InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My Rapist's Brother ❯ The Aftermath of Rape ( Chapter 3 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

A/N: Redone June 8, 2010. Edited for Yura/Yuri's name, grammar, spelling, and clarity.
The Aftermath of Rape
"Leave me alone" I said, I tried to be strong but my voice was shaky and I was scared. He came over with his hands out like he was innocent but I knew it was a trick to get me back on the ground again. He was inching towards me, reaching out for me.
"Open this door, open it now! Sesshomaru, I know you're in there. Stop it now!" I could hear a male's voice banging on the door and twisting violently at the knob. I could feel my heart stop, someone was actually out there. I was saved.
"Stay back" I yelled at Sesshomaru but he was still inching forward like he wasn't going to be hurt! The space between us was hardly existent so I stabbed him once in the chest, then I removed the knife and stabbed him again and again and again until he stopped moving. I noticed a pool of blood now stained the floor below him.
I turned around to see the doo r kicked open and a man that mirrored my rapist was standing there. I was half nude; the breeze came across my legs and thighs.
"I'm too late" He mumbled, he darted his eyes away from me and I felt ashamed. I gathered the rest of my clothes and attempted to move. He scooted all the way to the side and allowed me out. I clutched my clothes close to my body to cover me.
"Kagome, what happened?" Sango said, she touched my shoulder and I shuddered. She removed her hand.
"I was….raped" I whispered, tears starting to fall out of my eyes. Sango's face dropped and she helped me outside. I was in so much pain, I was afraid I would fall down trying to walk down the stairs. Sango threw my arm over her shoulder and we made our way out of the house pretty fast. Surprisingly people moved out of the way for us to escape.
"I'll drive you to the hospital, call your mom so she knows" She told me. But I couldn't, the tears were still falling and I felt like I couldn't breathe. She laid me out against the backseat of the car, and then she took the phone from her pocket and made a call. I tried to rest, though pointless, against the backseat. All I could think about was the feel of his hands touching me, how he forced me to take it.
"Mrs. Higurashi, its Sango. Kagome was raped. No we weren't at Yura's, we snuck off to a party and some guy did it to her. I'm driving her to Sharp hospital now, yeah meet us there. She hasn't said a word since we left. Alright bye" Sango hung up. The rest of the ride was in silence. I honestly had nothing else to say.
She parked crazily as she rushed me into the Emergency Room. I guess I had some blood and stuff on me because everyone stared at me as I made my way up to the check in.
"Can I help you?" A small red-headed nurse asked Sango.
"Yes, my friend has been raped and she needs help" She said, Sango was shaky and nervous. The nurse looked at me.
"Can you fill this out please?" She asked, she handed Sango a clip board. Sango scribbled my name, my blood type, my address, a contact number and some other stuff on the clipboard and then she handed it back. A female nurse escorted us into a back area in the hospital. I continued on with Sango propping me up.
"My name is Lenora and I will be your rape kit doctor. We are going to get samples of DNA and semen samples from your vaginal exam. You may feel the urge to urinate but please hold it until I say it is ok" She was a friendly elderly woman so I felt comfortable. She made me change into a hospital gown, lay on my back on a cold table with crinkly paper. Sango held my hand and ran her fingers through my hair to help me stay calm while my legs were spread and materials were gathered. Another nurse came with a plastic bag as Lenora removed samples and traces from what I guessed were my rapist's.
"All done, seems like your rapist left a lot behind. He'll definitely be arrested" The nurse cheered.
"He's dead, I killed him" I said calmly. Everyone looked at me in surprised. The nurse wrote something down on my chart that hung out the bottom of the bed.
"A police officer will be here soon to ask you questions, until then you can go ahead and use the bathroom and shower before I give you the stitches" Dr. Lenora said.
"Stitches?" Sango questioned.
"She has suffered some vaginal tearing" The nurse explained. I felt tears coming back to me but I just let them fall silently. I was still waiting for my mother.
"Kagome? Are you in here?" I heard her calling out. Sango left the room and helped her find her way back to me and then she excused herself to let us go.
"I'm so sorry Mama; I shouldn't have gone to that party. I shouldn't have lied to you. I'm sorry" I started crying even harder now. Mom just sat on the bed with me and rocked me in her arms slowly. I felt much better with her here.
"Let's get you to the bathroom" She said, she helped me up and allowed me to pee. I went to wipe and throw it in the toilet but there was so much blood in there. I guess he broke me up terribly.
"Don't you worry about it Kagome, the doctors are going to fix you" Mom whispered, as she started turning on the water to warm my shower. She held me with one arm as she washed my body with the other. I wanted her to scrub harder, because I could still feel HIM all over me.
"Scrub harder Mom, please" I mumbled. She did a little bit but I hardly felt it like I wanted to. He was all over me and I only wanted to forget.
"Can you wash up yourself? I can go talk to the nurse's and the police just arrived" Mama asked. I gave her a little nod and she handed me the towel. The hospital bathrooms had rails in the shower so I held onto one of those and washed myself hard all over. I could feel his hand on my breasts, HIM between my legs and I just felt sick and nasty all over.
I finished up and put back on the little hospital robe they provided. I wasn't afraid to take to the police, but I definitely wasn't in a hurry.
