InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ my sister my lover? ❯ Chapter 3

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Why thank you atleast someone reviewed. Well here is my next chapter hope you all enjoy. Review tell me how i am doing thanks.

Disclaimer- I do n ot own Inuyasha or any of his people. Thanks read
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~thought~

"Hold up Kagome i Thought you didnt like Kouga?" Inuyasha spoke with anger.

Reaching the lunch room The girl turned around her hair swinging in motion. "I know, i know but I'm not dating anybody any you have somebody an Sango has Miroku...I just want a boyfriend to."

Standing in line to get some food Inuyasha took his sisters words to heart. "Oh so your lonely?...Hold up now he is your boyfriend?" looking threw his walet for some cash he grabbed a lunch tray.

"No inuyasha he asked me out were not dating, all im saying is...Hold up i dont need to exsplain my self to you. Your my brother an thats all." ~How dare him, i know we are close but i dont ask him questions!~ Stairing at his dark hair an unatural eyes, she softend some. "I didnt mean to get like that but your girlfriend like hates me an i dont ask questions about her."

Leaving to find a table he stopped. "Kikyo likes you kagome." ~She fucing hates Kagome, only cause she can since stuff that Kagome has no clue about, like my feelings for the girl.~ "Well im going to sit with her seee you at home kid."

Shoving her brother for calling her a kid she walked a differnt way to sit down. ~I dont understand why Kikyo hates me. I never been nothing but nice to her. When Inuyasha started school here i think maybe she had a crazy idea that me an him dated or somthing. But like she has him so i dont understand why she still feels jeaulus of me. who knows but me an inuyasha together just makes me want to laugh.~

"Kagome come sit with me!" Sango yelled out to her best friend. "Girl you have to tell me everything. I over herd you inline you were to caught up with talking to your brother so i just listend. So when did you say yes to Kouga?"

Sitting her ass down at the lunch table Kagome couldn help but laugh. "Your not going to tell me also to not dat kouga right? she had to ask people were so amazed that she had a date. ~I dont see why Im beautiful smart an head cheerleader. I mean im also kind.~

Sango stared off for a second. "Hold up why would Inuyasha care about who you date." ~I see him allways stairing at her in like this loving way an...I dont think its beacuse she is his sister.~

"Well Kouga asked me very nicely earlyer so me an you are going to the welcome back party tonight. I told him i meet him there do you think you can pick me up an go out with me tonight?"

Sango started to laugh turnning red. "So i pick you up an take you kags i think im your date."

Kagome grinned. "Thats not funny...actuly it is." starting to laugh she watched as Kikyo walked towards her. ~What now?~

Standing infront of her boyfriends sister she smiled it killed her, "So tonight me an Inuyasha are going to the welcome back party and i just wanted to say it will be nice to see you out side school more." ~Oh im so happy this girl might actuly start dating an stop hanging around Inuyasha so much. I know she is on his mind like all the time if i can do anything about it she will be dating kouga an Inuyasha would be all hers once again.~

Looking from side to side for something to come out an kill her she gulped. "Kikyo we cheerlead together and thats out side of the school. Just last summer we went to cheer camp and you didnt say anything to me."

"Kagome times have changed." smiling a sweet smile that could kill the girl walked away.

"Wow that was really werid..are you dieing Kagome?"

"I didnt think so...Now I'm not so sure."

Sango started to laugh as she herd the bell. "Well ill meet you at your house by eight look hot for me baby. Lone you girl bye"

Walking off to detention Kagome sighed. ~What will tonight bring me and why was she so nice to me!~

Inuyasha walked home from school with out his sister. ~Little brat got detention again, if her mom finds out she will be grounded...she also wont be able to go out with kouga tonight. Well inuyasha you are smart.~ Smiling he ran home to catch up with Kags mom.

Hope yopu all review tell me what you think next chapter will be up soon. Wiull Inuyasha relly get Kagome in trouble just so she cant have a fun night out? who knows look for the next chapter by sunday.