hoshi-sama is nearly choking me back to death, and then I get asked to marry the lecherous monk, what has this world come to?' Sango thought `He does have the most adorable puppy eyes though, ah what the hell.' "Sango, are you ok?" Miroku looks at her with worry in his eyes. "Hoshi-sama" Sango raised her hand; Miroku cowered down in fear like a little puppy that's going to get hit from its master. Sango cupped her hand on his cheek softly "Of course I'll marry you!" It took 5 seconds to comprehend what Sango had just said. "YESSS!" Miroku shouting dancing around the cave and then he grabbed Sango and dipped her for a fiery kiss. "HENTAIII" Sango shouted and poor Miroku went fly out of the cave into the pond. "Oppss I forgot" Sango said with a light blush to her cheeks. A soaked wet Miroku walked into the cave "We're going to have to work on that, before the honeymoon, dear." Everyone except Miroku sweat dropped.


Kagome walked over to Sesshomaru "Well they're finally together, thanks Sesshomaru-sama." Sesshomaru reached out and wrapped his hand around Kagome's waist and pulled her to his lap. Where he started to nuzzle her neck, and purr. "Sesshomaru-sama are you feeling ok?" Kagome was a little worried about her master's actions. "Kagome, today when we get back to the castle I shall claim you as my own, do you have any problems or objections to this?" He purred in her ear, which sent a shiver up her spine, much to his delight. "Not at all." Kagome said cuddling further into Sesshomaru.

A/N: Finally this chapter is done! Everyone, I've been reading the reviews and let me clear this up once more, Back in ancient Japan it was normal for lords to have multiple wifes, and children. I'm sorry if some of you feel that this is gross and stuff. Myself being a woman, and if I wasn't the author I would be angry also but I want to keep with the settings. Stay cool everyone