InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My Rapist's Brother ❯ Pregnant? ( Chapter 6 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Redone June 8, 2010. Edited for grammar, spelling, clarity, and Yura/Yuri's name.
"I made you a doctor's appointment for tomorrow; it's been almost 3 months since the rape and you've been awfully sick" Mom said to me one morning after I threw up again. I didn't like going to the doctor's because it brought up so many memories of when I had to go that night but I had no choice.
"Alright Mom it's just I've been so busy with school and everything that I haven't been taking care of myself" I said, she nodded in understanding and handed me the sticky note with my appointment on it. I finally got my permit so she was going to let me drive her to my appointment.
January 6, 2010 at 4:15 pm
"That's right after school, I may not make it" I said. My mom continued walking down the stairs so I guess it was the only appointment ready. Christmas break was amazing, I spent the two weeks with Shippo, my younger cousin, and Souta. We went to the ice rink, the movie theater, the bowling alley, and Chuck E Cheese.
I pulled out my wallet to put the sticky in with my dollar bills. I still had Inuyasha's business card in my wallet, but I wasn't going to use it. Mama hated when he came over and what was I going to say to him? It was nice of him to apologize for his brother and all, it definitely gave me closure, but now all I have left is to get back to a normal life. I shut my wallet closed and placed it on my dresser, and then I went downstairs to play Rock Band with Souta and Shippo.
The weekend flew by kind of quickly and before I knew it, it was Monday, my first day back at Shikon High since the rape. I had scheduled more counseling sessions so that I would be ready for the stress and anxiety of the first day. Kagura was confident I would do just fine but I still wasn't sure. I set my alarm clock for 6:30 am and laid out my clothes. I had gained a little weight but my jeans weren't too squeezing. I sat up with mom until 11, looking at the different scenarios for my day and then we all went to sleep. I felt happy, nervous, and scared all at once.
It took me awhile to fall asleep, but when I finally did I felt better. I woke up as soon as my alarm went off and I started getting dressed. I wore a simple peasant top and some blue jeans and my chucks. I didn't do any make-up or jewelry. Mom made a huge breakfast for me because she didn't want me to be hungry at school and she gave me $5 for lunch.
"Now call me if anything happens and I'll come pick you up. Have a good day and make sure Sango takes you home after school" She gave me a peck on the cheek. Sango was waiting in her BMW 750i and I hopped in. I was afraid of seeing Yura there but the car was empty.
"Where's Yura?" I asked.
"I didn't think you'd want to see her, I told her to get a ride from Naraku" She answered. She locked the doors and sped off in the direction of our school. I sat back contently, glad that my first worry was nothing more than over thinking. We got to school 20 minutes later, the school was packed and we had trouble parking.
Sango grabbed her backpack from the backseat and I took my bag from between my legs and we got out. The school managed to put me back in my old classes again and for that I was truly grateful.
"Hey Sango" called out Yura, we both turned to see her, Naraku, Miroku, and some other guys standing in the cafeteria.
"Hey Yura" She said, walking over to her. I parted from her to grab breakfast.
"Why is she here? I didn't know they let murderers come to this school" She said loudly, and I found my heart stop. Everyone turned in my direction.
"Come on Yura, you know why she did what she did" Sango tried to plead with her. I was stopped dead in my tracks, too afraid to say anything but unable to move from where I was.
"There's no proof of that. For all we know, she just killed him" She retorted. I tried to pretend I didn't hear her but I could feel eyes on me and I felt uncomfortable.
"Why don't you just cut it out, don't you have better things to do?" Inuyasha snapped, I exhaled a breath I didn't know I was holding. I looked over at him barely and he was standing up against Yura and her boyfriend.
"Your brother would be ashamed if he was alive to hear you defend that bitch" Naraku snapped.
"Keh. My brother should have been ashamed of how he took away her innocence, if he was alive" Inuyasha countered. People then took their eyes off of me to watch the two boys go back and forth.
"Your brother was desired by many, why would he take what he could get willingly?" Naraku questioned.
"I don't know, I'm not a rapist and I don't understand what was going through his head. But you better shut your mouth when it comes to Kagome" He ordered. Then he came over to me, took my hand, and led me away.
"T…thank you Inuyasha" I whispered in the hallway. He looked at me through his silver-ish bangs.
"Don't worry about it; try not to get yourself in that type of situation again. I might not always be there to save you, ya know" He said, and then he strolled off down the hallway like nothing happened. I made it through the day safely. Sango stuck by me during most of the day and I only saw passing glimpses of Inuyasha.
