InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My Rapist's Brother ❯ A Kiss ( Chapter 8 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

"What if I do like you?" I asked, the words sounding strange even to myself. The thought of liking Inuyasha, who favors HIM so much…can't be right. But something that felt like butterflies started moving around in my stomach, and I wanted his answer so badly. He turned briefly to face me.
"Keh. Don't play Kagome, you and I both no it's not true" He turned away where I couldn't see his face, but I'm sure he was feeling just as strange as I did. I unbuckled my seatbelt and leaned over to the driver's side; I gently grabbed his chin and forced him to face me. He looked at me slowly, like he didn't want to and I leaned forward and brushed my lips against his. I didn't want to tell him I liked him, I wanted to prove it. I started to pull back, afraid he would be mad at me for doing that but I felt his hand cup my face and he kissed me back.
The kiss was gentle…I was surprised because Inuyasha is not a sensitive sweet guy. But he started to kiss more feverishly, like he needed more of me. His tongue poked my closed lips and I allowed access to my mouth. His tongue was playful; roaming around my mouth like it was a new cave to explore.
But something in me just snapped; it went from feeling alright, to feeling GOOD, to feeling like I did when Sesshomaru was on top of me. I tried to move away from Inuyasha but he closed the gap between our bodies. I placed my hands on his chest and pushed with all my might, which had Inuyasha shoved against the door. I could feel tears building in my eyes, my throat was starting to burn and I felt like I couldn't breathe. I willed myself not to cry, not in front of him like this but I couldn't stop myself from bawling like a baby.
"I'm sorry" He whispered, I tried to look at him through watery eyes, tell him that he did nothing wrong and it's my fault but I couldn't. I slid down into my seat, put my seatbelt on, and turned out the window. He started the engine, and we sped back towards my house. I felt bad; not only did I ruin the first time I had ever been kissed, but I ruined the comfort I had with Inuyasha, all because of my stupid emotions… by the time we had gotten down my street, I had stopped crying.
"Inuyasha" I started but he wouldn't face me. He kept his eyes glued on the road ahead.
"Inuyasha please, I wanna talk" I pleaded with my voice barely above a whisper, but he only reached over and unsnapped my seatbelt. He wanted me out and I had no choice but to go. I felt a new batch of tears coming, but this time I wanted them to fall. I ruined it. Inuyasha is the only person who understands me, the only one who I could be around and not feel like a victim, and I just had to cry. If only Sesshomaru was still alive, I'd kill him again to make this pain go away.
I used my key to get back into the house, but instead of it being pitch dark and quiet, Mama and Souta were sitting in the living room.
"Where were you Kagome? I tried to call you but Souta found your phone upstairs in your room. You had me worried sick. I called Sango and she's driving around looking for you on a school night" yelled Mom.
"I went out with Inuyasha, I couldn't sleep" I mumbled. I tried to hide the tears I had just let out but I knew Mom could tell.
"Souta, go to bed. I'll call your school in the morning and tell them you're sick" Mom ordered, she used that tone which told him not to argue with her. He ran upstairs and she waited a few seconds.
"Call Sango and tell her you're ok, I don't want her to waste any more time looking for you" Mom threw me the house phone. I fumbled but I managed to hold onto it and dialed her cell.
"Hello, did you hear from her?" Sango asked.
"I made it home; I went out with Inuyasha because I couldn't sleep. I'm back home now. Sorry to have worried you" I said, feeling numb inside.
"Goodness, Kagome. Your mom scared me into thinking you had run away or something. Well I gotta get home but I'll see you at school tomorrow, goodnight" She said, she didn't even sound angry at me. I hung up and put the phone back on the hook in the kitchen.
"What were you and Inuyasha doing that was so important?" Mom demanded.
"He took us to Taco bell for some dinner, and then we started kissing. But I flipped out, and now he doesn't wanna talk to me. I just wanna go to bed, please I don't wanna talk about it anymore" I exclaimed, I felt like curling up into a ball and dying. If Inuyasha never speaks to me again, then I probably will.
"I'll call Kagura and set up an emergency appointment for tomorrow. Don't worry about going to school. Get some sleep honey" Mom said, she came over and gave me a warm hug, which usually would have made me feel better but it did nothing but remind me that all I had left was family now. I still couldn't sleep, and I didn't want to use the computer anymore either. I just lay in bed and think of how my life would be so much better if I never went to that party.
