InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My Scary Halloween! ❯ Chapter 5~Ayumi! ( Chapter 5 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

My Scary Halloween By Mija

Disclaimer~Dont own Inuyasha and Company.

A/N~Sorry guys looks like I wont get to finish this before Halloween, since it is I tried..sigh, anyhow just in case yall are wondering why I am being a bit mean to Kagome's 3 friends, lets just say this is my own little way of saying how I dislike them on the anime series, well at least from what Ive watched so far they are soooooooo bossy and always telling Kagome what to do. Dont they just get on your nerves??? all but Ayumi, I think thats the one, the one with the longer wavy hair right? She seems nicer and more diffrent then the other two, anyhow dont see much of them so I really cant tell, except they are pushy and bossy and I just wanna smack sorry again about not being able to finish this by Halloween but it will be finished soon, hard to work on this when my chest feels like its going to cave mind fuddles with meds..sheesh..anyhow Want to wish you all a happy halloween, be safe good and well, and totally carefull ok??? Now on to the next chap.

Chapter 5~Ayumi!

~~~Ayumie woke up in a room, at least she thought it was a room. It was totally dark and there was no light what so ever, not even a window to let in some moonlight. Ayumi wasnt affraid of the dark, but then again she had never been in a pitch black sort of darkness before. She'd always lived in cities so when it was dark it wasnt like total pitch black because there was always a street light or the moon or some sort of illumination that came with living in a large populated area. At the moment she wasnt all to worried about the dark, she was more concerned and worried about how the heck she had gotten here. One minute she was lying in her sleeping bag with her friends in the foyer of the creepy old house trying to stay awake and not show her fear, the next she was here. This was way creepy. Where was everyone?

"Kagome???...Eri??? Yuka?!" she called out, and the sound her voice made sounded funny to her. It didnt echo, so she wasnt in a huge room or cavern, but the sound of her voice was a bit off. She couldnt place her finger on it, it was like it muffled yet not. The best she could explain it was like maybe calling out to people in a sound proof room, although she had never been in one, she just assumed that it would sound like that.

~~~No sounds came back to her, her friends werent not with her. That scared her. What happened to them? Where were they? Where they ok? She hoped so. She really liked her friends, ok Yuka and Eri could be bossy sometimes and nosey most of the times, but Kagome was great and the other two were still dear to her as well, she loved them all, and didnt want to see them hurt. As she contemplated this, she began to pick up a very low pitched noise. At first she couldnt place it, it seemed to be coming from all directions around her. Now this was creeping her out alot. The noise was low but it sounded like small click click clicking noises. Again it sounded familiar in a way but she couldnt place what it could be. Then she remembered. Unlike her friends who slept in sleeping gowns, she slept in sweat pants and a sweat shirt, to her they were more comfy and in case she needed to get up an go in a hurry, all she had to do was put on a pair of shoes. Hey what could she say? Her father was american and ex military, her mother Japanese. With her father, thier lives had been great and he always taught them to be prepared for anything.

~~~Remembering this, she slid her hand into the pocket of her sweat pants and pulled out the small pen light she carried in it. It was one of those oval shaped ones that was incased in plastic with a large button on one side of it and a tiny light at the end of one rounded like tip? She always slept with it in her pocket, the plastic made it easy to not hurt herself sleeping with it and helped to keep it from getting broken easy. She had like a whole box of these in her closet. Another be prepared thing from her father, sha also had one on her keychain and one on her back pack. Taking the light out she pressed the button of the pin light. The only thing she really hated about these particular little lights were the inability to leav it on for to long because eventually your thumb cramped up, it didnt have an on or off switch, you pushed on it to keep it on and took your thumb off to turn it off.

~~~At first when she lit the light up and scanned her room, she was puzzled. It was black. The walls were all black and a tiny bit shiny she thought. No window, no door that she could see. How the heck did she get there? As she swung the light around the room and moved her feet a bit, she hear crunching like noises and looked down at her feet. Again unlike the others she had crawled into her sleeping back with her tennis shoes, she wasnt going to go traipsing around no spooky haunted house in the night with out shoes. Thanks to her father, she was always prepared. When she looked at the floor she noticed something odd. The floor was black as well and a bit shiny to, but what was odd was that it seemed to be undulating? Rippling sort of like if it were water, but it wasnt cause you couldnt stand on water and water wasnt black. She shone her light to the walls again and noticed that they too looked like the floor now. Whats going on here she thought? Thats when she realized what was up and screamed in horror dropping the pen light onto the floor.

~~~What Ayumi had realized at that point was the reason for the wierd blackness of the walls, and light sheen of it, the earlier crunching noises and the click click clicking she hadnt been able to place. Now she knew and Gods help her she wish she didnt. The one thing in this world she was totally terrified of was this. This was a nightmare, worse cause it was real!.....The walls werent black! And the reason it undulated was because it was moving, the whole damn room was alive! Alive with big fat cockroaches! They covered every inch of the room and floor and made everything around her feel like it was moving. Ayumi screamed when she felt them begin to crawl on her. She hated roaches. She hated them with a fear she had never felt before. When she had been little a roach had crawled into her ear once and it had totally freaked her out. The doctor hadnt been able to get it out but had put her ear towards the warmth of a lamp so that it would seek it out and come out on its own. The whole time, Ayumi had felt it in her, the noises were awful, her ear had hurt badly and the feel of it moving in her ear was a terrorfying experience she never wanted to feel again. When the roach had finally sought out the light and warmth of the lamp and crawled out of her ear, she had felt its icky legs crawling down her earlobe and down her neck before the doctor plucked it off her. After that she had passed out in shock. The whole experience had taken a really bad toll on her and since then she loathed and feared roaches.

~~~Now here she was. In a room filled with the ugly frightening pests. She screamed and screamed as she felt some crawl under her pant legs and up her legs. She wanted her light back so she could see them and brush them off her, but the light had fallen and was on the floor, under thousands of roaches. She couldnt do it. She couldnt stick her hands into them and fish around for something so small like her light. But as she felt more and more bugs crawling over her she was freaking out soo bad. She couldnt stop screaming and when she felt them in her hair she lost it. She covered her ears with the palm of her hands and screamed with total terror. Her screams were muffles a bit when she felt them start to enter her mouth and with that new experience Ayumi couldnt take it anymoe and her mind just sort of shut down.

A/N~okies heres the next chap. Sorry again another short one, and I know not to spooky, but sheesh I hate! bugs! And trust me when I say that having one of those little critters in your ear is totally horrorfying. I swear. I slept at a friends once and it happened to me when I was a teenager and I gotta tell ya it totally freaked me out. Lets just say that when I see roaches anywhere I have to sleep at I put cotten balls in my ears....yes I know ewwwwwwwwwwy..anyhow hope you like, would love to hear from you all..till laters you all be well safe and good, again happy Halloween and be totally carefull and safe. huggles and smiles Mija..:-)