InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My One True Love ❯ A Punishment For Miroku ( Chapter 3 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Chapter 3
A Punishment For Miroku

Sango and Miroku had just arrived at Sango's home village, and Kirara landed softly on the ground.
"Sango, dear. I only grope you because I don't know any other way to show how attracted I am to you." Miroku said, cringing from her wrath.
"Miroku, don't ever call me dear! Also, use words and gestures not hands!" She felt him inching toward her backside. "Hentai!" She smacked him hard. "I know you proposed to me, but that doesn't mean you can violate me!"
"I don't know any other words or gestures to show you how I feel, Sango! Forgive me!"
"How about 'I love you'?! How simple is that?!" Sango blushed, her chocolate eyes dropping to the ground.
"I wasn't brought up to know about that. I'm sorry, Sango." Miroku said softly, feeling stupid.
"I know, but...I thought you could've learned that on our travels. You've heard Inuyasha and Kagome before. In Kaguya's castle...." She dropped Hiraikotsu at the feel of his hand in other places besides her butt.
"Sango, I do not mean to dishonor you. I truly do love you, and really mean to wed you as soon as Naraku is dead for real." As Miroku said this, he embraced her around the shoulders in a loving hug. During this, he placed his hand on her shoulder, as he had hugged her from the side.
"W-what? Miroku..." Sango hugged him back, a tear dropping down her face. "...but you will pay for making me wait!"
"I only wish for it to be safe, so I no longer have to wear this," he directed her gaze to the glove and prayer beads around his right arm, "and can let light shine on this skin at last. You do understand the need for us to wait for the wedding until then, right Sango?" He asked, eyes full of nervousness and apprehension.
"Yes, Miroku. Therefore, I shall not take my revenge in that way. I'll have to think of something else."
"So how are you planning on punishing me, Sango?" Miroku asked with a lecherous look in his eyes.
"Well..." Sango's eyes glittered with a seductive look. "In any way I see fit. And now, I feel like taking advantage of you." Miroku's eyebrows rose in surprise.
"Really now?"
"Oh, yeah." Sango giggled, and dragged him into one of the destroyed huts.
Once inside, the demon slayer turned and faced the monk. She pulled him closer to her as she backed up towards the bench she had seen. Suddenly she grabbed his left buttocks and squeezed quite hard.
"I'm...flattered Sango, but..." Miroku gasped. He wasn't able to finish his sentence, as Sango suddenly sat down and pulled him down over her lap....face down.
"Sango, what are you doing!?!?" Miroku asked, feeling his cheeks heat up.
"You will see." Sango replied in a slightly scolding tone. Miroku suddenly felt a cool breeze on his legs. Sango lifted his robe up quickly until it was at his upper thighs, then she slowed down. Miroku gasped as he felt the cool air on his now bare buttom.
"Sango, please...stop this." Miroku pleaded. He had a pretty good idea of what was going to happen. Sango didn't answer for a few moments as she stroked and caressed each butt cheek for a few moments.
"No Miroku. This is your punishment for asking other girls to bear your child. That hurt me very much Miroku. Now it's your turn to feel pain." Sango scolded. Her left hand pressed firmly against his back, the other hand went high into the air. She flung her hand down, striking the bare cheek with a resounding WHAP!! After a few more hard whacks, Miroku was beginning to whimper. He hadn't realized how badly he had hurt Sango, and he was now paying for it. He decided to be a man and just laid there across Sango's lap, and endured the pain.
Meanwhile, Kaori was visiting Kagome and Inuyasha again, for the first time since spring broke.
"Ko-chan, we're mates!" Kagome smiled, tugging Inuyasha's sleeve.
"Kaggie! That's wonderful news! Congrats! I'm so happy for you!" Kaori exclaimed as she hugged her sister and brother-in-law.
"Just don't get too mushy, Kaori." Inuyasha blushed, patting his sister-in-law's head.
"Don't give me that, Inuyasha! I may be a female, but I can whip your ass in hand-to-hand!" Kaori said, shoving him playfully. It'd been a while since she found anyone she could play with as though they were littermates. Kagome giggled, snuggling into her mate. She knew Inuyasha was happy, but he refused to show that in front of someone else.
"Oh, you two..." Suddenly, a dust whirlwind was seen on the horizon.