That damn party that Sango and Yuri convinced me to go to. What good came of it? NOTHING. I left a shell of who I use to be. I lost my virginity, I lost my mind, I lost control over my emotions, and I lost my life at that moment. Now I am a victim, no one is gonna want me when all I do is cry, I can't even be kissed, and I'm pregnant…who wants that. I'm not even sure I want the stupid baby. How can I ever hope to have a normal life and be Kagome again if I have a constant reminder of HIM?
HE is the reason I am not myself anymore now. He is the reason I don't laugh like I use to, he is the reason that I am sick every morning and going to the doctor every week. He is the reason I don't sleep at night. He is the reason I ruined my first kiss. Why should he continue to torture me when he's dead? This is supposed to be my life, my chance to start over, and I still can't get it. I need Inuyasha to talk to me again, to help me be real again.
"Kagome…Mom wants you to get ready. Mrs. Origumo has fit you in for 9 o'clock" Souta said through my closed door. I glanced over at the clock, it was 7:30 alright, time flies when you're alone and miserable. I pulled myself out of bed, and went straight to the shower. I wanted to force myself to look refreshed, like I got a great night of sleep. Then I brushed my teeth, washed my face, combed my hair back into a ponytail, and threw on anything. It's not like Kagura hasn't seen me at my worst. Mom drove me as usual, she took me to office.
"I'll sit outside, take your time and tell her everything" Mom said softly, I nodded and went in to see Kagura.
"Your mother called me last night to say you had run away; then she called back to say you went out with Inuyasha. Would you care to explain?" Kagura asked; she seemed a little peeved but didn't voice it.
"I went out with Inuyasha because I couldn't sleep. My mother was already in bed so I decided to leave, rather than wake her to tell her. I forgot my phone at home so she couldn't reach me when she called" I said matter-of-factly which caused Kagura to frown.
"What happened with you and Inuyasha?" She asked.
"We kissed" I knew she already knew this. Why play the game of tell me what happened if you already know? I wanted her to dig deeper.
"Did he kiss you first or did you kiss him?" She questioned.
"I kissed him first. I asked him what if I did like him and he said I didn't and I wanted to prove to him that I did. So I kissed him, and then I started to pull back cuz I wasn't sure if he liked me back but he did because he leaned back in to kiss. It start progressing into more body closeness and more intense and I just started freaking out and I pushed him away. Then he said sorry and drove me home. I tried to explain what happened, but he didn't want to talk about it. He just made me get out of the car" I said in a rush.
"How exactly did Inuyasha say you didn't like him?" She asked.
"He said 'Don't play Kagome, you and I both no it's not true'" I mimicked. Kagura took this down in her book.
"It sounds to me like Inuyasha has been rejected by girls or a certain girl before, which made him doubtful that you felt that way. Then you changed his mind by kissing him. But when you pushed him away, he took that as rejection. Males in general do not take rejection well, that may explain why he would not talk about it. He isn't sure if what happened between you two was genuine or fake; he may have experienced a betrayal in a similar way and cannot handle it. What I would suggest is allowing him time and space to sort things out before you try to talk again. I know you must blame yourself but it is not your fault. You are a teenage girl with raging emotions, and you are having a hard time in this transition phase. You feel like you've moved past what happened to you but it's only been a few months and you are not completely over it. You want to be like everyone else; with dating and boyfriends, but emotionally you may not be able to handle certain intimacies right away. I want you to think about things before you rush into them.
Would you want something like this to happen again? Inuyasha is a close friend, and that friendship should be the thing you focus on. Any romance can wait until later" Kagura said firmly. I believed her on that part. I tried romance and it wrecked what we had going. Why try it again when it failed miserably the first time?
"Alright, but how long until I reach for him again? I don't wanna lose him forever, he's the only person I really feel close to" I said softly, Kagura's own expression softened at this and she smiled at me.
"I know it hurts Kagome, but give him at least a week before you go on contacting him. He is probably just as upset and hurt as you but guys are slower at these things" She suggested. I thanked her for this extra session and went back out to my mom. She was not surprised I spent the entire hour in there.
"Feel better now?" She asked.
"Much better" I replied, which was partly true. I had 7 days to wait, and hope that Inuyasha was working it out before I spoke to him again.