InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Now And Forever ❯ The Calm Before The Storm ( Chapter 29 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]


A/Q: For all the people who watched Inuyasha on Tuesday, when he was about punch that crow out of the big guys chest did anybody notice that right before he did it he said that they were `hella' nasty? And I thought No Doubt made that word up for their song `Hella Good'!

A/N: Well I am happy to report that I had a major brainstorm and decided to start writing the first few chapters for my next story. Unlike most authors I don't write out my chapters on paper before I type them, I would rather just do it free hand typing and make it up as I go. That's right none of this was planned out on paper, I thought it all up in my head and just sat down and type it out, that's why this story doing so good surprised me I thought it would suck! So I'm glad you guys like it and I hope you all read my next story, I won't be putting up the chapters until I'm done with this story and that shouldn't take long.

Warning the chapter has a touch of lime in it, nothing too serious but better safe than sorry.


The group had improved very well over the next few days of training, but was quickly growing impatient. Everybody was on edge and even a little paranoid, they only person that didn't seem effected was Sesshoumaru. He and Inuyasha had been getting along surprisingly well, even though they never really had a conversation and only spoke about ten words to each other every day it was still an improvement in their relationship.

Kagome had ordered that everyone would take the day off today and relax. When they started to protest she told them that if they didn't relax and ease some of the tension in their bodies they would be too tired from training to be any good in battle even after all their improvements. Sesshoumaru was shocked at the girls logic but did not let it register on his face, instead he gave a rather rude input on how they were all most likely to die and should take the day off in enjoy themselves while they were still alive. That almost started another argument between the brothers but Kagome once again doused the fires of rage and took Inuyasha to soak in the hot spring, she knew he wouldn't be able to resist that.

She massaged his back and worked out all the knots, tension and anger in it and washed his hair while he purred in delight. He wanted to do more with his mate but she was on her period, and to Kagome it would just be messy and gross to make love while she was bleeding. But she still helped to relieve his sexual tension just fine with her hands and even her mouth, at first Inuyasha was shocked at the things she was doing but quickly got use to it and enjoyed the new sensations. After she was done Kagome told him that she had fantasized about doing that to him for a while now. The result was a more even-tempered hanyou and a very red Kagome every time he smirked at her.

Sango and Miroku had more talks and had gotten closer in a record amount of time. Sango had told Kagome about this and how his groping had stopped last time in the hot spring, the look on her friends face made her think she had something to do with it, but she was glad if she did.

Shippou and Rin had become almost like brother and sister, they played together every day and helped Keada when she needed it. Keada was gathering herbs and medicines for she sure they would need great care after the battle.

Sesshoumaru watched all this around him and actually felt content to be around these humans, they didn't treat him with fear or apprehension, hey acted like he was one of them. But he quickly brushed it, blaming on Rin making him soft.


They were all eating dinner when Jakken came running into the hut yelling for Sesshoumaru, and he looked more than a little irritated.

"What is it Jakken?"

"The half-breed Naraku is moving a large army across the land!"

The ears of everybody in the hut perked up at this and suddenly Jakken had everyone's undivided attention. Kagura and Roshi looked as if someone had just signed their death warrants.

"Looks like it's started." Inuyasha stood up and looked around at everybody.

"Well what are you wait `in for? We have to meet him, we can't just let him get closer to the village."

Everybody agreed and quickly packed to get ready to leave. Shippou and Rin both broke down in tears as they attached themselves to Kagome and Sesshoumaru.

"Shippou please don't cry. Nothing is going to happen, we'll come back to you okay?" Shippou sniffed and nodded his head and reluctantly let go of Kagome.

"Rin that's enough, stop it." The little girl instantly stopped sobbing but her body still shook as if she was holding it in and would burst at any time.

"I will come back for you. Now behave yourself for Jakken."

Jakken looked as if he had been hit with a truck; surly his master was not leaving him here in this human village to watch that retched child again!?

"Lord Sessho-"

"You will stay here and watch over Rin, if Naraku's minions make it this far you had better die before she does."

"Yes my lord" Jakken just bowed his head and accepted his fate, if did not protect the child he was sure to die at his master's hand.

They set off in the direction that Jakken had told them, Kagome in her usual place on Inuyasha, Kirara carried Sango and Miroku, Kagura and Roshi were her feather, while Sesshoumaru raced along side them all.

Kagome was nervous and scared, even though she had learned to use her powers a little she still wasn't sure that was enough to do anything useful. What if her friends died in this battle? What if Inuyasha died? She whimpered at that thought and buried herself under his thick hair and nuzzled into his neck. Inuyasha could sense her fear and sadness and stroked his fingers against her under thigh trying to soothe her, still wishing he didn't have to take her into this battle.

Sango was having many of the same thoughts as Kagome only involving Miroku, she loved him, she finally let herself admit that but why did have to happen right before the battle? His arm around her waist broke her thoughts and she felt him give a little squeeze and she leaned into him.


They all came to a stop behind Sesshoumaru who had gotten ahead of them a little while ago.

"Inuyasha can you sense that?"

"Yeah I smell demons, lots of demons."

Kagura and Roshi descended from the sky to land right beside them.

"It's Naraku's army."

Kagome got off Inuyasha's back and pulled her bow from around her shoulder.

"Kagome stay in the trees and out of the clearing, if Naraku sees you then he'll come start for you and you stay hidden to get those shots off."

"I will"

Kagome masked her scent and tiptoed off in another direction, one arrow notched and ready to fire.

Inuyasha pulled Tetsusiaga from it's sheath, Sango grabbed the strap of Hiraikotsu, Miroku gripped his staff, Kagura snapped out her fan, Roshi cracked his knuckles, Sesshoumaru narrowed his eyes and pulled out Tokijin, and they all walked out of the clearing to come face to faces with an army of growling, snarling, hissing, snapping, even drooling demons.


Yep I'm stopping it there!! Don't get mad I had to for dramatic affect!