InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My Scary Halloween! ❯ Chapter 7~Mino and Hiro! ( Chapter 7 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

My Scary Halloween By Mija

Disclaimer~nope dont own Inuyasha and company wish I did though..giggle..:-)

Chapter 6~Mino and Hiro!

~~~The shorter demon looked at his brother and sighed. Hiro was really getting a thrill out of the games they played with the humans and the hanyou. Not that he wasnt, but for him it was suvival not pleasure. He hated what they had become. He remembered when they used to be called the Shining ones. The Golden ones. His race did not have a name. Yes they were what humans had called demons but not like all demons. Mino could still remember what it was like so long ago.

~~~He and Hiro were brothers. Thier mother and father were the last of thier kind..and they were twins. Both had golden hair that had shined like sunlight which they fed on. that was one of thier weaknessess. They fed on light and pure emotions..positive ones. Thier kind abhored negetive and evil emotions. It hurt them and tainted thier kind. But most of all they radiated joy and peace, serenity and love. This made them easy targets. Thier kind had been feared and wanted since he could recall. Thier women were kidnapped, raped and then died because they could not stand the emotions of thier captures, not so much understand but live with them. The women they kidnappend soon died because of the intinese feelings, the negitive ones that thier kidnappers produced, that they died from not being able to feed on the possitive ones the light and the joy, the love. As for the males of thier species it wasnt any better. They too were hunted. The humans wanted them to bring to fore all thier deepest darkest desires and when they didnt get it they got mad and punished thier slaves. They couldn comprhend that it wasnt possoble for them to MAKE anyone love them, they could only inhance feelings not produce them. The same with Demons they thought that they could make others do as they wished with thier powers but they could not.

~~~Mino remembered the day they had come to was beautifull..demons were more accepted here. He thought they would be happy, he and his brother. They had found a nice glen. A clearing that had flowers and a stream and a waterfall and wildlife. It was soo beautifull. the smell around it told them that humans and demons didnt come there so they made it home. They were the last of thier kind. the shining ones, the golden ones. They were peacefull creatures and the only thing that they could do was feed on light, the sun and on positive emotions, negitive ones hurt them like a knife wound. But Mino and Hiro thought that was all myth and that they would start a new life in Japan. They would be loved and wanted. That did not happen. Well not as they had thought.

~~~Some villagers had found them and they had helped them and thier existence had become known. They did not regret helping the humans, it was what they lived for it seemed. But one day a sorcerer wanted them to make a Miko named Saya to love him. Yes, they radiated positive feelings but they never forced them on anyone and couldnt. The Sorcer was mad. He cursed them and her as well. For them he cast them into a void. A dark place with no light. For thier kind that was hell. They lived and fed on light, sun, and when they were cast into night everlasting it was hell. But if that was not enough for the evil sorcer, he made it so that if they wanted to live that they would only be able to feed on fear, no positive emotions just one negative one FEAR, if they wanted to survive then they had to feed on the fear of others.

~~~Because Saya the Miko didnt love him like he wanted her to he cursed her as well to live in the nothingness they would live in. She had been with them from day one and watched them feed. She hurt for them but feared them. As the years grew she had seen them start to enjoy the games and fear they inspired in thier victoms. They used her energy as a Miko but she was not a very powerfull one and her energy was waning. Once apon a time Mino and Hiro were the most beautiful and peacefull demons ever to exist. Where ever they were at bought calm and peace. Love and joy. Peac and Serenity. They were light and love all wrapped into golden beings. Now? Now they were dark and evil. Feeding off the fears of the people they terrofied and hurt to survive. Once along time ago they would have died instead of hurting anyone but survival eventually kicked in and they could not control it. Now Saya saw them and wondered where the two once peacefull Youkie <sp?> were? Because all she saw was evil and malice in the golden shinging ones now.

~~~The Shikon Shard would aid them in thwarteing the curse Mino and Hiro had on them but at what cost Saya thought. They had once been good and pure but the years had made them evil and cruel. People of modern times didnt spook easy and they seemed to enjoy the game of making thier worst fears come to life. Saya was tired. She wanted to rest. Once her energy was drained then she would cease to exist like the others. But could she allow another Miko to become her replacement? Could she let the brothers make the young Miko indure the pain of nothingness she had indured all this time? No. She had to stope it one way or the other.

A/N~sorry its short but hopefully you get who the demons are Ive said it is not easy writing this and it was hard to come up witht he demon shadows backround as well as Saya's although I dont go into hers but you pretty much get her story she was a Miko and she was cursed cause she didnt love said sorcerer. As the demons were. Anyhow I know it sucked either way would love to hear from you all so let me know k?? much huggles and smiles Mija..:-)