InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My One and Only ❯ Authors Note ( Chapter 6 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

My One and Only

Disclaimer: This is an author's note; I do not own Inuyasha and company. I do own the Vixen and my thoughts.

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Girl player: Thanks for your kind words and going that extra step to contact me it was a pleasure to talk to you. Hopefully we can talk some more again. Keep on writing your story is coming out great.

Onimusha: Thanks for your wonderful words, and you're the first person who has complemented me on the different animals. So thanks and I'll put the lemon in.

i'm lady of the spades: The Vixen isn't really jealous; they respect each other, in terms. They'll have their little fights but it's really just playful. When it comes to children.

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Hey everyone it's an author's note! I'm sorry but there seemed to be some confusion with the last chapter and I'm here to clear some of it up.

Ok some of you thought that only Kagome, and Rin would be bearing Sesshomaru's heirs. Only Rin will be bearing his heir. But the other Vixen will each give him a child. Some of you are appalled at this, and I apologize about it, but I'm going to change something. When Sesshomaru said `But she was right it is springtime, mating season is here, this season I expect pups from my Vixen.' I'm going to make it either one to three pups a year, from different Vixen.

Some of you ladies out there aren't too comfortable about this and I have to say if I weren't the author I would be too. The reason why I'm having each Vixen give him a child is because, Sesshomaru's Vixen means so much to him, and in my idea a child is something that is made out of love, and the mixture of that love and the traits between those two. So to put it in simple terms Sesshomaru wants a mixture of himself and his joys of the world. What I mean by joys is Sesshomaru would do anything for his Vixen, even if his own children posed a threat to them (meaning by trying to kill them or harm them in a evil type way) he would have no problem in killing them to protect his Vixen.

Another thing is when dog demons mate they mate for life. I know when I said earlier that the Vixen are already Sesshomaru's mates with out the joys of sex, but by him claiming them this is a way of him marking the girls, and all demons, maybe with the exception of Jaken have a high sense of smell, so they can tell who has claimed that person, by smelling there mates sent.

By Sesshomaru claiming Kagome it's another way of him marking her, making sure that no other demon messed with her. Would you really want to mess with the Lord of the Western land's ladies? Anyway but by Sesshomaru claiming Kagome, there is no intention of getting her pregnant. She's about 17, and the others have lived for almost centuries, so clearly she's not ready to have a pup yet, maybe in another year or two. Ok I know that if a female is in heat and they mate, a pup usually follows. Well in some of the stories that I've read male demons can make sure somehow, someway they'll mate but not get the female pregnant during her heat. I don't know how some demon, protection trick.

This one person contacted me through e-mail and they were upset about if Sesshomaru claimed the girls that he could mate with them anytime he wants. Ok if some of you think that, then I'm srry but your wrong. One of the reasons why Sesshomaru choose each of the Vixen, was that they were obedient, but they were not zombies and they do have a choice in the mating process whether they wish to mate or not.

Another thing some of you were mad at me about the master thing, I'm truly srry. The Vixen are not slaves but they do serve Sesshomaru, by doing simple task. Such as going after demons, so Sesshomaru didn't have to. Don't get me wrong Sesshomaru isn't getting lazy, but he gave each of these girls powers so hey let them use it. While their busy taking care of demons, that try to take their lord's land, Sesshomaru is making sure that they are taken care of, and is taking care of treaty matters.

I'm having Rin bear Sesshomaru's heir because one she was his first heir, and she's the closest to Sesshomaru. One: she did grow up around him, and he did raise her. Two: She's the oldest, and in my perspective of reading Rin/Sessy fics that he holds a special place for her in his heart. Each Vixen is special to Sesshomaru, but Rin holds a special something in his heart, because of him raising her. When he took in the other Vixen they were about Kagome's age 16, 17, maybe 18.

All the Vixen understood that Rin would be bearing Sesshomaru's heir. And they respect that in a way, because it's like they live in a pack, and Rin is the Alfa female, and of course Sesshomaru is the Alfa male.

Well I hope I answered most of your questions. If some of you are offended I apologize, and please let me know, I'll try and modify the story so it isn't to offensive. Ok! The next chapter, which I promise for the millionth time, will be a lemon and will be up soon, even though most of you don't care about the lemon.

So take care of yourselves stay warm, stay cool wherever you are. I know it's starting to warm up around where I live at. Ja Ne