"Want me to drop you off at home?" Sango asked me after school. I could see Yura and her stupid boyfriend were waiting for her but she was more concerned about me.
"Kagome can ride with me if you're too busy for her" spat Inuyasha. Sango narrowed her eyes at him and was about to say something but I cut them both off.
"I can go with him, just call me later" I said casually and Sango paused a moment as if she was surprised I'd say something like that. Then she gave me a brief hug and ran off to Yura's side.
"I don't know why you're friends with that wench. She's friends with that whore Yura and after what she did to you in the cafeteria….you can just tell who you're real friends are" He commented as he led me out to his Hummer.
"Sango has been there for me through everything, I won't forget what she's done just because of her choice in friends. Can you take me down to the hospital? I have a doctor's appointment" I quickly changed the subject. If he noticed, he didn't say anything because he just made a U-turn at the light and sped off to the hospital.
"Just drop me out in the front" I said softly.
"Yeah…right, like I'ma just leave you out alone. I'll go with you" He turned into an empty parking space and we walked together to the office. The elevator was old and slow, and it had cheesy music playing. We walked in silence, even as we passed sickly elderly people and through rooms that had that hospital "clean" smell. The office was way in the back of the hospital and it seemed like eternity to get there. There was a tiny little door that had the word Dr. Elizabeth on it and I pushed the door open to get in. Inuyasha trailed behind me and took a seat over by some magazines. I continued to the front desk where a red-headed little nurse sat.
"Hello, can I help you?" The nurse asked.
"Yes, I'm here for my appointment. Kagome Higurashi" I said politely. She looked down at a list of appointments for the day and put a small check by my name.
"I'll let the doctor know you've arrived. Please, take a seat" She smiled warmly at me. I went over to join Inuyasha.
"What type of appointment is this?" He asked roughly.
"They have to make sure I healed from what happened" I whispered. I had never had to talk about something so private to a boy before. He darted his eyes away from me and into the magazine.
"Kagome Higurashi. Please come with me" That same nurse came to get me. I was afraid Inuyasha would follow me but he never stirred from his seat and I went with the nurse to another small room. The bed had the same white crinkly paper that covered it and they had me change into one of those hospital gowns with the back out so they could easily examine me. I could feel myself start to shake because I was afraid but I sucked it up and waited for the doctor.
After she visually searched my body and pressed around on my stomach, she gave me a clean bill of health.
"Last thing you need to do is to go down to Immunizations and get the HPV shot. Would you be willing to do that today?" She asked. I nodded because I didn't want to have to go back to the doctor's again. She scribbled something on a sheet of paper and gave it to me. I took it, smiled, and hurried Inuyasha out of the main office.
"Finally, I thought I'd never get out of there" He huffed. I rolled my eyes.
"I have to get a shot, then you can take me home" I said.
"A shot for what? What's wrong with you?" He asked.
"Nothing's wrong, it's just a shot" I replied.
"Well what is the shot suppose to do?" He asked.
"Protect me from cervical cancer" I said firmly, and then he stopped asking. When we got the Immunizations office, we had to take a number.
"Which are you?" He asked.
"52" I mouthed to him. The office was crowded. There were elderly people, young couples, and mothers with their infants waiting for shots.
"Number 50" The nurse called out. A sickly old man with an oxygen tank stood up and followed the nurse into the back. He must have gotten a ton of shots because he was back there 20 minutes.
"Number 51" The nurse came back out. A little girl and her mom went over and she came back out in 10 minutes with a sticker on her shirt and some dried tears on her face.
"Number 52" She called. I perked up and went into the back.
"Name?" The nurse asked.
"Kagome Higurashi. I'm here for the HPV shot" I handed her the scribbled note. She read it quickly and then got some supplies from a cabinet.
"We can't give you the shot until you pee in the cup. We have to make sure you're not pregnant" The nurse said, she handed me a packet with a wet wipe in it and then a plastic cup with a lid. I stepped back into the hallway, and went into the private female restroom.
I read the little directions printed on the back of the wet wipe. All I had to do is wipe the inner lips and then pee. I did as it said and then peed. There was a little plastic bin in the bathroom that said URINE on it so I placed my cup in there and went back to the nurse's.
"It'll take a few minutes to get the results, wait here and I'll be right back" The nurse said. She left for awhile and I just waited patiently in the chair for her to come back with my shot. I'm not afraid of needles but I don't really like them.
"Ms. Higurashi, I can't give you the shot" The nurse announced coming back into the room.
"Why not?" I asked. I had already waited in line, and did everything correctly.
"You're pregnant" She said, and then I blacked out.