InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Now And Forever ❯ Don't Turn Your Back ( Chapter 16 )
A/Q: Why do some authors write in their stories that Kagome has blue eyes when anybody who watches the show can clearly see that her eyes are brown? I just don't get it am I missing something? Help!
A/N: I liked the last chapter but unfortunately I don't know if you guys liked it because I can't get into my reviews again!
A/N: He ain't mine!
Naraku set one foot inside his castle and came to a complete stop. He stood there like a statue, he couldn't find Kagome's scent. The little of her scent that was there was hours old. She was gone.
It took no time at all for Kagura to come to him, she had been waiting up for him to come back and realize what had happened.
"Yes, master Naraku?"
"Do not play dumb with me, you know why I called you, where is she!?"
"The Kagome girl has vanished master Naraku."
"How could she just vanish?"
"I do not know, but when I came into her room to check on her she was gone and I could not find any new traces of her scent. I am sorry I failed you."
"Find her and I may forgive you, go!"
"Yes master."
Kagura exited the hall back to her room and left Naraku to think. She knew she hadn't completely convinced him, but as long as she stayed away from the castle and pretended to search for Kagome he wouldn't suspect her further. And hopefully the blocking spell that she put on Kanna's mirror would work, she couldn't tell Kanna about her plans Naraku had made her too obedient, she was alone in this now that Roshi was gone with kagome.
It had been a long sleepless night for all of them after the ordeal with Naraku and now they were walking and at some points not even that. Inuyasha kept true to his word about moving faster, that morning he had put Kikyou on his back and everyone else on Kirara and they taken off in the direction that Kikyou said. No one spoke because there was nothing to say. They started walking when Kirara got tired but they were still moving. Inuyasha wouldn't even let them stop to eat they had to do that while walking, thank goodness that Miroku had bought food for just such an occasion, they were all eating jerky.
They were making camp now and Kikyou had decided that it was time to make her move while they were all distracted. She had gone off into a secluded spot of the forest and called her soul stealers and set up a barrier around the camp. Now she would take what was hers.
"Yes Kikyou?"
"I'm afraid I can't let you go through with this mission to save that worthless girl."
She had everyone's undivided, angry attention.
"What did you say!?" Sango was as stiff as a broad, eyes fixed on the miko in front of her."
"You heard me, I will not lose him to a weak little child who could even stop herself from getting kidnapped."
"Kikyou do not speak about Kagome like that in front of me, I told you I had made my choice and nothing you say can sway me from it, I'm staying with Kagome."
"I would love to get rid of her for you Inuyasha." Sango stepped forward with her boomerang in hand.
"Inuyasha." She continued as if she had never heard Sango. "You were mine first and you will be with me!"
At that her soul stealers came out of no where and quickly bound the rest of the group to trees just like they had done to Kagome. Inuyasha was about to free them when he was hit in the back with something cold, he could not hardly move but managed to turn toward Kikyou.
"You've been hit with a stunning beam Inuyasha, in minutes you will completely immobile."
He already couldn't speak and this didn't go unnoticed by the undead miko.
"I hope you were not thinking of calling for help, I erected a barrier around the camp, no one will help you."
"YOU BITCH!!" Sango was seething still, but her attitude only made the miko mad even if it didn't show on her face.
"You have cause enough trouble, I think its time I got rid of you." Her soul stealers started squeezing her tighter. Sango started to let out the most blood-curdling screams and drew Miroku's attention to her.
"LET HER GO!!" He knew Kikyou wouldn't listen so he began chanting his own spells to weaken her soul stealers that had him pined to the tree, when Kikyou noticed this she signaled for the demons to start squeezing him as well.
She walked up to Inuyasha's still body to see him still trying to fight the spell.
"Do not struggle Inuyasha, you are mine now." She bent next to him and started to open the gateway to hell.
Well what do you guys think??? Was it good? Review and let me know!