"Who's that?" Kaori asked. Just as suddenly, Inuyasha growled, and Kagome looked up at him.
"I sense two jewel shards."
"Koga..." Inuyasha growled, grabbing Tetsusaiga.
"Kaggie, Inuyasha, who's Koga?" Kaori asked, confused.
"He's an ookami youkai. Inuyasha hates him. You'll see why in a second." Kagome grimaced, hugging Inuyasha. "Don't get too worked up. Remember, I'm your mate, not his."
"Okay..." Kaori said, as the dust whirlwind dissapated and revealed the one called Koga. Koga immediately grabbed Kagome's hands.
"Are you ready to return to my den, Kagome?" Koga asked, giving her goo-goo eyes.
"Koga, no, I-" Kagome was interrupted.
"Get your hands off of her, you mangy wolf!" Inuyasha yelled, getting in between them.
"So, you're Koga. I'm Kaori Higurashi, Kagome's older 1/2 sister. What buisiness do you have with her?" Kaori asked.
"I have to claim her as my mate, I have loved her since I first saw her!" Koga responded.
"Wolf-Shit, you have no claim to Kagome!" Inuyasha growled, drawing Tetsusaiga.
"That's right, Koga. She has already become Inuyasha's mate. She told me herself." Kaori said, readying her claws to protect her little sister.
"Koga-kun, I am Inuyasha's mate, so please leave us be." Kagome tried. "I'm sure you can smell his scent on me."
"No! I announced my intentions first!" Koga said, refusing to believe it.
"But Koga-kun, I didn't consent to becoming your mate. I only wanted to be Inuyasha's," she lowered the pink sakura kimono she wore. "You see? He's marked me." Koga stared at the mark, which had taken the shape of the Inu clan's mark. It showed up as a cresent moon, just like on Sesshomaru's forehead.
"I'm sorry. I'll go back and see if Ayame will still have me. Please forgive my actions, Kagome and Inuyasha."
"I will forgive you, if Inuyasha does. You have been causing him more pain than I." Kagome glanced up at her mate. Inuyasha scoffed, then with a glare from his mate, he choked out.
"I forgive you as well, Ookami."
"Thank you, Inuyasha. Your mercy shows your noble birth. I also wish to thank you for your help in avenging my comrades." Koga said, his head bowed in respect.
"You're welcome, but Naraku was as good as dead before that whole incident. He did some things in the past that we all regret." Inuyasha's head was lowered, his eyes on the ground. Kagome sadly patted his back. "It's okay, He's dead."
"I'll go find Ayame now. Thank you for your forgiveness." Then Koga stood up and ran off toward the northern mountains.
"Kaggie, that was weird. What's the story between you three?" Kaori asked, curious. Kagome sighed, then turned to Kaori.
"It's kind of complicated. See, one day, back when Inuyasha and I didn't realize our feelings, Koga kidnapped me and declared I was to be his mate. Inuyasha heard this, and after he got into a fight with me. So, basically, Koga has come by now and again, and tries to get me to go with him to his den. Inuyasha always fights with him."
"Inuyasha's always been stubborn, then?" Kaori asked in amazement.
"Yep!" Kagome giggled, and clung to Inuyasha. "But he's getting better."
"No, you misunderstand Kaggie. I'm amazed that he's so in tune with his youkai instincts. My youkai instincts are not as sharp as his, and I thought that I was a good example of most Inu-hanyous. I'm pleasantly surprised at that fact, Kaggie. I'm glad that he worked up the courage to act on his instincts." Kaori said with a smile at Inuyasha and Kagome.
"But why would Inuyasha be acting on instincts?" Kagome asked, still confused.
"Inus are instinct driven. Have you ever wondered why he's so protective, and when you two are in this era he sometimes calls you 'bitch'?"
"Oh, so you're refering to how protective Inuyasha is." Kagome blushed. "I say s-i-t whenever he calls me that..."
"When he says that, he's saying that you are special to him. Inu males only ever give that title to the female they intend to have as thier mate. From him, it's a complement."
"Hey! Don't say stuff like that!" Inuyasha cried out, blushing deeply.
"Why not? It's true, isn't it?" Kaori said, smiling.
"Inuyasha? Isn't it true?" Kagome asked, looking slightly hurt. Kaori crossed her arms and waited for his answer.