"Yeah I've been trying to meet you all night! Where were you?" hissed Sango into the phone. She was still in the room waiting for me.
"Turn it on speaker" I whispered.
"I was with Naraku; you know we had to make up for lost time. But the police broke up the party, Sesshomaru is dead upstairs in the bathroom and no one knows what happened. Where are you and Kagome? I can't find the car" Yura replied.
"Kagome was raped upstairs in that bathroom, but I didn't know it was Sesshomaru. We're at the hospital, and I had to drive us. The police are coming so I gotta go but text me" Sango said quickly. I remembered that name. The smaller silver haired boy had said that name when he was banging outside the bathroom door. So that's my rapist's name…Sesshomaru.
"We're here to talk to Ms. Kagome Higurashi" A police officer said.
"Yes?" I said softly, seeing a police officer made me feel somewhat comfortable.
"We'd like to talk to you about the death of Sesshomaru Taisho, would you be able to come down to the station after you are discharged?" He asked.
"Yes, sir" I answered, and then he went back outside to talk to my mother. Sango helped me back into the bed and covered me up. The nurse gave me heavy strength medications to help me deal with the pain and it made me really groggy. Sango had to go back to Yura's before morning cuz her mom was going to pick her up and Yura never did make it to the hospital to see me. Mom stayed by my bedside all night, and I would wake up every few hours to see her holding my hand.
"We're going to release you now, if your mom could please sign the forms" The nurse brought a wheelchair to the room and my mom signed for me. I didn't have anything to wear so Grandpa and Souta were bringing some sweats for me.
The car ride home was silent but awkward, we exchanged hugs but I didn't really want to touch anyone. I still didn't feel clean. Mom was going to take me by the police station later on.
"Are you ready to go?" Mom asked. I had put on some blue jeans, a pair of warm socks, and a hoodie. I pulled my hair back casually into a ponytail and followed my mother into the car. She agreed to drive me and stay in the station but I didn't want her to hear what happened to me. It's bad enough she saw all the blood.
"Hello Ms. Higurashi, are you ready for your photos?" A clerk asked. My mother ushered me on to follow her. She winded me back to a dimly lit room in front of a camera.
"Please face the camera" She instructed, I looked at camera and she did two fast shots. Then she made me turn to each side and she took more photos.
"What are they for?" My mother asked when she brought me back to the front.
"She's been a victim ma'am, if the case ever goes to court she will need evidence" The clerk answered. A police officer had come front from a back room and wanted to get my affidavit account of what happened that night. He sat me down in the interrogation room, as he sat at a desk with the typewriter. He asked me for everything I remember for that night.
"I was in the bathroom at a party" I started but the man frowned.
"I need specifics; times, dates, locations, directions" He said firmly.
"It was a little after 8 pm on Saturday, October 31; I was at a house party at 5896 West Bridge Avenue. It was past 9 o'clock I was in the upstairs bathroom of the 2 bedroom, attempting to call the two girls, Yuri and Sango, who came with me to the party because we began separated. I heard someone jiggle at the knob of the bathroom door which I had locked before entering. I told the person to wait but they continued jiggling. I opened the door to get out, when a 6'2" male with golden eyes and silver hair was standing there. I tried to move past him to return to the party but he would not budge. He forced his way into the bathroom and raped me on the floor. I kicked, screamed, kneed, and fought back but that only caused him to become violent. He slapped, hit, and choked me repeatedly throughout the rape. After he had finished, he went to the bathroom and left me on the floor. He threatened to rape me again, and I was scared. I found a knife on the bathroom floor and stabbed him with it several times until he stopped moving, then I exited the bathroom. My friend, Sango, found me and she escorted me to the hospital" I said, without stopping. That was the first time since the rape that I had told the whole story of what happened and it sucked so bad. I half wished I had my mother there to comfort me but then for her to hear that, she would die.
He finished typing the 1 page report and gave it to me to read and sign.
On 31 October 09 I was at a house party at 5896 West Bridge Avenue at appro. 8 pm. At appro. 9 pm I went to the bathroom to phone friends. Sesshomaru attempted to break into the bathroom door, which was locked. I opened the door to leave but was pushed down, locked in, and raped on the floor. I fought by kicking, screaming, and kneeing but he slapped, hit, and choked me into submission. He even threatened to rape me again after he had finished. I used a pocket knife I found on the floor to stab him repeatedly until he stopped moving before leaving the house party to seek medical assistance. I wish to state that the man I encountered in the bathroom is a Caucasian approx 16-18 years of age, tall and muscular build with long silver hair.
After reading over it closely, I found a few mistakes.
"You forgot to mention Sango took me to the hospital? And I never told you the name" I said.
"It's just to get the gist, you have to sign it" He handed me a pen. So I signed it, no point in fighting him over it. He took the signed piece of paper to his boss who told my mother he was not going to arrest me because it was self-defense. He warned me to be careful of the Taishos trying to sue me but I wasn't worried about that. Mom drove me home.
"You did a good job in there. The police said you gave them a lot of information and it goes well with what they found on you and in the crime scene. I found out the Taishos are a very powerful family that owns a lot of businesses and is considered 'old money'*" Mom said.
"Their son raped me" was my only answer and I think that made my mom look at me differently. I turned my full attention to the window and stared blankly until we got home.