InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ my sister my lover? ❯ Chapter 12

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Well thank you for the reviews:) I have much more to come but for now ill easy your worry about Inuyasha an Kagome. Well here is the next chapter. Enjoy,Review:)


Disclaimer-I do not own Inuyasha

****************************************Dream******* ******************************************

Long silver hair fell around him in waves it landed to the middle of his back. Gold/Amber eyes fell cold upon a man with white hair that was braided an fell to his ankles. Inuyasha staired at the markings on the mans face that stood befor him. Looking into the mans gold eyes they seemed so simler to him..."Sesshmaru?"

"In the flesh dear brother, or shall i say dream. I'm giving you a look at whom you shall become. Im giving you a glimse at the future dear brother. Come follow me!" Inuyasha looked down at his hands and relised the claw like finger nails. Reacher his hand to his mouth he felt the fangs. ~What the hell am i?~

"Brother come now i must show you quickly befor you wake!" Walking over to his brother he saw a wave of a hand an there he him self. Sword and all. A red like warrior atire with coverd all of his body. His hair was long and silver with two short pices falling in front his silver bangs coverd his eyes as he bared his fangs. "Sesshmaru that can not be me....Why do i look so sad?"

"Are father will leave you with the sword Inuyasha not i..But if you shall give it to me i can carry out his message an path in life." Sesshmaru scanned his dim wit of a brothers eyes. "You do want a normal life do you not?"

Inuyasha staired silently at the picture of him self in the future. "Father will die an leave me the youngest with his sword..for fighting? But why me why not you?"

************************************************** *End Dream***********************************************

Inu yasha woke in a cold sweat. Looking towards his clock it read 9:23.~ Oh my god i slept in heck school!!!!Shit!!!!!~
Jumping up out of bed he ran out an stood at Kagomes door. ~Well she wouldn be here probly at school. Walking towards the shut bathroom door he openned it with a turn of the knob.

Screaming Kagome coverd her breast. "What the hell Inuyasha the door was shut!!!! Well get out!!!!!" pale flesh stood with water drops rolling off her body. Skimming eyes landed on her long legs the lead right up to some perfect curvy hips an shaved privet area folling up to her smooth tummy with her hands just covering nipple. "uhhh....."

"Inuyasha get out NOW!" shutting the door behind him he screamed through it. "Well why didnt you wake me up for school....An why are you home damn it!"

Placing a bathrobe aorund her she openned the bathroom door. "Inuyasha we dont have school on saturdays damn!" Watching her walk towards his room he smiled. ~Damn Kagome has one hell of a body.~

Reaching the inside of her safe bedroom she fell against the door. ~Oh my god he just stood there an eyed me like some sort of candy sheesh damn perv.~ Blushing Kagome walked over to her bed an fell flat on her tummy. "What am i going to do with you Inuyasha?"

********************************************* *************************************************************************** ******

Walking towards his fathers office he reached the door an softly knocked. "Come in Inuyasha." Walking into the dim lit room he sighed. "Father do you own a sword?"

Laughing Mr.Tasho smiled at his son. "No i use my powers son i have no use for a wepon. But i would love to know why you asked?"

Inuyasha staired blankly at the dark oak desk. "When you die...would you leave me a sword." Looking to meet his fathers gaze he waited for the awnser.

"You are only but half humen half demon...I will leave something special for both of my sons...But you did not awnser my question...Why do you ask such things, am i to die soon? Inuyasha smiled as he walked to stand infront of his father. "I really hope you do not die but if you did i would want somthing to rember my father the warrior by/" Walking at the room Mr.Tasho staired towards the door...."Well that was just odd of him. What has gotten into my sons...First Sesshmaru an now Inuyasha." The old dog demon looked down towards his hands...."I hope i do not die soon."

******************************************** *************************************************************************** ********

Sesshmaru smiled at the girl sitting on the train next to him. Her name was really none of his consurn he just needed her to play a game with him. An act so to speak, his father wanted him to settle down an this girl would be great for acting for me. "Well rin are you ready my ?"

The dark short haired girl smiled at the man sitting next to her. With love in her eyes she spoke in a silky wisper. "Anything for you Lord Sesshmaru." ~Yes all is working out well, i tryed getting to him last night in his dreams...I know father will fall soon an that sword will fall in the hands of Inuyasha...But he is such a dumb ass he will have no need for it an hand it over to me.~ "Well rin we arrive in a hour tops. Please play good pet.' He watched her blush as he looked out the window an the passing trees fly by. ~That sword will be mine!~

******************************************** *******************************************

Kagome smiled at Sango whom sat across from her on the porch swing. "Inuyasha has been acting really odd since last night." Sango laughed "Well Kagome boys do that when there in love...silly girl." "No Sango its somthing i will find it out!"

Miss Higurashi walked onto the porch with some bags of food. "Well Sango how lovely to see oyu are you staying for dinner?" Kagome jumped up to help her mother as she herd a voice ring clear over the three women.

"Well how lovely to see the Higurashi girls...I asume you were waiting on me to arrive." Sango staired in a all this man was drop dead sexy, he hand long black hair that fell in a wave beautiful black bangs that skimmed across his face, the most lit gold eyes...~Gold eyes what the hell.~ Just stairing in a all she quickly awnserd Miss Higurashis question. "Yes i would love to stay for dinner.

Sesshmaru smiled towards the young girl as he watched them all walk into the house there stood his father to greet him. "Oh how your hearing has not faded, I'm just gussing you herd me speak father."

Hearing the smooth voice ring over the house Inuyasha knew who had arrived. ~Sesshmaru....Just great my older brother is a straight asswhole to me...I never understood why. Man was he beening really nice to me in my dream last night.~ Laughing at his thoughts he headed down the steps to greet his brother.

"Inuyasha...we meet again brother."

Looking at the short 5 foot somthing girl next to him he smiled. "You brought a friend?" Trying not to laugh Inuyasha father piped in. "Her name is Rin an she has informed me that she is most certenly Sesshmarus bride to be...."

Inuyasha watched as Kagome left the room to giggle. "Brother ive allways thought you liked...."

Sesshmaru shot his brother a dirty look an quickly started to speak. "Yes me an Rin are going to get married next fall. She is in pre med school right now." Miss higurashi staired in a all. "Wow a doctor...well you did good Sesshmaru."

Sango looked onto the people around her an left the living room to catch up with Kagome. "So...yes i have to agree Inuyasha is acting very off Kagome you were right. So what are you going to do about it?"

Kagome looked towards the up stares hall. "Im going to wait until sunday brunch fake sick an get my ass into Tashos office. I have a feeling he is keeping somthing from my mother an me. Inuyasha knows what it is thats why he has been mean to me."

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< br> Ok well there you have it another chapter. Ok so Inuyasha is figureing alot of stuff out right now...But his mind is still lost on thoughts of Kagome next chapter up soon promise R&r Goodnight