"I-it's correct...Kagome...I..." Inuyasha stopped, blushing madly. Kagome smiled.
"You see, Kaggie? He's not trying to insult you, but show you how much he cares. I hope I can find I male who will use that term for me one day..." Kaori said with tears in her eyes.
"Inuyasha! I love you!" Kagome hugged him tightly, kissing his cheek. Inuyasha leaned in and whispered into her ear.
"I think Kaori is sad. She doesn't have a mate. Please, for her sake, don't do that, okay, Koishii?" Kagome nodded.
"I sometimes wonder whether or not Kami-sama even put a soul mate in this world for me..." Kaori said, crying softly.
"Don't say that, Ko-chan! I'm sure he's waiting for you somewhere. Just don't give up hope!" Kagome encouraged, hugging her and crying softly for her forlorn sister. Inuyasha wasn't sure what to do, so he just watched his mate and sister cry together. Inuyasha suddenly smelled something unfamiliar.
"Kagome, get down. There's a youkai nearby." He growled, his hand reaching for Tetsusaiga.
"Yo! I thought I smelled hanyou! You wanna fight, Inuyasha?" A voice came from the trees.
"How do you know my name!" Inuyasha growled, Tetsusaiga sliding from it's sheath.
"Oh, I see that is the legendary Tetsusaiga. I want it." The voice laughed.
"Inuyasha, wait! The other one smells similar to you, it might be another Inu-hanyou!" Kaori said, trying to appeal to Inuyasha's sense of pride.
"Keh! I know that, but it said it wants my sword! I'm not gonna let it off easily!" Inuyasha protested, his eyes sweeping the tree tops. "Come out, demon!" A blur jumped to the forest floor.
"Hi, Inuyasha. It's interesting I meet you here, my homelands. Also, you have jewel shards. Give them to me!!"
"Kaggie, try to calm your mate! This may be a potential suitor for me!" Kaori said, looking at her sister desperately. Looking at the newcomer, Kaori smiled. 'He's cute...' Kagome looked up from her sister to her mate.
"Inuyasha, please, calm down! This boy may be the one for Ko-chan!" Kaori let out a questioning growl, trying to get the new male to look at her. The boy smiled.
"This little girl wants to be my mate? Yeah, as if, she's hanyou brat. I'm on my way to becoming a youkai!" He stepped out of the shadows. He had a black kimono, and silver hair. His blue eyes glittered in the late afternoon sun. "I'm Koragi Motosuwa, the greatest and strongest in all the land!" Kaori smirked at Koragi.
"You truly think that I can't be of any assistance to you? My father was the human, and a powerful priest in the future. Kagome here is my younger sister. As such, I have a claw tech that can heal anything except death. Do you really wish to pass up a mate that can help you on your way, especially since she wishes to become a youkai as well?" Koragi growled.
"I don't care for a mate. Women are useless in my mind."
"Oh really? Then you should see this!" With these words, she drew her own sword, Koishii. It turned almost the exact same size of the Tetsusaiga. "Meet the sword Koishii, also forged by Totosai." Koragi smirked.
"You think that piece of rubbish will help me? I don't need a woman." Inuyasha smiled.
"I felt the same way when I was your age, kid. I was completely wrong." He smiled at Kagome. "I fell in love." She blushed.
"Oh, Inuyasha..."
"Koragi, you should know that Inuyasha got more powerful when he fell in love, because the Tetsusaiga is powered by the need to protect loved ones." Kaori said with a superior smirk on her face. Koragi drew his sword.
"This is Kirashi, my powerful sword. I don't need any more power than this."
"Oh, really? Inuyasha, Kaggie. Move aside please. I'm gonna use my Emerald Strike attack." Kaori said, getting her sword to transform again, to appear made of emeralds. Koragi snorted.
"Watch this! Sashimiko!" His sword grew larger than Tetsusaiga and Koishii combined, and shot ice into the nearest tree. After the coast was clear, Kaori unleashed the Emerald Strike. The trees in front of her were uprooted by shards of emerald for 5 leagues.
"Now where do you stand, Koragi?" She asked with a smirk. Koragi blushed in embarrasment.
"...I give in. You are worthy to be my courted, Kaori-chan."
"Let's go then, Koragi-kun." And with this, she walked away with Koragi. Looking back, Kaori told Inuyasha and Kagome thank you in the language of the Inu youkai.