InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My Scary Halloween! ❯ Chapter 4~Eri's Turn! ( Chapter 4 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

My Scary Halloween By Mija

Disclaimer~I do not own Inuyasha and Company.

Chapter 4~Eri's Turn!

~~~Eri was scared. The last thing she remembered was sitting in her sleeping bag talking with the others, trying to look unaffraid as the night wore on. She really hated that. She hated the things Yuka thought up, but being the girl she was and wanting to be liked and popular she always went along with what Yuka wanted. Yuka was the stronger of the group. Kagome and Ayumi were great girls, but they were too nice, too sweet and liked everyone. Yuka was more discreet and knew how to make things fun, or make trouble if she choose to. Yuka was like thier leader and Eri was the second in that group. But sometimes, like this she really hated Yuka's ideas. She had not wanted to do it, but she had went along like she always did, even though she had been scared spitless. Now here she was totally confussed and wondering how she had gotten here. She couldnt remember falling asleep or even coming here, but here she was, in the backyard it seemed of the old spooky mansion.

~~~As Eri looked around she noticed how lovely the yard must of been once, but now it was just creepy as hell. The grass was over grown, so were the bushes, the large once beautifull pond was murky and slimy looking, with lilly bad and old rotted sakura blossoms floating on top of the eerie mirk. As she walked around the huge pond and looked for a way threw the maze of bushes, she wondered how she had gotten there and where everyone else was. She just had to get into the house, had to find her friends. She might believe Yuka of dragging her here and leaving her, but Kagome and Ayumi would never do something so mean. Funny, she would of done it with Yuka if it had been someone else, but she knew the other two would never do anything so cruel. As she walked around she started to hear plopping sort of noises. She looked at the pond and frowned. The murky surface, which had been smooth and glass like now had ripples. A frog or something she thought. But her heart raced and she began to tremble. She couldnt place it but something seemed all to familiar, something that she couldnt quite place.

~~~She could see the creepy old house, but it seemed like the huge over grown bushes were like some weird maze and she was terrified to go into it and get lost. Who ever had put here there just might come back. Right? Eri swirled around when she heard another plopping sound. But instead of just seeing ripples along the surface of the icky pond she saw bubbles popping along the surface. Her eyes grew wide and her mouth hung open as she watched more bubbles popping on the surface. Something was coming up out of the water, she just knew it, and it was no little frog or something, the ripples were getting bigger and the bubbles were popping more rapidly as what ever it was got nearer and nearer to the surface. Eri wanted to scream. She really did. She wanted to turn away and not see what ever it was that was coming up out of that black abyss, but something kept her there.

~~~Soon to her horror, she saw a hand, a human hand all bluish and gray reach for the cobblestone edge of the pond. Eri sooooo wanted to scream. Something in her mind told her she needed to run. This was something she didnt want to see, to remember. But she couldnt run. She couldnt move, she couldnt scream, she coudlnt do anything but watch in horror as the hand became an arm. Then another hand came out of the water, another arm. Then a head and shoulders, a pale wet body with a tattered ruffled dress clinging to the wet form. The dress was pink, Eri knew it was, but with all the slime and the age of it and the wetness, it looked dingy gray, but she knew it was pink, just as she knew that the legs that began to emerge out of the pond would have knee high socks with shiny button upped shoes on her feet with a pink bow at each buckle. Eri finally screamed when the small figure imerged from the water and the bent head slowly turned up to look at her.

"Why sister?? Why did you let me die?" said the garbled voice that sounded young and sweet, yet distorted as if it were talking from underwater. Eri remembered. Her sister. Her little sister had died when she was young, Eri had only been eight, her sister Aiko only four. She had been mommy and daddy's baby, thier favorite and Eri had hated her.

~~~Eri screamed in terror as she turned on her heels and finally ran into the maze and prayed with all her heart that she would find her way to the house and to her friends. It was a long time ago. She hadnt really hated Aiko. She had loved her, she had just been affraid. Eri hadnt been able to swim, so when Aiko had fallen in the lake Eri had sat on the bank with her legs curled up underneath her watching with tears in her eyes as her baby sister had trashed around for a long time, screaming and calling for help, begging her big sister to help her. Then finally she had went down and never came back up again. They never found her body.

~~~Oh Gods! Eri thought as she ran and ran and ran and ran. Her heart was racing like mad in her chest and ears, she could feel her blood racing threw her vains, sweat pouring off her face, and prickles and thorns and pebbles digging into her bare feet as she ran. Dear Gods she could still hear her, she was calling her, begging her not to leave her again. Not to let her die. Tears streaked Eri's face as she ran threw one passage then the next, not knowing where she was going but hoping and praying she would make it back to the house. Her whole body shook, and her nitedress was tattered as the thorny overgrown bushes raked against her as she ran.

"Help me Eri..Dont leave me sister please?? I love you..stay with me." came the voice of her dead sister from soo close behind her that she couldnt help but turn around and what she saw made her heart leap to her throat and she screamed like she had never screamed before in her life. (ok visual guys?? for anyone whos seen the movie THE RING? think of that spooky ass ghost chick from the video, just smaller younger, and floating in the air behind the running Eri with her hand almost touching her back as she called to her.)

A/N~Okies next chap ya I know short again, but honestly I only pictured this a two shot again still sick but I want to get this out and finished before halloween, no not rushing it guys but im not good at the spooky I know there could be more detail but not good at it when it comes to horror stuff..(shruggs) sowwy..well let me know what you all think and thank you for the wonderfull reviews..:-) till laters much huggles and smiles Mija..:-)