InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ my sister my lover? ❯ Chapter 14

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Well here is the nexy chapter Read Enjoy an Review thanks:)


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Once Sesshmaru walked into his fathers office, he knew he was not alone. ~That smell very much belongs to Kagome....But the question is why is she in my fathers office?~ Walking over to the desk he looked towards the closet door.

Kagome froze trying to hold her breathing as she staired through the crack of the door. ~Why is he in here?~

Grabbing a paper out of the second desk drawer, he quickly placed it in his coat pocket. Walking over to the closet door he jerked it open. 'So please tell me why you are in here?" Sesshmaru staired into the young girls eyes.

Gulping Kagome looked around. "I could ask you the same thing!" Sesshmaru looked down to see a pic of his brother when he was younger an less humen in her hand. Grasping her hand he took the photo. "So you know?..."

Kagome pushed Sesshmaru out of the way an started to walk out of the room. "Girl you are stupid my father will be able to tell that you were in the office!" Kagome turnned around in the hall to let her eyes once more stair into gold. "How the door is locked once more...I didnt take anything but that photo, but you have it now so it will just seem as though you were the only one in there."

Sesshmaru laughed at her stupid humen mind. 'He can tell by smell just as i knew you were in there!" Her head felt blury as she crashed to the floor. ~What the hell are the Tashos if they are not humen?~ Was Kagomes last thought

Sesshmaru walked over to her limp body an sighed.~ If dad finds out Kagome knows he will leave with Inuyasha an move on again....Inuyasha likes this girl an she is my hope for him to give me the sword. I do not know what Inuyasha or my father find so apealing in humen women.~ Looking down at her closed blue eyes dark long eyelashed rested long black hair coverd her body with ruby red lips, pail skin as if sunlight never toughed her a day in her life. ~Why am i looking at her pshhhh she is just another girl!~ Picking her up into his arms he carryed her into her bed room an tossed her on the bed. Quickly pulling the blankets over her he walked out.

"I must get back to my family befor they notice me gone."

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Knocking on Kagomes door, Inuyasha sighed. 'Kagome are you in there?" ~There is no way she is still sleeping....~ Walking into the room his eyes landed on her form. ~ So beautiful....My Kagome~ Walking over to the bed he sat down. "Kagome wake up your mom wants you to eat some of the left overs from lunch."

Blue eyes opennd as Kagome flew up to the sitting postion. "Ah my head hurts...Inuyasha?" Looking around the room Kagome stood in deep thought. ~Was i just dreaming....~ Inuyasha looked confused..."Kagome is everything all right, i mean your mom told me you were sick but you look like your about to barff."

Sighing Kagome looked into amber/gold eyes. "Nothing i had a bit of a nightmare i guess...It just seemed so real." Laughing inside at the thought of Inuyasha not humen Kagome pulled the blankets off. "Well im hungry lets go find me some food."

Inuyasha laughed as he followed her down the steps. ~I wonder what her nightmare was about?~

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The sunshined across there state as Kagome rolled down the car window enjoying the air. ~I have decided that i have been under alot of stress lately an i just dremt what happend yesterday. I mean school,loving my brother in a werid way an Kikyo...pshhhh go figure i have some crazy dreams.~

"Kagome are you even hearing what I'm saying?" Inuyasha yelled towards her as he stopped at a redlight. Kagome rolled her eyes. "I was lost in thought please say it again, im sorry."

"I was just saying that i plan to brake up with Kikyo after homecoming." Kagome looked over at the hot step brother of hers. "Well Inuyasha if we are togther we cant be open about it...what so ever!" Laughing he leaned forward an placed a msall kiss on her cheek. "I wont be open about it...even know were not blood brother an sister!"

Kagome sighed as they pulled into the school lot. "Well here goes another day."

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Sango ran towards her best friend when she came in sight. "Kagome guess what" A huge smile lit her face when she watched Sango get so excited over her. "Well hello to you Sango." "I got into Mirokus school for next year...Me an him dont have to be apart!" Kagome laughed. "Well thats just great Sango.."

Frowning towards her friend they walked to first mod. "Whats wrong Kagome did you not find a school for next year?" Kagome looked off as if she dreaded thinking of next year. "I'm going pretty far NY next year. I wont know anyone..."

"All Kagome ill come vist you as much as i can." Sitting down at a back seat desk, she looked out the window. ~Next year ill be leaving Inuyasha, Mom, Sango, Miroku...It will be like a freash clean start....Why am i so sad about it i was excited all last year about going off an meeting new people...I think its the fact i dont want to leave Inuyasha....What am i going to do?~

Feeling eyes burning a hole in the back of his neck Inuyasha sighed in history class. ~Why is she looking so meanly at me...she cant know anything is up. Miroku laughed when i told him me an Kagome are going to start dating. He was like hell if keeping it in the family is my thing...Damn Miroku!

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Mr.Tasho sat in his office alone in thought. ~Why was Kagomes smell all over the office...Why would she come in here. I leave the door locked....Sesshmaru's sent was strong all over his desk...It's as if they both were in here at the same time. I can not have her finding anything out...Im must pull her ahside tonight an see if she knows anything.

Looking at Rin the train seat across from him he smiled. "Nice work, i am done with you now." Looking at the paper in his hand he knew what he had to do. ~A hit will be out on my fathers head he will be dead soon an that sword will be mine Inuyasha!

Ok hope you enjoyed:)